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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, August 2001



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    TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM August 2001 Temple Beth Sholom THE BULLETIN Av - Elul 5761 Vol. 1, No. 6 An Evening with Artist/Author Dorothy Rice Temple Beth Sholom is proud to host a Dessert Reception on Thursday, September 6th at 7:00 p.m. to introduce highly acclaimed artist Dorothy Rice. Inside This Issue: Messages from Cantor Friedman and President Sandy Mallin 2 Under the Dome 3 Messages from The Women's League And Men's Club 4 A Special Birthday! 5 Tax Relief Act 6 Early Childhood Center Mazal Tov! 7 Donations and Yahrzeits 8 Advertisements 11 Calendar of Events 15 Temple Beth Sholom Is a Conservative Congregation Affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. You are invited to meet the author and find your friends and acquaintances within the pages of th beautiful Las Vegas edition. The book will be available to buy and Ms. Rice will be happy tc autograph your copy. Call the Temple for your reservation. "Las Vegas With Love" By Dorothy Rice Well known artist Rice has captured the new Las Vegas at the electric and eclectic moment in time with more than 250 original, extraordinary watercolors more vibrant than neon in her newest book Las Vegas With Love. With four fabulous books to her credit-Las Vegas With Love, Israel With Love, Manhattan With Love, and Beverly Hills With Love- Rice continues her colorful and lovingly detailed tributes to the most fascinating places on the planet. Many temple and community members are illustrated in this magical dreamscape that includes the mythically majestic Las Vegas Strip, Summerlin, Green Valley, Lake Las Vegas and Boulder City. Messages from Cantor Daniel Friedman and Temple President Sandy Mallin High Holy Days As I begin to prepare for the High Holy Days, I am reminded that S.Y. Agnon wrote, "It is out of kindness toward his creatures that the Lord remembers (us) them and reviews (our) their deeds year after year on Rosh Hashanah, that (our) their sins may not grow too numerous, and there may be room for forgiveness, and being few, he may forgive them." This sentence reminds me of the concept of Gemilut Hassadim. The concept of "Acts of Loving Kindness." I am reminded that it is through love that God offers us the opportunity to atone for our sins assuring us a world within which we can survive.. I am reminded that when I come from a place of love, a place of "acts of loving kindness" (Gemilut Hassadim) over the next year, I may short circuit, so to speak, my negative actions and transform myself, even if this change is miniscule, into a more loving and kind person. It is with great awe that I approach the High Holy Days. The awesome festivals of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur that represent the time I can focus on looking in the mirror and seeing my face as it really is. Simply put, these are the festivals within which I am commanded to reveal my soul in all it's grandeur and pettiness, a time for making challenging decisions about changing and improving myself, my family, my community, so that these Holy Days become Days of Meaning and Purpose. To this end, I am reminded of the awesome responsibility of being a true shaliach tzibbur (emissary of the congregation) in worship. I am reminded of the great prayer Hineni (Here I Stand.) This poem, known as the "Hazzan's Prayer," speaks of the great burden the Hazzan must bear in leading the service. Composed by a Hazzan, it reveals the Hazzan's great feeling of inadequacy in fulfilling this sacred task. It reveals the great love and respect the Hazzan has for his congregation, the people of Israel, as he pleads with God to be compassionate and hear our prayers. Humbly I will ask that God "let our banner be love (that) God cover our trans-gressions in love. (That) Our fast and afflictions turn for us, and all Israel, into joy and gladness, into life and peace." I look at the next month as a time of preparation for us all. A time we can begin to reflect on our fears of what was and what will be. A time we can prepare to participate, with true humility, in the entire High Holy Day liturgy and begin to really open our hearts to change and grow through love, not only as individuals, but also as a community and an entire people of Israel. Looking Forward to a New Year I hope you all are enjoying your summer vacation. When you return you will see all the programs that are available to you at the Temple. High Holy Day plans are going along smoothly If you haven't sent back your reservations and Kol Nidre book and Book of Memory response...! urge you to do so. Our new "Mitch Halpern Field " will be dedicated shortly. The play field was dedicated by Lovee and Bob Arum in Mitch's memory and promises to provide a place for our many outdoor activities. We are looking forward to the dessert reception and book signing with Dorothy Rice on Thursday, September 6, at 7:00 p.m. Her new book, "Las Vegas With Love" captures the visual and emotional essence of our city and prominently features our synagogue and many of our members and friends in the com-munity. I hope to see you there. A warm and sincere welcome to all our new members. In addition to new residents, we have been reaching out to the adult children of our congregants who are not members and the response has been positive. Many thanks to all our Temple volunteers. Their spirit and friendliness is so vital to us. We are not just a building, we are a congregation. Enjoy the rest of the summer! Sandy Mallin August 2001 B "Under the Dome" is an ongoing column of general information. Read "Under the Dome" to find out the latest tidbits about people and events at Temple Beth Sholom. Archive News - Our exhibit will soon be up! This is your last chance t o see i f you have any photographs showing Women's League, celebrations, social events, clubs and other activities f r om our past. Don't miss out if you have a great picture. Call Josh Abbey at 898-0511 or Myra Berkovitz at 255-4397 NOW! Temple Beth Sholom would like t o extend their condolences t o the family of Rabbi Aaron S. Gold who recently passed away. Rabbi Gold served as Rabbi at Temple Beth Sholom in t h e 1960's and will be remembered by many. I f you are interested in joining a women's bowling league, please call Mona Silverman at 248-8902. Israeli f o l k dancing group forming, if you are over 14, have experience in any dance n, form, please contact Jacob " Ayelet at the office. Sha'rei Binah Lecture Series- Sponsored by Jackie and Ron Turshinsky in Memory of Their Parents Come and join us for these important and excit-ing lectures by Rick Ross. Mr. Ross is an interna-tionally known expert regarding radical, extreme and often unsafe groups; some that have been called "cults". He has been involved in hundreds of interventions, and is qualified as an expert wit-ness, testifying in numerous cases. The finest news organizations, from TIME and Newsweek to CBS, CNN and ABC Evening News, have counted on Rick Ross to promote an understand-ing of many dangerous groups and the techniques they often use to recruit and retain members. Sat-urday, August 25, 2001...9:00 am - During our Shabbat Services. Lecture Topic: "Why do our children join cults? Sunday, August 26, 2001...9:00 am - Join us for Minyan, bagels and a Lecture entitled: "The most dangerous cults in America today and how they affect the Jewish community" August 2001 3 The Women's League and Men's Club A Message from Women's League Blanche Meisel Did you know that the Women's League is one of almost 700 syna-gogue Sisterhoods affiliated with the Women's League for Conser-vative Judaism? Did you ever wonder what the organization is really all about? Did you ever wonder who the founder was and why it was founded? What is this connection all about and where our true spirit really takes us? It was on June 22,1887 that Mathilde Roth and Professor Solomon Schechter married in Jews College in London. They had in com-mon an intense love of Judaism and the desire to serve it. In 1903 he became the brilliant second President of the Jewish Theological Seminary in America and she, also brilliant and dedicated, sup-ported her husband and was a helpmate in all his endeavors. In 1918 she founded the Women's League as a companion to the newly formed United Synagogue. "We wish to serve the cause of Judaism by strengthening the bond of unity among Jewish women and by learning to appreciate everything fine in Jewish life. The self-education of Conservative Jewish women is only the first step towards the better education of our children." This is the heart and core of Women's League endeavors. We have grown in scope and deed, adding depth to our mission, but our core remains. The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom became affiliated in its early years and have henceforth fostered the principles above. The members have grown in their understanding and practice of Juda-ism and raised their families with this love and knowledge. With our new home, new name, new outlooks and long-standing and new members, we are pledged to continue. Come join with us. It is a wonderful path. Blanche Meisel Women's League President A Message from Men's Club Irwin Goldberg The Men's Club is alive and well. We have sold all the machines so graciously donated by Jack and Marcy Simon. We want to thank Henry and Lil Kronberg for the use of their storage space. The Men's Club has dispersed funds to the Preschool and Hebrew School for items on their wish list. The men's Club has joined the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs. Our next project is the Warsaw Ghetto Paving Stones, ask us about it!!! Don't forget we meet the third Wednesday of each month. Irwin Goldberg Men's Club President August 2001 B Happy Birthday to Albert Koulange Happy 90th Birthday! Temple Beth Sholom wishes Mazal Tov to Albert Koulange on his 90th birthday this August 22. The Koulanges moved to Las Vegas in 1970, and until very recently, "Albert never missed a Saturday morning service for 27 years, come rain or shine, "according to his wife, Ethel. He has always loved Temple Beth Sholom and was always very active in its services and programs. package to Israel in thanks, leaving the post office he was killed by a trolley. Albert met Ethel in London and they married in 1957. They moved to Los Angeles and then to Las Vegas where he was in the photography business and in addition to his interpreting, he had many hobbies such as tennis, chess and bridge. Temple Beth Sholom misses seeing both the Koulanges and wishes them good health on this wonderful 90th birthday. Ethel and Albert Koulange In addition to being a Torah scholar, Albert speaks seven languages. Until 1996, he volunteered as a court inter-preter for Clark County. Born in Boukhara, he lived in France as a boy. His father was in the Diplomatic Corp stationed in England when World War II broke out. Through diplomatic connections, young Albert posed as a Moslem and was responsible for rescuing many French Jews smuggling them through the underground. During this time he managed a gourmet fruit store and had to do business with the Nazis. Albert's mother and sister remained hidden during this time until the Americans entered Paris. When Albert's father found his family had survived the war and were all safe, he was so grateful that he quickly sent a Income Tax Relief Act 2001 Under President Bush's newly passed Tax Relief Act 2001, single taxpayers will receive $300 and couples will get $600 automatically. No phone calls, no forms to fill out, it will be like newly found money! What better way to use newly found money than to help decrease our mortgage payments? Maybe $300-$600 per household doesn't sound like much, but if all the taxpaying Temple Beth Sholom members contribute their refunds, we will shrink the mortgage significantly. The IRS will automatically send refund checks, beginning mid-July to all individuals and couples who have filed a 2000 return. There will be no forms to fill out. No calls to make. The checks will be sent in weekly batches, sorted by the last two digits of taxpayer social security numbers. If your number ends in 00 through 08, your check will be mailed July 23. Checks for numbers ending in 09-17 will be mailed the following week on the 30th and so on. That means, contributions could begin arriving in the synagogue office for the mortgage as early as the last week in July. Simply endorse the check, write "for deposit only to Temple Beth Sholom" and send it directly to the synagogue. It's that easy. With this kind of support, we'll pay the mortgage off before you can say "hamantaschen." IMPORTANT NOTICE In order to insure future bulletins, it must be kept to 12 pages. I f you have an important notice that should be in the bulletin, a sentence or short paragraph may be put in the "Under The Dome" column. The bulletin deadline will be the 15th of every month. We hope this will solve the problem of the untimely bulletin and will allow us to publish monthly. Thank you all for your patience and cooperation. 6 August 2001 Good Times with the Early Childhood Center The Early Childhood Center has turned into the fun filled Camp Sholom this summer! We are cooking, swimming, dancing, participating in sports and water activities, going on field trips, camp-outs and lots of other great activities! We even created our first ever float and participated in the Summerlin 4th of July parade! We've had sock hops, carnivals and loads of interested visitors to the camp. It's no wonder parents have all told us that bed time is no longer a problem in their house. Our teachers are also busy planning for the new school year. We can't wait to meet all of our new children coming to Temple Beth Sholom. We are still registering for the 2001- 2002 school year?but space is limited so come in soon to register for the new year! MAZAL TOV! ? ? ? ? ? M B K Zachary Asher Braly Bar Mitzvah - July 5th and 7th, 2001 Zachary Asher Braly, son of Rachel Braly and Dr. James Braly, was called to the Torah to be-come Bar Mitzvah, on both Thursday July 5th and Saturday July 7th, 2001. Zack just completed 7th grade at Sig Rogich Middle School. He enjoys Motorcross biking, bicycling, playing the piano and working and playing on the computer. He is fulfilling the family tradition of a Thursday Bar Mitzvah in addition to the Shabbat Bar Mitzvah. Emily Ann Robinson Bat Mitzvah - September 8, 2001 Emily Ann Robinson, a Las Vegas native, will have the honor of being called to the Torah for the first time, on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah on September 8, 2001. Emily is a graduate of TBS Preschool and is now an eighth grade student at the MIS Hebrew Academy in Summerlin. As well as being an honor student, her 7th grade accomplishments include Science Olympiad winner, Middle School Geography Bee runner-up, and school volleyball team Scholar Athlete Award winner. Emily loves to swim and snorkel, play volleyball and basketball, ride her bicycle, hike with her dogs, cook and creative write. Summertime she can be found either at the Jersey Shore with her relatives, or at Camp Ramah, in Ojai California. August 2001 B r EA*L y C/sfr?H<VL Tributes...Donations from our Hearts Prayer Book Fund In Honor of: Albert Koulange's 90th Birthday Ethel Koulange In Memory of: Agries Mason Lilian & Ken Glicken Marci & Rob Murdock General Fund In Honor of: Sandy Mallin & TBS Board of Directors Anita Lewy Lou Bouchet, New Board Member Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer David Auburn, Playwright Ruthe Spector Elaine & Irv Steinberg's Anniversary Judy & Ron Mack Tally Mack's Bat Mitzvah Florence Bolatin Judy & Ron Mack's Anniversary Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Mona & Charles Silverman Misheberach for: Louise Appenzeller Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer Myra & David Berkovits Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau & Richard Aarenau Lee Devore Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer Ruth Erman Nina, Les & Fanny Boshes Hal Ober Edythe & Irwin Goldberg Lilian & Ken Glicken Mona & Charles Silverman Ruth & Allen Brewster Ellen & Paul Bodner Charles Silverman Louise & Jerry Appenzeller In Memory of: Mother oMf rM. r&. &M rMs.r sA.l bJeorst eNpahh mGiaabs ay For Aliyah Freda Greenfield Morris Berman Gloria & Irv Bransky Adam Brustein Debbie & Robert Berlinger Education Fund In Memory of: Jean Caplan Shirley Kahn Ann Gaswirth Zena & Bennett Fishbain Mother of Dr. & Mrs. James Meltzer Claudia & Gerry Gersten Phil Leemon Judith Leemon Ann Gastwirth Ruth Goldfarb In Honor o f : Tally MaNckin'sa B&a Lt eMs itBzovsahhe s Roberta & Larry Brown's Anniversary Janet & Emil Stein Ann Gastwirth Joan & Laurence Davis Max Shuster's Pidyon Haben Laura & Stan Shuster Patti Kowalski's Conversion Ruth & Allen Brewster Sam Dvorak's Bar Mitzvah Evelyn Brownstone & Family Frances & David Dvorchik Evelyn & Norman Charach Lee Glusman Anita & Sonny Cohen Barry Glusman Susan & Gary Odaffer Sara & Joe Flaum Barbara & Herman Kramer Shelli & Jeffrey Kurdelak Pearl & Max Sass Linda & Tony Carter & Hettie Arlene & Lloyd Holtzman & Family Robert & Karyn Weber Maureen Millman Aaron & Ruben Sidranski Madeline & Bill Weiss Laura & Ian Taylor Chavarah Friends Danny Jensen's Bar Mitzvah Carol & Ed Schneider Sara Linderman Bernadine & Sidney Zaben Grandmother of Caroline Katz Nina & Les Boshes Niece of Flora Mason Mimi Katz Mother of Ms. M. Kent Madeline & Bill Weiss Agnes Mason Mona & Charles Silverman Dr. Doris-Soroky Aarenau & Richard Aarenau Rabbi Aaron Gold Ruth Goldfarb Mother of Dolores & Gerald Gersten Claudia & Gerald Gersten In Appreciation of: Temple Friends Debbie Lederer In Appreciation of: Temple Friends Irv Bransky Jacob Raijman Larry Rosenberg Debbie & Harold Lederer Preschool Fund In Honor o f : Sabina & Brian Steinberg: Birth of Child Natalie & Arthur Berger Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg: Birth of Grandchild Natalie & Arthur Berger Rabbi Discretionary Fund In Honor o f : Sam Dvorak's Bar Mitzvah Pearl & Max Sass August 2001 B Tributes...Donations from our Hearts In Memory of: Phil Leemon Judith Leemon Agnes Mason Lillian & Henry Kronberg Misheberach f o r : Hal Ober Florence Bolatin Ellen & Paul Bodner In Appreciation of: Rabbi Goodman Shelley Weinberg & Bob Dubin Building Fund In Honor of: Allen Brewster Louise & Jerry Appenzeller Elaine Steinberg's New Office Lil & Ken Glicken Elaine & Irv Steinberg's Anniversary Lil & Kenny Glicken Shirley & Sidney Chaplin Gerri Fischer Ruth & Allen Fischer Lillian & Henry Kronberg In Memory of: Bessie Peacoff Lilian & Ken Glicken Herb Blaiken Gerry Fischer Misheberach f o r : Alan RosMteonn a & Charles Silverman Yahrzeits In Memory of: Morris Gewercer Sam Gewercer Harry E. Rosenberg i Philip Rosenberg Elsa Glusman Benny Glusman Fred Glusman Anna Pink Anne L. Pink Boris Premack Annette & Jerry Rubin Lawrence Devore Lee & Ed Devore Dr. Robert M. Shaprio Dorothy Nathan Dorothy Entratter Michele Wolkoff Anna Spiegel Rose Spiegel Nathan Spiegel Harry E. Rosenberg Philip Rosenberg Julius Barnett Klatzman Jo-Ann Geller Morris Chaplin Sidney Chaplin Sol Varon Shellie & Valentine Magda Rebecca Salton Adele Baratz Charles Salton Minnie Long Blanche & Phil Meisel Morris Sutton Lynn & Arne Rosencrantz Hyman Schwartz Frank Shane Claire Gruber Sol Gruber Dianna Frush Dvorak Family Leslie Ritchie Barbara Greenspun Lucille Mack Phyllis & Charles Mack William Sislund Carol & Teri Sislund Nathan Bloomberg Edith & Allan Bloomberg Evelyn Schussler Charles Schussler Maurice B. Rissman Alice & Homer Rissman Rueben Zucker Jeff Zucker Abbey Jane Kravitz Shirley Kravitz Rose Dondis Jacob Dondis Lena M. Solotist Fran & Len Levien Richard Goldberg Jeanne N. Goldberg Rose Zwiren Abraham Zwiren Bernadine & Sidney Zaben Betty Wexler Natalie Berger David Chupnick Stanley Chupnick Dr. George Bolatin Florence Bolatin Thelma Wechsler Phyllis & Ira Wechsler Hilda Freeman Ruth & Allen Brewster Allen Lazarus Howard Goldman Jacob Lipsky Dr. Doris Soroky-Aarenau <S Richard Aarenau Anne Schiller Tootsie Popowcer Suzanne Kleinman Michael Kleinman Harold Kleinman Kathy Chilton Charles Isler Selma Sena Reba Isler Boruch Feldman Nathan Spiegel Eliyahu Koulange Ethel & Albert Koulange Priva Szruit Judy & Ron Mack August 2001 B Tributes...Donations from our Hearts watm Lottie Rabin Allen Rabin Barbara & Bernard Fruchter Bella Oberne Hylda Leitner Annette Linda Guzman Bess Sala Harry (Chaim) Shapiro Irving (Yitzak) Shapiro Cheryl Shapiro-Hoffman Derek & Jordan Hoffman Gertrdue Millin Bessie Feldman Wright Esther Leah Sincoff Judith Morrison Norman Shlisky Susan & Matt Shlisky Abraham Winner Dorothy Demby Sidney Walter Selver Ruthe Spector Abe Boshes Les & Nina Boshes Esther Schneider Arnold Schneider Ben Burstein Helen & Monroe Rosenberg Max Silverman Ann Best Mona & Charles Silverman James Klain Elaine & Elliott Klain Pincus Chaplin Sidney Chaplin Herb Fischer Gerri Fischer Robert Herch Shirley Hersh Hyman Wexler David Wexler Adelle Alexander Phyllis Edelstein Kate Lewy Anita Lewy Sadie Brooks Ruth Naiditch Estelle Schaffer Her Family Irving Aisuss Charlotte & Sam Showel Hank Greenspun Barbara Greenspun Ida Straus Jack Straus Joseph Toscher Gerry & Abe Toscher Jordan Rosenthal Linda Eckhaus Samuel Barnet Moskowitz Millicent & David Cohen Sadie Schumann Carol & Teri Siskind Paul Vichengrad Barbara & Harvey Vichengrad Sarah Kahn Kim, Alex, Sarah & Fred Memar Anna Sacks Ted Hirsch & Family Morry Mason Stuart & Flora Mason Maurice H. Friedman Norisse L. Friedman Anna Moll Anita Moll Robert Demby Dorothy Demby Rose Rofey Dee & Hal Ober Sylvia Spilka Max D. Spilka Rose Segel Howard Caplan William Goldberg Mimi Katz Samuel Shulman Debbie Lederer Fannie Eigen Sherry & David Van Mindeno Betty H. Resnik Harriet Resnik Jack Baiter Roberta Baiter Garry Phillips Lily & Max Phillips Joel Scott Berger Natalie & Artie Berger Sarah Tarr Sophie & Michael Weiner Lorraine (Chaia) Borukh Susan Molasky Bert Cohen Andrew Cohen Yiskor In Memory of: Morris Showel Esther Aisuss Irving Aisuss Sadie Showel Max Showel Charlotte & Sam Showel Loved Ones Everett A. Sheslow Gloria & Irv Bransky Welcome New Members Jennifer & Dr. Jack Abrams and Leora & Natalie Jodi Altman Gary & Tracy Banner and llan.Moshe & Eliezer Fanny Boshes Dr. Laura & Aaron Cohen Hortense Eckhaus Eunice & Dr. Alan Galsky Deborah & Dr. David Ginsberg and Joshua Patricia & Dr. Jack Kane Jacalynne & Dr. Howard Kramer Rinaldo Manca Margaret & Hillel Ofek Marci & Joseph Parejo and Raymond Marvin Rabinowitch and Bryan & David Anne Slotnick Rozanne Sulzberg and Brandon Austin Turshinsky Michelle Turshinsky Steven Weinstein Dr. Jackie Shayani & Ross Zeltzer 10 August 2001 Attention Advertisers! Please submit your camera-ready artwork to the Temple O f f ice by the 14th of the month. Advertising rates are as follows: FOR ONE FULL YEAR! Full Page - $1,000 Half Page - $500 Quarter Page - $200 Business Card - $100 If you have any questions, please call the Temple office at 804-1333. Gerald L. Gersten First Vice President - Investments 702-562-1100 800-966-8146 SALOMON SMITH BARNEY Amemberof citigroupj SALOMON SMITH BARNEY INC. 1645 Village Center, Circle #80 Las Vegas. NV 89134 FAX 702-562-1111 Member of Temple Beth Sholom Ubcn ofily the bcM Aul do .UP~. OFF INVITATIONS INVITATIONS U r d u l Accesiohcs and Calligraphy by Scrip tat ions Foi i u : Miuvah lnvtuujon? ? Skull Capo ? F ^ c : * Balloon Ilcco? ? Theme Panes Pteixr v all for i r appouurrirrj a r_i Kiien Nchorc " 0 2 . 2 5 " . " UK) 2300 Test fcitura s;u. 103 ? Mer. Fn 1 1 -j. S^t i 1$. Sundi v bv Appcven*r,l Live d.rtehaem Dive into luxury at Red R o c k Country Club this summer. Social and Swim Membership with each home purchase until August 31, 200!. ? Two Arnold Palmer-Designed Golf Courses ? 44,000 sq. ft. Clubhouse with Gourmet Dining ? Sports Complex with 9 Tennis Courts, Aquatic Center and Spa ? Exceptional Summerlin Public and Private Schools ? 24-Hour Manned Gatehouse and Roving Patrol ? 13 Spectacular Show Homes ? Luxury homes priced from the $300 s to over $2 million It s not a dream. It s Red Rock Country Club, in living color. RED ROCK Country Club Summerlin Live Exclusive. Play Private. 702-360-3100 ? Luxury Homes priced from the $300 s to over $2 million. Only five minutes from Temple Belli Sholom, on Sahara at the foot of the mountains. - Sunrise Colony Company. For Over Thirty Years. Builder of America s Finest Country Club Communities. Winner of the TSrar 2000 National Housing Quality Silver Anviti for Commitment to Quality Prices in this ad are effective date of publication dosing. Alt homesites are inditldually priced. See a sales professional tor specific details. | ? J Country Club Membership is subject to approval by membership committee. ^ August 2001 11 Advertisements NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES m m SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR CASE MARTIN D. SCHAFFER, MD> FACC, FACP BERGE I DADOURIAN, MD. FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD, FACC SAMUEL E. GREEN, MD, FACC 3 1 Z I S. M a / y l a n d Pkwy. Suite 5 1 1 Las Vegas. N V 8 9 1 0 9 <702) 7 9 6 - 7 1 5 0 SEAN S. AMELI, MD, FACC JEFFREY B. GITLIN, MD PATRICK C. HSU, MD 31 S O N . Tenaya Way S u i t e 4 0 0 U s Vegas. N V 8 9 1 2 8 1702} 2 3 3 - 1 0 0 0 iv w 12 August 2001 Advertisements i * 2 Rosa Raphael KmI tslate lionuilta.1'. ERA Sunbelt Realty 3'.01 Spting Mountain Rij, / I Las Vegas. NV 89107 Multi-Million Dollar Club Office: 1702)364-1699 Fax: (702)364-9603 Toll Free: 1-888 ERAROSE Email: A OA MIS E R A ' En" IW Of 11 , - Vw Jf'li ???! Buying or selling, I w i l l contribute 1 0% of m y commission to TBS upon successful close of escrow. M L NORTHERN PACIFIC M O R T G A G E COMPANY Jeff Michelman Senior Loan Officer 6625 W. Sahara Ave., #3 Las Vegas. Nevada 89146 Toll Free (888) 548-0800 Office (702) 248-0800 Fax (702) 248-8900 Cell (702) 218-1300 A * T co VX <0 B %cn 1-800-998-3289 Barth White President Lie. #0019915A PH: 702-631-5959 FX: 702-631-5983 E-mail: Quality Wood Products 3GU-JOOO BUOI N. N r l l t e IHvtl. R p s U l r n t i n l Entry IV?on Frtadi D t x m I'rdtung I X w o I>oim HuJvuc Minof Waiviiot?? St jii KiJ Sntrmi HjiII I ludwm Clwl SullMKMI C m n d i r r t I a l I UU.jw NUul |V?(? ft Kruno WwmJ I W i Tojrl Ptltiunm UL Aprroml NWtal SUT F f w r?tlmiiip? Llccme OOSOfcf l\1tolp?Ata & ftotnil . Cum torn IhxH* 'TKir it n?'u?ttJ*trf* Q~!itj' i.'l Xt^O^Ss. I L R A R A ? ** > rn -^^yr^ If j" So., J{oi2i<? <y J2ZJ cS Jtainboa. JS/vJ (Sui/e 107) /as iJeyat, '^Ceuai/a J9/46 CBonnie JSerhowilz Real Estate Executive Of/ice: (702)257-1600 Jax: (702) 2J2-J2S4 7o//.7ree: l(soo) <S3/-J04J Gel/Jar: (702)33S -2272 www Jin esse A om e/ BURIAL SITES Have you considered buying a cemetery plot for your family? Temple Beth Sholom has a section available for immediate sale at Palm Mortuaries and Memorial Park. Call the temple office at 804-1333 - o r - ALLEN BREWSTER FAMILY SERVICE CONSULTANT & PRE-NEED PLANNING BEEPER: 702-598-9900 BUSINESS:702-464-8360 RESIDENCE: 702-873-4269 Cemetery and Mausoleum Spaces Shipping out-of-state prices on flat & upright headstones August 2001 B Advertisements HjM^ln rut iVfli^C ?n <MKTil?ilC Uf (U Sl?.<??i id i t^V yt^ +&MU crr-ri'C i auMc (h SyJ.flW kOMiin Iwut it <1*4 'Hlii S Merrill Lynch t ' ? ?'? i V * ..?;. , , ,-V VHi" Invest up to $100,000 tax-deferred for your child's or grandchild's college education. Through the new NextGen College Investing PlanSlM. For many families, the expense of higher education is une of their greatest financial challenges. That's why you should consider the NextGen College investing Plan"**, a new- tax-advantaged way to invest up to $100,000* per child tor higher education. Highlights of the NextGen"' plan include: ? AAKCIS from the Man can he used at accredited U.S. colleges ot post-secondary schools. ? Earnings gtow federal-income-tax-dcfcrred. Any family members or friends may contribute for a beneficiary. " Contributed assets are considered removed from your estate for estate tax purposes. ? The beneficiary may be changed (within the tamilvl without losing tax deferral. " Choice of professionally managed portfolios. Call today ro find nut more about the NcxtCenv'' plan. For more complete information, including charges, expenses and ri;hs of inverting in t!>e AVxrOrw1" plw. ash for it program description. Please read it carefully befo*t you incest, FAME I Mc?"!Wki; Mj.iir Male ir-t^uei E J lt'<*.nlt>$ rin J^CXt? tr>i Ion! ia^itta CM" 702-227-7053 Merrill Lynch 2300 West Sahara Avenue SuiiclZOO I^s Vegas, NV 89102 Ann: Joel H. Coot Financial Consultant Vice President 14 August 2001 CD N m ? UJ <> o o CN cn 3 S) <3 2 O - I 0 X 0) 1 H UJ CD UJ _i Q. UJ I - Saturday T-V TCO" 25 9:am Scholar in Residence - Rick Ross Friday ro o T" TN? N T-co Thursday CM o> 16 7:pm Camp Talent Show CO CM 30 6:pm Preschool Open House Wednesday T- CO 15 7:pm Men's Club Meeting N N 0 ) M Tuesday Hrev Shabbat Candle Liahtinq Times Aug. 3 @ 7:26 pm Aug. 10 @ 7:19 pm Aug. 17 @ 7:11 pm Aug. 24 @ 7:01 pm Aug. 31 @ 6:52 pm 7 6:30pm Beginning Hebrew 7:pm JACS 7:15pm Adult Bat Mitzvah class 14 6:30pm Beginning Hebrew 7:pm JACS 21 6:30pm Beginning Hebrew 7:pm JACS 7:15pm Adult Bat Mitzvah class 28 6:30pm Beginning Hebrew 7:pm JACS Monday Mincha/Maarlv Monday-Thurs. 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat Fridays, 7:30 pm Shacharit Saturdays, 9:00 am 6 9:am TBS Board Meeting 13 3:-8:pm Preschool Uniform Sale o CM r? N Sunday Schedule of Services Morning Minyan Sundays & Legal Holidays @ 9:00 am Mon.-Fri. @ 7:30 am m N T - cn 26 9:am Scholar In Residence ? Rick Ross August 2001 15 T E M P L E B E T H SHOLOM Staff Board Of Directors Rabbi Cantor Director of Education and Programming Director of Early Childhood Education President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Immediate Past President Honorary Board Member Officers Felipe Goodman Daniel Friedman Jacob Raijman Deborah Jensen Sandy Mallin Jeff Zucker Mona Silverman Shelley Carroll Amy May Jerome L. Blut Sharon E. Sigesmund Robert Fischer Joanna Kishner Jim Lukasiewicz Mark Scheiner Faye Steinberg Melanie Greenberg Dr. Steven Leibowitz Marci Murdock Elaine Steinberg Men's Club President League Presidents Irwin Goldberg Women's League President Havarah Chairman Blanche Meisel Lou Bouchet 10700 Havenwood Lane ? Las Vegas, NV 89135 ? phone 702.804.1333 ? fax 702.804.1370 ? TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM 1 0 7 0 0 HAVENWOOD LANE LAS VEGAS. N V 8 9 1 3 5 WWW.BETHSHOLOMLV.ORG Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 171 Las Vegas, NV 2300 south Tenaya Way Las Vegas, NV 89117