Fire protection recommendations for the city of Las Vegas including an April 13, 1949 fire flow test report provided by the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific for Las Vegas.
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hln001094. Union Pacific Railroad Collection, 1828-1995. MS-00397. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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LAS VEGAS, NEVADA RECOMMENDATIONS NOTE: The following recommendations are baaed on standard fire protection requirements for your city. They are designed to aid officials in planning future improve-ments. It is not expected that all of these suggestions can be completed immediately, but definite plans should be made for continued steady improvement. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are of greatest importance at this time, and their early adoption is strongly urged. IT IS RECOMMENDED: WATER SUPPLY 1. That records and plans of all structures and oper-ation of the system be kept complete, in detail, up to date, in convenient form, in duplicate, and safely filed. 2. That additional mains be installed to the mercantile district: these mains to be of adequate size and so lo-cated as to concentrate full required fire flow to any part of the district during any five day period of maxi-mum daily consumption conditions. Required fire flow for Las Vegas in its present stage of growth will be 4,750 g.p.m. in the principal mercantile district and 500 to 2500 g.p.m. in residential and apartment districts, according to size, construction and spacing of buildings. 3. That arterial, lateral and gridiron mains be laid in proper locations and of adequate size to concentrate in any section of town the fire flow required for that dis-trict, and distribution mains supplying hydrants, in gen-eral, be 6-lnch, in no case less than 4-inch, and fully circulating and cross connected at frequent Intervals. 4. That gate valves be so located that any single break, accident, or repair will not necessitate shutting from service a length of pipe greater than 500 feet in the mercantile or high value district, or 800 feet elsewhere, and will not necessitate shutting down an artery. 3. That standard hydrants with 6-inch barrel and 6-lnch gated connection to street main be used in all oases. 6. That sufficient hydrants be installed to provide a maximum distribution of one hydrant for each 120,000 sq. ft. of built-up area. Las Vegas - Page 2. 7. That all hydrants and gate valves be regularly inspected and operated and that records of their condition be kept. *8. That additional paid men be added to the fire department so that full required manpower for each engine and ladder company will be available for response to all first alarms. Required manning for each engine company la 7 men, and for a ladder company is 6 men, to be on duty at all times; not less than 4 men for each pumper and ladder company should be provided until full required manpower can be provided: full advantage to be taken of the volunteer organization membership response in order to make up, in part, the required on first alarm response to all calls in fire zone No. 1 and 2 until the required full paid response is available. *9. That first alarm response to all calls within the mercan-tile district includes tow pumper companies and the ladder company from the main fire station. Apparatus from the out-laying station may cover in and stand by at the main station. 10. That two triple combination pumpers of 1000 g.p.m. pump capacity each be purchased. *11. That all 21/2-inch hose that is old or in doubtful con-dition be replaced and also 500 ft. of 3-inch hose supplied. *12. That a drill tower be provided and regular drills held under an experienced drill master. These to include engine. Rose, ladder and salvage work. Fire methods and plans of attack on various buildings should be discussed when drills are not held due to inclement weather. *13. That complete minor equipment be provided, this to in-clude electric lanterns, smoke ejector, ladder strips, rubber gloves, nozzle tips up to 11/2-inch for hand hose lines for each engine, water proof covers, foam equipment. Pro-visions for filling trucks with gasoline at the main fire station to be installed. 14. ment. That an assistant fire chief be appointed to the depart- station in the vicinity of Rancho Road and Bonanza Road. Las Vegas - Page 3 16. That as soon as practicable,an automatic fire alarm telegraph system be installed in accordance with the regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. 17. That a direct telephone line between all stations be installed. 18. That the provisions of the building code be enforced without deviation. 19. That the "suggested Fire Prevention Ordinance" pub-lished by the National Board of Fire Underwriters be adopted and enforced without deviation. * * * * * July, 1949 Loren S. Bush Chief Engineer BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS OF THE PACIFIC FIRE FLOW TESTS Date: April 13, 1949 Las Vegas Clark County Nevada Time: 8 a.m. 1:30 - 3:30 Conditions at time of test: Normal Note.?tests taken to determine ability of distribution system to deliver supply for fire use. No. LOCATION PRESSURES Lbs.Sq.InORIFICE DISCHARGE G.P.M. REMARK Static Resid Pitot Observed Reg. 201bs Between Fremont 37 13 7 4 1140 4730 3333 P.M.D. Strong and Odgen Point Odgen between 9 4 1290 Main and 1st 1st between Odgen Fremont and Cars R on 10 4 1360 3th between 33 18 8 4 1210 4730 2330 P.M.D. Weak .Fremont and Cars Point 3&hbetween Fremont and Cars on on 4 1290 Clark bet. 7th and 8th 46 38 17 4 1770 2000 3186 Dwelling - -School 11th & Charles-ton 23 12 4 1490 300 1379 Dwelling Lewis Bet. 3-4 42 33 22 790 2000 1398 School Clark Bet. 14-13 43 23 13 4 1330 1300 1658 Dwelling - -School Maryland Parkway Bet. Sweeney & 39 28 3 4 960 300 1243 Dwelling Braken Imperial between Main & 2nd 39 23 20 730 300 817 Dwelling - - 1 Clark between Main & 1st 43 36 24 21/2 820 2300 1476 Dwelling - - Industrie Rose Hastings 32 12 3 4 730 2300 673 Hospital - - Dwelling page 2 FIRE FLOW TESTS April 13, 1949 No. LOCATION PRESSURES Lbs.Sq.In ORIFICE DISCHARGE - - G. P. M. REMARK Static Resid Pi tot observed Req,, 201 lbs Average Static: Normal 43, fire conditions 43 pressure at weak point in high value district at which 475 G.P.M. is available: 34.6 pressure at weak point in high value district at which 300 G.P.M. is available: 34.3 A fire flow of not less than 4730 G.P.M. should be available, for not less then 10 hours during maximum consumption, in all parts of the mercantile district; not less than 1000 G.P.M. in well built-up residential or apartment house district; 730 to 300 G.P.M. in thinly built sections. Quantities may be considered available at 20 lbs. if there are pumping engines in service. 11 D.Washington & Adams 32 21 4 2& 340 2000 326 School 12 Mesquite between 13th and 16th 71 4 2 2g- 24o 3co 208 Dwelling 13 l5th between Manzanita way- Freemont 6o 23 11 4 1430 2300 1487 Minor - Mercantile