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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, January 7, 1947 to October 26, 1949, lvc000006-397


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    367 PRECINCT NO. 14: Viola Fitzgerald, Nelle D. Rose, Vida Hardy, Maude Turner, Josephine E. Johnson, Gladys 1. Stinson, Clarice Craner, June Keene. PRECINCT NO. 15: Mrs. Ellen Theriot, Frances B. Farnsworth, Vera Lee Brinley, Clyde P. Austin, Freda Laub, Arvilla Johnson, Margaret A. O'Donnell, Billie Yates. PRECINCT NO. 16: Frank Strong, Alice M. Ladd, Marjorie Kunkell, Mazie Martin, Nan Estes, Dorothy Gerkin, Mrs. Dorothy Metzo, Gladys McArthur Groves. PRECINCT NO. 17: Adelaide Fox Deutsch, Margaret Fennell, Margerite S. Gildner, Georgie Butterfield, Jeanetta Ball, Juanita Kemple, Rachiel A. Cutler, Gertrude Ferris. PRECINCT NO. 18: Rosalee Burr, Fern Thompson, Tilla Ferguson, John W. Anthis, Lena Petitti, Effie Foremaster, Danford B. Crane, Edna Wagner. PRECINCT NO. 19: Evelyn Sullivan, Mrs. Minnie Gamer, Agnes Hile, Mrs. T. W. French, Audrey Wickman, Frances Van Housen, D. E. Dahlberg, Florence Weaver. PRECINCT NO. 20: Virgil Brown, Mrs. Louise L. Fountain, Ella Morrison, Frances Coulter, Leona Forbes, Pearl Neeley, Audrey Bowman, Evelyn Crone. PRECINCT NO. 21: Dorothy Warren, Marye V. Henney, Ruth Thomas, Jacqueline Black, Eloise Oliver, Grace Tinch, Robert Harrold, Lucille Sweeney. PRECINCT NO. 22: Iva B. Murphy, Gladys St. John, Mrs. C. N. Oren, Vera Cameron-Stuart, Evelyn Adams, Mary Ellen Dykstra, Ethel Gregg, Clara E. Black. PRECINCT NO. 23: Genevieve Harrison, Mrs. Vera B. Horton, Hamilton Medlock, Claire Samuels, Jeannette Carr, Lena Moore, Mrs. Lulu B. Mason, Matilda Mason. PRECINCT NO. 24: Buna L. Clark, Myrtle M. Cheel, Jane M. James, Reed Wittwer, Ester Arnold, Helen G. Griffiths, Mrs. Dan Conger, Elizabeth Callahan. PRECINCT NO. 25: Glenna Wilson, Alice Alldredge, Dorothy Launders, Adelaide Kent, Mary Novak, Mrs. A. D. Northcutt, Elsie Dunbar, Pearl Baker. PRECINCT NO. 26: Dorothy L. Riley, Louis Licker, Sara Louis Stiver, Ruth U. Marshall, Virginia Reber, Nola Hansen, Elma Woodberry, Mildred Ashworth. PRECINCT NO. 27: Bernice Stanford, Vivienne S. Lundquist, Christina Neagle, Lois Keefer, June Krause, Gustave 0. Ciliax, Marie Hadland, Hazel Hardy. PRECINCT NO. 28: Cora Stanley, Luella Bennet, Mrs. Janet Adams, Dorothy Belz, Nancy Mealio, Arlene Potter, Juanita Karren, Marie L. Flowers. PRECINCT NO. 29: Stella Leavitt, Minnie 0. Sewell, Helen Swett, Mary Blakeman, Grace Leavitt, Lucile P. Detmers, Mildred Leavitt, Arlene M. Dow. PRECINCT NO. 30: William L. Jackson, Grace McCain, Dovie Freeman, Rose Williams, Excell Barren, Dorothy McCants, Hazel Smith, Mae Harris. PRECINCT NO. 31: Feriland White, L. 0. Waddell, Bernice Rothfelder, Prudence Bunker, Mary L. Goddard, Ethel M. McCarthy, Nella B. Norton, Nellie Waddell. PRECINCT NO. 32: Mrs. Viola Christensen, Marvel Stevens, Mrs. May Etta Anderson, Esle Odell Dobbins, Cecil Mason, Marjorie Williams, Mrs. W. H. Shaw, Eliza J. Junior. Thereafter Commissioner Whipple moved that the foregoing list of election workers for the City Election on May 3, 1949 be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Moore and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Clark, Moore, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. SERVICE & MATERIAL Commissioner Clark moved that Service & Material Warrant No. 1777.17 in the total amount WARRANT of $2876.75 be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Baskin and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Clark, Moore, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. There being no further business to come before the meeting at this time Commissioner Moore moved that this meeting adjourn until March 30, 1949 at 3:00 P.M. Motion seconded by Commissioner Clark and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Baskin, Clark, Moore, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. ATTEST: APPROVED: Mayor City clerk SEE page 376 for CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING Las Vegas, Nevada March 30, 1949 CALL OF SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of the Board held this 30th day of March, 1949 was called to order at the hour of 3:20 P.M. by His Honor Mayor E. W. Cragin with the following members present; Commissioners Baskin, Clark, Moore, Whipple; City Manager J. M. Murphy, City Attorney C. Norman Cornwall and City Clerk Shirley Ballinger.