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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    b, 'COMING?╟Ñ RADIO SPOT t. t,20-second announcement based on the same message as carried in the newspapers and TV ads ?╟÷ to used on a heavy repeat schedule. *!t|fi spots should ^ furnished to the fran- co t ion Fundt^ thS 6XPenSe ??f the National pro- c. The cost of the first radio spot which we are usintr bv Presentation should be borne of thf Series, and eventually reimbursed out of the National Promotion Fund* 4. "ONCE UPON A TIME?╟Ñ FOLDERS a. c. Using the same artwork and idea as the Cedric Adam?╜? W^t\3.Mi?·nea5??11S' we w111 reprint a si^y on ngelita s Bread which we will try to have printed by the top newspaper personality in a new market. b?╟╓ fSriSthe12uwS1\herVe aS an infori??ation piece oS^th P bilc?? the grocers themselves, and the les personnel of the franchised baker's company. a?m\neonet thlS f??lder Prepared, we will then a Jewspaper ads, TV and radio spots to get he pubiie to ask the grocers for this free storv requests from customers increase, so also^ ??Σ≤e 6 8r??Cer'S lnterest ln ^ngelita's??Bread printing up this folder should be as we baker have to reprint a new story in each ToCnTlltl\:\Zesuccessful in getting a top per- hensive stor^ newspaper field to write a compre- nensive story, gfe would still use the same four- color process plates which have already been paid for by Regan ?╟÷ and merely substitute the Dirturo and name of the writer of the storv This will reduce the cost It lelst 30% These folders should be ordered thru the /nPPmolp chise ba?╟Ñe?ny tS by B individual ?╟ú?an- chise baker. The work will then be done by the e. -31