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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Iftl3 Verse: -?╟÷X*X^ * -^wL > ?·s ' ?√ß VM^ctvk. 5 '* *?·*-*n/LS Bon Soir Monsierus "Monsieur^ 11 ra so excited because I know ?╟÷^?╟≤ v *f~z> what we have in store for you tltfe ?╟úTCfe- e_'-j ?╟÷-"V (J ^i-1 I A C-^'' A French delight" "Mai oui" A Lovely eight "oo La La" 's mea-nt to Please the most 7r 7--------' ?√ß H ^ discerning Connoussjeur here tonight 4JjL4~ ?√ßjY+dr' & fee ?·C(U. ) % Though the reeeiptr's a secret ?╟÷ that's been guarded through the years s f m \ -+-MA o-?╟÷- ?·rn-~~Yi YkV"4~t> <V -~r / / SI I will tell you the ingrediemgg& < * 0 -p-T If you ^lend me your ears. ^ (1/2,3) - W*?╟÷-* - (2., 3*'/C~r-4?╟╓&: Ofc.-Kl... X-yr- But first you must realize f __.Xri 4 -hk?╟÷^- ?║?║ that it1s strictly entre-nous This little secret is between only /cm$//syou <2- C ?╟╓ <p '?╟ú^1 ?√ß * / 4t> c- Chorus: if -eXSi <p ^ /-&TD f?╟ú ?╟÷"=f *6 ri^*?Σ≤7 , r : ' _JL <v /**)-, :>-f- vi .?╟╓*~ . ?╟÷" f) ^ ?╟  ?·?·B?║&L pc^XrU ~You take a Parisian Smile .V-ff that has it'syown special style And add a pinch of ambience du Pigalle -t4 - ~-/o ^ j&idr l-crfi-- . ^ / C'L n ^?╟÷> ?╟÷------------ISP- > ?╟÷ f~f -c-*~*Y Some pretty rilumei! of egr&fc~ a bit of /Fferich Coquette .....'A, --- ^ Stir in a few bars of the 3 ^ ^- Valse Mesette and don't forget / ^ -ft** Tnu^s^cCo 4 < ^ tervs C(Uj$t