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Set X * • Docket 127 Sr. A* S* Stoddard* (CO • Mr, f, l» Buletaer » 11 fe* 1« II* Sutton * Itr* X* S* ) X Im ooplee ef petition for roooaelderatien which waa flint. today with th« futile Service Oeml eaten ef ievada hy the M ® Ve#ae head and M § f Seqpesy I* 111* above e»M vhldh involves re-uaeet for iaorenee la water nlos ia the Oily of Im Strode* Mr* Bennett ho* Mat copies to Xm i m , Hul*i»er ead Settee* She rates prescribed ty the CeoBisslon greeting e 1@£ I s e m u vent Into effect ee September 1, 1951* **. Bennett advleeo s* that these ate the legally effective reiee and that they will re~ aaia la effect until changed % order of tho Qowsieaiaa or by a Heart notwithstanding tho filing of a petition for reconsideration or «a aotioa la Ooart to set the Ooaalosloa'o decision aside. «0 hoar# the rl^ht to file «a aetloa la Ooart to set tho Ooanleaiea'a order ooldo within 90 day* free the date of H e hat wo dooldod It weald he best to fUo a petition for reconsideration by the Hoanleeloa to 4 m it ea opportunity to oorreot ito deoleioa before resorting *o Ooart aetloa* . If the Cooedeatoa refuse# te oorreot Ito decision* we any etlU proceed with 6o«ort aetloa* fhlo to aet entirely eetlafoetoiy baoaaae If the Overt oeto Wm Qotasdoeloa's order aside* It eeaaot Iteelf prescribe new retat tat aset reawad the ease to the Coosisslea for further aetloa la aeoordaaoe with the Court's epintea. there are ana*one errors la the €feaaleeloa*e decision* all of which are omaariaed la the fleet sevaateea page# of the pe»- tloa* t m hopeful that the Seaaieetea will «a»t onffleleot additional relief «o tifet Heart aetloa will aot to aoeoesa*?* WM« rnm m m m is*, ibsiafaardt