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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, July 12, 1943 Mr. Walter R. Bracken: I enclose letter from National War l«abor Board, San Francisco, concerning application for Increase In wages of steno-olerks and water oheoker at Las Vegas. I talked to Mr. Klelnsorge b y telephone today and learned that the Board had refused to approve the reoom-mendation of Mr. Klelnsorge for approval of the request­ed Increase of the two steno-clerks without further show­ing because of the fact that both positions had received an Increase from $117 per month to $160 per month since January 1,, 1941. Mr. Klelnsorge appears to be doing ev­erything he oan for us on this application and says that he expect8 wage brackets to be established for the air­craft Industry In Southern California tomorrow for sim­ilar work at levels comparable to those which would be paid under the proposed increase. Be hopes that the Board will approve the application for the steno-clerks based upon comparison with the aircraft industry here. For your Information, the rules and regulations on the National War Labor Board now require that Board to establish wage brackets for various classes of labor In different labor areas. So far no statistics have been compiled for the State of Nevada, so the Board has no fixed standards applying in Las Vegas by which to judge the merit of the proposed increase. Mr. Klelnsorge asked me again concerning the water checker and whether I could give him any information re­garding wages paid comparable Jobs In Las Vegas. We had already given the War Labor Board the Information con­tained In your letter to Mr. Bockes of April 15, 1943. I told Mr. Klelnsorge X might be able to give him some comparison figures from the water company at Reno, but asked him not to hold up our application on that ac­count. He said he would go ahead with It, but would be glad to receive any additional comparisons which we could furnish. X. am wondering if you oould get some in­formation by telephone from the water oompany In Reno which would Justify the Increases to the steno clerks and water checker. If’ so, please let me have it as soon as possible so that I oan relay it to Mr. Klelnsorge for additional ammunition.