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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, February 17, 1954 to September 21, 1955, lvc000009-601


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    Motion seconded by Commissioner Fountain and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. The City Attorney stated that he had read in the newspapers that the Southern Nevada Telephone Company is attempting to raise their rates without waiting for the decision of the Public Service Commission on this matter. Commissioner Fountain moved that the City Attorney file the necessary papers to prohibit the Southern Nevada Telephone Company from taking any such action until the Public Service Commission had passed upon their request for increase in rates. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker; Fountain; Sharp; Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Bunker moved that the following proclamation be adopted: WHEREAS; September 24, 1955, will make the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of JOHN MARSHALL; and WHEREAS; the work of JOHN MARSHALL in expounding constitutional principles has been one of the most important factors in developing and maintaining the liberties of the people of the United States; and WHEREAS; a wider public knowledge and appreciation of the achievements of the great Chief Justice; JOHN MARSHALL; is highly desirable in order to strengthen the moral; social; and political structure of our Nation; and as a means of helping to preserve and protect the lives; liberties; and property of all our people. NOW, THEREFORE, I, C. D. BAKER; Mayor of the City of Las VegaS; Nevada, do hereby proclaim the month of September, 1955, as "JOHN MARSHALL BICENTENNIAL MONTH" in the City of Las Vegas, in commemoration of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of JOHN MARSHALL; and in recognition of the vital part which he played in the development of our Nation, and I hereby call upon all interested agencies and organizations throughout the City to observe the month of September; 1955; with appropriate activities and ceremonies commemorative of the inspiring role of John Marshall. I also urge the people of the City of Las Vegas to read the Constitution, and to study its history and interpretations for a better under­standing and appreciation of our country and of John Marshall. Commissioners Fountain and Whipple; committee for recommendation on the proposed amendment to the liquor ordinance, requested additional time before reporting. A conference on the proposed ordinance was set for September 9, 1955, at 4:00 P.M. Commissioners Sharp and Whipple; committee for recommendation on the proposed amendment to the Planning Commission Ordinance concerning Use Permit; Variance and Rezoning Applications requested additional time before reporting. Commissioners Sharp and Whipple, committee for recommendation on the proposed ordinance on the Finance Department requested additional time before reporting. Commissioners Fountain and Sharp; committee for recommendation on the proposed ordinance on the determination to create Assessment District No. 200-17 requested additional time before reporting. Commissioners Fountain and Sharp; committee for recommendation on the proposed ordinance on the determination to create Assessment District No. 100-36 requested additional time before reporting. Commissioners Fountain and Sharp, committee for recommendation on the proposed ordinance on excavations requested additional time before reporting. An ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE LICENSING OF PRIVATE DETECTIVES; DEFINING PRIVATE DETECTIVES; REQUIRING PAYMENT OF A LICENSE FEE; PROVIDING FOR APPLICATIONS FOR PRIVATE DETECTIVE LICENSES; PROVIDING REASONABLE LIMITATION OF THE NUMBER OF LICENSEE TO BE ISSUED OR IN EFFECT AT ANY ONE TIME; REQUIRING A BOND; PROVIDING FOR INVESTIGATION OF APPLICANTS; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO was read by title and referred to Commissioners Bunker and Fountain for recommendation. An ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE LICENSING OF COLLECTION AGENCIES; COLLECTION AGENTS; PRIVATE INVESTIGATORS AND DEFINING SAME; PROVIDING FOR APPLICA­TIONS FOR SUCH LICENSES; FOR INVESTIGATION OF APPLICANT; SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDING ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND OTHER MATTERS PROPERLY RELATED THERETO; was read by title and referred to Commissioners Bunker and Fountain for recommendation. An ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 31, CODE OF LAS VEGAS; NEVADA; 1949; AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 590; BY DEFINING ARMORED CAR GUARDS AS SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS; BY REQUIRING AN INVESTIGATION OF ALL ARMORED CAR GUARDS, OWNERS, MANAGERS; OR OTHER PERSONS IN CONTROL OF SUCH ARMORED CAR GUARDS; BY LIMITING AUTHOR­ITY OF SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS; BY PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH was read by title and referred to Commissioners Bunker and Fountain for recommendation. TELEPHONE RATE INCREASE PROCLAMATION John Marshall PROPOSED ORDINANCE Liquor Amendment PROPOSED ORDINANCE Planning Commission Amendment PROPOSED ORDINANCE Finance Department PROPOSED ORDINANCE Assessment District No. 200-17 PROPOSED ORDINANCE Assessment District No. 100-36 PROPOSED ORDINANCE Excavation Permits PROPOSED ORDINANCE Detective Agencies PROPOSED ORDINANCE Collection Agencies PROPOSED ORDINANCE Special Police Officers and Armored Cars 9-7-55