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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, November 2003



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    Coi)$rc$atioi> Ncr Tanjid Tan n; The Reform Jewish Congregation of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong November 2003 Vol. XVII No. 10 6 CHESHVAN/ 5 KISLEV 5764 Sanford D. Akselrad Jennifer C. Weiner Philip Goldstein Scott Stolberg Rabbi Associate Rabbi Cantorial Soloist President Irv Duchowny Jacqueline Fleekop Lois Bergman Laura Bailey Executive Director Education Director Preschool Director Bulletin Editor IT'S NOT TOO LATE - TO SAVE THE DATE! There is almost no star of stage, screen or sport who has not come in contact with the special | warmth and charisma of Bernie Yuman?s incredible personality. And because of this, he is being honored as Congregation Ner Tamid?s ?Mensch of the Yeah? at a black-tie dinner at Caesars Palace ion November22nd. The Yiddish word ?mensch? is used to describe a person who is honorable, decent, good hearted, I has character, and is highly admired. Each of these describes but one fact of Yuman?s persona. Dinner chairman Michael Unger said Yuman is an active member of Ner Tamid and is being honored f for his extraordinary generosity. ?Yuman has done a lot for Congregation Ner Tamid in a quiet and respectful way,? said Unger. ?He has also been involved with many other community and charitable organizations throughout his life. He is a mensch in every sense of the word and we take great pride in honoring him for all he has done for our Temple, for those in the Las Vegas community, and across the country.? Yuman is widely known as the longtime manager of Siegfried & Roy. After 28 years together, he is most proud of his tenure as their manager and the opportunities given him in producing television, animation, and movies about their life and career. Among his peers and business associates, Yuman is recognized as one of the most accomplished and brightest executives in the entertainment industry. Siegfried & Roy are two of the dinner?s honorary co-chairpersons among such notables as Muhammad Ali, Bobby Baldwin, Mayor Oscar Goodman, Brian Greenspun, Anthony Hopkins, Jeffrey Katzenberg, Terry Lanni, Dan Marino, Michael Milken, Irwin Molasky, Jim Murren, Senator Harry Reid, Jerry Weintraub, and Steve Wynn. Yuman and Ali have been friends for 41 years and he has been Ali?s manager for the last four years. The evening will begin with a silent auction, followed by an exquisite five-course dinner. According to Unger, many unique dinners, jewelry items, and other elegant gifts are being donated including a pair of boxing gloves signed by Ali. Tickets are $250 per person or $2,500 for a table often. For reservations or information, call the Temple office 733-6292. Sisterhood's Annual Chanukah Bazaar Sunday, November 16th 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Unique venders - Discovery Toys, Cookie Lee Jewelry, children?s clothing, exceptional Judaic items, fabulous food, and lots, lots more! Entertainment for the kids - cookie decorating, face painting, balloon guys, pictures of the kids as Maccabees, science experiments & much more! Raffle with prizes such as a color TV, show tickets, dinner certificates, things for the kids, and much, much more! A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONGWorship Services Conducted By Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Rabbi Jennifer Weiner, and Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Saturday Nov 1 Rabbi Weiner's Message A Time to be Thankful... 9:00- 10:00 am Bible Study 10:00 - 11:00 am Minyan and Torah Study 10:00 am Rebecca Zuckerman Bat Mitzvah Kiddush sponsored by the Zuckerman Family Friday November 7 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat 7:30 pm Shabbat Services Saturday November 8 9:00- 10:00 am Bible Study 10:00 - 11:00 am Minyan and Torah Study Friday November 14 7:30 pm National Donor Shabbat Family Service with Shabbatones Scott Dockswell guest speaker Baby Naming of Benjamin Logan Parker Grandson of Floward & Nancy Layfer Oneg co-sponsored by Gert & Sam Moldave in honor of Harvey Sanoffs birthday and co-sponsored by Howard & Nancy Layfer Saturday November 15 9:00 - 10:00 am Bible Study 10:00 - 11:00 am Minyan and Torah Study Friday November 21 7:30 pm Shabbat Services Saturday November 22 9:00 - 10:00 am Bible Study 10:00 - 11:00 am Minyan and Torah Study Friday November 28 As we approach Thanksgiving this year, we think back upon the past year and realize how much there is for which to give thanks. And, while Thanksgiving is very much of a secular American holiday, Thanksgiving is also a very Jewish time of the year. Many Jewish scholars cite Sukkot as the origins of America?s Thanksgiving. After all, during the time of the pilgrims? and Native Americans? original celebration, as history holds, it was fall. In this manner, the dinner that they gathered for all those hundreds of years ago, could very well have been a reenactment of a Sukkot meal. They were eating outside in the fall on the East Coast without much shelter around them, just like our relatives have done for thousands of years. Most importantly, though, what really ties Thanksgiving to Judaism is the fact that on that day we tell others how grateful we are for what we have been given in our lives. It is a very Jewish concept. We are taught in our tradition to give thanks to God for all the blessings of our lives. So much so that we include a section of prayers during Biblically based holiday services called Hallel. Hallel consists of Psalms praise God and give thanks to God. Yet, just as we thanks to God, we should also give thanks to the people who are in our lives who mean so much to us. To this affect, as we sit around our Thanksgiving Day dinners, let us look around the table and give thanks to those who are there and those who are in our hearts. Let us also remember those who are no longer with us but to whom we are grateful. So, just as I encourage you to give thanks to others, I give thanks to you, congregants of Congregation Ner Tamid. Thank you for being my family in Las Vegas. Thank you also for opening your hearts and homes to me. I am very grateful for your friends and all that you have shared with me. 7:30 pm Shabbat Services NOTE: The temple office will be closed November 27 & 28 Saturday November 29 9:00 - 10:00 am Bible Study 10:00 - 11:00 am Minyan and Torah Study Congregation Ner Tamid May this Thanksgiving be one in which we realized how much we should be thankful. May it also be a time when we share with those who do not have as much as us so that others are also able to be thankful. Yom Hodu Sameach (Happy Thanksgiving Day)! Rabbi Jennifer Weiner November 2003 Temple Board Members Scott Stolberg President Alan Mann VP Administration Hillary Torchin VP Education and Youth Maxine Molinsky VP Ritual David Shapin VP Membership Recruitment Jordie Primack VP Membership Retention David Stahl VP Social Action Debbie Levy Treasurer Yvonne Gordon Corporate Secretary Cecilia Schafler Trustee Michael Unger Trustee Maria Letizia Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Bill Yaffe Trustee Bernie Matusow Trustee Beth Bromberg Trustee Beth Falk Trustee Fern Percheski Sisterhood President Howard Layfer Men's Club President Kelly Chenin NTTY President Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Past President Drew Levy Past President Bob Unger. Esq Past President Jerry Gordon, Esq Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Hon. Michael Cherry Past President Dr. Bernard Farrow Past President Eugene Kirshbaum * Past President David Goldwater * Past President Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio Rabbi Jennifer Weiner Ex Officio * Deceased When our congregation?s budget is presented in a pie chart there is a single line item that is it?s own slice, M.U.M. Now M.U.M. sounds like an endearing term. It makes us all think of our MOM, and who among us does not think of their mom with love and warmth. But M.U.M. stands for Maintenance of Union Membership. In short, this is what CNT pays to belong to the UNION OF AMERICAN HEBREW CONGREGATIONS. What is this union and what do we get for the 5% of our budget that we spend every year? I have asked this question myself many times. Now you must understand that I have never been a big fan of unions. After all I grew up on the side of management. After educating myself, I have decided this is one UNION that is worth being a member of. The union is a group made up of about 900 congregations of reform Jews in North America. The union runs summer camps that our children attend, it runs the Hebrew Union College (HUC) which trains our clergy, and most importantly the union provides us, Congregation Ner Tamid, with resources and ideas that help to keep congregational life fresh, vibrant, and full of new ideas. While you are receiving this bulletin and reading this article many of us are attending the 67th BIENNIAL Convention of the UAHC. The UAHC has been around for 130 years. I have only had the privilege of attending one of these events prior to this year?s gathering in Minneapolis, MN. If the one two years ago in Boston, MA is any indication, I along with many other leaders in our congregation will come home with new ideas and a renewed sense of our reform Judaism. Leadership Workshop Series Presented by Sisterhood Sharpen your skills, network and learn from others. Save these dates for Additional Workshops: January 23-24 Past President?s Shabbat (Friday) and Forum (Saturday) March 21 Subject and Speaker TBA June 11-12 Weekend Retreat TBA Watch your Temple Happenings and Bulletin for more information! Has your email address changed? All email addresses are kept confidential. Please let us know @ 733-6292 or Email Roberta at RUNGER@LVNERTAMID. ORG During the four days we will each spend time attending seminars relating to different facets of congregational life. My favorite part is on Friday night when we attend Shabbat services with 5000, yes 5000, other reform Jews from every corner of North America. I have never been so moved as when I stood and prayed with so many other people. After services on Friday and again on Saturday there are musical concerts by the biggest STARS in Jewish music today. It is like the SHABATTONES on steroids. Membership in the union makes us part of a bigger group - a group of like minded people who want to support inclusiveness, understanding, and the continuation of Jewish life and learning. So the next time you are in temple and you look at your prayer book and it says printed by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations you can be proud. Proud of the fact that we support a UNION that promotes acceptance, tolerance, and promotes the continuation and support of Reform Judaism in North America. I never thought I would be proud to be a UNION MAN but I AM! B?Shalom Scott Stolberg A Special Place To Belong JUST A ^ ' 'i' _ I would like to take this opportunity to extend a special THANK YOU to all of the members of our Adult Choiij^^ for an outstanding job during the High Holidays! They worked very hard over the summer preparing and ifW truly paid off. I have heard wonderful reviews of their singing and truly appreciate all of their hard work. Someone even commented that this was the best choir they had ever heard for the High Holidays. Congratulations to Adult Choir members: Sally Birman, Susan Breene, Laura Bailey, Alan Chenin, Dee Ann Emmer, Marty Fessler, Linda Goldstein, Randi Macosko, Frances Klamian, Christy Molasky, Maxine Molinsky, Jill Oaks, Fern Percheski, Jordan Rakita, Denise Rose, Glori Rosenberger, Larry Rudolph, Katherine Scott, Nanette Spector, Cynthia Zeidner. Our accompanist, Lillian Kollar, and choir director, Peter Bugel, both worked extremely hard and I want to acknowledge their dedication. Also, my deepest thanks to Maxine Molinsky and Fern Percheski for her diligent work with our sheet music. We couldn?t have done it without them! A special thank you to Maxine Molinsky and Glori Rosenberger for singing at the Healing Service and to Brad Torchin for his accompaniment. I would also like to thank the Teen Choir for all their hard work and beautiful services. I would like to recognize choir director Lori Frankl, and accompanist Ed Birch for their talent and efforts in making the family service so enjoyable. Congratulations to Teen Choir members: Rachel Alterman, Melyssa Roe, Jacob Bailin, Hilary Scheele, Michelle Chenin, Lauren Stein, Mackenzie Coon, Alex Sternhill, Jessica Knox, Sydney Yuman, Sara Plotkin, Rebecca Zuckerman, Jordan Rakita. And a special thanks to Dania Lugo for playing at the early Kol Nidre Service. We are so lucky to have such talented musicians and singers to help out at the many services we offer. Wishing you all a happy and healthy new year! ( B?shalom, Philip Goldstein Mi Shebeirach Tapestry - The Vision This picture represents the beginning of a beautiful new tradition here at CNT. Squares representing peaceful, healing images were created by congregants of all ages and genders. The experience of creating the square was, for many, healing in itself. The squares were then quilted together with love, to form a beautiful and tangible representation of healing energy. Our vision is to continue building more tapestries, and join them together to create one large tallit that can be wrapped around the entire congregation. This first tapestry was unveiled during the Mi Shebeirach prayer at the Yom Kippur healing service, and will be used at special services throughout the year. Each square has a unique ?story? that will be shared in future bulletins as the tapestry continues to grow. We are just a few squares short of the second tapestry. If you?d like to create a square, you may pick up a kit in the office, or contact Fern Percheski at 566-0078 (evenings) for more information. You do not need to be an artist; you need only the inspiration and desire to create. Our thanks to all those who have been involved in the coordination of this project: Rabbi Akselrad, Rabbi Weiner, Ruth Urban, Lynette Solomon, Sherri Speaker, Rita Malkin, Cindy Fox, and Nancy Silber?a most talented quilter. Congregation NerTamid November 2003 Executive Director's Message Sign of the Times! Years ago, there was a very popular British singer named Petula Clark, who sang a lively, upbeat song entitled ?It?s a Sign of The Times.? We now have exciting, lively and upbeat news to share with everyone. Last month, Congregation Ner Tamid received a commitment that will give us the opportunity to better serve the entire Reform community of Las Vegas. We now have a prominent sign on the land that will be our new home, starting in August 2006, just in time for the High Holidays. It indicates, ?Congregation Ner Tamid?s New Home?, with our phone number displayed. The land, if you have not yet heard, is located directly on the 215 and Valle Verde, directly across the street from Kohl?s Department store, which has just opened. We have already received many phone calls from potential members who are excited about our move, and want to join us NOW! This ?Sign of the Times? indicates many new and wondrous things to come. In addition to all of our existing facilities and programs, such as our beautiful Sanctuary, Bet Teffilah, Gift Shop, Religious School, adult education classes, services and many more existing programs, we will, over time, be adding many more features. A partial list includes additional meeting rooms, an expanded adult education program, an amphitheater (for concerts, lectures and Friday night services when the weather permits), healing gardens, an expanded Religious School program, Pre-Kindergarten classes, summer camp, a vastly expanded kitchen, moveable walls to accommodate multiple meetings and our High Holiday services, to mention just a few. We invite everyone to come and visit our lobby, and see the artist rendering ?overview? of what our new campus will look like. We also invite everyone to take the drive and visit where our new campus will be. We are very excited about this wonderful new project, and our future home. It all starts with ?A Sign?, and we believe that this is truly a ?Sign of the Times?, of wondrous challenges for all of us. Please join us as we all have the opportunity to create the new Temple that we all deserve - we are all invited to participate, to each have a share, an ownership, of our new home. Share the excitement, share the challenges, share the newness, and remember, it all starts with a vision, and.......... ?A Sign to be continued Irv CNT STAFF Email Addresses: Rabbi Akselrad, Sr. Rabbi Rabbi Weiner, Assoc. Rabbi Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist Irv Duchowny, Exec. Director Jackie Fleekop, Ed. Director Lois Bergman, Preschool Diretor Karen Levine, Rabbi A's Admin. Asst. Roberta Unger, Admin. Asst. Mary Zone, Receptionist Angie Coleman, Bookeeper A Special Place To Belong Congregation Ner Tamid Preschool/Kindergarten Fall is in the air and the boys and girls of Congregation Ner Tamid?s Preschool are hard at work and play. October was a fun filled month.........Nevada Day was observed, by learning history of our state. We held our Annual Pancake Pajama day. This month of November, we also have many projects planned. The Pre-K classes will continue their secular studies as well as Spanish and Hebrew curriculum. We will talk about our country's Veteran's and other heroes who helped to make the USA great. Of course, we will celebrate Thanksgiving with our own CNT preschool style feast. Our youngsters will help cook a dinner and dress up as Pilgrims and Indians and travel on the Mayflower, just as our ancestors did many years ago. Our students and teachers are bonding as a family in our wonderful facility. It is a pleasure for us to see our school thriving and growing. Next month we will be preparing and executing our Chanukah program as well as learning all there is to know about this joyful holiday. All of the students enjoy listening to stories, learning their numbers, letters, shapes, colors, about the weather, and the calendar. It is a pleasure to hear these little ones recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning and to listen to them singing in Hebrew as well. We have a delightful group of students and dedicated, loving teachers - what a perfect mix! Laurel blows the Lois Bergman shofar Early Education Director It's Time to Order Your New Mah Jongg Cards! Flowers, cracks, bams, east, jokers and other words that mean something if you're a Mah Jongg player. Take action - the new cards will be here soon! Regular size is $5.00 Large size is $7.00. Sisterhood earns money on all cards sold! Mail your check payable to: Sandy Stolberg 1904 Plantea Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89117 Dust off your pans and break out your best recipe! It?s time for Sisterhood?s annual Ms. (or Mr.) Noodle Kugel Contest. Men, Women, even Children, compete to become the reigning Kugel Queen (or King) for 2003. This year?s contest takes place at the annual Channukah Bazaar on Sunday, November 16. Unfortunately, if you have won in the past you are NOT eligible to enter this year. However we would love you to participate as a judge! For more information, contact Maxine Gratz @ 898-3592. Deadline for the December 2003 Bulletin Monday October 20th @ 5 PM Deadline for the January 2004 Bulletin Monday, November 17th @ 5 PM Please email articles to Congregation Ner Tamid OUTREACH Many people ask, ?What is Outreach?? Outreach is a program at our temple, and also nationwide, that provides a forum for families who have members who are not Jewish to learn about Judaism. Our programs are centered around the Jewish holidays and are often crash courses on how to celebrate the holidays, learn the terms, and understand what is being done at services and in the home. It is also a means for families and individuals who are interested in Judaism to find out about the beauty of our religion. But we need your help. Please let all your friends who need to know about Outreach, about our programs. Also, let us know about your friends. We will contact them and let them know that when they attend a program or a service, they will be among friends. Save the date: The next Outreach program will be December 7. It will focus on Channukah and the December Dilemma. Details to follow! DO YOU HAVE A CAR YOU?D LIKE TO DONATE? CALL THE TEMPLE OFFICE AT 733-6292 AND ASK FOR ROBERTA November 2003 CNT Sisterhood Many Voices, Many Hands? Today?s Women Embracing a Shared Vision Since I?ve taken on the role of Sisterhood President, I have been continually amazed at what we are able to accomplish. The commitment and capability of the volunteers, the leadership of the board, the hearts and helping hands of the congregation all add up to a group that is great at getting things done. I?d like to highlight just a few of the things that really make me feel proud to be a part of this community: * Wonderful Onegs coordinated and created by a small group of women: Sherri Speaker, Susie Sernoe-Plotkin, and Lynette Solomon. Almost every Oneg has been sponsored or co-sponsored by a congregant or group of congregants. And when we asked you to bring in goodies to supplement the Shabbatone Onegs, boy did you ever come through! We appreciate your continued support of the Onegs. They just wouldn?t happen without it. * Mi Shebeirach Tapestry. Tapestry squares trickled in from some very creative individuals over several months. In August we found ourselves at least 8 squares short of what was needed for a tapestry. The first tapestry was completed, thanks to Cindy Fox and her determination and willingness to quickly coordinate two workshops. Getting the squares completed was only half the job, as individual squares could not become something more without the help of a very talented quilter, Nancy Silber. Apples and Honey. With eleven volunteers, we were able to wash and package 1,000 apples with honey in 4 hours. My thanks go out to the following volunteers who showed up to lend a hand: Susan Charon, Stephanie Finkelstein, Arlene Harbach, Ellen Lozofsky, Susan Rodin, Lynette Solomon, Nanette Spector, Bette Stahl, Darlene Vaturi and Sheryl Chenin-Webb. Bahama Breeze, our first programming event, went off without a hitch thanks to the great planning and attention to detail of our two Vice Presidents of Programming, Linda Goldstein and Ellen Lozofsky. This successful event was a preview of things to come. I can go on and on but I guess what I?m trying to say is....when we ask for volunteers, you come.....when we ask for food, you bake.....when we ask for money, you give.......when we ask for friendship, you bond.....Isn?t that what it?s all about? Isn't that what Sisterhood is? I hope so.....It sure feels good...... I?d love to hear your thoughts and comments. Feel free to e-mail me at, or call me at home at 566-0078. Fern Percheski Sisterhood President Men?s Club News A Magical Evening Of Music What would you pay to see a member of the Magicians Hall of Fame and to listen to your favorites from Broadway and popular music? Men?s Club is presenting a Magical Evening of Music, Sunday, November 23th and admission is free to Men?s Club members. Dinner begins at 6PM and we invite you to bring your wife or partner for $10. Peter Reeven is a widely acclaimed magician, a member of the Men?s Club and Lance Burton?s manager. Oh, by the way, he is also a member of the Magicians Hall of Fame. Peter isn?t talking about what we can expect, but those of us who know Peter knows he has something special up his sleeve. I couldn?t resist that. Philip Goldstein, our own cantorial soloist, spent many years entertaining on the Las Vegas Strip. We have all been thrilled listening to Philip sing during services and know he is gifted with a great talent. When Men?s Club decided to create an evening of fun, Philip was everyone?s choice to entertain. We felt it would be great to have him show us why he remained in such demand before he joined the temple. We?ll be manning the bar-b-q serving steaks donated by the Magic Star Casino. It is not too late if you are not a member of Men?s Club. Send your dues to temple and let us know if you are planning to attend. Howard Layfer, Men?s Club PresidentPaul Wolf, the new song leader for the religious school, also teaches at the Hebrew Academy. He has his BA from the University of Madison Wisconsin, has taught at the JCC of the Desert in Palm Springs, Hillel Israel of Pacific Palisades, and Valley Beth Shalom of Encino. He is happy to be here and hopes to start a guitar club to play at services as well as teach songs and have fun. New Religious School Staff More Next Month! Jolie Alhadeff I have been a member of CNT for 12 years learning much of my Hebrew and Judaica here. With a recent trip to Israel last December, my interest - my love - for Israel and education grew to be one of my passions. I graduated from the University of Nevada Reno with a Science and a minor in Business, teaching the 5th grade this year as well as being the youth director for grades 6, 7 and 8, TNT. degree in Political look forward to CNT Sisterhood is proud to announce the continuation of the Tot Shabbat program. All members of the community, with children ages 2-6, are encouraged to attend services the first Friday of each month. These special services, geared toward the younger members of our community, will be held at Congregation Ner Tamid in the Beit Tefillah and start at 6:30 p.m. They will last for about a halfhour. Following the service, we will have craft and snack time (until about 7:30 p.m.) in room-12. We encourage all parents and grandparents to enjoy this free, worthwhile program. Spread the word....the entire community is welcome! Mark your calendars with the following dates/themes for each service: No service in Nov. due to Veterans Day Dec. 5 (Hanukkah) No service in Jan. due to New Years Feb. 6 (Tu B? Shvat) March 5 (Purim) April 2 (Passover) Last Service- May 7 (Israel Ind. Day) For more information, you may contact Jana Pleggenkuhle at 733-7252 (evenings). WATCH FOR MORE NEW FACES NEXT MONTH! Alison Segal I have lived in Israel and I speak English, Spanish, French and Hebrew. I am a history major and a senior at UNLV. I substitute teach in the public schools, love animals, and I have five cats and a dog. Alison Cherry Hi, I?m Alison Cherry. I have taught in the public schools for the past five years. Originally from Chicago, I am excited to start the school year at Ner Tamid. We are going to have a great year as we learn and travel studying about Judaism and other religions and cultures. Congregation Ner Tamid November 2003 i Religious School News School has been in session for two months now. We are aware of your child?s special needs to help them succeed. Our teachers have bonded into a cohesive group. November is a wonderful month with Thanksgiving and the excitement of Chanukah growing. I love this time of year here in Las Vegas. When I lived in Pennsylvania, it often meant snow and someone could not make it to a family dinner. Las Vegas offers us better weather (except for summers). It is funny how we look at things such as weather, holidays and family. Recently as I skimmed through some children?s books for our teacher resource room, I found one called ?Escaping to America?. It reminded me of the many stories about people coming to America. From stories of Pilgrims to stories of people on ships from Europe coming to our shores for new lives. They are wonderful tales of hope and perseverance that are great to read. Then I thought of how stories passed down can affect our lives. My grandfather told me of the stars he saw from the deck of the ship that brought him and his family to America. I think that is why I love to see the sunrise and set each day. He described the stars as souls of children following mitzvot. I hope that you share the stories of your life and the stories told to you. Perhaps at the Thanksgiving table you can share stories of past Thanksgivings. Our personal history should be passed from generation to generation. Shalom Jackie Fleekop Sunday Tuesday Thursday Explanation 2 NoR/S 4 R/S 6 R/S 2nd Nevada Day Weekend 9 NoR/S 11 R/S 13 R/S 9th Veteran's Day Weekend 16R/S 18 R/S 20 R/S 16th Chanukah Bazaar 23 R/S 30 No R/S 25 R/S 27 No R/S 27th Thanksgiving 30th Thanksgiving Weekend Sunday Morning Pre-Kindergarten Began October 12th We are very excited to announce our new Sunday morning program for children who are not yet old enough to attend Religious School Kindergarten. The program will run from 9:15 - 12:15 on Religious school Sundays. Children will enjoy singing, playing, doing arts and crafts, learning about the Jewish Holidays and traditions, and having fun at the same time. We will even be doing some cooking with the class. Moms and Dads stay to sing and play with us, or for children over 3 years of age, you may have some "Sunday Morning Free Time" while your older youngsters are attending Religious School here at Congregation Ner Tamid. Call the Temple office @ 733-6292 and ask Lois for more information or to sign up. Class size is limited. Are you a Jewish Teen in 9-12th grade? If so, NTTY is the perfect group for you!! What is NTTY! NTTY (Ner Tamid Temple Youth) is the senior youth group at Congregation Ner Tamid. Jewish teens in grades 9-12 are eligible to join. NTTY is part of NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth), which is a national organization. NFTY-SW is the region that NTTY participates in, which consists of Las Vegas, NV, Arizona, New Mexico, and El Paso, TX. We travel to regional events several times throughout the school year. NTTY offers friendship, fun, social programming, religious/educational programming, Social Action, and fund-raising. Each month, NTTY has a Social Action drive, where we collect items from the community and donate them to local charities. For More Information e-mail NTTY at: A Special Place To Belong 11/2 Mr. Barney Ales Mrs. Michelle Benedict Mr. Rand Capp David Shapiro 11/3 Joshua Capp Danny Michelin 11/4 Mrs. Margret Colen Mrs. Hilary Crowley Mrs. Bernice Eisenberg Mr. Leonard Goldstein Mrs. Fern Jennngs Amya Werner 11/5 Mr. Harry Alter Michelle Chenin Hannah Lapidus Dr. Barry Markman Brittany Markman Jacob Strong 11/6 Mr. Keith Alterman Mrs. Natalie Berger 11/7 Mrs. Debbie Levy Hava Schwartz 11/8 Jerome Doctors David Goodheart Mr. Joel Karasik Joshua Knox Billy Mahon Mr. Douglas Roemer Miranda Rosen Dr. Stephen Savran Kaitlin Shapin Mrs. Gail Skolnik 11/9 Mrs. Jennifer Cohen Jordan Hardaway Idie Klamian 11/10 Mr. Howard Altshuler Mrs. Susan Charon Adam Gilman Matthew Mishalow 11/11 Ms. Ann Brandt Joshua Cane Mr. Alistair Crighton Mrs. Jackie McRitchie Amber Ostrow Jennifer Rapoport Mrs. Sue Slocum Joshua Wikler 11/12 Sarah Baron Mr. Randy Farrow Ms. Judith Klein Mrs. Paula Watson Mrs. Shirley Weiner Ms. Rona Zerlin 11/13 Gabriel Milano 11/14 Jessica Bulavsky Mrs. Debra Cohen Dr. Mark Drucker Jordan Kabins Joshua Kabins 11/15 Mr. Ruben Goldstein Dina Wallin 11/16 Ms. Leslie Jensen Mrs. Glori Rosenberger William Savran Mrs. Ruth Urban 11/17 Mrs. Jacqueline Chenin 11/18 Mrs. Rose Dunn Mrs. Debra Kaner Mr. Gerald Marks 11/19 Mrs. Linda Borenstein Ranen Lardent Mrs. Audrey Mishalow 11/20 Bradley Alhadeff Mrs. Sharlene Engel Jacob Epstein Kinberly Karp Harmony Letizia Mr. Earl Monsey 11/21 Mrs. Linda Eisner Mrs. Margaret Pamas Mr. Robert Rakita Mrs. Adele Rothman 11/22 Mrs. Marlene Birch Matthew Corzine Mrs. Rita Goldstein Mr. Sidney Marco Ms. Jamie Nordella 11/23 Matthew Bailin Mr. William Radoff Mr. Harvey Sanoff Mr. Jonathan Sparer Sarah Stevens 11/24 Dr. Joel Charon Mrs. Pat Gorman Mr. Matthew Shulman Mr. Mino Vaturi Evan Walsh 11/25 Lanie Cohen Mr. Rory Pink Mrs. Pearl Rouzaud Mrs. Lisa Tenner 11/26 Mrs. Ruth Granich Shannon Luzaich Mrs. Regina Soderman 11/27 Johathan Cohen Steven Da itch Evan Ferris Mrs. Herta Steiner 11/28 Matthew del Valle Mr. Gary Goodheart Mr. Stephen Greenberg Mr. Kenneth Herman , Jennifer Zuckerman 11/29 Alexis Beresid Mr. James Cassatta Mrs. Fay Schoenfeld 11/30 Matthew Cadish Dillion Chenin Jason Glyman Mrs. Adrienne Unger Congregation Ner Tamid November 2003 Shalom! My name is Rebecca Zuckerman and I am in the 7th grade at the Fertitta Middle Scho