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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. S. L. Adamson - Los Angelas Will you please refer to attached Drawing B-623 dated June 23, 1953* this drawing was originally prepared to show proposed extension of water mains to serve Morning View Heights, Las Vegas, Nevada, but after authority and work order were received to construct the proposed water aains the subdivider, for some unknown reason, refused to go ahead with the project end developed only a snail portion of the subdivision, which I have outlined In red. However, In view of the substantial development now underway easterly of the Southern Nevada power Company right-of-way, I propose to request authority to oonstruot water — in extension In Oaksy Boulevard between 15th Street and the easterly elds of the power line right-of-way In order to provide an additional source of water for that area during the coming summer. In addition to the construction of pipeline In Oakey Boulevard, I propose to request authority to Install a pressure reducing valve approximately 200 feet easterly of 15th Street, the setting of which win be coordinated with a similar valve for which I have already requested authority. Will you please prepare and furnish me 5 tort: Order prints showing the proposed 8* water main as lndloated on the attaohsd print and also showing details of pressure reduolng valve Identical with the details as shown on your Drawing 3-6*1 dated February 2, 195*. In the space which I have narked In red on the attaohsd print. Lbs Vegas - February 9> 195* w 23-1-1*5 Attachment