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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, December 11, 1979






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 9 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000225. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    MINUTES SENATE MEETING #6 December 11, 1979 4:00 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order The sixth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called or order by the Senate President at 4:00 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Kelly Campbell Carol Tarpley Bryan 0'Shields Bill Haldeman Dorothy Halpin Robert Stamper Rick Oshinski Susana Reyes "Skip" Kelley Dale Hulen Marty Burzinski Claire Dowell Pam Roberts David Martinez David Levins Cindy Simia Sandy Williams Ray Corbett III. Approval of Minutes #5 There were no corrections to the Minutes of Senate Meeting #5, therefore, they stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements President Goodall President Campbell called Dr. Goodall's Office and was informed that Dr. Goodall was out of town, and would not be able to attend the Senate Meeting. Governmental Workshop Recap Vice-President Wyman gave a brief recap on the workshop that took place on December 2, 1979. She commented that there were excellent speakers at the seminar. Also, there was an important section of the seminar given on Parlimentary Procedures. Senator Martinez personally thanked Vice-President Wyman, and commented that everything was ran very smoothly. Yell Editor Applications Senate President Alderman announced that the Executive Board is accepting appliaations no later than December 31, 1979. Publications Board Chairman Opening Senate President Alderman announced that BobAniello;resigned on December 10, 1979. Applications are due no later than December 31, 1979. Minutes- Senate Meeting #6 December 6, 1979 Page 2 Faculty-Senate Meeting President Campbell attended the meeting which concerned the plus-minus grading system. They are considering sending out another referendum to faculty as a whole. It was requested that their executive board, come to the January 9 meeting and give the Senate their opinions, and ask question. President Campbell informed the Senate that the Graduate college would not use the plus, minus grading system. Radio Station Manager President Campbell informed the Senate that three people have applied for the position of Radio Station Manager. President Campbell also wants to have a session on campus where everyone on campus can come and talk to the people who are applying. Radio Station Building President Campbell talked briefly on the bids concerning the building of the Radio station. He reported that there is a little trouble in getting the plans drawn up. Note of Appreciation The Nevada Blood Service congratulated UNLV on doing and outstanding job on the blood drive. It was noted that UNLV contributed more blood than UNR. USUN'S Constitution Vice-President Wyman informed the Senate that she had made a request to Scott Koepff to send USUN'S latest constitution on December 6, 1979. T.V. Club Senate President Alderman announced that Under Item VI, Section D recongition of T.V. Club should be there under Organizations Board. Ad Hoc Conmencement Meeting Senate President Alderman attended the meeting. She served on it last year. President Goodall is asking the Senate to submitt names of people who they believe should receive the Distinguish Nevada award and service awards. There are three categories 1) Honorary Doctorate 2) Distinguished Nevadans 3) Meritorious Service. If you have any suggestions please contact Senate President Alderman. Mandatory Atheletic Fee Hie final report was sent out concerning the fee. There will be a copy in each Senator's box. Executive Board Nominations There were no nominations. Minutes- Senate Meeting #6 December 6, 1979 Page 3 •VT. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board Vice-President Wyman informed the Senate that a memo was sent out to make the Senators aware of why the budget has not been sent out yet. John Purvis has been receiving orders too late, and has not had time to get the statements to-gether. If a Senator lias any problems please contact Vice-President Wyman. B. Election Board Senator Tarpley read the minutes of the last Election Board meeting which included the Operating policy and Election rules. There was a moved to approve and was seconded. There were no further additions or corrections to the Minutes, therefore, they stood approved as read. Senator Tarpley moved to approve the Operating policy and Election Rules and was seconded. Discussion took place on the policy and rules. There was a call for the question, which passes with fourteen in favor, and four opposed. A vote was taken on the motion of passing the Operating Policy and Election Rules they both passed with fourteen in favor and four opposed. C. Entertainment & Programming Board Dave Gist, Chairman of Entertainment and Progranming, read the minutes of the Noverrber 28, 1979 meeting. Senator Roberts rove to approve and was seconded. There being no additions or correction to the Minutes they stood approved as read. An informal meeting was held on December 5, 1979. D. Organizations Board Jeff Wild, Vice-Chairman of the Organizations Board, read the Minutes of the meeting held on Noverrber 29, 1979. In the minutes was an amendment to their operating policy. Senator Pro Tempore Burzinski moved to aporove and was seconded. There being no further "additions or corrections to the Minutes they stood approved with one opposed. f - 1 • t •. - • • 1. Recognition of Organization Senator Roberts move to approve the T.V. Club for recogntion, was seconded and passed unanimously. E. No item E F. By-Laws Corrmittee Senator Oshinski read the Minutes of the meeting held on December 6, 1979. Senator Oshinski moved to approve and was seconded. There "being no further additions or corrections to the Minutes they stood approved as read. By-Law #10 was submitted to the By-Laws committee. The Senate will approve it at the next Senate meeting. G. Energy Comm. t tee Vice-President Wyman read the minutes of the December 5, 1979 meeting. Vice-President Wyman moved to approve and was seconded. Senator Oshinski asked Vice-President Wyman if students who signed up for car poolin in the Fall of 1979 would need to reapply. Vice-President Wyman said yes. There being no futher additions or corrections to the Minutes they stood approved as read. H. Ad Hoc Rebel Mascot Committee Senator I-Iulen passed the florr to Senator Oshinski who explained to the Senate the Resolution which was established to find a school a permanet logo. Senator Oshinski moved to approve the Resolution and was seconded. Discussion took place on the motion. Senator Pro Tempore Burzinski called for the ouestion which passed unananimously. Minutes- Senate Meeting #6 December 6, 1979 Page 4 A vote took place on the main motion to pass the Resolution which passed unanimously. The Senate shall approve the four student who will serve on the conmittee. I. Ad Hoc Club Hours Committee Senator Corbett informed the Senate of the results of a survey, he took which is to have clubs meet on only two days of the week on Tuesday and Thursday from 11:30-1:00, and no classes would be scheduled during this time. He reported that most people are in favor of this idea. The committee is planning to have an article in the "Yell". Senator Corbett moved to approve and was seconded. Senator Pro Tempore Burzinski suggested that the article should be big enough to attract the attention of the students. It was also suggested that Senators take an informal survey in their classes. There being no additons or corrections to the Minutes they stood approved. J. Ad Hoc Action Box Conmittee Senator Oshinski said /"a meeting was held on Deceirber 6, 1979. It was an informal meeting. . K. Ad Hoc Test File Conmittee Senator Pro Tempore Burzinski said there was no meeting. He asked that the people who are the committee give him their schedules so he can set up dates and times for the next meetings. VII. Old Business Senator Martinez read the Withdrawal Policy and Resolution. Senator Martinez moved to approve the Resolution and Withdrawal Policy and was seconded. Discussion took place. Senator Haldeman suggested an amendment to the Resolution. Senator Martinez asked that the matter be tabled until New Business Item C. Senate President Alderman approved. Senator Simia moved to suspend with the rules and move to Item VIII Section B and was seconded. The motion passes with seventeen in favor and one opposed. VIII. New Business B. Dave Gist, Chairman of Entertainment and Programing Board, gave a brief presentation on the NECAA Convention to be held on Feb. 14-17. He reguested that CSUN send three delegates instead of two there would be a difference of $593.00. Senator Simia moved to send three delegates to the convention and retain the floor the motion was seconded. Discussion then took place. Senator Pro Tempore Burzinski said that whoever the three people are, they should make sure they will return next fall. A vote was taken the motion passed with seventeen in favor and one abstention. VII. Old Business Senator Corbett was going to ask for a recission on giving the Chanter Singers the money, however, he went to a meeting of the Chanter Singers and decided not to. Senator Corbett reported that Dr. Peterson did know the procedures for ob-taining money from the Senate, but did not want to do it. Senator Corbertt wanted to send a letter to Dr. Peterson to let him know and also to remind him of the procedures. There was a moved to give Senator Corbett a vote of confidence in writing a letter to Dr. Peterson. An informal vote was taken with seventeen in favor and one abstention. Minutes- Senate Meeting #6 December 6, 1979 Page 5 VIII. New Business A. Senator Haldeman moved to approve the USUN'S Resolutions I & II also the Directive and was seconded. Senator Hulen moved to airmend Resolution II under the Therefore, to say will consider the possibility of withdrawing.and .was seconded. A vote was taken on the amendment and passed with fifteen in favor and two abstentions. Discussion took place on Resolution I. Senator Oshinski moved to divide the motion into three seperate votes. Chairman's decision which passed. Discussion took place on Resolution I. Senator Kelley called for the question, which passed with thirteen in favor, and two opposed. The vote took place on Resolution I which passed with twelve in favor, two opposed, and one abstention. Discussion took place on the Directive. It passed with fourteen in favor and one abstention. Discussion took place on Resolution II. Senator Hulai moved to delte the second Whereas, and was seoncded. A vote was taken on the amendment which passed with fourteen in favor and one abstention. There was a call for the question on Resolution II which passed with fourteen in favor and one opposed. A vote was taken on the main motion,which failed with six in favor and nine opposed. C. Senator Martinez read the changes to the Withdraw1 Resolution. It was noted that Senator Haldeman object to the withdrawal policy. Senate President Alderman announced that the policy is only a recomendation. Senator Oshinski called for the question, which passed with unanimously. A vote took place on the main motion with die corrections as stated by Senator Martinez. The motion passes with fourteen in favor and one abstention. D. Senator Hulen move to award Done-Good awards to the people metioned in the letter of appreciation from the Nevada Blood Service and was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. E. Senator Pro Tempore Burzinski moved to approve Vice-President Wyman for a Done-Good award because of the outstanding job she did on setting up the Governmental Workshop and was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Cindy Simia moved to adjourn and was secorided the motion passed with eight in favor and seven opposed. Senator Martinez announced that two names were left off the CSUN phone list. College of Education-Ray Corbett, 1450 E. Harmon Apt. #125 D., 89109, 732-3069 Senator University College Rick Oshinski, 939 E. Flamingo #49, 732-3274. Senate President Alderman announced that the next Senate meeting would be held on Decenber 21, 1979 at 12 p.m. X. Adjournment The Sixth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was adjourned at 6:17 p.m. Respectifully Submitted by, Resp/sctifully Prepared \>yx Lorraine Aldermai Senate President Robin Starlin CSUN Senate Secretary