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    P|||S CLIPPIN^BUREAU I65jg|%iirch Stre|fd- N?║w York NJpJ*ORT HEWS, VA. ' Wj&ES HERALD ^^c. D. 27,995. SEP2H3 1ITA AND DICK GET LICENSE DemureljiCdressed in a aqua blue cotton dress Rita Hayworth appears with Dick Haymes at the county clerks office at Las Vegas, Nev., yesterday where they obtained a marriage license for their wedding scheduled this afternoon, f Haymes earlier received his divorce from Nora Eddington, just down - the hall" in the same building. (AP Wirephoto) BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York WHEELING, W. VA. INTELLIGENCER Circ. D. 20,814 RitaToWed Dick Haymes This Afternoon Las Vegas, Nev., Sept. 24?╟÷MB?╟÷ While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens and elevens, Rita Hayworth and Dick Haymes today gambled once more wim matrimony. The 34-year-old actress and her crooner, 35, will recite vows each has said three tim^s bdpre, in^a_ simple ceremony in the Ootd Room of the Sands Hotel. , DBfwtfTJUbGE Frank Mac- na^el will officiate at the five- minute rites. Jack En^tter, general manager of the Sands, will be the only attendant. Photographers and reporters will outnumber the i invited guests three togjsjie.,'. The ceremony will be at 11 A. j M., PDT (1 P. M. EST). The unpretentious rites will be I $q0&&l contrasts tl^ ?╟≤ ^green star's J lavish French wedcffig to EriiigSe] Aiy Khan in 1949^J?║iss Hay worm will not even havffS^aew wedding; gown. She said sheM$ould wear, a j blue linen straight ddress which shet has worn before.^Eer head will be covered by a folk-colored hat of tulle and velvelinShe will wear] gloves to match neghat. Only guests itt^ed are business and legal associate* of the couple. The only relativ^lon hand will be the bride's two -daughters. They are Rebecca, 8, the offspring of Miss Hayworth's-Marriage to Orson Welles, and the fPrincess Yasmine, Vh, like her Moslem father a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed. "^-lf?·?√ß',. RITA SAID that her father, Ed- iouardo Cansino, a dancing teacher, was too busy,j^tor^ng with his classes to attenlra^gjP^ Final barrier to the wedding was cleared yesterday when Haymes copped a sev&n-mii|i|te divorce decree from Nora EjKfington Flynn !Haymes. Less than mhour later, he! brought Rita back Ho the court- j house, where both nervously filled out the marriage license forms. Both* Haymes, and Rita claimed] permanent residence | iaf Nevada, but said they will soatff-ffioye near Greenwich, Conn., where they are looking for a house. , ' "All my work is in the East,' the crooner explained. Miss H^w^rth said s&fi>J>lans to commute between the ^aWWak&t and Hollywood fd&jpicture making. Haymes' career has received a much needed boost within the past six weeks. A spokesman said Haymes was begging^JM$$s jm^ publicity spawned by diS^tl*itH$! action and his romance ~#Hk f&tes* Hayworth brought ' hihl ?Σ≤bffsrs galore. He now has two solid vgars of bookings at double hislfonner asking price of $4,500 a wed. fts deportation cak^SlnS^ the Argentine-born croonergwhat country will he and Rita then live in? I'm not going to be deported,'* he answered. "We both intend to live in the U. S. A." Immigration officials contend Haymes, still an alien, failed to obtain a re-entry permit after visiting Rita in Honoluld recently. - The crooner said he will tijpve in- $b "Mfcfe" H&ytoorth's suite-asgtha Sands right after the wedding. A reporter asked him if he had ever lasted any of Rita's cooking. d^TI Wbwf marries Rita Hayworth foi SHOULD THE government tfejcpblsi^'* the singer a??6d. SET 2 31953 mi to to W&dlldayme&^hursday !_LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 22 ^toE)?╟÷Rita Hayworth disclosed |$oday she'll marry Crooner Mck I Haymes in a hotel conference room Thursday ypth only nine | guests and the press looking on. I "We waltt a .simple wedding,' JRita said. -"This one is too '?╟≤?╜$? <portant to ftie;to clutter up within, lot of, tonevwjsjsary ^frillsg1';,,^ I 'It's enot^h|pat we love eacftj ! other an#$we^ie^inairy getting ; married J^ter so many' diffiq?╜?·, ties." | Rita 'i\tf|fl V.wearg a simple, s straight dv^fe^gUnen. afternoon I dress thatgfi^'Shbvticfti her deep I sun-tan. vjgpi,' sen^i^o her Log ; Angeles hwe^for ^jjbfeige hat and gloves. She'll wear-orchids. The bridegroom will wear ?√ßdark blue .suit "for the simple civil cereraony:Ibefore State District Judg&'Frank/fttcNamee. The couple will ^.exchange plain gold wedding i^rw^^l^'4" I The guelra&iiQ^l^fourth redding and Haymes* fourth alsol will be hiis attorney,, Davidl Marcus, andyMrs. Marcus; Rita's The wedding will be pKoto-l attorney, Bartle^^Criuh, dand, las graphed for newsreels and tele-l wifefthe star's childrespi^iybecca, 8, and Yasmin, 3; GeMf^aralf; their nurse; and Jack Entratter and Jake Friedman, two of the owners of the luxurious Sands ^fotel, The ceremony will be. held in II thCa Sands' gold room, locale for f preW^SHfftpeoaces for celebrities who stop at the gambling spa.' ;Aiter4he-"I do't," Rita and Dick] wUl'^ndst the visiting press for lunch. ki&$ vision, a hotel spokesman said. BArclay 7-5371 PRISS CLIPPING BUREAU I6&J:hurch Street - New York AMES, IA. ?√ßf TRIBUNE I Circ. D. 5,421 1 \ _JH ^IS^Hi DickSignsTSct Protecting Rita LA?║. VEGAS. Nev. (UP)-Croon- er Dick Haymes announced todayi he has signed a pact with actress! ' Rita Hayworth that protects all off her earnings and ^foldings "fori life" from any debts ke may incur; after their marriage*. 1 Haymes, who plans to marry the red-haired actress after his Nevada divorce, said, i'l infend to stand] on my own two feet and take care of' all my own troubles, whether : they be money, legal or personal I difficulties.'* He* said he had "ordered" the reciprocal pre-nuptial pact drawn up "to protect Rita from any 11 Claim whatsoever against jne." Meanwhile Mrs. Nora Eddington Flynn Haymes received her own California divorce de^r% from the handsome singer Friday? Haymes said the agreement was drawn up by Miss Ha^ferth's attorney, Bartley Crum^'|jp|d signed by himself and Rita late Friday night at the Sands Hotel hprP Crum said the pact states that Miss Hayworth's earnings andi properties would be protected forM the sole use of herself, her children and her own heirs. Miss Hayworth signed an identical document relinquishing any right to Haymes' assets, he said. Haymes is awaiting a deportation hearing in Los Angeles on government charges the Argentine-, born singer illegally re-entered this1 country after visiting Miss Hayworth in Hawaii earlier this yeard ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PR^PcLIPPlNG BUREAU 165 (yen Sfrajj- New York FAtETTEVltJUE* N. C. f OBStfR^&R ttCirc. D/12.^9 SEP Zh 1953. Rita Haywpii f o Marry Dick Haymi At Las Vegas LAS VEG^S, Nev., (INS)?╟÷Movie queen RiraPkayworth and singer; Dick Haymes climax their torrid \ but tangled romance today when; they exchange marriage vows at jthe desert gambling town of Las Vegas. Rita and the Argentine - born crooner '-^m. wed at the Sag^s Hotel in plat they describf^as a**cozy" ceremony attended only by a few intimates?╟÷plus a coterie of newsmen, photographers, columnists and newsreel men. However, the "cozy" marriage will be in sharp contrast to Rita's last wedding to Prince Aiy Khan. At that marriage in 1949, guests at Aly's villa op the French Riviera enjoyed a champagne-splash- ,, ed nuptial ceremony complete with | musicians playing love songs and ja gardenia scented pool. , ; Rita said yesterday, as she and i Haymes got #gmarriage license: \ "I want a wedding with no frills [this time. After all, I'm getting I Dick Haymes and that's all that matters." ?·jk; 4^ ' The last barrier to the wedding was passed yesterday when Haymes obtained a Nevada divorce ifrom Nora Eddington Haymes in seven minutes. When informed jthat the record for "quickie*' divorces in Las Vegas is four min- iutesj Haymes cracked: "If I'd known I had a chance 'to break the record, I'd have talked faster." i Haymes told district Judge 'Frank B. Gregory that his marriage to Nora fell apart because of ]"general incompatability." STATESVILLE, N. C. RECORD Circ. D. 4,400 S?·Pg.^g^___ Being Planned Dick Haymes Wednesday planned a -simple wedding" ^ television and newsreel cameras grinding aWThen they'll settle down w, to' what they hope will, be a sedate life as suburbanites m Greenwich C??Se ceremony Thursday will be Iheld in the Gold Room of the SSri?╜ Hotel with only nine guests SW^ and cam^a men were told they could attend. Tt^e red-haired beauty sighed, happily that she and Haymes are 'finally getting married after, so ; manv difficulties." , nl]hlpJ; ! ?╟≤ Among their recent troubles , ; have been an attempt by.the gov-k j eminent to deport Haymes, a citHj izen of Argentina and death I threats against Miss Hayworth and, ; her youngest daughter, three-year- ^ : old- Yasmin. ,,. - ;i ESTABLISHED 1888 BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York TOPEKA, KAN. CAPM>L Circ. D,g?·?Σ≤jf, S. 62,394 SEP W?╜53 Rita, Hajme SayTDo^ i-i LAS VBCAS^^-- SPfejl Redhaired R^Ha^gg^ and crooner Dick a??ay^co>; w _ | the aplomb of professionals going thru a we^rehearsed scene, | w^e married :h^ Thursday in | gambling hotel cerernoiay. Rita added 4_jm to ^ *c?_\ bvaSvering slightly at the close S'SecereVnonybutc^ei^ they stuck IQ the script and ttmx, peJ^ancf Wt. off ?Σ≤*^\ imoommmm.$.the Mhel starring roles;i^|hel fourth marria^r^or botn. y.^m The press ^outnumbered the. guests" by: nearly three to one at Se floodlighted ceremony wtaeh was delayed 45 minutes because ?·fstr*t Judge Frank McNamee was tied up imhis court b^a 3ury trial. - -'*,;^w^ ''*^s| JPiliiie the guests, presj and : principals waited, Rita'f* two \ children by former tna^ges, , yasmin and Rebecca, WW"?½* posed ^ cameramen, kittle jasmin, dMghter of Prince Aiy Khan, dfi^ly got \m*$ and 1 cried ou^ want my ???Mmie' 1 Judge ^^mee finali|rushed in and tqo?·his place^Uthe Gold; ing in Wadjoining%^^ni; slSwly marchedvin While Wgl Iras ground. <I&A^ ?tar hes^i stated a momen^&ing ope of I ^e photographeWiP s^^ out' "gome right ogP^- 'r, . ?√ß?√ß___. ?╟≤ with YaSnS^KKTTier haffisi|-l ter, Rebecca, ^fked on a couch. Judge McNamee quickly read the Mriage vows and both said their; ft do'r hi clearly audible Jones.,., GREENVILLE, MICH. NEWS Circ. D. 3,310 SEP2S19S3 Rita, Haymes Go East for Boneym^n ^obi^s'^tsf' H^yworth;and Dick laym^M^ by Plane for New Jftrk' ^arfojtoday, along with her two daugl&irs and his boxer dog Brutus. .d 3^i|^^ The youngsters, Rebecca* 8, and Yasmine, 3V2, were somewhat disappointed at the airpjrffoecause time didn't permit them to see Haymes' dog, which had been placed in the airliner's baggage compartment at Los -Angeles. The actress and crooner, married, at the Sands Hotel here in a three-minute' ceremony Thursday appeared to be excited "as they left this gambling resort. They took 16 pieces of luggage with them. Haymes is ^i^m,. Philadelphia Monday for j."jSinging. engagement. I That same ^ay ??gLr Los Angeles, I his attorney wilT'^^pr a continuance in a deportation hearing against him. .