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Merchant's Memos MERCHANT'S WARNING SYSTEM^The Merchant's Bureau is extremely proud of the success it has had with its newly- installed warning system to aid in the capture of bad check passers and "would- be" forgers. There are over 300 members in this system now and within a matter of 20 minutes a phone alert can reach every member. There have been several alerts sent out recently, and through the cooperation of the merchants and the Police Department, several arrests have been made. The Merchant's Bureau is very pleased at how much help it has received from the members in this project. Each time an alert is sent out, the message is passed on rapidly and efficiently and has proved to be of great benefit to our local businessmen. BRAND NAME APPLICATIONS - A brand name file is in the process of being completed which will contain the name of every product sold in Las Vegas and where this product can be obtained. Several weeks ago a memorandum was sent to the merchants asking for their cooperation in setting up this file. So far, we have received many replies but would like to urge more members to send in their list. Remember Merchants, when someone calls for a certain article sold locally we can only refer them to your store IF we have your listing. Help this "Buy At Home" project. Call the Merchants Bureau for information. WE NEED NEWS! - We are planning on making this bulletin a monthly event and would like to hear some of your ideas on happenings, both past and future, that would be of interest to member merchants. If you can think of some item that you would like to have included in next month's bulletin, send it in. Encourage your neighbor to send in his news. The item can be personal or commercial, but no sale announcements, please. ' SALES PROMOTION MEETING r On June 17 the Sales Promotion ^mmittee hefld its first meeting. This committee is made up of merchants of the bureau whose purpose it is to work out new ideas on promoting retail business community-wide. The committee came up with some good ideas, and before long the impact will be felt throughout the town. MAKE A NOTE ! ! .-Silver Dollar Days are approaching rapidly. Prepare now to take advantage of these bonus sale days. Every business can reap a rich harvest if it plans properly. Mid-August is the time set so start looking around now for your specials. Don't miss this big event. More on this later. MEETING NOTICE - No meetings for the General Membership of the Merchants Bureau have been scheduled for the summer. The next meeting will be held in September. Plan to attend. A discussion of store hours is on the agenda. INTRODUCING NYKKI ?╟÷ New face in the department is Nykki Kinsley who has taken Jackie's place as Secretary. She has been with the Chamber for two weeks and has taken up reins without missing a step. Nykki who resides in Henderson with her husband and three children is shown checking through the Merchant's Warning System. -mm IP : ' : ' ,''.'?╟≤ - Pill ,.,r;-, ... ^ - <$*?√ß?╜ JUL JSITJP^ "' < ^ - - COOL WATERS ?╟÷ Another first for Southert Nevada was the recent Lake Mead Regatta sponsored by the Lake Mead Yacht Club in cooperation with the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce and designed to increase boating activity in the area. Photographers from the Las Vegas News Bureau, the publicity department of the Chamber, took television and still pictures of the event and released them to television networks and national publications. Goodbye Jackie "MISS" JACKIE'S GONE - "Miss" Jackie, as she was known to everyone at the Chamber resigned her position as secretary to the Merchants Bureau manager to take over her duties as wife, mother and homemaker. Jackie has been with the Chamber for three years, having worked in all divisions at one time or another. She is greatly missed by everyone, as she could always be counted on to come up with the right answer. Jackie has a husband and four children at home, so she will not have too much time on her hands. We look forward to her visits when she drops in for a minute now and again. SUPPORT THE LAS VEGAS WRANGLERS