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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    we question the a d v isab ility o f doing so, p&rtloul&rly In view o f the foot the other two springe mid artesian w ell produce an ample supply o f water during 9 months o f the year sad would be entirely su fficien t during the sussuaer months i f citizen s o f Las Vegas would exerci «e a reasonable amount o f care in conserving the water, ffee water from this spring i s not wasted, but i s used in Irrig a tin g the Las Vegas Land and la t e r Company ranch; there­fore, we do not ree m m m d construe ting f a c i li t i e s at this time to divert water from the open spring into the settlin g basin and reservoir* Mb now have concrete reservoir which has a capacity o f 2§ m illion gallons. On August £, 193b, which was the day o f maximum use o f water this summer, we had flow o f two springe and artesian w ell going into the reservoir and, in addition, pumped the w ell at the roundhouse, total combined production o f 4,100 gallon s per minute» and yet i t was accessary to use approximately 536,000 gallons from supply la reservoir and settlin g basin during the IB hour period during daylight hours. We have given consider­ation to providing additional storage, but i t is our opinion the solution o f our water problem at Las Vegas lie® in a proper con­servation and use o f the water by citizen s o f Las Vegas* A reasonable asaouat o f care and regulation would greatly reduce the amount o f water consumed. Without Question, there i s a careless and wanton waste o f water by Las Vegas* Sven though hevade state Law prohibits the use o f meters, i t does seem that we would have the right to demand that the individual users discontinue such unreasonable wastage, and i t i s our opinion the matter can be ^ «*3—