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University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

8. INSERTS Inserts furnished ready for enclosure, regular black and white space rates apply. Two page 40" (4 columns x 10") leaf inserts minimum accept- able unit. Fold-out inserts, rates on request. Check publisher for quantity and shipping in- structions. Maximum paper weight (25 x 38 ba- sis), 100 lb. coated or 80 lb. offset. 9. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Rates: $0.65 per line, one-time; 2nd and 3rd times, less 10%; 4th and thereafter, less 15%. Same copy. For long term or large space con- tracts, apply for rates. Box numbers, add 50$. Minimum, 5 lines. Classified ads are set in 6-point type. Figure 5 words to line; when less are speci- fied line rate applies. Mail instructions and copy to Classified Dept., Automotive Service Dealer News, 4041 Marlton Ave., Los Angeles 8, California. 10. MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS Space Unit Width?╟÷ ?√ßDepth 1 page .10-1/8" X 15" 4 columns . 8-1/16" X 15" *45 inches .. 8-1/16" x 3 columns . 6-1/16" x 15" 2 columns .. 4" x 15" \ 1 column .. 2" x 15" Y2 column .. 2" x 7%' 1 inch .. 2" x 1" 2 page spread (10 cols. and gutter) .21-3/8" x 15" Junior spread (8 cols. and gutter) . 17-3/16" x 11%' * Recommended for standard magazine size 7" x 10" plate. Page is 5 columns, each 2" (12 ems). COMPOSITION: No charge for normal copy to be set. ENGRAVINGS: All halftones should be 65 line maximum screen, must be well etched and un- mounted. Line cuts are recommended. PLATES AND MATS: Mats accepted. Plates should be unmounted. STORING OF PLATES: All cuts and material supplied will be destroyed after 6 months unless otherwise advised by the advertiser or agency. PROOFS: Time permitting, hand proofs will be furnished on request. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: Space orders, insertion instructions, correspondence, proofs, copy, cuts and complete plates should be ad- dressed to the Advertising Department, Automo- tive Service Dealer News, 1700 West Eighth St., Los Angeles 17, California. 11. PRODUCTION CHARGES Engravings, electrotypes, drawings or photo- graphs will be made upon order and charged at cost. Necessary repair to plates received in worn or damaged condition, or requiring mortising, cutting, routing, patching, tacking, tooling, fin- ishing, notching to be paid by the advertiser. 12. ISSUANCE AND CLOSING DATES Published bi-weekly, Monday publication date. In mail Saturday preceding issue date. Forms close Wednesday at 5 p.m., preceding publica- tion date. Ad copy to be set, Monday preceding publication date. Color plates, Monday preced- ing publication date. 13. CIRCULATION a. Guaranteed bi-weekly circulation (total dis- tribution) 13,000 plus. See Standard Rate & Data Service for latest report. Rates based on circulation of 13,000. b. Circulation analysis: Gasoline and oil sales, 96%; auto accessories, 83%; lubrication, 82%; tire and battery sales, 74% ; auto wash- ing and polishing, 57%; automotive repair- ing, 67%; car and truck dealers, 20%; plus auto parts and supply stores; oil marketing companies, independent oil jobbers and dis- tributors; tune-up shops, fleet owners, paint and body shops, tire distributors and recap- pers, etc. c. Locality: Regional, covering the 9 Pacific- Western states. d. Distribution: Paid subscription. Subscription price for 1 year?╟÷$5.00, 2 years?╟÷$7.00. Single copy, $0.20. 14. SHORT RATES AND REBATES Advertisers will be short-rated if within a 12 month period from the date of the first insertion they do not use the amount of space upon which their billings have been based. Advertisers will be rebated if within a 12 month period from the date of first insertion, they have used sufficient additional space to warrant a lower rate than that at which they have been billed. 15. PUBLISHERS COPY PROTECTIVE CLAUSE Advertisers and advertising agency assume lia- bility for all content (including text, representa- tion and illustrations) of advertisements printed, and also assume responsibility for any claims arising therefrom made against the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising which he feels is Hot in keeping with the publication's standards. 16. COPY SERVICE Advertisers who do not have an advertising agen- cy and who request copy will be charged at cost.