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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, January 7, 1947 to October 26, 1949, lvc000006-192


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    172 7. It is not intended by the granting of this Exception to interfere with, abridge, abrogate, or annul any private covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements between private parties effecting the lands, concerned." After some discussion Commissioner Moore moved that the matter be tabled for further investigation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Clark, Moore, Whipple and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. At this time Commissioner Moore asked to be excused. LAND USE The following recommendation from the Planning Commission was presented ZONE EXCEPTION CASE to the Board for their consideration: NO. 36 A. McDonald "1. That the structure existing at the rear of said lots and most recently Erected as the second structure on said property, be permitted to be used as an accessory use to the main building or single-family dwelling on the front portion of said property. The completed work, including the joining of said accessory struct­ure to the main dwelling by roof portions, shall be for the exclusive use as a residence to be occupied by not more than one family on said premises. 2. That said accessory structure or building be connected and joined to the main structure by roof portions, as described in plans filed by the applicant. 3. That a certificate of occupancy for such accessory use be issued by the Building Inspector when said structure and proposed physical connections have been approved by the Building Department, prior to actual occupancy. 4. It is not intended by the granting of this exception to interfere with, abridge, abrogate, or annul any private covenants, deed restrictions, or other agreements between parties effecting the lands concerned." Thereafter, Commissioner Clark moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission relative to Zone Exception Case #36 be held in abeyance pending further investigation. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Clark Whipple and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Moore. LAND USE—Petition Commissioner Baskin moved that the recommendation of the Planning for Re-zoning, Lots Commission denying the request of petitioners John S. and Lizzie Allen 4,5,6 - Block 16 to rezone Lots 4,5,6, - Block 16 H.F.M.&M Addition, the south 90' H.F.M.&M - South thereof, be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and 90 Feet carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Clark, Whipple and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Absent: Commissioners Moore. PUBLIC BUILDINGS & The following recommendation from the Joint Planning Commission GROUND - Westside was presented to the Board for their consideration: Recreation Center "This commission is in receipt of a request from the Superintendent of the Las Vegas Union School District, Mr. Walter D. Johnson, with regard to use of the open area lying between the West Side Swimming Pool and the West Side Elementary School. It is the desire of the School Board that some joint arrangement be established between the City and the School District whereby the entire open area could be developed for playground and recreational purposes. While this has been the thought of the City for some time, there should be certain commitments with regard to the development, including the closing of Adams Street between C and D Streets, which would not only eliminate the possibility of accidents to children but permit the use of approximately an additional one-half acre of area. This request and anticipated use was considered at a regular meeting of the Joint Planning Commission held November 25, 1947, with the recommendation that such use be established, together with the closing of Adams Street. The closing of Adams Street can be accomplished either through vacation or merely barricades. In the event any structures are to be erected now or in the future, vacation would then be desirable, in which case the necessary legal procedure must be established. In any event, if structures are not to be erected in the area which would normally be used for street purposes, then game and play areas could be established. — With concurrency by Your Board and sanction of the above, this area may be put to beneficial use for students at the school and inhabitants of the West Side in general." Thereafter, Commissioner Baskin moved that the recommendation of the Planning Board be approved relative to Westside Recreation Center subject to the approval of the City Manager. Motion seconded by Com­missioner Whipple and carried by the following vote* Commissioners Baskin Clark, Whipple and His Honor voting aye. Noes, none. Absent: Com­missioner Moore. STREETS & HIGHWAYS The following recommendation of the Planning Commission was presented 17th Street to the Board for their consideration: Petition for V cation Portion "Under date of August 6, 1947 this Commission made recommendation to your Honorable Board relative to the above-mentioned subject. In