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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Pag?½ 17 fpiffi KOVELL* This is news to me, I didn?╟╓t know* 1 had assumed that the formula followed a trend of when you added a room you increased your contribution, AL FREEMAN: Also we never know, Mr, Chairman, who contributes to the Livewire and who doesn?╟╓t. We have never been able to get a list, HARVEY DlEDERICHj 2 personally have never seen a list........{something about all the 'hotels and clubs),..,?? II || RICK WILLIAMS* I often wonder who decides the,.,,.,* ^i^jRVlY DIEDERICHf,...... who beyond that, I can?╟╓t say. AL FREEMAN* I think you?╟╓d be surprised how much people contribute, KOVELLi A1, is there any. IVeic e)?╟≤?╟≤?╟≤*?╜,A1, you were presented with a list at your request. p| in FREEMAN* I said ?╟╓?╟╓we*, I?╟╓ve never brought that list 3 because the Board of Directors asked me not to. to the meet- \6brTM ASITWQRTHl Well, I can answer that Question, gentlemen, let?╟╓s face it right here, Approximately 90% to *95% of the Livewire con- ptributions comes from the hotels and downtown casinos and the gambling Mustry you might say. ; HftNK KOVELL* Is there any hotel or casino that you can name that is not a member? KEITH ASHWORTH* Yes. TfiAfe KOVELL-*' Would you name them? | IsEITH ASHWORTH* The Hacienda is not a member and the Frontier are nbt members of the Livewire contributions. Now you say Ced Olson*......................... End of Row No, 4 '**?√ß'''( vEDRIC OLSON* As of last week someone handled the Pioneer Club ?╟÷ sent back the statement saying ?╟úpass this up this year**. Now, this is being worked on by someone else to find out why.... Callahan. HARVEY DIEDERICH* Mr. Rogers has gone to Washington, D. C*. CEDRIC OLSON* That?╟╓s all the casinos there are, actually downtown. HANK KOVELL* Well, I think that?╟╓s a small percentage, the Hacienda the Frontier don?╟╓t use anything, they get benefit of the thing from the over?╟÷all activities. of course a lot of