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    TELEPHONE 2-1678 c? m OFFICERS WnbiTER J. HARRIS, PRESIDENT A. J. CATON, VICE-PRESIDENT J. E. PRESTON, SEC.-TREASURER S. W. CROSBY, DIRECTOR N e v a d a T a x p a y e r s A s s o c i a t i o n r o o m 311 F irst N a t i o n a l B a n k B u i l d i n g S E C O N D A N D VIRGINIA STREETS POST OFFICE B O X 4 8 5 R E N O , N E V A D A EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WALTER R. BRACKEN, LAS VEGA9 H. B. HARDING, SAN FRANCISCO GEO. RUSSELL, JR., ELKO J. C. KINNEAR, MCGILL J. E. PRESTON, RENO W. J. HARRIS, RENO A. J. CATON, RENO F. A. TRACY, RENO February 19, 1942. TO THE BUDGET MAKING OFFICIALS OF NEVADA* A l l of the resources o f America - fin a n c ia l, m aterial and s p iritu a l - are to be called upon to the lim it in the present world wide stru ggle. The next few months w i l l probably bring the greatest d isloca tion of liv e s , fortunes and ambitions in our h istory. How long th is war w i l l la s t, and how la stin g and complete w i l l be the d is­loca tion o f liv e s , fortunes and ambitions, depend upon us a l l as in dividu als. I t de­pends upon the degree to which a l l o f us, as fre e men, bring our e ffo r ts to bear upon the sin gle problem o f winning the war. I t is fo r th is reason that we are appealing to the budget making o f f i c i a l s o f Nevada to take steps, while formulating current and future budgets, to fre e fin a n cia l and m aterial resources as much as possible fo r use in the war e ff o r t . Already some units o f lo c a l government have indicated pu blicly th e ir in tention to take steps in th is d irectio n . The Lovelock City Council has indicated that a cut o f 43 cents is to be made in the c it y tax le v y fo r 1942. The County Commissioners o f Hfeshoe County have to ld departmental heads that th e ir respective budgets fo r 1942 must be cut. Others, no doubt, are taking or planning sim ilar steps, fo r which they are a l l to be complimented. However, fo r the guidance o f those who have not yet studied the pro­blem, we suggest that some of the fo llow in g points be considered* 1. Postponement o f a l l ca p ita l expenditures fo r building and equipment. However, protect present investments because they may be hard to replace fo r a long time to come. 2. Eliminate a l l a c t iv it ie s which can be eliminated without causing great hard­ships and without endangering the health and safety o f the community. 3. Leave vacancies in the public service not v i t a l to the war e ffo r t u n fille d fo r the duration in order to fre e a l l e lig ib le workers fo r wartime employment# A. Study the p o s s ib ility o f the consolidation of o ffic e s and services. 5. In s is t upon the highest e ffic ie n c y in those a c t iv it ie s which are carried on, 6. Refrain from asking fed era l assistance fo r non-defense projects or projects only remotely connected with defense. Help Congress and the Administration to cut non-defense spending by w ritin g to our Congressmen, explaining your views in the n atter. These are only general suggestions. The problem w i l l be d iffe re n t fo r each unit o f government in the sta te. You, who are responsible fo r the conduct o f our public a ffa ir s , w i l l know best where the savings can be made. The curtailment which you make w i l l give needed r e l i e f to taxpayers, and the overburdened taxpayers w i l l be g rea tly appreciative o f th is r e l i e f } but what is more important righ t now, the money saved w i l l be ava ila b le to our nation fo r financing the most co stly undertaking in the h istory o f the world. The task of ra isin g the 59 b illio n s o f dolla rs budgeted fo r the next fis c a l year out of a probable national income o f 100 b illio n s o f dollars w i l l be impossible unless we a l l , in d ivid u a lly and c o lle c t iv e ly , make every conceiv­able s a c r ific e . j;. Yours very tru ly , NEVADA TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION { s y Z / Z / ' S, W. Crosb^TDirector