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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, March 2006



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    Beth Sholom Bulletin The Temple Monthly Bulletin March 2006 Adar5766 feri-r Gou-ruhe A^ehion S h o w & B r u n c h All TBS members are invited to the preschool's "Petit Couture Fashion Show & Brunch" at the Temple on Sunday, April 2 at 11 am. The petit (French spelling) models will be provided by the preschool and will be escorted on the runway by their choice of family members. A silent auction and raffle will take place during the event. Committee Chairwoman Jessica Mallin- Pianko said that all clothing will be provided by Kids Kastle, Along Came A Spider and Bellies & Blossoms. Other committee members are Georgina Bach, Ann Blut, Sara Cassell, Randi Matushevitz, Jodi Nelson-Springberg, Lara Stone and Dana Wallace. Tickets for adults are $45, tickets for children 4-11 years are $15 and free for children 3 years & under. All proceeds go to the Sandra & Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center. Please call the preschool office, 804-1333, ext 112 for tickets and information. Purim Carnival It's almost here again! Bring I the entire family to the Temple 'for our annual Purim carnival on Sunday, March 12! Special hours for children ages 1-5 are scheduled from 9:30 - noon. Purim carnival hours for all ages are from noon - 2:30 pm. Come join in the fun with the bounce house, bungee run, games, prizes, slide, face painting, balloon artist, hot dogs, drinks, cotton candy, games, and prizes. Religious Services Daily Shacharit Minyan Monday- Friday, 7:30 am Sunday & Holidays, 9:00 am Daily Maariv Minyan Monday - Thursday, 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Friday, 7:30 pm Shacharit Shabbat Saturday, 9:00 am Rabbi Beth Sholom Bulletin TOP 10 things I like about my Cantor by Rabbi Goodman 10. He loves morning services. 9. He is always early to every appointment. 8. He can turn an average Yom Kippur into "Yom Kippur; The Musical" 7. He has less hair than I do. 6. He has celebrity status. 5. Never makes mistakes and is always right. 4. He always finds a way of being neater and more ordered and structured. 3. He has an ever present and new found sense of humility. 2. I feel honored to know he is a personal friend of The Dalai Lama. I. I like it when he gets on the roof of the Temple and says; "My name is Daniel Eli Friedman and THIS is my congregation!" Cantor my little daughter Zoe picked out for me to wear with the ruffles flowing down the front like a swashbuckler was still flowing in the wind. The melody of the Megilat Esther was still fresh in my mind. I was being chased by those evil three corner headed monsters in black capes. Wow, what an adventure, I thought as I raced through the crevice of stone only to emerge in the desert at the base of a great rock mountain. I am in the desert. How did that happen? My mind was jolted to reality as I noticed the massive formation of red rock standing before me like El Capitan in Yellowstone National Park; the face a rock climbers dream; yet the surface was worn smooth. High above I noticed 10 sentences each letter four feet high. What is this? Could it be the biblical 10 commandments? Have I stumbled upon an archeological holy grail, so to speak. I squinted to make out the inscription, curiously carved in English, and this is what it read... 10. He looks much better in a sombrero than I do. 9. "Go Go Gadget" can be heard daily from his office. 8. I never have to worry about having a lunch date with him around. 7. He is loosing more hair than me. 6. His shirt always matches his tie. 5. English has become a third language to Hebrew and Spanish. 4. For a good laugh, I just ask him to say "We don't need no stinking badges." 3. When I am cold, I just have to ask him a question and he blows a lot of hot air. 2. He raises page calling to an art form. 1. He can actually sing. Top Ten Things I Like About My Rabbi by Daniel Eli Friedman I couldn't believe how far the drop was, but I made it. Safe at last I thought, as I brushed the soot from my tan cords turned black from swinging on the vines high above what appeared to be the tropical rain forest. The beautiful new turquoise shirt that 2 . And then I woke up. Happy Purim. March 2006 Adar 5766 The second phase of this project will add at least ten more much needed Solomon Schechter and religious school classrooms. Our architect, Brad Friedmutter has already created a beautiful plan that compliments the existing building and we are now ready for Summerlin approval. "Each Jew knows how thoroughly ordinary he is, yet taken together we seem caught up in things great and inexplicable." Milton Himmelfarb Capital Campaign Dear Friends, The wise words by Milton Himmelfarb describe our Temple Beth Sholom community as well as the Jewish people. No one donation built our Synagogue. Together, as a community, we built a great Temple that includes a pre-school, religious school and a Solomon Schechter School, that is our spiritual home today. Since our synagogue's dedication almost six years ago our membership has more than doubled. Many of our children have married and are raising their children, our grandchildren, and another generation has emerged. Our preschool enrollment is expanding rapidly with members' children born after 2000. In their honor, Abbie and David Friedman are dedicating the Friedman Family Multi-Generational Pavilion. Co-chairing this project are Flora and Stuart Mason. Stuart is a past president of our congregation and the Mason family ties to Temple Beth Sholom go back three generations. Not only will our youth benefit from this fabulous addition with its gymnasium for sports, Purim Carnivals and school plays, this expansion will also include four additional classrooms. Our parents, grandparents and dear friends who have influenced our lives and took care of us, will now have a meeting place and activity room under the auspices of the LDor V'Dor program. Many levels of giving have been developed in order to include participation from the entire congregation. What better way to memorialize and/or honor our loved ones than with a dedication in their name! A series of home receptions are being planned for the coming months to give you an opportunity to actively participate in the campaign. To date we are proud to report that we have received lead gifts totaling over three million dollars. Another three million is needed to complete the first phase and shell out the second phase. With your help, we will reach our goal. Our new pavilion and classrooms will set a standard of excellence for synagogues in the Las Vegas Valley. Our Temple will continue to be our spiritual home, center for Judaic education, and where we will celebrate our important family events. Mr. Himmelfarb was correct; together we can and will accomplish great things. Thanking you in advance. Ed Seltzer, President Sandy Mallin, Fundraising Chair 3 Exec Director Beth Sholom Bulletin Be Happy, It's Adar! by Laura Sussman The month of Adar is a joyous time at Temple Beth Sholom. We have 2 Megillah readings on Monday, March 13. There will be a traditional full reading of the Megillah at 6:00 PM, followed by the Megillah's Greatest Hits at 6:45 PM. Don't miss this great opportunity to come to Temple in your favorite costume and enjoy a r^ little schnapps. The wonderful Temple Beth Sholom Purim Carnival will take place on Sunday, March 12. Marci Seltzer is once again chairing this event which promises to be a great time for children of all ages. Children ages 1-5 are encouraged to attend from 9:30 AM to noon, and children of all ages are welcome from noon until 2:00 PM. Don't miss this great day of games, prizes and food! Just in case you needed a reason to celebrate Purim at TBS, here are 10 I adapted from a popular website. I can't wait to see your costume! Top 10 Reasons For Celebrating Purim 1. Making noise in Temple is a mitzvah. 2. Levity is not reserved for the Levites. 3. If you're having a bad hair day, you can always wear a mask & no one will know who you are. 4. Purim is easier to spell than Khanuka, Chanukah, Chanuka, Hanuka ~ the Hebrew name for the Festival of Lights. 5. You don't have to kasher your home and change all the pots and dishes. 6. You don't have to build a sukkah and eat outside. 7. You get to drink wine & you don't have to stand for Kiddush. 8. You get to see the Rabbi and Cantor in a new outfit. 9. You won't get hit in the eye by a lulav. 10. You can't eat hamentaschen on Yom Kippur. March 2006 Adar 5766 Chef Cary Wisner joins the Temple staff The leadership of Temple Beth Sholom is pleased to announce Cary Wisner has joined the Temple staff as the head chef. According to Catering Committee Chair Sandy Mallin, | "This will be a wonderful addition for our congregation. Cary will bring a whole new level of sophistication to our food service management and delivery. She has done a number of events for the Temple and they have been beautifully presented and delicious." For the past few years, Cary has been the owner and executive chef for Your Chef, Personal Chef and Catering Service. She is a graduate of the Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts and has extensive experience working in home, professional and institutional kitchens. Cary will oversee and supervise the Temple's kosher kitchens, coordinate delicious and nutritious lunches and snacks for our schools and provide in-house catering services for meetings, programs and special events. Head Chef Cary Wisner with Audrey Abramow at the Israeli art exhibition opening reception. 4 Beth Sholom Bulletin Education Hb Soda & Sfanfey Malta Eadj CUUbood Oxter March 2006 Adar5766 Early Childhood by Jennifer Zukowski, Early Childhood Director What do oranges, paper, etrogs, syrup, and wood have in common? They are all gifts to us from trees. In March the children of the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center celebrated "the birthday of the trees" with a special Tu B'Shevat picnic. Many students made crowns, created pinecone bird feeders, paper and leaf collages to celebrate the occasion. Everyone gathered together to sing "Happy Birthday" to the trees and sampled different varieties of dried fruit. Get ready to "Blast Off," do the "Jungle Boogie," and become a "Lil' Champion" this summer at summer camp! Each session is packed with fun filled events, special guests, Judaic crafts, bounce houses, cooking projects, water play days, and so much more. Registration for summer camp will begin March 29th. For more information contact the preschool administration at 804-1333 ext 112. We are gearing up for our annual Purim Parade March 14th. This is definitely a "photo-op" event that should not be missed. The Petit Couture Spring Fashion Show Fundraiser - will be April 2nd. This fundraiser will be the event of the year! Chairperson, Jessica Mallin-Pianko and her fashion show committee have begun to work on this fun, "must attend" event! All children attending TBS are encouraged to participate. See cover story on page 1. We recently held a Parent Information Session in conjunction with the Solomon Schechter Day School to more fully explain our math curriculum, Everyday Mathematics. This program goes beyond the traditional approach of drill and practice as a means of mastering asic math facts. It also mphasizes critical thinking ;kills and alternative strategies : a means of problem solving, his informative experience provided our parents with new insights into this fantastic program. Did you know that over 1.3 illion Israelis are living in poverty? Yes, that is one out of every three children. As a result, these children face a future of continuing poverty and failure which could lead to a great risk of improper physical and intellectual development. The children and families of the Sandra and Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center want to help to make a difference. For the month of March, our Mitzvah Committee, headed by Chair, Sara Krelstein, will support the Hazon Yeshaya project. The Hazon Yeshaya project is dedicated to providing hot, nourishing meals to people of all ages. They deliver food directly to schools, feeding children who have been identified by teachers or staff as not receiving sufficient food in their homes. Hazon Yeshaya makes sure that these children receive a hot lunch every single day as well as the afternoon for extended day programs. To support this program, you can stop by the preschool office and purchase a vegetable or letter and help fill the mitzvah pot of "Alphabet Soup!" Tu B'Shevat being celebrated by TBS preschool students Education March 2006 Adar5766 by Jon Mitzmacher, Director of Religious Education Solomon Schechter The Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas (SSDS-LV) is proud to announce that beginning with next school year it will offer a Kindergarten program in addition to its already announced expansion into Third Grade. The SSDS-LV moves even closer to its original dream of creating a unique and vibrant Jewish elementary school with this important decision. The Kindergarten program, formally housed in Temple Beth Sholom's preschool, will continue to shine as a fine example of early elementary | education, but will now benefit from Solomon Schechter's exemplary approach to Jewish education and Hebrew | language instruction. F u r t h e r m o r e , incoming SSDS-LV kindergarten families will now have access to Federation's important new community scholarship fund for Jewish day schools. All in all, this landmark decision will serve as the foundation for the SSDS-LV's continued growth and success. The Solomon Schechter Day School also announces the founding of its own Girl Scouts Brownie Troop. Working with the Girl Scouts of Frontier Council, the Solomon Schechter will begin operating a Brownie Girl Scout Troop on its site. This will be the only Girl Scout Troop in Las Vegas associated with a Jewish organization and will be open to the community at large. Brownie Girl Scouts are typically ages six through eight; however, to accommodate Schechter's grades, girls in kindergarten will be welcome as well. According to Frontier Council, Brownie Girls Scouts can expect to, "sing new songs, play new games, and make new friends," as well taking day trips and the occasional overnight. Volunteer Troop Leaders are currently receiving training and opening events are in the works. If you are interested in signing up or volunteering with the SSDS-LV Brownie Girl Scouts, please contact the SSDS-LV Office. In addition, the SSDS-LV is currently booking private tours as part of its ongoing enrollment activities. Don't miss this chance to see the school, meet the teachers, and experience a taste of Schechter's unique educational approach. As part of its commitment to small class sizes, enrollment is expected to close at fifteen for each of its four grades. Besides welcoming a new class of students, limited spaces will be available for next year's Second and Third Grades. Please call the Schechter office if you are interested and would like to take a tour. For further information on the Solomon Schechter Day School contact Jon Mitzmacher at (702) 804-1333 ext. 114. Religious School On Sunday, February 5th, Kitot Dalet (4th), Hay (5th), and Vav (6th) joined with Temple Beth Sholom's Men's Club for this year's "World Wide Wrap". Students learned about and created their own sets of tefillin in order to participate in this national event. It was truly a special morning to see so many students and parents putting on tefillin - many for the very first time. February also Education Beth Sholom Bulletin brought with it the holiday of Tu B'Shevat and we celebrated this "Birthday of the Trees" on Sunday, February 12th with a special snack. February closed with the Kitah Gimmel (3rd) Class Dinner & Service on Friday, February 24th. They performed wonderfully and our thanks go out to our Tefillah Teacher (Fran Bromley-Norwood) and our Religious School Teachers (Ezra Meppen, Lioa Azoulai, and Wendy Malnak) for all their hard work in preparation. During the course of the year, all our Religious School grades will take a turn in leading services. Please don't miss these special opportunities to watch our children show off what they have learned and to shed a little naches! The big event for March is the Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 12th! We are looking forward to the best carnival yet and are so grateful to Marci Seltzer and her Purim Carnival Committee for all their hard work. Don't miss it! March will close with our Kitah Bet (2nd) Class Dinner & Service on Friday, March 31st. U S Y by Lauren Frydman On February 5th, Sr. USY had a "SUPER" time cheering on the two teams in the superbowl. There were tons of food to be eaten and opportunities to win prizes. Each teen brought $10 to the event to pick 4 squares on the Super Pool chart. At the end of each quarter, the individual with the winning square won a gift certificate to Starbucks! This was a great fundraising event as we brought in almost $80. Big thanks goes to the Schwartz family for holding this USY event at their home. Elyse Kraft, Yoni Schwartz, and Sara Kitnick travelled up to Salt Lake City to participate in a Ski-nus. They had a great time meeting up with their USY friends, praying, and snowboarding!!! They are lookingforward to the Midbar Shabbaton in Albequerque, NM in April! March 2006 Adar 5766 the candles, wine and challah. Everyone enjoyed a delicious meal and then went to Friday night services at TBS. We hope to see more teens at the next Shabbat Dinner in May. USY Upcoming Events Ice Skating with Kadima - March 5th Jr. USY Laser Quest - March 5th Purim Carnival - March 12th Sr. USY Dare Night/ Havdallah w/ MKT USY - March 18th Gladiators Arena Football Game - April 2nd Midbar Shabbaton - April 21st - April 23 rd For more information or questions, please email Lauren Frydman, "When we deal with a child, even the most difficult one, we must have faith in that child. Pessimism gains nothing; optimism is the only way to improve and change behavior in others." -R. Dreikurs Adult Education On Tuesday, February 14th, we had the first meeting of the brand new Adult Education Advisory Committee. We began the process of reviewing existing programs and determining what our adult education needs are. We will soon begin work on next year's adult education schedule of classes. We would love more input from the congregation. Please call Jessica Espero at extension 114 if you would like to find out more information about the committee. The Mitchell Family volunteered to have the All Jben Shabbat Dinner at their home on the 24th of February. The teens all gathered together to recite the blessings over 7 B'Nai Mitzvot Beth Sholom Bulletin March 2006 Adar5766 DANNY SCHENKER will be called to the torah on March 4, 2006. A student at Molasky Junior High School, Danny maintains a 4.0 grade point average. He plays on two baseball teams; one team travels out of state for tournaments and the other team is in the Mountain Ridge Little League here in Las Vegas. Danny and his older brother, Cory, are on the Southern Nevada Scholastic Skeet and Trap Shooting team where they compete in many different states. Last August, Danny and Cory were invited to compete in the USA National Shooting competition held in Ohio. Danny also enjoys skateboarding and snowboarding as well as playing with his two dogs, cat and two geckos. My name is LAWRENCE FUCHS. I was born in San Diego, Ca on Feb. 21, 1993. My p a r e n t s are Victor F u c h s and Svetlana Fuchs. They were born in Odessa, Russia. They each came to the US at a very young age. My 8 mother was eight and my father was fourteen. I am twelve years of age and currently attending the seventh grade at the Meadows Middle School. Being that my parents are Russian, I have a Russian background. I can also speak the Russian language. I enjoy Las Vegas. There is always something to do. Though I have lived in Las Vegas for quite some time, I have not always been at the Meadows. For kindergarten, I attended the Jewish Community Day School. I will continue my education at the Meadows School through twelfth grade. After I graduate from the Meadows School, I hope to attend an Ivy League school, where I will choose a career that is right for me. Expressions Israeli Art Show a huge success The Expressions Israeli Art Show held at Temple Beth Sholom from January 2 8-February 5 was a huge success. Hundreds of congregants and community members had an opportunity to experience the work of over 70 Israeli artists. According to the show's curator, Col. Izhak Assour, "Temple Beth Sholom's show was one of the best we have had in my 28 year history. The Israeli artists who sold their work here were extremely pleased with the support they received in this community." Thank you to Audrey Merkin and Mona Silverman, the Co-Chairs of this event and to the many volunteers, donors and participants who supported this show! Mona Silverman speaking to guests at the Israeli art exhibition opening reception. William Mason, Flora iff Stuart Mason and Sara Mason at the Israeli an exhibition on Saturday, January 28. Programs Prog Beth Sholom Bulletin March 2006 Adar5766 New Members Welcome to our most recent members! Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bramhall Mr. and Mrs. Scott DeGraff Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lott We Love Our Members! The Membership Committee will be hosting a Member Appreciation Shabbat service & Oneg on Friday, March 10 at 7:30 pm. Everyone is welcome! Come join our longest standing members for a truly special Shabbat. Whether you have been part of the TBS family for 1 week or for 60 years we appreciate your support and participation and look forward to seeing you on March 10th. Do you remember the first time you came to Temple Beth Sholom? Perhaps you came with friends, or maybe you came alone and without knowing anyone. If you see a new face at TBS please stop to say hello & welcome them. Who knows? They could become your new "best friends." Passover Seder Temple Beth Sholom's Passover Seder will be held on Wednesday, April 12th. Women's League Seder Delights from Around the World will be held on Thursday, March 23rd at the Temple from 6:30-9 pm. Please join together at our workstations to prepare a variety of charoses, non baked desserts, followed by a mock "light" Seder dinner. Passover, Our Festival of Freedom will be here soon! Save the Date! $5.00 Donation Appreciated Chavurah News by Nina Boshes, Chairperson Chavurah groups are flourishing at Temple Beth Sholom. Here is a wonderful opportunity to enhance your Temple experience by joining a TBS Chavurah and becoming part of a new "family". There will be an organizational and social meeting on Thursday, March 23 at 7:00 PM at the Temple for all people interested in joining a Chavurah. At our first meeting in September we successfully formed two new groups and we've had a number of requests to form new ones. Don't miss this opportunity to come and meet your new Chavurah! Please respond to me at NORGEZUNT@EARTHLINK. NET , and let me know if you can attend, or if you can't attend, let me know that you are interested in joining. For those of you already in a TBS Chavurah, please be sure that someone from your Chavurah submits a list of your members to me so that we can coordinate and communicate more effectively. Please send the list to the Temple or email it to me at the above address. Men's Club by Harvey Gitel The World Wide "Wrap on Sunday, February 5 th, brought together over 40 adults and 60 students from the 4th,5th and 6th grades. We were in the main sanctuary and the students found their Tefillin (which they made), put them on with the assistance of members of the Men's Club and took their seats according to the classes. Rabbi Brooks did a brief presentation and the Cantor conducted the service and used some prayer melodies with which they were familiar. The Men's Club hopes that this activity will spark interest and provide some basic memories as they approach their B'nai Mitzvot and make decisions about their participation in services and use of Tefillin. It was a pleasure being able to work with the students at the Minyan and while they learned about tefillin. Hockey night Tuesday March 21 at 7pm March Adar-Nisan SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 15 Min. w/ Rambam 8 am Midrasha 6:30 pm 5 Parashat J Ha'Shavua 11 am ? J F Bereavement Group 10 am 8 15 Min. w/ ^ ^ Rambam 8 am Kadima Ice Skating Jr. USY Laser Quest Yoga Class 7 pm Midrasha 6:30 pm 12 ^ f l j .-0% Parashat 1 ^ ^ Ha'Shavua 11 am ^ f l j f l Bereavement Group 10 am 15 ^ f l 15 Min. w/ 1 Rambam 8 am Purim Carnival Megilla Reading 6:00 & 6:45 pm Yoga Class 7 pm L'Dor V'Dor Purim Celebration i Chavurah Meeting 7:00 pm Midrasha 6:30 pm 19 Parashat W M Ha'Shavua 11 am JM Bereavement J wm Group 10 am 22 15 Min. w/ ^ ^ Rambam 8 air Women's League Education Day 10:00 am Yoga Class 7 pm Men's Club Sponsored Hockey Game 7:00 pm Women's League Contemporary View of Passover 10:00 am Seder Delights from Around the World 6:30 pm Midrasha 6:30 pm 26 m 9 Parashat Ha'Shavua 11 am ^ ^ Bereavement Group 10 am 29 Summer Camp Registration Begins 30 10 Yoga Class 7 pm Midrasha 6:30 pm Calendar FRIDAY SATURDAY 3 Shabbat & Me 8:30 am 4 Shabbat Ha Neshama with TBS D a n n y S c h e n k e r Ruach Esemble Bar M l t z v a h light candles at 5:19 pm H i ^ ^ Shabbat & Me I %#8:30am Friday Night Kids 6:30 Membership Appreciation Shabbat light candles at 5:26 pm Lawrence Fuchs Bar Mitzvah ^ Shabbat & Me d k Q ? 8:30 am | Men's Club Shabbat light candles at 5:32 pm Men's Club Shabbat ^ M . Shabbat & Me 8:30am J f a W light candles at 5:38 pm 31 March 2006 Adar-Nisan 5766 Special Events Purim Carnival March 12,2006 ?9:30 am -12:00 pm Children ages 1-5 years Noon-2:00 pm p i ^ l r For Children of all ages Enroll Now for Preschool, Schechter and Summer Camp z^tef For tour and info, call 804-1333 W ^ S f p Mmoon Petit Couture Fashion Show & Brunch Sunday, April 2,2006 11:00 am Temple Beth Sholom For more information, contact Amy at 804-1333 ext. 112 Passover Seder Wednesday, April 12,2006 Temple Beth Sholom 4 Safety Issue For the safety of our congregants and the beauty of our ^ marble floors, wheeled shoes may not be used in the light candles at 5:44 pm 1 1 RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Helen iff Robert Feldman Thank you: Marcia iff Lawrence Bergenfield Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Gwen Buchbaum Sheila iff Martin Lasky In Honor of: Shelley Berkley's Birthday Dee iff Hal Ober Howard Caplan's 90th Birthday Rochelle iff Arnold Schneider Tyus Friedman's Bris Kim iff Eric Friedman Lil Glicken's Special Birthday Elissa Agron Charlene Carter Cerna Kalin Sadie Kaplan Marci iff Sydney Murdock Rac.ine Murdock Eila Weiss Carol Jeffries' Birthday Irving Herman Michelle & Lawrence Monkarsh on Tori becoming a Bat Mitzvah Dee i f f Hal Ober An Aliyah Dan Miller Sam Showel Misheberach: Sam Showel Refuah Shleimah: Nancy Aumont Anita Lewy In Memory of: Esther Goldberg Marcia Muggli Irving Hulnick Roslyn Hulnick Marilyn Barkan Roger Oakes Lil Glicken CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Honor of: Cantor's great modeling Danny Greenspun 12 JUDY & RONALD MACK SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES In Honor of: Limor Blockman & Jeff Michelman's Engagement Esther Frankenstein Lillian Bruski's Birthday Esther Frankenstein Abe Jones' Birthday Esther Frankenstein Wendy Kraft's Birthday Esther Frankenstein Judy & Ron Mack on Michael's Engagement Andrea, Richard, Drake iff Scarlett Gordon Dr. Sheldon A. Schore Margret & Hillel Ofek's Anniversary Esther Frankenstein Roseanne Sher & Michael Mack's Engagement Andrea, Richard, Drake iff Scarlett Gordon Dr. Sheldon A. Schore Faye Steinberg's Birthday Esther Frankenstein Speedy Recovery: Ron Mack Edye iff Irwin Goldberg Wendy Kraft iff Laura Sussman SANDRA & STANLEY MALLIN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER In Honor of: Ruth Larner's 90th Birthday Lilian Glicken EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Riki Dubo Mona iff Charles Silverman June Blumken's Birthday Esther Frankenstein Marlene Jones Esther Frankenstein SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL David Lanzkowsky In Honor of: Dee Ober's Birthday Helene iff Harold Sussman FRIDAY NIGHT SIDDUR FUND Priscilla iff Abe Hodes In Honor of: Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Sandy iff Stan Mallin Sidney Chaplin Geraldine Fischer Mike, Gayle & Jenna Galper Mitch, Patrick, Hailey & Matthew Galper Sheila iff Burt Galper Irwin Goldberg Geraldine Fischer Rabbi Felipe Goodman Katlin Elmore Gerald Hirsch Geoff Gordon on becoming a Bar Mitzvah Barbara & Alan Gordon Deb Havre Sandy iff Stan Mallin Mollie Lieberman's 95th Birthday Sheila iff Burt Galper Keri & Steven Mann Jeremy Mann Wesley Mann Sheila iff Burt Galper Rebecca, Aaron & Jacob Schneeweis Marci iff Ed Seltzer Lori & David Snipper Josh Snipper Nikki Snipper on becoming a Bat Mitzvah Sheila iff Burt Galper Elaine Steinberg Geraldine Fischer Sandy iff Stan Mallin In Memory of: Sadye & Louis Benatovich Lara, David, Andy, Allison iff Jared Stone Dora & Gabriel Bialy Sheila iff Burt Galper Herb Fischer Geraldine Fischer Frieda Galper Morris Galper Sheila iff Burt Galper Kenny Glicken Rebeccah Glicken Lilian Glicken Charlotte & Sol Hirsch Gerald Hirsch Alexander Kasser Lara, David\ Andy, Allison iff Jared Stone Harold Lederer Debbie Lederer Dora Levine Carol Jeffries Julius Lieberman Sheila iff Burt Galper Harold Seltzer Lester Seltzer Terri Seltzer Tillie & Charles Seltzer Marci iff Ed Seltzer Barry Shayne Ethel & Irving Shayne Max Shayne Sherwin Shayne Sheila iff Burt Galper Asher Suskek Lara, David, Andy, Allison iff Jared Stone Anne Weiner Joseph Weiner Lilian Glicken GENERAL FUND Anna Gor G_tt-tsu-dahnken Sam Gewercer In Honor of: Benjamin Andrew Solomon's Birth Shirley iff Allan Solomon Misheberach: Selma Goldblatt Speedy Recovery: Nancy Springberg Wendy Kraft iff Laura Sussman In Memory of: Sylvia Gruzin Mary iff Barry Barkan Murray Lovit Sherrill Nesbit YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Ida Berger Samuel Berger Florence iff Irving Berger Rebecca Blatt Meyer Block Shirley iff Sidney Chaplin Alfred K. Burns Ella Burns Rose Caplan Howard L. Caplan Rae Chaplin Shirley iff Sidney Chaplin Marion Devore Estelle Lee iff Edward Devore Grace Don Barbara Don Rochelle Thone Benjamin Dvorak Esther Dvorak Samuel Dvorak Irene Dwosh Marcy & Jack Simon Andrea Franchi Barbara Molasky Henry Flank Brenda iff Michael Flank Albert Forman Helene Shay Anatolyi Fridman Natasha iff Vadim Fridman Jack I. Friedman Sally iff Norman Venger Samuel Frush Samuel Dvorak Celia Genzer Terri Wilensky-Genzer iff Robert Genzer Sadie Glick Dee iff Fred Glick David Gordon Laura, Stan, Max iff Camryn Shuster Henry Harrison Dee iff Fred Berkley iff Family Frances J. Harvey Esther Frankenstein Marlene iff Maury Jones Pauline Herman Irving Herman Pearl Hodes Abe Hodes Benjamin Jones Esther Frankenstein Marlene iff Maury Jones Joseph Jones Esther Frankenstein Elizabeth Kahn Priscilla Schwartz-Hodes Goldie Kornfeld Edith iff Allan Bloomberg Albert Koulange Ethel Koulange May Kulwin Albert A. Kulwin Wilbur Lee Lois Lee Yetta Leitner Murray Leitner Glenn Lockwood Sandra Lockwood Dennis Mack Judy iff Ron Mack Philip Mall Bobbi iff Hesh Altman Bess Mallin Sandra iff Stan Mallin Mary Meisner Pearl Reisman Jules Nacht Judy iff Steve Nacht Josephine Pomerantz Estelle Lee iff Edward Devore Ernest Preisler Helene iff Harold Sussman Nathan Morris Robinson Marcy iff Jerry Samoiloff Molly Rosengarten Nancy iff Albert Rosten Gertrude Rubenfield Elaine iff Bob Levin iff Family 13 Stacy Rush iff Family A1 Salton Adele Baratz Max Schwartzer Sylvia iff Howard Schwartzer Leonard Shafer Evelyn Schafer iff Family Esther Rachel Shaikin Elliot Shaiken Chana Shalom Beverly iff Shimon Ron Max Showel Morris Showel Charlotte iff Sa