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Kol Badmidbar, newsletter from Midbar Kodesh Temple, January 2002



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    Kol BamidMbiadr bar Kodesh TEVET/SHEVAT 5762 January 2002 Volume IX Issue 1 New Board Inaugurated Midbar Kodesh Temple recently approved an uncontested slate for the Board of Direc-tors. The new officers will be Dr. Howard Baron, President; Amy Fieldman, Dr. Ed-ward Goldman and Laurie Green, Vice Presidents; Gail Alcalay, Treasurer; and Janet Stein, Secretary. The Board of Directors includes Dr. Stanley Ames, Steven Doctors, Dr. Andrew Eisen, Maria Hollander-Polott, Bernie Kaufman, Neal Lewis, Alan Roselinsky, Shel Sbarra and Randy Spoor. Both Shel Sbarra and Randy Spoor have served as congregational representatives, and take the place of two past Presidents, who stepped down from their board posi-tions to broaden the spectrum of voting rep-resentation. Past Presidents Barry Fieldman and Jerry Welt join founding President Mark Goldstein as active, non-voting board members. Each will take a specific portfolio to give continuity to the Board of Directors. Midbar names members to the Board as non-voting congregational repre-sentatives. Many take leadership roles by chairing committees. Returning representatives include Isaac Farrell, Isabel Goldberg, and Herb Zola. Newly appointed representatives in-clude Alan Sklar, Howard Perlman, and Sara-Ann Lipson. Come Worship with Midbar Kodesh Temple Shabbat Fridays, 7:30 pm Saturdays, 9:00 am Morning- Minyan Sundays, 9:30 am Mondays & Thursdays, 7:00 am Howard Baron to Serve Two Year Term as President Howard Baron was recently elected as President of Midbar Kodesh Temple and will serve the congregation for a two-year term. "I am truly honored that the membership of Midbar Kodesh has chosen me to lead the congregation," he said. "It is a particularly exciting time in the life of our Temple, as we have plans to invigorate our youth pro-gramming, adult education, building com-mittee, and increase our membership, which is approaching 300 families." Howard is the fourth President of our young congrega-tion. Howard is excited about the future of Mid-bar Kodesh Temple, and is especially pleased to be entrusted by the congregation with this pivotal position in shaping the growth of the Temple over the next few years. He recently attended the SULAM conference, sponsored by The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, which trains incoming synagogue presidents in a variety of areas involving congregational lead-ership. "I was inspired by SULAM to roll up my sleeves and get to work," he said. Howard has lived in Henderson for 8 1/2 years. He and his wife Bonni have been active in the Jewish com-munity on synagogue boards and committees, the Jewish Federation Young Leadership program, and (Continued on page 3) From the President 2 From the Rabbi 3 Education 4-5 Synagogue Ness 6,8-9 Birthdays & Anniversaries 7 Advertisements 10-12 Yeladim News 13 Yahrzeits 14 Tributes 14-15 Candle Lighting Times 16 Page t From the President It seems like only a short time ago that I received a call from then-president Barry Fieldman at home one evening. "Howard", he said, T d like you to be a congregational representative to the Board of Directors." My first inclination was to say, "oh, no Barry, I served on a synagogue board once already, and I know what it involves. Besides, I don't have the time what with my busy practice and so little time at home already with my family." "Don't worry," said Barry, "you won't really have to do anything except come to the Board meetings and learn what's going on at the synagogue." "Why do I need to do that," I said, "if I have no intention of ever being a member of the Board?" "Trust me," said Barry, "you'll come whenever you can, and do whatever you wish." With much hesitation, I began to attend the Board meetings, and soon I was appointed to a Rabbi search committee, headed by Jerry Welt. It was through that process that I began to truly take some "ownership" in the synagogue, and I began to feel a sense of commitment and passion for Midbar Kodesh that those who have served as president before me felt. I must say that many meetings and phone conferences later, my sense of ownership, responsibility and passion for Midbar Kodesh has only increased. While serving as a volunteer at the synagogue has at times been frustrating and tedious, it has never once felt like a waste of time. I am fortunate to have recently attended a conference held by United Synagogue for incoming presidents called SULAM. SULAM refers to a ladder, which we are all attempting to climb on our "Jewish journey". Some of us are on different rungs of the ladder than others in terms of observance of kashrut, rituals, and educational background. Each of us has an obliga-tion as a Conservative Jew to try to climb the ladder a bit, whether it means attending an adult education class, helping in the kitchen for Shabbat, serving on a committee, or helping build the sukkah. It is my goal as I take the honor of being president of Midbar Kodesh Temple, to help each of us on the ladder to attain a higher rung. There are so many opportuni-ties to choose from, but getting started is sometimes hard, and there are as many excuses not to participate as Carter's has liver pills (what were those ever for, anyway?). Every time I walk into the synagogue, I learn something new about someone in the congregation who has a special talent or flair for something that I never knew they had. As I get to know all of you, I am hoping to capitalize on each of your strengths, so that we may put them to good use in our congregation. Please make sure you let me or one of our board mem-bers or committee chair people know what you'd like to do to lend a hand, so that we can continue to be a congregation of people who pitch in and help each other, in good times, as well as in times of trouble. May my term as President of Midbar Kodesh Temple bring honor to those who have served as President before me, and may we continue to enjoy the fruits of our labors together for many seasons to come. B'virkat Shalom Howard Baron M i d i txai r K o d e s h T e r n itp i l e Green Vailey Ranch 1940 Paseo Verde Parkway Henderson, NV 89012 Phone 454-4848 Fax 454-4847 Email Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn Cantor Robert D Fisher Administrative Director jacqui Stiegiitz Religious Scnool Director Mira SioDody USY Co-Directors Rina Roselinsky r/arci Riceberg Yeladim Preschool Director Karen Marano PresiCent Howard Baron Editor Ellen Barre Spiegel Contributing Editor Marcy Welt J S o \ J g n m i d b a r Published Monthly Pcufo 3 Koi &am\dbat From the Rabbi Beginning the year with Mitzvot Fourteen months ago, I dedicated my bulletin article to educating our congregation about the importance of building a Hevra Kadisha, a Jewish burial society. I explained that one of the greatest mitzvot we can perform is kevod hamet, hon-oring the dead. This is considered a hesed shel emet, an eternal act of kindness. Looking back, more than a year later, I am pleased to say that we have a well-functioning Conservative Hevra Kadisha in Las Vegas. Volunteers from Beth Sholom and Midbar Kodesh have joined hands to serve this important function in our community. Unfortunately, we have had several occasions to call them into service. Traditionally, the Hevra Kadisha is comprised of anonymous, volunteer, Jewish laypeople who have been trained in the Jewish laws of burial. Since they are anonymous, members of the Hevra Kadisha do not expect any special recognition for the work that they do for our community. It is the purest of mitzvot which often brings a tremendous spiritual lift to the lives of those who participate. With the establishment of King David, Las Vegas' first Jewish Memorial Chapel and Cemetery, the demand for a Hevra Kadisha has exceeded all of our expectations. In fact, requests for our Hevra Kadisha have come from members of many other synagogues as well as the unaffiliated. As a result, we are stretching the number of volunteers quite thin in order to meet the needs of the community. So again, I am turning to you for help. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering for the Hevra Kadisha, or any other mitzvah opportunities in the community, please speak with me privately. I cannot think of a more beautiful way to begin the year 2002. Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhom New President (Continued from page 1) Women's American ORT. Their children Alayna and Zoe attend the Midbar Kodesh Religious School. Howard Baron is a Pediatric Gastroenterologist in private practice in Las Vegas. Hanukkah Dinner a Success The Midbar Kodesh family was presented with a very special treat on Decem-ber 15 by the TOCLV (The Oldest Chavurah in Las Vegas) Chavurah. TOCLV hosted a congregational Chanukah dinner that was attended by 100-*-! The Midbar Congregational family gathered to share Minha and Maariv services. All in attendance joined together to light the Chanukah candles for the seventh night followed by Havdalah. Dinner was prepared and served by the TOCLV members. The evening was complete with a lovely meal, games, songs, and prizes. A special thank you to the TOCLV members for all their hard work and generosity: Myra and Isaac Farrell, Linda Vinik, Audrey and David Funk, Karen and Marc Simon, Matt and Susan Shlisky, Phyllis Harris and Gary Segal, and Laurie and Steven Green. The Lewis Family Gift Shop Is Open In the Main Rotunda ? By appointment Tuesdays & Thursdays 4 to 6 pm Sundays 9:30 to 11:30 am During Religious School Hours Pcufe 4 Religious School Director Mira Slobody Welcome back and Happy 2002! It is my hope that you had a wonderful and relaxing vacation. Now that it's school time again, we have some exciting things to look forward to. Each of our classes will be leading a Friday evening Shabbat service. We also hope to have our 6th grade participate in Saturday morning services, with the possibility of the other grades following in their footsteps. We will continue with our music program one Sunday a month. This has been a wonderful addition to our program. Tu B'Shevat (The Jewish New Year for the trees) comes at the end of this month. So, as you can see, we will be busy. Our students are eager to learn and our teachers are committed to motivating our students to their greatest possible level. We now have a specialist on staff? to continue to help the students improve their Hebrew reading skills and enhance our curriculum. We strive to provide the BEST religious school program we can, and, as always, the support of our parents is appreciated. The religious school thanks all those who participated in our cookie dough fund-raiser. TodahRabah, Mira Students Design Special Mitzvah Projects Michael Fieldman, who became a Midbar Bar Mitzvah last February, completed his Mitzvah Project at Thanksgiving time. He had set aside a portion of his Bar Mitzvah Gift monies and allocated them to purchasing Thanksgiving Food baskets for those in need. Together with his mother Amy Fieldman and Sue Goldman, Michael delivered 19 baskets, complete with Turkey and trimmings to families in Las Vegas. First graders Joshua Cane and Jordan Doctors just completed their Birthday Mitzvah projects. Josh and his mother Susan Cane visited residents of a senior citizen home in November, reading to them and sharing stories. Jordan collected the pink tops from Yoplait Yogurt, sending them in to be counted as part of the Susan Koman Breast Cancer Project. In addition, the First Graders in Miss Abbie's class will each take a Birthday Tzedakah project. Box Tops for Education Midbar Kodesh Temple Religious School is a registered participant with Box Tops for Education. The Religious School will receive $.10 for every General Mills "Box Top' we turn in. These special tops can be found on such products as Big G Cereal, Yoplait Yogurt multi-packs, and Betty Crocker products. This may not sound like much money, but it can really add up quickly, so be sure to save your box tops and bring them into the synagogue!!! In making this part of the curriculum, Miss Abbie's First Graders learn early about Tikkun Olam, Building a Better World. Midbar encourages all students to participate in a Mitzvah Project. If your family has a special idea and needs help from Mid-bar families, please contact the synagogue, or Tiffany Doc-tors, Social Action/Tikkun Olam Co-Chair, so we may help you put this in motion. Tiffany may be reached at 382-2030 (day) (Email) Paget Kot BamiMar USY News Welcome back to everyone! We cannot wait to start off the new year with a bang. You all should have received your calendars for the months ahead. Here is | a little preview for what January has to offer: January 12th?Li mo Scavenger Night January 13th?Katan Mystery Day January 23 rd?Senior USY Night January 27th?USY Mitzvah Project Kadima Mystery Day We can't wait to see you there! If you are not a member of Kadima or USY, you can pick up an application at the synagogue. USYours, Marci and Rina THURSDAY FOR THOUGHT Thursday, January 3rd 12:00 pm?1:00 pm Mini Course U3 Jewish Parenting in the 21st Century Parents face many challenges in our modem world. Come explore how Judaism cannot only help answer some of our most difficult ques-tions, but also give our children a sense of pur-pose and self-worth. Sundays, January 13th and 27th 10:15 am- 11:30 am If you are interested you must call the office to RSVP. Cost: No fee for members $18.00 non-members The Youth Commission will meet at the Synagogue on January 9, 2002 at 7 pm UNITED SYNAGOGUE YOUTH'S ANNUAL MMQ SCAVENGER. HUNT& PINNER IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. THIS EVENT IS TAKING PLACE SATURDAY, JANUARY 12. 2002 THE COST IS $20.00 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT MICHAEL NAFT ~ 898-5226 ~ MINK.IEOO70AOL.COM Who is Looking at Your Genes? What genetic tests do you or your family really need? Who gets the results? Employers, insurance companies, agencies...? How accurate are these tests? Join us for the second of three symposia focused on Bio-Medical Ethics.* Guest Panelists: WHEN: WHERE: Michael Levin, M.D. - Medical Geneticist Stan Kersen, M.D. - Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, University of Nevada School of Medicine Andrew M. Eisen, M.D. - Director, Pediatric Residency Program, University of'Nevada School of Medicine Thursday .January 3r d , 7pm - 8:30pm Midbar Kodesh Temple Please contact Jacqui Stieglitz at 454-4848 to register or for more information. Suggested donation for the entire series: $18 per family for MKT f]CC members; $36 for non-members *CME credit available PagtO Koi Ba mid bar Use eScrip and Support the Temple Fran Goldberg is happy to report the following proceeds from eScrip: June $202.22 July $217.08 August (No report available) September $208.02 October $159.41 November $354.54 There are currently 25 participants in the program. The Temple needs YOUR support On a monthly basis, Vons gives us: 2% if we spend up to $200 3% if we spend $200-$300, and 4% if we spend over $400 Chevron gas donates 2% of the money you charge for gas on your Chevron card. Contact Fran Goldberg to enroll in the eScrip program or if you have any questions about eScrip. She's available in the evening at 458-5174 or at ?Scrip ? i l Z v u m - - - ? (InniveMcvuf S&aMat anil Be ededwted at MiMwt JCadedb Senvpte. JatLuwaf, 11tk at 7:3C ptti e-mail h Is a great tool to keep up-to-date with Midbar happenings. Set weekly updates on all Synagogue functions, activi-ties and committee projects. Send an e-mail to Changes at Kol Bamidbar Steve Greer Steps Down as Editor Steve Greer, who served as Editor of Kol Bamidbar for 16 months, stepped down from that position in order to spend more time de-veloping his business. Steve also brought "Midbar At The Movies" to our congregation, making tickets available to premiere showings. "Midbar At The Mov-ies" has had quite a following. Steve has made the tickets available to Midbar mem-bers free of charge and has asked that a dona-tion be made to the synagogue. Moviegoers have been generous and have made this a successful fundraiser and well as a monthly, sometimes bi-monthly, fun-raiser. A special thank you to Steve for his hard work & dedication Steve and his bride, Tern Baskin Greer, are regular Friday night attendees, and belong to the Shabbatnik Chavurah. Terri served as Membership Chairperson, when she sat on Midbar's Board of Directors. Steve and Terri were recently married at Midbar, becoming the first couple to be mar-ried in the new building. A special thank you to Steve for his hard work and dedication in bringing our monthly bulletin to the congrega-tion. Though he steps down from this monthly task, he and Terri will continue to be active members of Midbar Kodesh Temple. A new member, Ellen Barre Spiegel, as-sumes the job as the Editor of Kol Bamid-bar. She and her husband Bill joined Mid-bar last March soon after they moved here from Santa Monica, California. Many of us met them at our Academy Awards Party. At that time, she mentioned that she would love to become an active part of the congregation. Ellen is a mem-ber of the Malka Schwartz Chavurah and attends morning minyan several times a month Ellen owns a consulting firm that special-izes in strategic planning and marketing, and we're glad that she's using her talents to help Midbar. Marcy Welt has graciously agreed to con-tinue her writing for Kol Bamidbar and has been named Contributing Editor. P a 9 e 7 KotBamiMc* 3> UlkZoMt & @ Anne Frank Max Frank, Alan Kolsky, Janet Belcove? Shalin 2 Joseph Kover, Joshua Simon Marc & Sandi Cramer* 3 Mark Goldstein & Gail Alcalay* 4 5 Bonni Baron, : Judith Lewis, . Ann Shapiro | Aaron Winkler | \ Noa Slobody 7 Ronald Zuckerman 8 Jeffrey Karp 9 Ari Cohen, AJ Eisen, Rudy Gerson, Lauralee Rothman 10 Ben Mehr, Jeanette Schwartz, Ivan Segal 11 Lois Husney 13 I Hannah Prey 14 | Jordan ] Abolofia, jj Leah Trujillo j 15 | Maria Kahan, I Lawrence | Monkarsh, ; Arlene | Popowcer 16 Morgan Kaminsky, Brian Lipman, Jake Perlmutte.r 17 Gregory Goussak, Aron Mizrahi, Jason Perlmutter {H1 9 \Amy \ Roberts, I Danielle Segal 20 \ Jesse \ Doroshow <22 j Dori Golan 23 Nir & Dori Golan* 24 David Dzarnowski t 25 Michelle Harnik, Neil Herman, Daniel I Riceberg 26 | Carl I Genberg r 28 Saddie Borgen 30 Jeffery Belkoff \ Alistair & I Cynthia \ Crighton* 31 Jonathan & Francine Bernstein*, Robert & Arlene Popowcer* f *Note: Anniversaries are j marked with an asterisk ("*") \ Paftt New Committees Formed KotBamidiar There are many standing committees func-tioning at Midbar Kodesh Temple and at one count we had over 75 volunteers busy every day of die week, trying to accom-plish the many tasks that it takes to run a synagogue. Before taking office, Howard Baron re-viewed the work being done, re-established some priorities and made adjustments and changes to some committees. In speaking to those who would become his Board he found that some talents have been yet untapped. To give continuity to the large job of Membership, he left Laurie Green to chair that position Neil Lewis will continue to serve as Finan-cial Officer. Past President Barry Fieldman will still head Fundraisng. Howard then assigned Adult Education to Stan Ames; Religious Education to Sara Ann Lipson; Facilities to Andy Eisen; Rit-ual to Mark Goldstein; Budget to Alan Roselinsky; Youth Commission to Randy and Ilene Spoor and Kitchen to Amy Fieldman, Janet Stein and Karen Simon. Others on the Board await their assignments. Members of the congregation are encour-aged to join a committee or head up a spe-cial project that needs to be accomplished. Wendy Roselinsky Steps Down As Youth Commissioner Wendy Roselinsky, congregational repre-sentative, will step down from that position after serving Midbar Kodesh as Youth Com-mission chairperson for more than three years. Wendy was recently named Principal of William R. Lummis Elementary School after being the Principal at Bracken Elemen-tary School for several years. Steven Doctors has been working with Larry Wiederhom to establish a Men's Club and they need help. Several women have been talking about putting together a Sisterhood. Both projects involve great commitment and self-starting leadership. Contact a chairperson or the synagogue at 454-4848 if you have interest in a specific committee or project Learn Israeli Dancing! Classes with Amnort Eilat every Tuesday night in the Sanctuary from 7:30-9-30 pm. Admission $5. Wear comfortable shoes! Wendy brought a strong Judaic background to the Youth Commission as well as past experience as a USY Director. She has had a long association with United Synagogue A special Thank You goes to Wendy for her work and. dedication to the youth of our synagogue Youth and the Pacific Southwest Region of United Synagogue. Midbar Kodesh Temple will always remember the very successful regional Kadima Kinnus that she brought to our synagogue when we pitched our first tent in the Catcus Garden parking lot to ac-commodate over 100 4th through 6th grad-ers. The memorable "snow day" was part of that weekend's experience. Wendy's daugh-ter. Rina Roselinsky Sterling, will continue as Co-Director of Midbar's youth program-ming. Nancy Gerson To Continue as Gift Shop Co-Chair A thank you goes to Nancy Gerson, who served as a congrega-tional representative to Midbar Kodesh Temple for the past year. Nancy co-chairs the Lewis Family Gift Shop with Pauline Greenfield. Both will continue to keep the gift shop stocked with beautiful gift items and share the time in keeping the gift shop open. They are looking for volunteers to help staff the shop, which is open during Religious School hours, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 pm to 6 pm and Sundays from 9:30 am til 11:30 am Chavurot News Fran Marco has changed her email address. If you're in a Chavurah or are interested in joining a new one, please con-tact Fran using her new email address: Chavurot are great ways to have fun and get to know others in the Midbar family. New Chavurot are forming now (see "Synagogue News" on next page). Additionally, we're looking for a volunteer to organize the "Mavens" Group, for members 55+ years young . Call the office if you wish to volunteer. Page 9 Koi BamidSat "Estate" Art Auction and Sale Wondering what to do with the works of art that do not fit into your new home? Midbar Kodesh Temple has just the answer! Do-nate your famous and not so fa-mous art collection to the syna-gogue so that Midbar can list them for sale at the Sunday eve-ning, February 10 "Estate" Art Auction and Sale. Check with your CPA to see what tax advan-tage this might mean to you and call Midbar Kodesh Temple to arrange for a pickup or drop off of your donation. The February 10th "Estate" Art Auction and Sale was postponed from December, so mark your calendars with the new date. Mark Your Calendars... ? Religious Education committee meeting on Tuesday, January 8th at 7:00 pm. ? Youth Commission meeting on Wednesday, January 9th at 7:00 pm. ? Board of Directors meeting on Monday, January 14th, at 8:00 pm. Synagogue News Congratulations to Laurie Green and Fran Marco who organized a very suc-cessful Havurah Fair and New Member Open house last month and are in the process of beginning new Havurot. Please contact Fran Marco ( if you would like to join any of the following Havorot Singles - Seniors; Singles - Mid-Lifers; Singles - Young Adults; Empty Nesters; Bridge Club; Theater Buffs; Families with Teenage Children; Families with Young Children; Challah Baking; Dinner Club; Sports Buffs. Additionally, there seems to be some interest in beginning a Sisterhood. Please contact the Midbar office (454- 4848 or if you are interested in seeing this happen. Larry Wiederhom has already hosted an introductory meeting to establish a Men's Club. If you are interested please email him at: or call 361-7793. Please contact the following if you are interested in any of the following commit-tees or volunteer opportunities. Membership Committee Idgreen20@prismcc. com Laurie Green 458-1101 Youth Commission Randy & lleen Spoor 614-6864 Office Volunteer Jacqui Stieglitz 454-4848 Gift Shop volunteer Jacqui Stieglitz 454-4848 Pauline Greenfield Nancy Gerson NSchmertzl Get Well wishes go to Ardie Block who is recovering from back surgery; & to Bob Alpert, also recouping after surgery. Condolences to Robin Klein and Family on the loss of their mother and grand-mother Vivian Markowitz; to Gary and Blanche Rever on the loss of their son, Brian to cancer To The Cane Family on the loss of Michael's mother, Lee Mekel-burg. Spotlight: Called to Dut}' A new feature of Kol Bamidbar is called "Spotlight." Each month, we will honor one or more congregants who are doing something special. Our first spotlight honors Jonathan Stone, and Robert Frazier, military reservists who begin active duty this month. The December 28 Shabbat services recognized Jonathon and Robert and our Midbar members who are or have served in the military defending our country. Please join the congregation in pray-ing for their safe return. Special thanks to Shel Sbarra for sug-gesting the Spotlight feature. Please contact Marcy Welt to nominate con-gregants who are doing out-of-the-ordinary things. JAidbar needs a sofa/^ .f you have a sofa that you can < donate, PLEASE call the office. _ PoufcIO Kot^cmiUM Beth Am Adult Day Care Center A Service For The Entire Community Located in Summerlin 8 3 8 - 3 5 5 4 u ft-d ay ca Buy 1 Entree - 50% off 2n d Entree iPkase present coupon & Dine-111 only) Horizon Kidgr Kd Phone: 407-*?00 Henderson. NV 89052 ? IN THF. ALBERTSON'S SHOPPING CENTER) AGONIZING OVER THE STOCK MARKET ? GET MARKET RETURN WITH NO RISK I YOUR PRINCIPAL IS GUARANTEED ! THE MARKET GOES IIP - YOU GAIN ! THE MARKET GOES DOWN - YOU DON'T LOOSE ! NEVER EVER LOOSE MONEY IN THE STOCK MARKET AGAIN I THE INDEX ANNUITY DAVID L. KOGER CSA, CLTC, CIEP 702 263 7944 NATIONAL COMMUNITY FOUNDATION LIVINFRGE TER UST $ 0 NO COST, NO OBLIGATION DAVID L. KOGER CSA. CLTC, CIEP 702 263 7944 S t A l i a i u r y a n b CJift P f f u t i q u i 10000 Aout lk Kn*tcrn Avenue. # 150 Henderson. NevndB 89052 702-367-0999 Tux. 702-3^7-3001 ?paui Carmtli Carol M c C u l I o o j h MICHAEL J. NOVICK Wells Fargo Tower Senior Vice President 3800 Howard Hughs Pkwy. Financial Advisor Ste. 800 Las Vegas. NV 89109 800-755-7270 702-737-8114 Morgan Stanley 702-732-9652Fax Morgan Stanley Dean Winer is now Morgan Stanley. Mofpn Sanir. ?t ?er^oe mvb oi Mofpn Su/iirv Oan UVrr 6c Co. ScrriasaivoftndriMough \toTj?n Smilty DSC Inc mcrabtr Si PC 0 200! SlMpm Sunk? 01 lot AGAVE T h e C u l t u r e Zone GREEN VALLEY PLAZA 2706 Greco Valley Parkway Henderson. NV 89014 7 0 2 ? 5 4 7 . 1 0 9 8 Please Support our Advertisers? Page 11 KoiBamtMai Joan Lipman, CRP REALTOR* 1389 Galleria Drive Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89014 Bus:(702) 992-7548 Cell: (702) J40-9846 Fax:(702) 795-8718 Email: joflnlipman@aol.cooi Website: Reality Executive of Nevada ? Independently Owned & Operated MASSAGE r OR HEALTH Prweni iht* card for 2&i n\int? WOMEN OXLV By Appointment Only Call RochcMe (702>27<^88SI S50.00 Per Hour Snri) a Pom PeUef Dra> Tux* Swedish CffTlfitd A Affordable Elana Silberstein Professional, Personal. Efficient Service and That's The "Bear Facts " Private: (702)897-8788 Cell: (702) 461-1888 Fax: (702) 361-1125 E-Mail: 7331 W. Charleston Blvd. Suite 160 Las Vegas, NV 89117 Happy New Year From Elana Silberstein Attention Buyers or Sellers: I'll pay your Home Warranty for you! FREE $300 VALUE Save this ad and call m e @ 897-8788 I am always Happy to help you and anyone you know. 1 I jw S. E. Midbar Kodesk Temple Congratulates Cantor Bob Fisker on ^beginning kis fiftt gear as producer and kost of Observations; and for receiving tke 2001 Electronic Media Award for "Best Puklic Affairs Program on Las Vegas Radio. Tune in And join Boliaslieliosts OBSERVATIONS KQOL 93.1?FM at 6 - 6 : 3 0 am KJUI.104.3?FM at 6:30-7 am Tkis Sunday and every Sunday. ^ 'Tke Public sRigkt to Know!" g W A a a i A ? kL a aa y, a i a i, kL i. A A pnQf ft Hot gamkUof PCeciAe Sufaftont owi rfcCvertUteM SPOOR & ASSOCIATES INC. CONIIILIANTK IN GtVT 4 SOL'VCNIK Sales and Makkctinc Randy Spoor H11e2n4d Wersinotne.r NSVto 8rm99 5D2r . RS2J94<ii AOI PFHixO: NE: 77 ?022- 7-?7?4-65-9820?S I Toll Free ???-74?-5?2? Murray Artman will donate a Murray Artman percentage of each pre-arrangement he makes with a PALM '?MORTUARIES CFAIETERIM cmmoimib 7600 S. Eastern Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89123 (702)464-8520 Res: (702) 456-9043 Midbar Kodesh Temple Member. Dee's Paralegal Business Service Dolores Dee Laverty 22 years experience Estate Planning, Trusts, Wills, Power of Attorney, Corporations and Other areas of law Dee will come to your home or office 480-5513 HAJfA mSIAURANl for the Finest in Mediterranean Cuisine JLetcu @atex Ifrcn VanUeA WE DELIVER 855 EAST TWAIN AT SWENSON UN06RTHE HASHGACHA OF CHABAD 791-1956 CRFATIVE CUSTOM Tcr:\Teimrcts <* MORF. Theme fjrtics B..t, Kj( Milzvahs MwmersAVedd rngs fvenis Su?.an Schvman 768-7*53 i f f r c ; Your Logo Or Message On Over One-Half Million Promotional Products...Even Clothing! Promote Your Image and Support Midbar Kodesh! With every Order, A Donation is Made To Our Synagogue Adventures i i ^Advertising^ Las Vegas Promotional Items For Corporate Campaigns, Product Introductions, Special Events, B'nai Mitzvot, Trade Shows and More! Jill & Nils Flanzraich Ph: 436-0867 Fax: 436-0905 E-mail: m cNe?Er?AriccL PuEBu.C LACECOWv*TIANS? NEAL E. LEWIS. C.P.A. ?U?*C CCNTuOr PAS? 77t CAS.? ?t.A?iNC5 ?OAC S. Ah VEOAS. NEVADA OOllO (702: 369-2333 i702! 369-6C99 Pag* 13 Koi &nmid6ai , its wants to acknowledge the celebrations of life and joy with our congregants, as well as the illnesses and sadness that complete life's circle. .,.--? . -.... ?? ?. -.??.-..'??.??.-'"?? ? - . Please call, or have someone call for you, immediately, so that we may serve your needs. jacqui Stieglitz, Administrative Director or Rokki WtprVrhnrn 4 If there is an emergency after business hours, please contact Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn 361-9966 or Cantor Bob Fisher 361-8087 ?; ? ? - ???v - -??; ;.?:?? .. : - ' i ? ????; ??'. : V- ACKNOWLEDGE FRIENDS & FAMILY WITH A TRIBUTE OR % DONATION Call Jacqui 454-4848 Or Roz Sbarra 896-2598 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o f Yeladim Preschool and Kindergarten January Openings Available ft o If you are unhappy with the quality of education or the environment of your child's current preschool or kindergarten, ^ it's time to take a look at what Yeladim Academy at Midbar Kodesh Temple has to offer! Our class sizes are small, our curriculum is academically challenging, and our daily attention to the traditions of our religion are certainly more ^ prevalent than any secular school. A Yes, there is a Jewish preschool and all-day kindergarten in Green Valley... and we are it! While other schools are do- A o mg a "few" Chanukah projects, we have devoted three weeks of fun art projects to the holiday. While new programs fy* are being started to teach young children about the Jewish religion, our Pre-K class sings Hatikvah every day. The chil- ^ A dren have enjoyed playing with the dreidel so much that our Chanukah Program on Thursday, December 13th was ? called "The Dreidel That Wouldn't Spin". Yes-a Chanukah Program - not a Holiday Program where the chorus sings one song for Chanukah between "Rudolph" and "The First Noel". ft fto fto ft ft ft ft V"' ... And ta