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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Bn route Salt lake City to Butte, Feb. 4, 1905. Mr.W.H.Bancroft, o/o Oregon Short line. Salt lake, Utah- Dear Sir:- I.fees to acknowledge receipt of your valued favor of the 2?tli tilt» from Han Francisco,, enclosing copy of report made by Mr i:utile regarding conditions as he found them at Las Vegas Hanoii, so far as personal property is concerned, which I have read carefully and quite agree with you that we now |S||| information enough before us to take some action in regard to closing up the ranch matters at Las Vegas as quickly ae possible. I think we should dispose of the store at once and work off the cattle as ar.Iuttle suggests, killing uat is suitable for beef and shipping the yoking stock to Salt Lake where there appears to be a market for them. I am on ay way to Butte, will return to Salt lake Wednesday morning and start down over the line fhursday morning. If you do not see any objections, on my arrival at las Vegas, I will take up the question of having the younger stock rounded up and shipped to Salt lake as Mr.Subtle suggests, also the horses. X think it would be tetter for us , if we can lease the ranch instead of trying to operate it ourselves, as I do not believe we can make it pay by hiring help* I would not reoomrend that re make A long lease, only one year at a time. If we could get some good party