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I agree.Form 2191 TELEGRAM U N IO N P A C I F I C S Y S T E M SYM BO L X C L A S S O F S E R V I C E R E Q U I R E D ' Indicate byf%5<&Vnn pprrooppeerr lliine T im e Filed, WRB - Las Vegas Referring President^ instructions transferring service line Industrial M Dx Px Los Angeles, June 5, 1931 N ig h t D a y Preferred D e liv e ry d u rin g day D e liv e ry by next m orning Im m ediate d e live ry Mo* 1 to Water Company. Is there any reason why we should not suggest transfer lines serving Districts 2 and 3. As I see it, only expense involved would be installation 0 6 inch meter at connection with Railroad line and removal (ft all meters with refund ^dep o s i t s there- Bcc Mr. Frail* Knickerbocker FS