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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. H. I. Bettin, Auditor | Dear Sir: I hand you herewith letter from Attorneys Haven & Haven of San Francisco relative to claim of J. E. Green of Beatty, Nevada, against our company covering-terms of a certain contract made by J. K. W. Bracken of Las Vegas, Nev. on January 28, 1905, providing for the delivery of 100 tons alfalfa hay at the rate of ^l4.oo per ton. 'Phis X believe ia the matter which you wired me about from Vegas while you were there closing up the Company’s accounts, and my reply was to the effect that I thought it advisable to live up to any contract entered into by Mr.-Bracken. I an advised .that you then took it up with Mr* Bancroft and his reply was to the effect that, we repudiate the. contract, and you were guided accordingly. Will you kindly let me have all the facts in the case, together with copies of the correspondence and messages passing between yourself and Mr. Bancroft, and in fact all the information which will enable me to put the matter up to our Law Department for them to handle. Very truly yours, (Signed) J- R0S8