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    This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. Y. HERALD TRIBUNE MAY 2 1 I9SI Hy Gardner Calling All in a Night-Time If* you wondet what caused the tefeiperature to rise some twenty degrees between 8 o?╟╓clock Sunday night and 8 Monday morning?╟÷the answer was Sophie Tucker?╟╓s and Maurice Chevalier?╟╓s heart-warming appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. ?╟úI love that Sophie/?╟╓ the most durable idol in modern French history said last night. {?╟ She?╟╓s so great in every ?║g ?╟ way she makes me want to sepd her fah tele grams. It was so funny before we went on the show. Sophie was trembling like a frightened rabbit. You could hardly' hold her without catching some of the shakes yourself.?╟Ñ Weren?╟╓t "you nervous? we Pondered. ?╟ Tm always nervous, I have been nervous all my life before facing &i\ audience. I guess the only time I ,am completely serene is when making movies and no immediate reaction is anticipated. I don?╟╓t think any true artist has so much confidence in him-__ n self that he isn?╟╓t somewhat jittery before Hy Gardner every performance. To most of us every performance is an opening.?╟Ñ js While we were chatting in the foyer of the Waldorf?╟╓s Empire Room, waiting for Mr. Chevalier?╟╓s, cue to go on, a buyer from out of town interrupted to shake hands. ?╟úI must compliment you,?╟Ñ he smiled. ?╟Ñ1 saw you Sunday night on the Ed Allen jShdw and you were magnificent.?╟Ñ ?╟ ?╟ The Ed Sullivan Show,?╟Ñ fMaurice corrected, ?╟úbut I?╟╓d be grateful to him even if he said he I enjoyed me on ?╟ Maverick?╟╓l* The Waldorf, traditional home of the testimonial din-t* ner, has seldom witnessed the scene that is repeated each evening in the Empire Room. From the moment Chevalier I makes his entrance and doffs his straw kady ?╟╓till he makes | a graceful* dancing exit to the tune of ?╟úYankee Doodle Dandy,?╟Ñ he is embraced with sentimental smiles and lusty applause. You ean almost feel the rare chemistry of genuine affection between audience and entertainer. To an artist such a reaction means more than money. Not only is it his only non-taxable reward but a tonic that keeps an oldster of seventy looking, feeling and acting like a youngster. It?╟╓s ; especially becoming to Maurice Chevalier. * . / * * | New York?╟╓s Summer Festival gets a three-strike hypo from * Broadway tonight and tomorrow?╟÷giving the Gray White Way some of the glitter of Las Vegas. Lou Walters ushers in his ; spanking new Cafe de Paris, with Betty Hutton coming out of frequent retirement to headline the troupe; Julius LaRosa?╟╓s name adorns the marquee of Jack Silverman?╟╓s Old Romanian Club, in the plush basement of the same Broadway building, and ^ Eddie Risman installs Jphriny Ray, newly termed the ?╟úNabob of Sob,?╟Ñ as head man of bon Agon?╟╓s Latin Quarter revue, ?╟úIn- ftr'1 ?╟≤jiasuiiq apis -aq sbm. ?·oq B\mi s, piiauj ?·w ?╟≤aAqB sbal aH *imjoo aqqjo mo pub qaqs stq jo ^nopBaq stq ^oitys, atqnq aq* uaq* puy ?╟≤uoSbm. aq* uioj| uigoo aq* pa -qjtl ^mois Aaqx *aABjS aq* o* *i puiqaq ^iuiuaios paqiBM. Aaqx ?╟≤uoSbal aq* o% xotios paqo*iq iCaqx -uapxeS ^q* jo jauaoo IBJ B UI 8ABJS b Snp iteqx o*ui 9l*.*ti* sq* *ncl Aaqx ?╟≤uqjoa aq* Sui^bui paqsiuij psq iaq* aouo dn paup sjBa* aqx ,/lBjaumj aoxu iBai b ai*.m* moit saiS pub uoSbal aq* o% (auBQ *Ba?╟╓.to ionos jjo*iq ?╟ uqjoa aora iBaj b ?╟ utqoo b aqBtu Wl IP PI??q *o3 ^UBuq aq uaqAL ?╟ ptBS aq *?╟ oa ?╟ op n,9aa *BqiA no?· nax?╟? ?╟≤soi.ia*s?·q iq oa punoj aq ?╟ qSnoua ains ?╟ aiaq* *oS 9q uaq^V **sb J amoq aAOjp Pub adiqo siq qjat puauj aqq o* pasn x?╟? ?╟╓aouaftBiI ?½ -5(jBmaj[ q*iAV ?╟ piBs aq 4<i -S6h ^oh Bill inis noA?╟? -jBaii-aAtj aq* dn SmSuxjq 1 PIo-JBa^-auiu aq* ?╟ *0Bxa bjl aq ox ?╟≤SitoqALOo aqaoABj ip passnosip ?·i*uaoax uoisiAapi saiqioqinB ai**q om umo md This Clipping NEW YORK, N. Y. DAILY MIRROR JON 191858 HH FRANCES MERRON'S 'BRIGHT SPOTS* Lombardo'? Spa-tacular Bandleader Guy Lombardo?╟╓s jgEast! Point House in Freeport, IIL. 1.^ swung a merry anniversary JJ waltz last night?╟÷celebrating its B ninth: birthday with feast and B jfrolic. Founded by the Brothers m Lombardo (Carmen and Lpbert B are in with Guy and brother-in-jtlaw William A. Frey is general H manager), the 1,200-seat luxury B restaurant fronting Great South H Bay has won a fabulous following 1 with its seafood and steaks. Ex-1 tra treat during the Summer?╟÷ I weekend dancing on the upstairs | .Marine Deck with a seagull?╟╓s eye S view of miles of ocean. HOT MUSIC HIGHLIGHT to-I night-^the opening of trumpet | riot Miles Davis and his Sextet I at the Black Pearl on 2d Ave. 1 above 72d St. Judging from pop-I ularity and critical polls, M. D. I is jqst above No. I young man I with a hbrn these days. . His I combo: is strictly star stuff?╟÷four I of his five sidemen having led I recording groups of their own. Big doings shaping up in Bell-more, L. I., for the 24th anni-I versary of Herman Wedel?╟╓s Sun-j rise Village next Wednesday. The j landmark nitery will dazzle cele-1 brants with a special floor show i and dinner that should be a real I romp. | Another happy date ?╟÷Milton j Saunders and* his ork reaching the 10th anniversary of their as-, signment at Tavern-on-the-Green in Central Park. It was shortly after the end of the war that Arthur Schleifer and Julius Berman took over the famed tavern, reconstructed it and installed a dance floor. Saunders arrived shortly after and has kept ?╟╓em dancing for a decade. Currently alternating is the Monchito rumba band. STUNNING Mary Tremaine, TV and musical comedy thrush panies of such hits as ?╟úKismet,?╟Ñ raphyj joined the continental revue starring Brazilian chanteuse Rosiha Pagan at Max Loew?╟╓s, Viennese Lantern Tuesday. The daughter of missionaries, Mary lived in Japan as a child, grew up in Mexico, came back to the U. S, and scored in national com- j with an intercontinental biog-1 ?╟úSopth Pacific?╟Ñ and ?╟úOklahoma.?╟Ñ] The Latin Quarter added a [ bonus attraction Tuesday to its click Donn Arden revue ?╟÷ 21-year-old sitfgfng skyrocket Dick Roman. A blond, blue-eyed! product of our own Brooklyn, Si HERMAN WEDEL Dick first broke into show biz as an actor, had a featured role in Rodgers and Hammerstein?╟╓s ?╟úI Remember Mama.?╟Ñ Since then?╟÷ plenty of disc hits. Uproarious Bernard Brothers continue as headliners of the ?╟úInternational Holiday for Love.?╟Ñ Arturo Sacco?╟╓s continental rendezvous, ?╟úIn Boboli,?╟Ñ brought piano star Dick Hankinson in to provide the dinner-time tempos and play in the after-theatre revue, ?╟úA La Carte?╟Ñ;.. Ooops?╟÷the famed Bacoulou Dance Troupe of Haiti, due to open at the Stardust Room of the Hotel St. George this Monday, forgot to apply for entry visas in time for the date?╟÷so the hotel has been forced to re-arrange the booking. Now the dancers are set for September (f?╟╓goodnes sakes, remember). THE COMPLEX, brand new Greenwich Village penthouse club (it opened two weeks ago), has the long-hairs and the crew-cuts in a tizzy over-the remarkable ?╟únew jazz?╟Ñ of Paul Knopf, composer and concert pianist who is making history in hot rhythms ... Sight to see. at Luchow?╟╓s the other night?╟÷beauty and the bof-fos. To wit?╟÷the three Gabor sisters in one corner and elsewhere in the crowded room, Phil Silvers, Ernie Kovacs, Abe Burrows. Sid Allen?╟╓s popular Steak Pit on Route 4 in Paramus, N. J., has a new divertissement for the late set. Radio disc jockey George Tucker is originating a spin-and-chatter show from the spot to be aired over WVNJ between 11:30 p.m. and midnight, T uesday through Sundays, interviewing celebs ?╟╓tween platters. This Clipping From New York, N. Y.f Journal of Commerte & Commercial JUL 10 195S Entertainment On Broadway By ETHEL COLBY The smooth mixture of entertainment at the Latin Quarter is scaled to suit every taste, from i the sophisticate to the lowbrow, and right on up again to the musjic lover. For filmland?╟╓s exquisite singing star, Kathryn Grayson, now occupies its stellar spotlight, making her twice as enjoyable when viewed and heard at close range. -V Kathryn Grayson has been one ; of our pet heroines through the I years. With her coloratura soprano voice that soars upward so jdaintily, and her piquant beauty -mounted in pure femininity, she won scads (rf devotees in fiiose M-G-M musical spectaculars. It?╟╓s being repeated, at th?╟╓e capacity-filled Latin Quarter, where she?╟╓s making a triumphant New York debut, despite the disastrous loss of special costumes and arrangements while en i;oute here from Hollywood. Miss Grayson is a [disciplined, reliable star of the j school which teaches that the public must be pleased. She manages that with contumm ate ease, charming all the while. Jack Durant, I the stalwart comic, proves a solid foil?╟╓in that slot. The audience loved liim, and his long-proven material. But Donn Arden?╟╓s stunning revue, tional Holiday For Love,?╟╓?╟╓ offers far more than just these stars. Martha Errolle is the beauteous singer, who can be advantageously unclad, just like the chorus line. Petite Gina Genardij is another eyeful who sings and cavorts happily. The Bob DeVoye Trio do tricky dances deftly, and Queti Clayijo, the hypnotic Flamenco dancer, is a show in herself. That gal who tajce an onstage shower, raises eyebrows, as do the pair of lovelies who slide overhead like midressed birds in their attractive cages. And the production numbers could vie with any that Flo Ziegfeld dreamt up in that Golden Era. Add the robust singers, John Juliano and Gene Varrone, plus dozens of startling damsels magnificently draped in gossamer stuff, and you may get an?╟╓Tdea of the opulence now being offered by E. M; Loew and Ed Risman at this most popular show-place. The.outsized dance floor provides the alternate rhythms of Jo Lombardi and his orchestra, and Buddy Harlowe?╟╓s band,