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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, March 31, 1981






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about the publications board operations policy. CSUN Session 11 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000280. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    Senate Meeting #18 Conference Room Moyer Student Union Building 4:00 p.m. 3-31-81 I. Call to Order Senate President Pro Tempore Yelton called the meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate to order at 4:05. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Rick Oshinski Catherine Clay Ginger Clayton Steve Nitzschke Karen Cohen Cathy Powell Roberta Burton Andrew Levy Carlene Clay David Campbell Bill Haldeman Jeff Wild Gary Crandell-absent unexcused Derrek Yelton Robert Scavatta Guest Present Mr. Fitchet Dr. Carhart Dr. Nitzschke III. Approval of Minutes 1117 It was corrected by Senator Cohen that if the Senate approve the matching funds request for LDSSA for $424.00 there will be only $273.00 left in the matching funds account. Senator Wild corrected the minutes to read that the table of the Organizations Policy item 5 will be tabled until Senate Meeting #20. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes of Senate Meeting H17 stood approved as corrected. IV. Executive Board Announcements § Temporary, Senate President Pro Tempore , . ^ enate President Yelton asked Senator Oshinski to serve as temporary Senate President Pro Tempore, and there were no objections from the Senate. B. Regent's Meeting President Chanos announced that the Board of Regents will be meeting on April 3, 1981, at Clark County Community College. There is a possibility that the fee increase will be discussed. C. Fee Increase President Chanos announced that on April 3, 1981, he will be interviewed on Channel 10, concerning the fee increase. D. ROTC President Chanos asked to members of the Senate to review the proposal to have the ROTC program become a permanent program on the UNLV campus. Senate Meeting #18 3-31-31 Page 2 E. Honors Convocation President Chanos will be serving as Grand Marshall of the honors convocation, which has not occurred for fifteen years. If anyone is interested in attending please let President Chanos know. F. Open House President Chanos announced that the Board of Regents will be having a Open House on April 2, 1981, from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. at Clark County Community College in the Little Theater. Everyone is welcomed to attend to meet the new Chancellor. G. Career Day Vice-President Pro Tempore Wild announced that the Alumni Career Day would be held on April 1, 1981, in the Moyer Student Union. If anyone is interested get a invitation from him. H. Homecoming President Chanos announced that Homecoming will be on November 14, 1981, against the University of San Diego. I. Grievence Committee Vice-President Pro Tempore Wild announced that two members of the Senate' need to attend the Grievence Committee meeting, please get in contact with Dr. McNab. J. University College Senate President Pro Tempore Yelton announced that Robert Iglet is not eligible for the University College Senate seat because he has declared a major. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board Senator Powell read the minutes of the Appropriations Board. The meeting was held on March 30. The board approved the following items. A. Transfer $8000.00 from 900-1400 to 900-1500. B. Transfer $1500.00 from 901-1500 to 901-1600 in the amount of $1000 and 901-2100 in the amount of $500.00 C. Transfer $1405.50 from 903-3000 to 903-1500 in the amount of $1000 and 903-2100 in the amount of $605.00 D. Transfer $2100 from 905-3000 to 905-1500 in the amount of $2000 and 905-1600 in the amount of $100. E. Transfer of $400 from 907-3000 to 907-1500 in the amount of $350 and 907-1600 in the amount of $50. F. Decrease 906-1100 by $13698.00 due to excess appropriated budget funds for personal expenses. G. Decrease 904-1100 by $13212.00, 904-1600 by $1158.80 and 904-7000 by $629.20 due to excess appropriated budget funds for personal expenses. H. Transfer $5000 from 904-9002 to 906-9001. I. Transfer $5000 from 906-9002 to 903-9001 J. Budget increase of $5000 in 903-3111 and 903-8000 budget increase due to cash transfer in item I. K. Transfer $3915.90 from 900-9002 to 906-9001 L. Budget decrease of $3915.90 in 900-3000 due to refund of expenditures made to USUNS. M. Transfer $3915.90 from 906-9002 to 903-9001. N. Budget Increase of $3915.90 to 903-3111 and 903-8000 due to transfer in item M. VI. Senate Meeting If 17 3-31-81 Page 3 Appropriations Board Items A-N were passed by the Board. Tabled by the Board was the transfer of $3500 from 906-9002 to 908-9001, and increase budget 908-1500 by $4000 from 908-8000 consits of $500 generated revenue and $3500 relected in item listed above. Senator Clay moved to approve. The motion was seconded. Much discussioa took place. There being no additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. Senator Powell moved to suspend with the rules, and move in Unfinished Business, item A, 1. University College Senate Seat (vote). The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. VII. Unfinished Business A. University College (vote) The standard procedure was used to let each candiate speak for 3 minutes and voting be done by secret ballot. Andre Filosi was no present at the meeting. Thomas M. Giorgione spoke briefly to the Senate, and so did Steven A. LoPresti. Voting took place, Thomas M. Giorgione received 6, Steven LoPresti-8, and 1 abstention. Senate President Pro Tempore Yelton announced Steven LoPresti the new University College Senator and asked him to take a seat at the Senate table. B. Radio Board There was no report. C. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman, Radford Smith, read the minutes of the Entertainment and Programming Board. The Board approved $3,100 for two groups to perform at Mardi Gra. The board also approved $250 for Craig Yaney for a noon time event. Chairman Smith read the lecture agenda for the remainder of the year: April 1- Mark Cannon, Administrative Assitant to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court April 2- Mortimer Adler, Philsopher at 7:00 p.m. in FDH-109 April 7- Arthur B. Laffer, Economist at 7:00 p.m. April 30- G. Gordon Ldddy at 8:00 p.m. May 4- Hamilton Jordon at 8:00 p.m. Ham Concert Ham. Senator Wild moved to approve. The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. D. Election Board There was no report. E. Organizations Board There was no report. F. By-Laws Committee Senator Wild read the minutes of the By-Laws Committee held on March 24, 1981. The only action taken by the Board was to approve Senator Karen Cohen as a member. Senator Wild moved to approve. The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. Senate Meeting #18 3-31-81 Page 4 G. Publications Board Senator Haldeman read the minutes of the January 13 meeting, no action was taken by the board at this meeting. Senator Haldeman read the minutes for the meeting of January 30, the board approved Larry Kochler, Jean Reed, Les Rasco, and Barbara Cloud as advisors. Senator Haldeman read the minutes of the February 10, 1981, meeting. The board approved the operating policy and Publications Guidance Comnittee. Senator Oshinski moved to approve all three set of minutes. The motion was seconded. Senator Haldeman requested to divide the motion. 1) Publication Board Operating Policy- Discussion took place. There was a motion to approve. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 1 opposed, and 5 abstentions. (see attached) 2) Publications Guidance Committee. Senator Clayton moved to amend the minutes to correct part II, A. The motion was seconded. The amendment passed with 10 in favor, 4 opposed, and 1 abstention. (see attached) 3) Main Motion, to approve all three sets of minutes, Operating Policy, and Publications Guidance Commitee. Discussion took place. Senator Levy called for the questions. The call for the question was seconded. The question passed with 12 in favor, and 3 opposed. The main motion as amended passed with 7 in favor, 4 opposed, and 3 abstentions. See Attached for Original Corrections and Amendments made. H. Student Services Committee There was no report. I. Organizations Board Investigations Committee Senate Scavetta asked anyone who wants to serve on this committee to give him a class schedule so a meeting date can be set. J. Seach Committee Senator Clay, Chairman of Business Manger Search Committee, asked Senators if interested to serve on this committee to let her know. K. Bar Operating Policy Senator Burton informed the Senate that there will be a formal report at the next Senate meeting. VII. Unfinished Business B. University College (nominations) Senator Oshinski nominated Mary Beth Nitzschke. Senator Wild nominated Tom Gorgione and Andrew Filosi. C. Education College (nominations) Senator Kulesza nominated Patrick Thomas. Senator Clayton nominated Gary White. Senator Clayton moved to close nominations in the University College, and Educations College. The moti on was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. PUBLICATIONS GUIDANCE COMMITTEE I. The purpose of the committee shall be to ensure that CSUN sponsored publications meet the needs of students at UNLV for information, free and open debate and entertainment. II. Powers and Responsibilites A. To select from all applications up to three candidates for non-binding recommendation to the executive board for the position of editor-in-chief for each CSUN publication. B. To hear greivances against CSUN publications and make recommendations to the CSUN Senate. C. To examine publication needs of the campus and how those needs are being met. D. To submit policy recommendations to CSUN publications. III.. Structure. The committee shall consist of: A. The chairman who must be a CSUN member. B. Six CSUN members, two of whom must be senators. C. Four advisors, to include one representative from the professional print medie, one representative from the Information Office, and two representatives from the Communications Studies Department. D. The editors-in-chief of each CSUN publication shall be ex-officio non-voting members of the committee. IV. Procedure A. Quorum shall consist of the chairman and/or the assistnt chairman, three of the six CSUN members and two of the four advisors. Ex-officio members shall not be counted toward quorum. B. Voting-Proxy or absentee votes will not be permitted. C. Attendance- The assignment of three unexcused absences per semester assigned by the Chairman constitutes automatic dismissal from the committee. D. Assistant Chairman- the assistant chairman shall be appointed by the committee chairman and ratified by the committee members and advisors. E. The committee will meet a least once per semester. SUGGESTION- At such time as a leterary publication is begun, an advisor from the English Department shall be invited to join the committee. Senate Meeting #18 3-31-81 Page 5 VIII. New Business A. Budget Line item approvals. This item was withdrawn. B. Operating Policy and Guidance Committee Senator Karen Cohen moved to delete the section read that all questions will be decided by a majority vote. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. See attached of finalized copy. C. Senate Meeting It20 Senate Oshinski moved to postpone Senate Meeting #20 until April 21, 1981, the motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. IX. Open Discussion Senator Scavetta announced to the Senate that will be speaking to CSUN legal counsel on Thursday at 6:30 concerning the liabiltiy of CSUN for off-campus events. Senator Clay commented by saying that CSUN is liable for events held off campus. Senator Clay also announced that she will be resigning from her seat in the near future. Please let students know that there will be a vacancy in the Business, and Economic College. Senator Kulesza announced that Grievance Committee will be meeting on April 9, 1981, at 2:30. Senator Oshinski commented that he was impressed with the lecture series the Entertainment and Programming Board would be presenting. He presented the Senate with the idea of a Publicity Director to promote the CSUN events. Senator Oshinski also commented on the Rally against the fee increase, and stressed that it is important not to forget this issue. Sentor Burton, Senator Nitzschke, and a majority of the Senate talked about the publicity problem conerning the Entertainment and Programming Board events. Senator Malloy moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Senate President Pro Tempore announced that he will be resigning his position as Senate President Pro Tempore since the new Executive Board will be taking office May 1 and he will be absent for three weeks in April. X. Adjournment Senate President Pro Tempore Yelton adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Respectfully Prepared by, Derrek A. Yelton Senate President Pro Tempore Robin M. Starlin PUBLICATIONS BOARD OPERATING POLICY In accordance with the CSUN Constitution, Article IX, Section I, the Publications Board hereby establishes the operating policy. Definition The Publications Board shall be the adminstrative body which reviews and approves the budgets, reviews resumes submitted for staff positions except editor-in chief, and coordinates the combined afforts of all CSUN publications. Procedures A. Quorum shall consist of 2/3 of its board members and 2/3 of its advisors. B. Voting- Proxy or absentee votes will be permitted. Advisors shall be ex-officio non-voting members of the Board. C. Attendance-The assignment of three unexcused absences per semester assigned by the chairman constitutes automatic dismissal from the board. D. Vice-chairman - the vice-chairman shall be appointed by the Board chairman and ratified by the board members. E. The Board shall meet a least once per sememster. J. II.