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    C O M P L A IN T - ABE MILLER President Luce read the following letter from Abe M iller dated April 4, 1959 and cm attached memorandum from Manager Renshaw. M r , Harvey E . Luce, President Board of Directors Las Vegas Valley Water District P . O . Box 1109 Las Vegas, Nevada Dear M r, Luce: O n March 10th last we remitted our check ^5854 for $97.88, paid under protest, as a consequence of a threatened action by one of your employees, who, presumably acting under orders, served notice that our water supply would be shut off forthwith unless we paid said $97.88. We were then instructed to corwninicate with your M r. M . E. Davis, which we d id . Because of a conflict in appointments, we are unable to appear before your Board in person to plead our position and contention that we feel we were wronged by a discriminative action of the Board during a period in 1957. 1. A t the outset we were billed for water used on a flat rate basis until the fall of 1956 of which time meters were installed and we were then placed on a metered rate. 2 . During August, 1957, the Water District switched us back to a flat rate b illin g . 3 . During September or O ctober, 1957, the Water District switched us back to a metered rate. 4 . Concurrently with the District's vacillatory method of billing us for water used, the District permitted certain water users to elect which method of billing they wanted, flat rate or metered rate. 5 . O u r position then (August and September, 1957) was to attempt to pay for water used based on metered b illin g, an election we felt was consistent with a privilege other users enjoyed. 6 . We contend the Board of Directors acted capriciously and with disregard of equity of one water users as against another. 7 . We now seek redress and ask that our remittance of $97.88 be repaid to us. Attached herewith you Will find Thermo-fax copies of a letter, copy of check *4929, and three water statements. We also enclose copies of this letter for the other Board members which we ask you to hand to them.