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    BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - New York DAILY VARIETY HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. JUN 2 9 1953 By ARMY ARCHERD GOOD MORNING Aunt Cissie and Uncle Pat: Ann Blyth called from t her honeymoon to make certain THEY had weathered the wedding OK. Watta wonderful gal . . . And, while Ann and Jim are honeymooning, S day and night guards are posted at both houses to prevent pilfery of the gifts . . . After "The Long, Long Trailer," it'll be a long, long time I before Lucy and Desi make another film ?╟÷ '55, the earliest . . . Eastern I sources report L. B. Mayer will definitely leave Qinerama, perhaps even before this week's over . . . Aiy Khan is due in Saratoga next month . . . Hey Pete Smith, didja Know those three 3-D shorts which I you made 15 years ago and which Metro re-released abroad have already j grossed over a million bucks? . . . Although "Kiss Me Kate" comes in ?√ß four days under schedule, it doesn't look like Kate Grayson will go to ?√ß Madrid for the Hilton Hotel opening. Her mother's too ill . . . Cinema- Scope's first effort, "The Robe" was also shot with a second, 16m ?√ß camera. "Oklahoma," to be done in Todd-AG's process, will have a ?√ß 35m camera grinding alongside. "Oklahoma" will be filmed in ?╟÷ Idaho I. . . Metro turned down Bobby Van for the Ed Sullivan show . . . Treat ?√ß at the rushes: The casement cloth which covered the 20 slave girls in ?√ß "Demetrius" turned out to be tres transparent under the CinemaScorch ?√ß lights . . . Sign on the Coast highway: "Little Bavaria ?╟÷ specialty 1 Southern Fried Chicken." From Southern Bavaria, of course. * * * I With Cy Howard and Gloria Grahame at Chasen's who wants to sit I home and watch wrestling on TV ? . . . After "Hell And High Water," Bella Darvi darts back to Paris for two months to tell her pals about gai I 'ollywood . . . Rock Hudson and Jane Greer are neighbors at St. I John's, where they're co-scarring after their appendectomies . . . Peggy I Lee, also there, expects to leave Wednesday and may stay an extra week I at Ciro's to make up for lost time ... At Cedars: Leo Spitz and Bill ?√ß Goetz, under observation . . . "Madame Butterfly" will be sung in I Japanese at the Greek this summer ?╟÷ all but the two roles done by I Burl Dean Smith and Frances Barnes. This we gotta hear. * * * It's almost a pleasure to get a parking ticket in Beverly Hills. The E gendarmes include a self-addressed, postage-free envelope with each I citation so you can payaiithiHit delay . . . And the Beverly Hills Hotel phone operators wei^going jMJ&PWh&e both Ed Sullivans were basking I there . . . Bob Merrill aiitf^Iai jptterling got together during his Hollywood sta^^ob^^^^sful iwLas Vegas, plans two annual three- I week dates ^rime Sjimds\ . . jjad the pleasure of introducing Danny Thomas, Un^erVay|mbttCist, tej/vDaxmy Thomas, universal comedian . . . Greer Garden getjfia gold i(Rne bathing suit in "Miss Baker's Dozen." Next thine you piow, Qj$r,Yl be playing Las Vegas . . . Cole Porter's I taken a Jp-yearfleasfl^on a Brentwood home . . . Suzan Cabot's 'oppy 'cause hlr option^lfeen picked op . . . Look for H. Bogart and Warners I to call il quite^nspite of the fact he gets $175,000 per annual picture. | Now in "TAl'uaine Mutiny," he may do "River of the Sun" at Columbia as his next. Vittorio Gassman goes to Italy for six days after "Rhapsody" to make I arrangements for his Italian company to play here next March. His I mamma will also come over at that time to see the bambina . . . Betty 5 and Charlie O'Curran drive up to Vegas Friday to prepare for her July I 7 opening at the Desert Inn . . . And after three days in town, Mickey I Rooney leaves Wednesday for Southberry, Mass., to play a week at I the Frolics, then two weeks at the Chicago Theatre before starting } "The Big Top" . . . Scott Brady cancelled English plans to do "The I Wrestler's Honeymoon" when the contract called for a year's play date I . . . Lori Nelson joined the injured knee brigade when she fell during a dancing lesson . . . An aspiring technical adviser applied for the job I in "King of the Khyber Rifles," saying, "I've been handling Khyber rifles for 40 years." Ow's that again? . . . Both Twentieth-Fox and i Republic have registered "The Black Widow." So, somebody's gotta die. * * * ?√ßijBr Perc Westmore will make a mere $8,000 for six makeup lectures in " Japan this November . . . And brother Frank heads to Indianapolis after "The Glass Web" to see Paula Karr. And the reason may be matrimony ! . .. . Why don't the so-called Strip night clubs take a tip from the Bar \ of Music where you get two top acts for your money . . . The new Eastman super-super speedy film will save Uncle Darryl a lot of Jfnoney ?√ß in lighting his sets . . . Marlon Brando's taking chirping lessons ?╟÷ dead serious . . . Mike Pate hopes the role of an Apache Chief in "Hondo" does for him what Cochise did for Jeff Chandler . , . Lance Fuller, long absent from the bistros, pointed his return to the Mocamo^with Kathleen Hughes . . . When asked what part she will play in Maurice Schwartz's "God, Man And Satan," Maralou Gray answered: "The I- shiksa." ^^'- vV^>- RTHE OMGINAL 1 OMEIKF PRESS CLIPPINGS ?√ß?√ß lei. CHelsea 3-8860 */* Xf#j ?un?╜ 10.. S MerrilLW tmis Arm. ^h,witgyeSMm%\ ?..-?╟? Blgtm, Cozy Cole. kJ^ff Marty XapoleonJ haw Cegeys (2), jacJc w, PammOfarner, Charles ^prtsf(4), Copa Girls liivnatm (14); no cover of ^JfeV%??ife'the combination Utr^blL3Sri1] and L??uis Armstrong wW5ns free-wheeling jazz ?hl01rSnnr0,Sd Seem like runnfnl -hhm $5 R<?om?╟? gamble ??retty nigh. Not only does the current wlZa p^Vff ^ Praise, but wfll beckon full loads of nocturnal Merrill steps out of his Meters tVH otherwise longhair && firJ??J^COme a solid cli*k m nis first nitery appearance. (See New Acts). Following the Arm! Ri5f^n0,*iS!s?ion roeks the Copa ?╜ MWlth great soloing and ensemble work is the first be local glumph for the Pied Piper Jf Storeyyille dives, CanxeSe HjS! ??Σ≤G.erts'oPJus ?╜** afterTX?strelh- Ifff ? w* 35 lears- Perbaps the ul- jtra settmg shows Louis off to h?·?· k?I ~ goes- CaPtivating with his \m Barney Bigard (clarinet) and w?thel??^hTaw (?·ass) have ajubflee with "C Jam Blues." Martv Nan? leon whips up a furious S IcofZ 0?·M i58' backed by Cozy ^^nbeatingandSha^bS *?·_& 3^nn Mjddleton rolls on floo?-Sp?it ?re' ithAterp!and Middled %&*?& _&**?· a-yis. is a yockworthy sonSst sl- queled ^by a hell-for-leather Col^ j bombast on "Mop MojJ^f C??le The Cerpeys whirl ^ah&it th?╜ choreography for the rnSPrKif BeIB?╜_^ I will clme S11!^' ^approvement I stviPrt ^lu h ??ch sh??w. Lushlv Parr. r<Jl so \?? ln opener, with Rav??^ commendations go to fecdtsdJ?hreaiiSirings for ton"l ef! exact V6r Sound big and 1 Will. - W^ISHED 1888 BAj|^y:7.537, MM. CLL'PPING BUREAU jfeS^urch Street - New York j HOLLYWOOD CHATTER Tallulah's $20,000 Pay Keeps Her^toi of View OMABAM HOLLYWOOD ?╟÷ tween shows at the, ' are paying me people might n always does,h _ lkhead goes into hiding be- , regas, explaining, "You people r If I come out between shows ?√ßy'Jo see me perform." But Tallu when it isn't rehearsed. TRed Skelton's doctor was telling him I tow wen he l00ked> and Red Su ?Σ≤ don't know how pale I am under the tan"' The best-looking man in town these Chrisf ThGT JamCS KeUer' head ?·?· Ctotophers. Staying at the R0Z Russell- Fred Brisson house, he is completing a new half-hour telefilm featurmg /our Ap greats-for the Christopher" move ^ John Wayne celebrated his victorv over Chata with a party f0r 30 at the Macayo, On his right sat the girl most hkely .to be the next Mrs. John w!l ^^?╟÷-p P-uvian Pilar Pallette. begi^ai^Tev^ the it's a good ide?S try ST^?^S?'P0?L ^ not sure ! months old!^ JamVVio^ pS 1^ When only 6 their pool as an infant, woutdh't S^SL*5?? Was tossed into was old enough to protest g n?Θ╝ar the water when she i jnawnMrran^ low on Mojdhezj- -TnOWTV3L?╤l,WTv4 i^Jtlli ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU Established 1888 SAN FRANCISCO Los Angeles Portland - Seattle Las Vegas, Nev. Review Journal (Cir. 11,043) JUH t 2 1953 \Jn the ZJc own J_?·_4__- with ala^i#is6ni Things I Just Fpmll Out Today |?║ i Barneir Ros^ImoIigMn'kiifcto .#tM referee last nite's fights Tat Cashman FieC^.<. TheMaflie A Los Angeles to3 ^+m, his I wife's Sr passed aw^y *n#ew York ..... She insisted,that he fullfill his Las Vegas.cSrfitnitment before joining her m Gotham . . . Barney refereed a fOUf-iS>uhde.r which turried out to be^otie-round, due to a TKO, #nd the six-i^ya^-^1i&^.He_ refused, good-na-| turedly, t^efeHfe the main,: ev??&t |ecaus.e of his personal fnend- i ship withiDOth gladiators. ;^S WW* -W^t In addition to this his niW frtends at the Strip hotels Kept! asking h^4otA$:>f%rs^al opinioft in the big go and when he 1 found himsel^liY^ faMkmm simultaneously .disposed to hisl friends that u%de^^|#irC^stan|tes he could notf ^ndwouldj not, officiate ..%v1f*?·v#Keless, Johi% Black filled fu*mm?· adequately'an%the ^etators were proud of this Lis Vegan. TaUu has h^fehi legend of her fabulous salarylat the Sands 1 dispelled . . .Her weekly take was not twenty thousand bux .^.J It was $17,500. \ _^$_(W^ BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street - Istew York MlLY VARIETY HOL^IWOOD, CALIF. ui?^te ?· LSANIW / Las ^eg^^-Jtlne' Ms. ?╟÷ Once again ime savage pjffsuasiveness of LenM. Homes ^p transporting Copa R^^- apB^Hders ?╟÷ for the second tfflNSsffame period the thrush has performed at the Sands this year. Every indication points to beaucoup biz, and that confines will be strained to the utmost in providing enough tables for the customer stampede. Miss Horne never displayed her artistry more eloquently than on this stand. She has great eloquence in the smallest gestures, turn of a lyrical phrase, or slight musical nuance. Beginning with wit in( "It'll Come To You," she brings up the libido during "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered," spice in "I Want To Be Evil," fury for "Love," capricious humor in "Consequence," a saucy "Lady Is a Tramp," earthy sexiness in "I Love To Love," and finally "Stormy Weather" for an ovation. Jjgpnnie Hayton batons the Ray Sinatra crew in his ultra arrangements, plus sliding onto the Steinway bench for deft backgroundings of "Bewitched." Excellent rhythmic assists come from Miss Home's touring backstopping comb o?╟÷ Chico Hamilton, drums; Mrving- Joseph, 88; Wyatt Ruther, bass. Luxor Gali Gali has the?╜ntire house palmed quickly with his magico, especially during sleights with baby chicks and with audience participators. Lou Wills, Jr., pedals up a slow opening -?╜Eh his hoofing, but grabs big kmosing for reprise of acro-flips and full twist butterflies. Copa Girls are comingj| along in the footwork division, wifh newly stylized choreography by Bob Gilbert and Rene Stewar# Paced by four males, The Escoifs, who dance much better, the chicks have] to step lively to keep up. Charles Nelson warbles melodiously in production tunes, having cute Pam Garner as vis-a-vis. Ray Sinatra orch is a vital part of the click, measuring plenty of backgrounding and all of top calibre. Will.