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in accordance with its Rule 9A on file with the Public Service Commission of the State of Nevada, approved January 16, 1940; and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of making the extension applied for is $10,400.00_________ . A G R E E M E N T NOW, THEREFORE, THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH: ARTICLE I Subdivider agrees: 1. To advance and pay to the Company at the time of the execution of this agreement the sum of H-mpr m gn n K A T ro ttottr wirwriR-Bm .AJP/lOO -------- -- - - ............ ......................DOTXAKH. 2. At SubdividerTs sole cost and expense to survey and accurately stake upon the ground the line along which said water main is to be laid, and to indicate street and alley grades by appropriate stakes. 3. To provide the Las Vegas Land and Water Company easements satisfactory in form where pipe lines are to be laid in othe' than dedicated streets and alleys, said easements to be five_____ feet on each side of the center line of said pipe line. ARTICLE II The Company agrees: 1. Upon the execution of this agreement, the payment of the sum of TEN THOUSAND FOUR hcmdrtcd ft No/ioo § ---------- Dollars ($ 10,400.00______ ), specified in Paragraph 1 of Article I hereof, and the furnishing of such necessary easements, to order the necessary pipe, fittings and other materials and upon the arrival of pipe and materials aforesaid at Las Vegas, to proceed with the 2 . A-70