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Las V e g a s , N e v .- Relay Water Mains, Los A n geles. Oct. 1 2th . 1921 Mr. Maguire: Your urgent m ailgraa of O c t . l i t h . , attach in g copy o f l e t t e r f r o m D lv. Engineer M ille r , dated Sept. 24th. asking fo r le d g e r value o f 18" wood stave pipe li n e in s ta lle d in 190? from a p oin t where the 8* lin e leads o ff to the power-house from the re c e n tly in s ta lle d 16* lin e to Main S tr e e t, /c? approximately 1372 fe e t . HBM I si I 1 | My study o f th is has taken ®e-f|hrough an an alysis of the whole \ J j f s itu a tio n , with the fo llo w in g r e s u l t S ^ ^ / ^ , ^ ^ Appropriation #8?0 in 1 W does not apply to the pipe lin e V . . / between the pointe mentioned. \ , Appropriation #671 in if0 7 appears to have replaced some 1360 fe e t Ojf 18* s te e l pipe with spmejlil5 0 fe e t o f 18* wood pipe between the points in question, the d iffe r e n c e in len gth being due to a more d ir e c t lin e o f wood pipe. This appropriation #671 was e n title d ’ Renewing Pipe Lines and charged by the Auditor to Operating expenses. I t would appear from th is fa c t ih at i f we now r e t ir e the wood p ip e, which was charged O .g. we should Eo back and r e t ir e from Investment Account the o rig in a l 18" s te e l-p ip e I displaced, but not w ritten out; however, I fin d that in appropriation No.1965 rep lacin g some 9940 fe e t o f the pipe lin e with a 16* lin e in 1918, th at the led g er^ o f whole o f the o rig in a l 18" s te a l pipe some 10,450 fe e t la id in 1905 under o rig in a l construction was r e t ir e d . This w i l l re s u lt in the present rep la cin g o f 18" wood pipe with 14* Oast Iron pipe aa a s tr a ig h t ad d ition to the physical prop erty.