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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    * MoilflBlff March 4, 1966 Dear Ed, Attached la the letter from Salkin received this morning and aleo the wire from Stacy about Indiana. Following are the main points of discussion, in my opinions 1. Me need an OK or "turndown** for the Kentucky State Fair on August 26th * financial details are in the attached letter, first paragraph. 2. We need an OK or "turndown" for the Indiana State Fair on August 27th and 28th * financial details are in the attached letter, second paragraph. 8. Please note that Salkin uses the word net when talking about percentages. In ay opinion, this should be "gross receipts". 1 realise that Federal and State taxes usually cone off before it Is considered gross, but I believe we should be explicit in our dealings with agents. 4. Please note copy of the wire from Stacy about having made the same kind of offer for the Indiana State Fair several months ago and wishing to reinstate the offer. 1 hope this will give you enough to null on and trust we can corns to some decisions early next week.