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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, May 1991



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    \ The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Ruth Fite, Executive Director Jeanne Schomaker, School Principal Terri Herman, Bulletin Editor May 1991 lyar - Sivan 5751 Sanford D. Akselrad, Rabbi Eileen Kollins, President Schedule of Services Friday, May 3rd *7:30 p.m. Family Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by Kindergarten & 1st Grade. Friday, May 10th 8:00 p.m. Sisterhood Sabbath |Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad rAdult Choir Performing Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood. Friday, May 17th *7:30 p.m. Family Services Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Oneg Sponsored by Religious School and Glyman Family in honor of Baby Naming. Friday, May 24th 8:00 p.m. Confirmation Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad Adult Choir Performing Oneg Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Weissman in honor of their son, Eric's, Bar Mitzvah, also sponsored by the parents of the Confirmands. Congregation Mer Tamid proudly presents our 1st Slnnuai 'Cjoods & Sendees Slue turn " Make your bid on Saturday, May 11th, on one (or many) of our fine items. Breinew begins at 7:00 p.m. Ruction begins at 8:00 p.m. Dessert ?Buffet uridfollow - $5.00 Donation Bgquested... your checfwdl be your reservation. B.S.D.T. to Temple office by May 8th... 733-6292 Some of the items to be auctioned indude: Bgsen?edBarking Space at Temple, ?Video Doker Machine, Baccarat CrystaC, Sa?c Lessons, Dog Obedience Training, Mammography Screening, One u>ee fat a Condo, Loads of Dinners, Dye B%am, ifinancial Tlan, 1991 Ta?ces, groceries, Shopping, Clean Mouse, Jewelry, SignedRgam Book, and many many more! Saturday, May 25th 10:00 a.m. Eric Weissman?s Bar Mitzvah. Friday, May 31st 8:00 p.m. Services Conducted by Eileen Kollins Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood. * Note time change of Family Services YAHRZEITS May 3rd Harry Nathanson Maurice Robb Isaac Hirshorn Abraham Louis Goldstein George Asch Max Benisch Robert E. Worth May 10th Esther Coira Leonard Winograd Helen Nass Trade Hirshorn Gussie Wender Shirley Jacobs Richardson Brian Keith Fox Jack Davidson Hiram Lewis May 17th Abraham Buffman Frances Rostov Jeanette Rostov Samuel Bierman Sidney May Celia Zimmerman Jacob Newman Betty Wexler Yetta Goldberg Michael Gould Jacqueline Mandel Louis Daniel Giordano May 24th Samuel Kishner Morris Aronoff cont. on page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid Rabbi?s Message According to tradition, when a Jewish child begins cheder, a drop of honey is placed on his first page of Talmud. The implicit message: learning is sweet. This lovely tradition reminds us all of our hope: that our children will embrace our religion, and that they will want to learn more about what it means to be Jewish. As a parent myself, I know how difficult it can be to transmit to children values and traditions that we hold so dearly. After all, our children will grow with ideas of their own. We can only hope that through example and through our love they too will know the joy of being Jewish. At Shabbat Services May 24th eleven of our religious school students will remind us that our tradition lives on in a very marvelous way. This year?s Confirmation Class is a very special one. ?Very Verbal" would be an under?statement... They have challenged me even as I have challenged them. Together we have come together to learn, to study, and to celebrate our faith. Confirmation is a very important ceremony. Unlike a B?nai Mitzvah, Confir?mation does not celebrate a single child, rather the group is celebrated. These students are a microcosm of Am Yisrael, the People of Israel. By their friendship, their trust, their desire to work together in writing a special Confirmation Service, these Confirmands will show us that yes, our hopes, and our dreams are answered. They are a part or this year?s Confirmation Class. I invite the entire Congregation to join me as I officiate at this most meaningful Ceremony. Together we will celebrate the joy of our tradition as embodied in this very special group of students. Wilner Foundation Achievement Award The Wilner Foundation grants are made to recognize, distinguish, honor, and reward outstanding Jew?ish youth for their religious commit ment and their social action aimed at enhancing the community in which they live. The grant is considered an Achievement Award. The award is given to financially assist the recipient youth to partici?pate in activities such as summer camp, day camp, enrichment classes or seminars, travel to a Kinnus, travel to Israel with an organized pilgrim?age, or scholarly projects. The award amount is given in the name of the recipient directly to the organization or school providing the activity for which the grant is made. Contact the Temple office for ap?plications at 733-6292. B'shalom, Sanford Akselrad Rabbi President's Message Yahrzeits cont. from page 1 Samuel H. Freedman Alex Adler Dora Weintraub Bessie Chaikin Samuel Richard Bossak Lena Akselrad May 31st Rachel Figelski Bertha Martin Paul N. Meltzer Adolph Kramer Florence Bader Andrew Jackson Samuel Newman Clara Routtenberg William Weintraub Jennie Asch Jacob Dunn A special thank you to all of those who worked so diligently on our annual Passover Seder. It was a memorable event for all who attended. Thanks are also due to Rabbi Akselrad for the planning and execution of an especially beautiful and meaningful Yom Hashoah service for our entire Las Vegas community. We hope to see each of you at our Goods and Services Auction and Dessert on May 11th. It will be an evening of fun and surprises. May will be a special month for our congregation. We will have a Confirmation ceremony at the time of Shavuot for our ninth grade students. Confirmation is actually a Reform innovation, begun about one hundred years ago as a ?coming of age? ritual. Originally it was meant to replace the B?nai Mitzvah Ceremony. Now it serves as a continuation of a teenager?s Judaic studies and a reaffirmation of their heritage. All branches of Judaism have adopted the ceremony. We hope to see many members of Ner Tamid share in the joy of our confirmands and their families. Mazel Tov to all. Sincerely, Eileen Page 2 Congregation Ner Tamid ?The Parents of the Confirmation Class of 1991 Request the honor of your presence to help celebrate this important milestone in the life of our Congregation. Priday ?Evening May 24,1991 Service 8:00 p.m. Congregation %($r ?Tamid i% Y E>avid Chenin Michele EHamond Allison E>rucker Joe! ?feldman Meza Cjoldsmith Sara (Jordon Andrew C. (Jratz Jeremy ?Xohnen Judith M. %pllins fonata Shpak Julie L. Simon Oneg Jolldwing Sendee ?Jlostedhy Parents of Confirmands BAR MITZVAH My name is Eric Weissman and I?m about to be Bar Mitzvah. In case you?re wondering, my interests include baseball, comics, karate, and uh... math. I?m interested in math for two reasons: HI, It helps you in the real world, and H2,1 need to be excellent at math for my future career as an engineer. There are a lot of reasons I can?t wait to be Bar Mitzvah. Ill get a lot of presents for one. I?ll finally be done with all this studying, and I guess, because, I will symbolically be a man in the eyes of God, myself, and the Jewish people. So all this studying and hard work will pay off on May 25th. Yiskor - Shavuot 1991 May 30.1990-May 20, 1991 Yiskor Service will be 5-20-91 at 10:00 a m William Ackerman David Asner A1 Baron Mortimer Benisch Jeffrey David Berger Henry Blair Lorraine Borukh Eveylyn Byeher Harold Carter Ada Chaiken Leon DeFaine Jack Edlow Rudolph Elman William Eskin Tress Garfield Joseph Geier Samuel Gellin Ruth Getzell Joseph David Glyman Helen Goldberg Bent Gorosch Lyndl Gorosch Jon Gousdavas Dr. Harry Goldberg Harry Greenberg May Greenwald Gertrude Guberman Fannie Havison Rose Herman Max Hey man Sydelle Hirsch Ethelle Hoffer Frank Hoffer Reed Jacober Robert Johnson Sol Kaminsky Emily Kenner Ruth Kleban Lyia Kotik Irma Kyle Alfred Landsberg Mel Lane Marian Layton Louis Letizia Bernard Levine Rose Levine Harry Levy Lawrence A. Lewin Sidney Lewis Ruth Lipman Faye Mandel Lottie Marco Louise Matloff Danny Matter Peggy Potter Bertha Rosenthal Philip Rosenthal Mary Rubinfeld Irving ?Jim? Ring Molly Ruden Blanche Ryder Elaine Sassoon Mike Schall Louis Schindler Shirley Schecter Marvin Sedway Stuart Segal Murray Shaw Penny Sheer Daniel Silverman Dr. David Simon Nathan Simons Bobbie Sperling Sid Stern Fannie Strauss Fannie Sussman Ilene Swartz Clara Tepper Harvey Victorsen Lenora Victorsen George Vinnik Pearl Weinstein Julius Weitzman Adele Welch Irving Wender Frieda Zabinofsky Traditionally during Shavuot we re?call loved ones who have died during the past year. Please let our office know if you wish the name of a loved one to be added to our Yiskor list. Page 3 Congregation Ner Tamid THANK YOU ) THANK YOU THANK YOU Thank You to all who helped make this years Passover Celebration a huge success: Coordinators Fern Chenin Ruth Fite Rita Malkin Helpers Alice Hughes Millie Silverstein Sheryl Chenin-Webb Alma Bernay Irene Gold Rudy Gold Saul Levine Joni Akselrad C.J. Akselrad Arlene Harbach Angie Harbach Lori Harbach Eileen Kollins Kathy DeFraine Richard DeFraine Alan Hirsh Maura Braun Dorothy Grant Steve Kollins Music Bella Schwartz - Soloist Martha Olson - Our Temple Choir Director Other Thank-Yous To Sidney Chaplin for donation of Passover Wine. To Jim O-Conner of De Luca Liquor & Wine for the dona?tion of Confirmation Wine. NEED TO GET INTO THE TEMPLE?^ In case of an emergency, call our custodian, Richard, at 434-8547. - -- ^ The Nathan Adelson Hospice announces its first afternoon training course for volunteers. Volunteers pro?viding emotional support to terminally ill patients and their families are greatly needed during daytime hours. For further information, or to arrange an interview, contact Gary Garcia at 733-0320. rr \ Rabbi Akselrad would like to be helpful to you and your family whenever pos?sible, particularly by visiting Temple members and their families when they are in the hospital, or nursing homes. The Temple office tries to maintain a current list of those who are hospitalized, so please call the Temple of?fice to let us know when you are going into the hospital. Office # 733-6292. (r "Hillel Guide to Jewish Life on Campus" This resource book is now available for anyone who would like to refer to it. Con?tact the Temple Office at 733-6292. V------------------- rr % Newsletter Update For any questions regarding the Temple newsletter, please con?tact Terri Herman in the Temple Office on: Thursdays, 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. There is a deadline of the 13th of each month for newsletter submittals. We would like to try and get the newsletter out in a timely manner and appreciate your cooperation. rr rr WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP? The Shade Tree, an over?night shelter for homeless women and women with children in Las Vegas is looking for volunteers to work one day per month (3 hour shift). If you are interested, please contact Teresa Canfora at 361-4184 or Kim Perron at 791-7616. 1 Page 4 Congregation Ner Tamid 8 EXPERIENCE ALASKA PRINCESS CRUISES 5 Preferred Trml Service* LEO A. WILNER INVITES YOU TO JOIN HIM ON THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME! The Star Princess will set sail through the Inside Passage of Alaska for 7 days / 7 nights, departing AUGUST 24, 1991. Step aboard this deluxe cruise ship bound for Alaska and enter a world unlike anything you?ve ever experienced before. The Star Princess includes Glacier Bay Cruising Dreams, excitement and fond memories come alive on the STAR PRINCESS. ACT NOW! CALL: Deposits received by May 20th will entitle you to $50.00 shipboard credit PREFERRED TRAVEL SERVICES per cabin. 4071 Industrial Road Cabins starting @ $1925 PP DPL Las Vegas, Nevada 89103 Phone: (702)733-0707 (includes cruise / air / port tax & cancellation insurance.) Ask for Elaine or Leo. RESERVE YOUR ADVENTURE NOW! AND JOIN US FOR A PRE-CRUISE PARTY! fr TEMPLE WISH LIST 1. Books for our Library. 2. Incidental kitchen items or $100. 3. Floor scrubber or $150. 4. Commercial stove with grill top. 5. Fire-proof Filing Cabinets. 6. Wallpaper or $50. fr High Holyday Choir Now Forming The year has just flown by and before you know it, the High Holidays will be upon us! Our choir which graces our pulpit throughout the year will be beginning rehersals for the High Holydays starting this June. If you would like to be a part of our High Holyday Choir here is your chance! Rehersals are on Monday nights from 7-9 p.m.. For more information call Sheryl at 733-6292. We will see you in the choir! Please return to the Temple office any Haggodah which were inadvertently taken from the Temple Sedar. S SCRIP C CAN R RAISE I INCOME P PAINLESSLY DELIVERY AVAILABLE. PURCHASE SCRIP DAILY AND FRIDAY NIGHT AFTER SERVICES IN THE TEMPLE OFFICE 733=6292 WE NOW HAVE AVAILABLE: SMITH?S, VON?S, a ALBERTSONSI At most Friday night serv?ices, congregants can participate in a special way by accepting hon?ors such as: lighting the Shabbat candles, dressing and undressing the Torah or saying the blessing before and after the Torah read?ing. The Temple gives any of these honors to synagogue mem?bers who enjoy participating in the Shabbat service in this special way. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, please call the Temple office at 733-6292 so we can schedule your honors on a convenient day for you. ^ J { NEW IN TOWN ???? ) Our Membership Committee would happy to hear from anyone wishing informa?tion on our Temple. Any members who know new people in town or anyone who would like information on our Temple to please feel free to call anyone on our Membership Committee Mary Fox.........................................................................456-4452 JackNitzkin....................................................................435-1932 Rita Moses-Malkin.........................................................451-9412 Dyane Kohnen.................................................................870-2204 Sheldon Rosenberg.........................................................870-8105 Janis Rounds...................................................................896-0013 Barbara Rosen.................................................................454-5060 Vs .......................................... ....... JCongregation Ner Tamid SAVE THIS DATE!!! Annual Meeting on June 9th with a FREE bar- b-que (hot dogs and hamburgers). Temple members of all ages are invited for this special celebration as we elect and usher in our New Temple Board. Look in next months newsletter for more in?formation. ANNIVERSARIES Jerome & Christine Bader Gary & Pamela Goldberg Bernard & Sandy Greenblatt David & Michele Johnston Morton & Elinore Livenston Norm & Laura Pena Phil & Rose Seltzer Randy & Been Spoor i .......- ----JJ (? ---------------------^ Sisterhood Book Review, Luncheon, & Elections Thursday, May 9th, at 11:00 a.m. Elliot Krane, a veteran restaurant re?viewer, will be doing his own review at our Temple on his recent book: Dining Out In Las Vegas. This is the first book in the 90?s describing more than 200 Las Vegas restau?rants, where to eat, what to eat, and how much it will cost. Krane is the res?taurant writer for the Nevada Casino Jour?nal, Prime Magazine, the Las Vegas Israel?ite, and has contributed to Nevada Magazine. He is an honorary member of the Frater?nity of Executive Chefs and the International Food Service Executives Association and a member of the American Institute of Wine and Food and the Society of American Cuisine. Elliot will have his books available to sign. After the luncheon, the Sisterhood Elections will be held, so don?t miss this event. The cost for the luncheon is $5. For Reservations call the Temple Office at 733-6292. .. .-Jj Sponsor an Oneg Shabbat Do you have a special occasion you wish to celebrate by sharing it with others, i.e.: birthday, anniversary, etc.? You can sponsor a Friday night Oneg Shabbat. What a nice way to honor your loved ones. You can also donate one or two cakes for any oneg. Donor credit is given in the amount of $5 per cake. This credit goes toward your 'Donor Luncheon' hosted every year by Sisterhood. Please bring your cake or cakes to the Temple office and leave your name so you can be credited for your donation. Also, put your name, occasion, and the date you wish the cake to be served onto your cake box. Please call Alma Bernay, Oneg Shabbat Chairman at 645-4124 for further information and thank you for your participation and cooperation. Page 6 Congregation Ner Tamid Volunteers for Israel! "An Adventure ot the Spirit"... Commission on Religious Living 1991 Kallah?? A unique program founded in 1982 during the Lebanon crisis when the manpower shortage in Israel was acute. VFI provides an opportunity to relieve the pressures, work side by side with Israelis while studying the nation and its history. Over 26,000 volunteers from 20 nations have par?ticipated, many returning several times. You must be between 18 & 70 years of age and be in good health. The time commitment is 23 days, 5 1/ 2 days a week. It is helpful, but not necessary, to know Hebrew. Costs vary with seasonal changes and run between $700 - $1,000 including room and Kosher meals. Please call for further details: Los Angeles (213)470-1316 Orange County (714) 956-7547 New York (212)643-4848 A five day gathering of Reform Jews to explore religious living options is scheduled for July 17th-21st on the campus of Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts. This third annual Kallah is sponsored by the Joint Commission on Religious Living of Reform Judaism. Participants will learn, search, and share as they encounter tradition through primary Jewish texts. The daily schedule includes study in one of the following; Bible, Talmud, Midrash, Jewish Thought, Mysti?cism, and Liturgy. The program is designed for all layper?sons interested in Jewish learning, regardless of level of education or experience. The regis?tration fee includes 4 nights lodging in air conditioned dorms with semi-private bath, meals Wednesday, dinner through Sunday breakfast, study materials, all classes, work?shops, and evening entertainment. For more information contact Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, Commission on Religious Living, 1330 Beacon Street - Suite 355, Brookline, MA 02146... or call (617) 277-1655. TOT SHABBAT CONTINUES The theme of this month's Tot Shabbat will be "Our Jewish Home". Toddlers will make special art projects that they can use in their home. Children will learn the meaning of these symbols and the importance of taking pride in their Jewishness. As always families are in for a fun filled morning with a brief service led by Rabbi Akselrad and cantorial soloist Bella Schwartz. Theme: Our Jewish Home Place: Ner Tamid Sanctuary Time: 10:00 a.m. Dates: May 11th This program, as always, is open to the whole community; but, R.S.V.P.'s are a must. To make your reservation please clip and mail the attached sign-up coupon to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 Or call Sheryl at the Temple office: 733-6292 r YES, WE WOULD LIKE TO SIGN UP FOR THE TOT SHABBAT: ?1 NAME: ADDRESS:, PHONE:___ L_ CHILD?S NAME: J V v BIRTHDAYS Ida Aberman Joni Akselrad Richard Berger Thomas Bigham Harry Bycel Irene Chenin Paul Cohen Kimberly Cohen Mitchell Cohen Richard Cummins David Diamond Leo Diamond Michael Dias Mark Dolginoff Donald Eisner Harvey Eisner Ruth Fite Sylvia Frank Matthew Scott Fried Leesa Galatz Susan Gerecht Amy Glicken Joanne Gold Ryan Goldhammer Nikos Gousdavas Bernard Greenblatt Zachary Grobstein Lori Harbach Steven Janovitch Douglas Kern Joshua Kern Mort Kirson Jeremy Kohnen Stephen Lehman Stephanie Lehrner Jaki Levey Michael Marcuse Betty Miller Alan Miller Susan Moss Carol Naiman Lenora Newman Jack Nitzkin Michael Novick Harold Ober Lindsey Ober Lauren Ober Rene Raynes Barbara Rosen Jeffrey Rosenfeld Wendy Rosenfeld David Rounds Arlyse Scheinbaum Linda Schnitzer David Schomaker Lynn Schuchmann Jack Schuster Hal Schuster Frederic Siegel Shawn Silber Bradley Silverstein Stacey Sneed Joseph Speizer Nina Tiep Carol Treat Daniel Unger Freda Vinnik Elizabeth Waters Robert Worth Jodi ZacharyCongregation Ner Tamid f Religious School Dates to Remember Friday, May 3rd... Kin?dergarten & First Grade Shabbat Dinner and Family Service at 7:30 p.m. Friday, May 17th... Family Service at 7:30 p.m. honoring the Reli?gious School Teachers and Aides. Sunday, May 19th... Maccabia Games begin?ning at 10:30 a.m.. Par?ents are welcome to come and stay for our Bar-b- que. This is the LAST DAY OF SUNDAY SCHOOL! Friday, May 24th... 1991 Confirmation Services at 8:00 p.m. ^ ? -........................................................ (? ' ' ' ~ ^ Principal?s Message You should all have received our Registration Forms in the mail. If you have not received a form, please pick one up at the Temple office. It is VITALLY IMPORTANT that you register early. Our school population has increased dramatically and many classes are filling up very quickly. We need your help so that we can make plans for the coming year. As an additional incentive, please note that there is a DISCOUNT for early registration! Many will notice that our registration fees have gone up this year. As our school has grown, so too has the expenses needed to run our school. We are expanding our Hebrew program, adding extra religious school teachers and school specialists to ensure that our religious school maintains its high standards of excellence. In addition, for the first time, we are charging a book fee. Textbooks used during the school year will be owned by the family. It is our hope that every family will take pride in building their own Jewish library. Sincerely, Jeanne Schomaker School Principal ^ .........? ^ (c \ Tell & Kvell Mazel Tov to Lisa Kollins! She will be playing ANNE FRANK in the Rainbow Co. production of The Diary of Anne Frank in May. Can you host a Jewish exchange student? Please call Mrs. Winfrey at 645-8638. fr~-- ^ Religious School Wish List 1. Printer - compatible to Apple II series. 2. Toys for Pre-School 3. Library Books 4. T.V. &VCR 5. Art Supplies 6. Five more classrooms need mini-blinds. (f -............................... ^ Religious School Sabbath We will honor our Teaching Staff at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 17th, during Services. Come and pay tribute to all those who have worked so hard to make this Religious School year so meaningful. Over 160 students strong, our school is the largest in the history of the Temple. We will also have a special added attraction - Hester Katzman! Hester is a noted story-teller who has appeared at our Temple many times. She will delight both young and old with her wit, charm, and marvelous presentation. ---------- ?? J Page 8 Congregation Ner Tamid (C ......... - - ^ Sisterhood Family Picnic Why Does Sisterhood Need You? We all must do our part to keep the Temple vibrant and our Jewish way of life strong. We also need to have fun. Our soon to be famous "Family Picnic" will be... WHEN: May 23rd at 6:00 p.m. WHERE: Paradise Park: 4770 South Harrison Drive (Three blocks east of Eastern just North of Tropicana.) BRING: Your own Picnic Din?ner to enjoy. BE PREPARED FOR: A Great Time! R.S.V.P.: E IS *r.....i' (? .......................... ^ Golden Chai Our first meeting in April occured during Passover, and therefore our bagel lunch became a matzo lunch. We were treated to Passover cake by mayoral candidate Jan Laverty- Jones. Last year we were visited by Steve Miller, so we were happy to comply with the request to have Jan Jones speak to us also. She was kind enough to answer many of our questions about her qualifications and her platform. We also had entertainment at this meet?ing. During lunch we listened to the lifting piano music of Art Gellin. Later we heard old favorite Cockney songs presented by Janet Ire?land. The second meeting of the month (which has not yet occurred at this writing) will be a Bingo day. In May we will have Reva Schwartz from Weight Watchers speaking on ?How to Feel Good About Yourself.? At the second meet?ing Joe Behar will tell us ?Everything we wanted to know about getting into pictures.? Every month we have added new mem?bers to our roster. Needless to say, we are delighted to welcome many newcomers to Las Vegas, as well as long-time residents who have just discovered us. A great drawing card is our support group for widowed persons. Sandy Greenblatt has been the group leader and is described by those attending as ?wonderful?. Her help is deeply appreciated. The Golden Chai board has approved our first donation to the Temple for this fiscal year. A check will be presented to the Temple Board at the May Meeting. Hopefully we will be able to make a second presentation as our Kol Nidre pledge. We would like to see many more temple members join our ranks. We are planning wonderful activities for seniors including trips, parties, and a variety of programs to please all tastes and interests. Remember - the first and third Thursday of each month at noon. Shalom, Helen Zliser Golden Chai President ^ ..... Pape 9Congregation Ner Tamid DONATIONS General Fund From Ruth & Albert Kallett to Mrs. Harry Schloss & Family, in memory of your sister, Rose Levine. From Mr. & Mrs. Bill Bischoff to Harriet Elman, in memory of Rudolph Elman. From Helen Mendelson to Mrs. Marsha Feldman, best wishes on your 60th birthday & many more in good health, with love. Prayer Book Fund From Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Johnston to Harriet Elman & Family, in memory of Rudolph Elman. From Dr. & Mrs. Vern Kent to Harriet Elman & Family, in memory of Rudolph Elman. From John Elman in memory of Rudolph Elman. Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund From the Etcoff Family to Debbie Stone, Happy 40th Birthday. From Paul Roskoph Family to John Elman & Family, in memory of Rudolph Elman. From Gloria & Farley Sheer in memory of Penny Sheer from her mother & brother. Library Fund From Mom, Dad, David, & Doug to Danny Chenin, Congratulations on receiving second place on your science project at the Science Fair, with love. From Rona & David Mendelson to the Goldmans, in honor of Mollie & Ed Goldman?s Simchas. From Jean Sefman - Haggadahs for Passover. Religious School Fund From Wendy & Jeffrey Rosenfeld, thank you. Choir Fund From Steve, Linda, Danny, David, & Doug Chenin to Bella Schwartz and Mike Feldman, Congratula?tions on your engagement, wishing you much happiness, with love. From Marianne Schwartz, in memory of Irma Dausen. Tree Certificate From Barbara & Barry Salzman to Mr. Hal Cohen & Family, in loving memory of Bea Cohen. From Morgan Davis to Mr. & Mrs. Blair Parker in honor of son, Thayne. From Jeff & Nancy Sloane to The Rudack Family, in loving memory of mother, Constance. From Irving & Ema Kestenbaum to The Rudack Family, in loving memory of mother, Constance. From Marianne Schwartz, in memory of Irma Dausen. Pre-School Fund From Linda, Steve, David, Danny & Douglas Chenin to Dr. Mark & Jennifer Ohriner, Mazel Tov on your marriage, with Love. Sisterhood Tributes From Phyllis & Cal Lewis to Harriet Elman, in memory of Rudy. From Rita & Herman Malkin to Harriet Elman, in memory of Rudy. From Sisterhood to Betty Schloss, sympathy on loss of sister. From Bernice May to Betty Schloss, in memory of sister. From Lil & Don Eisner to Sid Chaplin, get well soon. From Lil & Don Eisner to Mr. & Mrs. Don Macauley, Mazel Tov on your son?s birth. From Sisterhood to Shirley Gellin, sympathy on loss of sister. From Sisterhood to Phyllis Mark, sympathy on loss of brother. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Shirley Gellin, in memory of sister. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Phyllis Mark, sympathy on loss of brother. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Lil Eisner, Stay Well. From Helen Zliser to Mary Fox, thanks for your participation in Sisterhood Workshop. Campership Fund From Dyane, Sig, & Jeremy to Lil Eisner, Get Well Soon. DESERT VALLEY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 6767 West Charleston, Suite K Las Vegas. NV 89102 DENNIS ZA CHA R Y, President (702) 870-0711 STEVE & DELLY "THE SINGING DJ*S MAKE YOUR PARTY FABULOUS!" OUR BAR/BAT MITZVAH PACKAGE INCLUDES: 1. DINNER SHOW. 2. SPECIAL DANCES. GAMES. CONTESTS. & $75 IN PRIZES. 3. PERSONALIZED CANDLELIGHTING, POEMS. & MUSIC. 4. OCCASIONAL ''LIVE" SONG STYLINGS. 456-5452 This SpAcE cOuLd Be YoUrS!!! call 733-6292 (702) 737-7275 (800) 648-0677 ALAN S. MANN Associate Vice President, Investments DEAN WITTER REYNOLDS INC. Eirst Interstate Tower, Suite 800 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy., Las Vegas, NV 89109 Page 10 Congregation Ner Tamid ? HD ? 77; a\ MtSMBm./Ac Harold Gerecht, GRI Susan Gerecht, GRI, CRS Broker Owners Park 2000 (702) 798-8600 6380 S. Eastern Ave. #8 Home: 435-1966 Las Vegas, NV 891 19 Cellular: 376-4158 13 Years Serving the Jewish Community State Contractor # C1-15912 Rra Protection G-46 | SPRING VALLEY PLUMBING, INC. 4300 North Pecos Road, No.-28 Las Vegas, Nevada 89115 JEFFERY HEIT (702) 644-1220 X i ? ?~r1 ARTISTIC VIDEO ________XBKOiniCTIOAS | 2290 East Flamingo Road. Suite E ? Las Vegas Nevada 89119 PLANNING A WEDDING, PARTY. BARMITZVAH OR ANY SPECIAL EVENT? | KEEP THOSE MEMORIES FRESH HAVE IT VIDEO TAPE GIVE US A CALL (702) 733-1001 1 1 ? ? a...t.. MR. - MR. QUALITY CATERERS (702) 386-0506 Pi MoneyWorld REALTORS'3 3280 E. Tropicana #M ? Las Vegas, NV 89121 Brentwood Studio E Charles Silvestri 456-9880 Stephan Russ 796-8376 BRENT MAYHEW Marketing Director 3863 s. VALLEY VIEW #6 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 Office: (702)434-1662 (702) 435-8300 Res: (702) 896-0013 Pager: 381-7002 FAX: (702)454-7371 JANIS ROUNDS GRI, CRS Creative Safari Inc (702)258-0185 Draperies Bed Spreads Verticals Mini Blinds AND SO ON <yOUR <TRflVEL<pUKX BOW or GEORGE 6750 Del Ray Ave. #112 L.V., NV 89102 3421 East Tropicana Avenue Suite D ? Pecos Center Las Vegas. Nevada 89121-7396 Linda Schnitzar Ken Schnitzer Owner (702) 456-4080 Home or Office IRONCO SECURITY INC. MONITORED ALARM SYSTEMS Ken or Jay Herman (702) 735-4080 Cont. Uc. 0022287 LEATHER KING FURNITURE 100% TOP GRAIN LEATHER /instate ???? *0 R * SHELSBARRA Senior Account Agent (D I. & Pecos, Cinemax 8 Plaza) 3025 East Desert Inn Road. #19 Las Vegas. NV 89121-3812 Bus. 794-3600 ? Claims 456-2200 (702) 877-6200 BUSINESS (702) 870-9790 RESIDENCE (702) 877-9843 FAX LEATHER KING 3507 S. Maryland Pkwy. Suite 1 Las Vegas, NV 89109 (702) 734-7212 couMueu. BANKjSR ? MARILYN B. GLOVINSKY REALTOR* COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE 900 S RANCHO DRIVE SUITE 101 LAS VEGAS NV 89106 Boettcher & Company a division of Kemper Securities Group, Inc. C.A. "Cal" Lewis Suite 109 1850 East Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89119-5112 (702) 732-4222 Toll-free: (800) 233-6973 Members New York Stock Exchange and other principal exchanges Glenn Raynes, C. P. A. Glenn Raynes, CPA, Chartered CLARK-WASHOE BUILDING, SUITE 1 500 SOUTH THIRD STREET LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 PHONE (702) 386-2888 FAX (702) 384-0433 'S&Sm Three KOSHER Meals daily. Personalized Care. Private & Semi Rooms. HDMF Transportation. Housekeeping. Medication Monitored. 732-3575 Family Atmosphere. Please call the ANNEXSTEIN Family for information concerning the placement of your loved ones or yourself. 732-3575 or 255-3835. Ben Zimmerman?s STUDIO SOUTHWEST PHOTOGRAPHY portraiture-celebrations-advertising-editorial BAR & BAT MITZVAHS - WEDDINGS 3370-B Pinks Place 362-3686 Page 11 f Z may iyar sivan 1 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY APRIL S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 .^j 17 IYAR 2 18 IYAR g 19 IYAR 6:00 p.m Kindergarten & 1st < * Grade Shabbat yj 20 IYAR 28 29 30 Golden Chai LAG BA?OMER 7 30 p.m 111 Family Services Em or f 21 IYAR 5 r\ 22 IYAR 6 23 IYAR g 24 IYAR g 25 IYAR ^ Q 26 IYAR ^ 27 IYAR 7:00 p.m Adult Choir Practice 11:00 a.m Sisterhood Book Review with Elliot Krane 8c General Elections 8 00pm nn Sisterhood JJ11 Sabbath K ' 10:00 am. qq Tot Shabbat 7:00 pm. L? Goods Services E Auction CO BeharlBechukotai ^ 2 28 |yar "l 2 29IYAR ^ 1 SIVAN jk 1? 2 SIVAN 15 Jk 3 SIVAN 16 ^ 4 SIVAN "1 8 5SIVAN YOM YERUSHALAYIM MOTHER'S DAY 7:00 p.m Adult Choir Practice ROSH CHODESH 12:00 noon Golden Chai 7:30 p.m. Religious School AA Sabbath & Glyman Family / I Baby Naming l| Bemidbar EREV SHAVUOT "19 6 sivan f SHAVUOT 20 7SIVAN 10 00 a m Yiskor Service 7:00 p.