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I agree.agg FREEMAN COMPANY pub/fc/sts Cy>K-o.v;; >:v \ J 0/29/57 / ff B, Jf> ' \J: ij Mr. Charles Nichols INTL NEWS PHOTOS 1111 8. Broadway Los Angeles, Cal. Bear Charlie, This will confirm the reservation at the Sands for Captain and Mrs. Ben Benfrow, the winner of this year's prise at the Photographic Seminar held by the LAHP. I have set reservations at the Sands for the Benfrows for arrival Triday, October 11 for the weekend as guests of Mr. Jack Bntratter and the Sands as per our arrangement each year with the Newspaper Photographer's Association. X have also set up a Copa reservation for Saturday, October 12, at 7:30 PH to see the Jane Bussell show and have dinner as our guests. I will be in Texas at that time, but if Captain Benfrow needs any help, please ask him to contact Miss Xleanor Both, who is Jack's secretary, and she will be glad to help these people. It's a pleasure to work with you on this prise and I hope we can make the vacation for Captain Benfrow enjoyable and memorable. Kindest regards. A1 freeman 9508 WIL SHIRE BLVD. ?╟≤ BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. ?╟≤ BRADSHAW 2-8611