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Water Questions Answered , (Editor’s n o t e : Believing there are many questions about the proposed water district which the public will want answered in order to yote intelligently at the election, October 19, the Review-Journal is running a question and answer quiz giving answers to some questions already V. apparent. Any voter is invited to send in his question and an answer will be provided.) Question —- Will the water' rates in the Las Vegas valley go up if the water district is formed? i Answer—Engineering experts' are of the opinion that the water i rates will remain where they are5 and' may even be a little cheaper I when the water district gets in, ; operation. Question—Will the present pri- 1 vately owned wells be taken5 | over by the water district or will,5 ; they be capped or, what? . Answer—The water district will have control only over thei ?' domestic'supply of water and w ill‘ be unable to exercise any. juris- 5 i diction over the private wells. , The state law sets up the state ‘ { engineer’s office as the unit controlling such wells and that law ? will remain on the statutes, . Question—Can the air force, 'base operate in this area w ith -, out the additional water which £ i the water district will provide? 5 . Answer—No. One of the prime » purposes of forming the water district is to supply sufficient ?s wafer for th e. base, which now I | is supplied by wells which will < | not be sufficient to take care of ? the anticipated needs at the base. ;