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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, December 2005



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Looking Towards The Future.......... Worship Services Friday, December 2 6:30 pm TotShabbat 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ~ Oneg sponsored by the Deutscher Family Saturday, December 3 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, December 9 Last Shabbat at CNT 7:00 pm Special Shabbat Service ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, December 10 10:00 am Justin Thuna Bar Mitzvah ~ Kiddush sponsored by The Thuna Family 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) ?Dam Torah Study 3 pm Second Saturday Talmud Study Friday, December 16 First Service @ King David 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, December 17 At New Temple Office 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, December 23 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, December 24 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, December 30 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday, December 31 Happy New Year 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan 11:00 am Torah Study j See insert for erections to King David Memorial Chapel and to the new Temple office. DECEMBER 2005 VOL. XIX NO. 12 CHESHVAN/KISLEV 5766 FINAL SEUVICE ON EJAEUSON Friday, 'December 3th SPECIAL TTOVtE - 7:00j>JVt! shabb atones, Adult choir, kids choirs, Special oneg First Shabbat Service at King David Friday, December 16, 7:30 pm King David Memorial Chapel is located at 2697 East Eldorado Lane, in Las Vegas. Please see the insert for directions. THE OFFICE IS ON THE MOVE! As of December 21 you can find us at 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Suite 521, in Henderson. Near Sunset and Green Valley Pkwy. Please seethe insert for directions. Our phone number will remain 733-6292, as will our fax at 733-8553. Saturday Minyan and Torah Study Beginning December 17 we will be meeting at the Temple's office located at 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Suite 521, in Henderson.F rom T he R abbi O n S aying G ood-B ye With every door that closes, another opens. At least that?s what our mothers would always tell us. And somehow it not only seemed true, it became true. Goodbyes are never easy, even when they are for the best. They are filled with mixed emotions, ?what ifs? and ?might have beens?. They are filled with memories of what was, or at KSpL. - 'pPj least how we remember what was. And we wonder if we will ever capture those same feeli ngs I rStm again- Jk With every door that doses, another opens. tib J A In 1984 our Temple doors opened for the first time. It was not an easy start from what lam m told. Membership couldn?t sustain the mortgage, bills piled up, but somehow everyone rallied to the cause of the Temple. People came forward and contributed what they could. Others volunteered their time not only for positions of leadership, but also for what would normally have been paid positions within the organization. It took time, but the Temple turned around, and grew. And grew. When I was hired in October 1987,1 was told the Temple?s dream. Standing on stage of the social hall, which served also as our make shift pulpit, leaders pointed to the back wall. ?Someday we will knock down that wall and build our beautiful Sanctuary, and we will add real offices and more classrooms, and we would....? And sure enough, another door opened. And that dream became a reality, and with it more opportunities for sacred moments in our lives - baby namings and b?nai mitzvah; weddings and wild Simchat Torah celebrations; Consecration and choirs; prayer and Purim carnivals; celebration after celebration. Together we forged a community that cared about each other and supported one another and dreamed together yet another dream. With every door that doses, another opens. To build a new Temple with larger facilities and more land at a location closer to the growing Jewish population in a city increasingly challenged by growth and traffic concerns. What were about 450,000 people in 1987 is now upwards of 1.8 million. Who would have dreamed, the door would not only open, but that it would literally be pushed opened by the fastest growingjewish community in the country? Saying good-bye is never easy. It is bittersweet. But we are fortunate because we move today from a position of strength - the strength of our large and growing membership; the strength of our memories that remind us that we will forge new opportunities for spiritual growth in a place beyond the back wall. A place that we could only dream about is now a reality. On Friday, December 9th we will have our farewell service at 7:00 p.m. It will be a beautiful service featuring all of our choirs and our Shabbatone band. On Tuesday, December 13 at 6:30 p.m., we will have a deconsecration ceremony. For those present, they will join me in walking the perimeter of our property. Along the way we will find time to share a memory or two. Finally, stand in front of the doors to our Temple, we will lovingly take down our mezuzah packing it away for the year as we await our new home. On Tuesday, December 20th our doors will be closed for the last time. Shalom. Such a poignant word. It means both ?hello? and ?goodbye.? A reminder that it is true - with every goodbye, there is a new beginning. May our new home be filled with as much love as our old home. 2 WWW.LVNER.TAMID.OftG B?shalom Rabbi Sanford AkselradA dult L earning Adult Education V______________________ ?cond Annual Adult Education Second Monday Program Classes are free and open to the public, PLEASE RSVP to the temple 733-6292. 6- 6:50 pm Kabalahtaught by Laura Grau 7- 7:50 pm The Educated Jew taught by Al Esbin 8- 8:55 pm Las Vegas Jewish Community Leaders Different Speaker Each Month December 12 ~Remember the Early Years: The History of Jews in Las Vegas Jayn & Art Marshall Interviewer: Michael Geeser Videography: Poppy Productions January 9 - Cong. Shelley Berkley* *Class to be held at Anthem Sun City Rec. Center/ Arlington Room Upcoming NTTY Events Saturday, Dec. 3rd - Wrangler's Hockey Game @ 6:30 pm Wednesday, Dec. 7th - SAW Housing meeting at the Temple @ 6:45 pm FRIDAY, DEC. 9TH - FINAL SERVICE AT CNT WITH SHABBATONES & CHOIRS @ 7:00 PM Sunday, Dec. 11th - Gift wrap @ Galleria Mall and lunch at Red Robin r January 8th - SAW Prep January 12th-15th - SAW - Social Action Weekend January 28th - Israeli Program / Student Rabbi Second Saturday Talmud Study Second Saturday of the Month 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Following our customary morning Minyan and Bible Study RSVP to the Temple 733-6292. December 10 January 14* February 11* March 11 * April 8* May 13* *At Our New Office Location ^ Committees /Auxiliaries Mah Jongg Card Time! DEADLINE - FEBRUARY 10? Checks Payable to - CNT Sisterhood Mail to Sandy Stolberg 1904 Plantea Ct, LV NV 89117 Questions? Call Sandy at 228-6863 Flowers, cracks, bams, east, jokers and other words that mean something if you?re a player. Take action - the new cards will be here soon! Regular size is $6.00, Large size is $7.00. Sisterhood earned almost $200 last year from all the cards sold! First Annual Family Mitzvah Day! JANUARY 29, 2006 To perform a Mitzvah is to recognize that we can make a difference - one act of selflessness at a time. Mark your calendar. Be part of a new family tradition! OUR community serving the community. D ecember 2005 3 Philip?s M essage Every year between the end of November and the end of December, Jewish people around the world celebrate the holiday of Chanukah, the Festival of Lights. Chanukah begins on the 25th day of the Hebrew month of Kislev, but the starting date on the western calender varies from year to year. The holiday celebrates the events which took place over 2,300 years ago in the land of Judea, which is now Israel. One of the best known symbols of Chanukah is the Dreidel. A dreidel is a four sided top with a Hebrew letter on each side. The four letters are: $rm SHIN, HEY, GIMEL, NUN These letters mean "A Great Miracle Happened There." In Israel the dreidel is a bit different in that their letters mean " A Miracle Happened HERE!" Dreidel is also a popular game played during the Holiday. Players use pennies, nuts, raisins, or chocolate coins (gelt) as tokens or chips. The player spins the dreidel. When the dreidel stops, the letter that is facing up decides the fate: J NUN - nothing happens - next player spins the dreidel ^ GIMEL - player takes all tokens in the pot HEY - player takes half of the pot SHIN - player must put one token into the pot So as you play the game, it's also appropriate to sing the dreidel song. Trace this pattern to make your own dreidel. Enjoy! Philip 4 WWW.LVNEIUAMID.OHG B?nai M itzvah & Youth N ews This month, I am giving you all the information you will need to transition your children from CNT?s Emerson Sunday school to our temporary Sunday school at Gibson Elementary. address for Gibson Elementary is 271 Leisure Circle, in Henderson. The main cross streets are Green Valley Pkwy and Silver Springs Pkwy. We will have our first day of Sunday school at this location on January 8, 2006. The times will remain the same ~ 9:15 am- 12:15 pm. There are no changes to our mid-week Hebrew program.. Our Confirmation class will be meeting at our temporary office space. That address is 2920 N. Green Valley Pkwy, Ste. 521, in Henderson. The main cross streets are Green Valley Pkwy and Sunset. The class will start at 12:45 pm and last 1 hour. The last day of Religious School at our CNT location is December 11. We will have a special program that day. At the beginning of the day, parents will have a special meeting with me. We will discuss the move and what to expect while operating from a temporary location. At the same time, students will have special activities for the last day and Chanukah. After that, we will all spend some time helping our teachers pack the classrooms. To conclude this special day, we will all get together for a special Chanukah project and for a special closure ceremony in the social hall. I hope to see every family of our religious school on this memorable day. I believe it is a historical moment for our school community as well as for our whole congregation. Don?t miss saying goodbye to our memories here and being a part of the exciting moment of moving toward a wonderful future. ^See you all December 11th! B?Shalom Ayelet Dagan-Blit Director of Education We are beginning to schedule Bar/ Bat Mitzvah for the calendar year 2007. Letters will be mailed on or about December 16. If you are planning or expect to have a Bar/ Bat Mitzvah in 2007 and have not received a packet by the end of December please call Karen Levine immediately at 733-6292. have any questions about fe process of selecting dates please contact Rabbi Akselrad. Justin Thuna December 10,2005 Hi, my name is Justin Thuna and I will be called to the Torah on December 10th. I am an 8th grade student at Molasky Jr High and excel in math and science. I aspire to become an anesthesiologist. I enjoy computer games, listening to music, hanging out with my friends and playing hockey. I play for the Vegas Outlaws as a goaltender. I have three sisters, Samantha, Jade and Sydney who all attend Hebrew Academy. My family is very proud of my accomplishments and hopes that I have many more milestones in my lifetime. D ec cm be ii 2005 5 Your Executive D irector Pick a Date As everyone knows by now, we?re moving! We?ve sold our building and we will be: 1-Taking temporary office quarters at 2920 Green Valley Parkway, Building 5, Suite 521 in Green Valley. The office will be up and functioning as of Wednesday Dec. 21^ 2~We5ll be using King David Chapel for our Friday Night Shabbat Services, and they?re located at 2697 East Eldorado Lane in Las Vegas, which is just south of Warm Springs and Eastern Ave. 3-Our Religious School on Sundays moves to Gibson Elementary School, located at 271 Leisure Circle, near Green Valley Parkway and Silver Springs. (And, just to make it easier for everyone, please look for the map inserted in this bulletin, for your ease and convenience.) We?ll also be letting everyone know where so many activities and programs will be held during the year until we can move into our new facility on our new. campus. A word about ?community?, and what it means to me. I am a member of many communities, but as a Congregation Ner Tamid temple member, I am a member of a sacred community. Temples and synagogues are sacred communities - the spiritual center of our lives, the place where we find holiness. What does it mean to find holiness at temple? It means connecting to one another in meaningful ways, and asking about someone when they?re not there. It means mutual support and caring for one another, during good times and during difficult times. These special relationships don?t happen magically, but they can happen pretty easily. All it takes is a little effort. ?Community? does not need a building to happen, only people. We as the senior staff at CNT see this every day, and today, I?m inviting you to help us with our own community. We have several key dates that are coming very shortly, and we invite you to help us with our community. We could use everyone?s help on the following days, with the following activities: ? Friday December 9lh - Our final service in the building, with a beautiful oneg sponsored by ou| ? Saturday Dec. 10lh - our last B?nai Mitzvah in our Sanctuary, come and enjoy, and experience your own memories of those wonderful life experiences we?ve all shared here at CNT. ? Sunday Dec. 11th - our unofficial ?Packing Day? - we?re asking all of our Religious School teachers, students and parents, as well as any other congregants who can help us pack and tag everything that?s going with us - either to our temporary offices, or into permanent storage, which we won?t see for about a year, when we move into our new building. ? Monday Dec. 12th - ?Tag Day? - when we?ll be tagging all items going with us. ? Tuesday Dec. 13th - at 6:30 pm, Rabbi will lead us around the building and the perimeter of the building, as part of the deconsecration of our property. ? Sunday Dec. 18th - our unofficial ?Moving Day? - we?re asking everyone to come to temple and we?ll be moving all of our valuables, breakables and personal items that we don?t feel comfortable giving to the movers. Men?s Club has committed to feeding those volunteers who show up, and thanks, guys! Our last day in the building will be Tuesday Dec. 20th. Please join us for one or more of these activities, and know that, as we move into 2006, our year of transition, we will remain a community, there for each other. great Sisterhood - they could use your financial help, to cover the cost of the last oneg in o building. to be continued Irv 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.OllG Temple Board Scott Stolberg, President Marla Letizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways & Means Beth Falk, VP Education & Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual Jay Poster, VP Membership Recruitment Marsha Goldberg, VP Membership Retention CindyJensen, VP Social Action Gregg Solomon, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Jordie Primack, Trustee David Shapin, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Harry Sax, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Michele Fendell, Trustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Barry Lewisohn, Trustee Daryl Alterwitz, Trustee No Email Maxine Gratz, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President Adam Bromberg, NTTY Co-President twism34821@aoLcom Hilary Scheele, NTTY Co-President This month we come to an end of an era in CNT history. On December the 21st we will vacate what has been our home for over twenty years. I anticipate it will be like the end of a long running television show; the last person leaving will shut off the last light and close the door. That part of our temple's past will be closed. However, unlike a television show, our story does not end here. For the next year we will continue to have a full schedule of social programs, prayer services, adult and religious education. We will still have a Purim Carnival and a Hanukah Bazaar. It will just be a little more spread out across the area. It will become very important for all of you to pay attention to flyers, the bulletin, and the temple happenings to make sure you travel to the correct location. Included with this edition of the bulletin is a sheet that gives you the time and places and directions for all of our regular events. We will also make sure the temple web site is kept up to date with location information of all of our happenings. I know we are going to be wandering in the desert but it will only be for 12 months but like our ancestors we will enter the Promised Land. Before we leave our current location we have several very important things happening. First is December 3 rd our Annual Mensch of the year event honoring Jim & Beverly Rogers. We are also having our annual FUN-raiser doing gift-wrap at the Galleria Mall. PLEASE contact Mike Unger to volunteer. Also we are going to have one final Shabbatone service on December 9th. Please mark your calendar for this special event. Beginning on December 16th our weekly prayers will be held at King David. This gives Irv and the rest of the staff about 10 days to move. In January we will be the host congregation for our URJ regional Social Action Weekend. We will host about 150 kids from neighboring states for a weekend. If you would like to help or if you have a teen that wants to be involved please contact Yvonne Greenfield or Jolie Alhadeff, our youth advisors. As we begin 2006 Sandy, Megan, Ben and I want to wish each of you a happy and healthy year. _______________ President?s M essage B'shalom Scott D ecember 2005 7 Special Announcements December Birthdays 1st-Mrs. Goldie Aberman Sharon Davidson Evan Dodd 2nd - Mrs. Nicholle Goldstein 3rd -Stacey Skolnik Dr. David Wasserman 4th - Mrs. Judy Lugo 5th - Shana Davidson Alexandra Epstein Alyssa Fisher Alice Shapiro 6th - Mr. Jim Appleyard Dr. Steve Glyman Mr. Ralph Marano Mr. Mayer Schlesinger Michael Shapiro Alexander Solomon 7th - Mrs. Ada Feldman Mr. Martin Fessler Mrs. Lori Frankl Mr. Brad Torchin 8th- Sean Berman Mr.AlanChenin Adam del Valle Mr. Ike Epstein Mr. Paul Finkelstein Flanna Goldstein Mr. Steven Tarnow Rebecca Weiss 9th - Mr. Anthony Milton Mr. Gavin Pelham Mr. Jeffrey Sloane Mr. David Wachs 10th - Mr. Todd Butwinick Jennifer Cadish Hon. Michael Cherry Mrs. Julie Downs Mrs. Beth Falk Mrs. Gloria Fine Mr. Cal Lewis Mr. Herman Steiner 11th-Jordan del Valle Mrs. Mary FFox Ashley Frankl Mr. Brian Greenspun Mrs. Gale Husney Mrs. Michelle Lewis Mrs. Melody Tashman 12th - Corey Cohen Makenzie Coon Ms. Susan Danto David Geiger Bailee Rounds Brandon Rounds 13th - Jacob Ryan Bobiner Mr. Jeffrey Heit Danielle Jasper Mrs. Helen Krauss Mrs. Madelyn Nitzkin Mr. Richard Oshins Mr. Lawrence Sandell Marcello Werner 14th - Mr. Morton Friedlander Mrs. Fern Percheski Mrs. Nancy Sloane 15th - Mrs. Valerie Bernstein Samuel Grant Erik Segel 16th -Mrs. Barbara Frank Mr. Philip Goldstein - Austin Green Michael Kollins Judge Gilbert Yarchever 17th-Samantha Dias Mr. Michael Rayburn Jonathan Sabbath Mrs. Sherri Swezey 18th - Mr. Fred Saperstein Chance Tashman 19th-Dr. John Anson Hallie Appleyard Alex del Valle Mrs. Georgiann Hechter Ms. Gina Polovina Mrs. Carol Raizin 20th - Anthony Brill Mrs. Laurel Lardent Mr. Thomas Melville Mrs. Jean Tobman 21 st - Mr. Arthur Goldberg Mrs. Myra Greenspun Mrs. Debbie McDermott Mr. Harvey Moody Mr. Howard Strong Mrs. Deena Weinberg 22nd - Dr. Julie Barto-Fisher Lisa Katz Mrs. Jodi Mehr Mr. Kyle Moss Jerry Sloane Aidan Weiss 23rd - Mrs. Annette Israel Mitchell Polasky Steven Polasky Mrs. Roberta Sabbath Mara Wanderer 24th - Ms. Adele Meyer Samuel Raimist Mr. Robert Sharp 25th - Rachel Mason Ms. Gita Lowell Stotland 26th - Dyana Bowman Jeffrey Einsohn Mr. Ken Falk Mr. Robert Hirsh Mrs. Phyllis Jacobs Alec Milton Ms. Barbara Tarbet 27th - Mr. Roger Cooper Daniel Goldstein Jessica Marshall Dr. Benjamin Venger Dr. Ronald Weisner 28th-Mr. William Budin Mrs. Annette Friedman Mr. Eugene Henkin Jessica Meyers Michael Meyers Zachary Scheele 29th - Jacob Allison Noelle Bailey Ms. Deirdre Felgar Mr. Jerry Fox Mrs. Sonja Saltman Mrs. Rose Seltzer 30th - Liza Abrams Mr. Robert Brill Mr. William Kuhn Mrs. Elaine Weiman 31st-Kimberly Bailin Kyle Bailin Dr. Rick Bernstein Jordan Carter Mr. Marshall Everakes Mrs. Maria Horowitz Mrs. Anita Moody Ms. Lisa Skurow Mrs. Candace Yuman -IVc&mk&r' Anniv&r'sai'i&s 'Dacambar' 3 AV. ?s A\r^. Ber'ncr'd TVvif^cher' AV&AV>.5f fiWd "Dacambaff ? AV.d or\ Dt/ellirvghoff ?j A\^. K a/en Gclof "DacambaK 8 AV. ?s AV?. AAickaal /A&W "DacambaK ll AV. & AVj. I^alph 5 ilaffa "Dacambaff 13 AV. AVj. Ar'fkwir'/Aar'jkall Tiacambar' IS AV. ? /Ary. Gteg Cor'podian AV. ?j /Ary. Ojgood T^aeambaff 16 AV. Ss/At'?. (?lowar'd Layfer' "Dacambar' 18 AV. ?> /Ary. "David Gr'ean T^acambar' 19 AV ?s /Ary. "Todd (Hanjan 'Dacambar' 20 AV.&AV5.5 CO Wd ackjon AV. ?> AVj. AAich aei T^oe AV. ?i AVj. A\ayat'5 chlajingar' T^aeambaff 22 AV. ?> AVj. dar'ald F riadman AAp. & AVj. Gerald Gordon AV.?sAV<;.A\i cL ael T^odin "Daeambaff 23 AV.&AVj.UinnyGel cno AV. ?j /Ary. Donald Zarlin 'Daeambar' 24 AV. & AAr^. T^ickvar'd A\. Dale AV. & AVj. "BvirTon Gohan "Daeambaff 2S AV. & /Ary. Alvin DiVnbavjm "DacambaK 26 AV. & /Ary. d oel Levy TV. & A\r^>. *Br\j ce3LcpiVo T^acambaff 27 AV. &s AV$. "Brian Gr'aan^p'jn 'Dacambar' 28 /Ar1. ?jAVj.5 oof 3 iltaK "Dacambaff 30 /Ar'.&s/Ary. Lao SoLoanfald "Dacambar' 31 AV. ?> A\r^ T^icLar'd j loKowif^ AV. ?j /Ary. dock 3|L? ? 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Yahrzeits - M emoriams ~ Simchas INMEMOR1AM: ~%by Alex Mendoza, beloved nephew of Bessie and Joel Levy Mary Schoenfeld, beloved mother of Leo, beloved mother- in-law of Fay Edith Glasses beloved wife of Harold, beloved mother of David, Michael, and Richard MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING TELL & KVELL tfezel Tov to Rabbi Simon and Lois Bergman on the birth of their newest grandchild (number 6) Mallory Fiona Kurtzman. Mallory was born on October 13 and weighed 7 pounds and 10 ozs and was 19 Vi inches long. Proud parents are Jodi & Craig Kurtzman. If vjou wovdt> like to honor someone's Y^krreit or Celebrate a SimchA, Wkvf not PIacc a Temple Tribute! ftvitACt the Temple Office! December 2 Rebecca Best Barnett Board Joseph Brodsky Sanora Charon Becca Cohen Lena E. Cohen Charline Cooper Louis Feldman Murray Freeman Louis Gale Irving Goldstein Sarah Heit Haroldjoelson Bessie Kline Leonard Lazarus Jerome Levey Helen McCright Barbara H. Ramoy Leonard Rankow Nathan Rockoff Irving Roitman Sybil Rosenman Daniel Sanoff Wilbert Schwartz Joseph Smoler Florence Helen Stone Shirlee Waxier Bess Weinberg December 9 Robert Beigelman Shaun Michael Bell Ralph Wilkens Brill Eva Podwell Bronstein Phillip Brown Charles Charnis Regina Charon David Cooper Bruce Marshall Dunn Arnold Edland Adele Epstein Sarah Feinstein Abraham Funk JeanGranich Rose Herman Tami Hogaboam Davin Jones Charlotte Kishner Milton F. Klaw Bonnie Layfer Anne Light Charles Maurer Ida Molinsky Erven Peresman Herbert Pomerantz Mollie Rosenthal Albert Morton Rumley III Yahrzeits December 9 cont. Rose Sendrow Sarah Sendrow Hyman Silver Julius Skoll Terri Tobman Yetta Weiner Alice White LeonYanofsky December 16 Joseph Barasch Dr. Sidney Boyers Betty Case EU Cohen Mike DiCiero Hazel Ewan Abe Fox Ted Friedman Abraham Goldberg Gustav Golding Louis Gottlieb Mary Gottlieb Charlotte Halpert Rose Kern William Kleinman Michael Kline William Levy Deena Liebman Joann Mauriello Alan Meyers Cecelia Mitchel Dora Morningstar Adele Nathan Betty Nathan Walter Nathan Sophie Palbaum Dorothy Pearlman Leo Perelman Sylvia Presser Herman Roberg Miriam Shiroff Pearl Stenzel Bertha F. Stone Charles Tesser Barbara Weiss December 23 Irwin Appel Beatrice Bernstein Sam Blattstein RoseBumbaca Samuel Bumbaca Vincent Cavaretta AnnFleckner Eric Glichouse December 23 cont. Sarah Goldstein ? Henry Harrison Arnold Horowitz Alice L. Ivener Thelma Kaplan RozKatz Rachel Kinsler Gertrude Kirshbaum Fannie Laufbaum Daniel Liebman Gladys Miller Pincus Miller Rose Molasky JackPaiewsky Ethel Peresman Dr. Gerald L. Plant Arthur Pokroy Ann Reichlin Dennis Sabbath Aaron Seltzer Max Sholkoff Rose Stahl Michael Tashman Betty Ratner Trubenbach Mariel Verlander RaeWinnick December 30 PatAlpert Jenny Aronoff Bernice Kaplan Barr Tillie Bromberg Annie Brown Rose DunmOrlofsky Melvin Goldberg Shaun Jensen Mickey Johnson Marty Kleiman Bernard Layfer Ruth Lehrner Robert Levy Frieda Pokroy Marga Roberg Avram Roitman Jacob Rosenthal Harry Routtenberg Murry Rubin Meyer Sachs Sylvia Landun Sassoon Selma Schneiderman Ceal Shapiro Ronald Stark Rosaline Sterman Rose Unger Gertrude Weil Ruth Wilder Marcia Wolfe D ecember 2005 9 Ongoing Monthl y Programs Community/Self-Help ALL S upport Groups WILL BE MEETING AT THE NEW OFFICE LOCATION AS OF December 27th. JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm, Room 6 Are you a Jewish alcoholic or chemically dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group. Tell someone you love, Alzheimer's Support Group MONDAY, Dec 12, 6:30 pm This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. JFSA Needs Food Mitzvah Menorah Questions? Call Temple office CNT delivers food left in the bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank throughout the year. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. Committees / Auxiliaries Rosh Chodesh Thursday, Dec 1 @ 7 pm Place TBA Each month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality, and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. ATTENTION RELIGIOUS SCHOOL KIDS! Don't forget your Shabbat Attendance Card! You can find them on the table in the foyer. Make sure you bring it to Rabbi, Philip, or Irv after services. Those who attend at least 1 8 services receive a prize; the student who attends the most receives the Shomar Torah Award! Project A big 'Thank you' to everyone who selected tags representing needy Jewish children at the Chanukah Bazaar. By 1 pm, we had no tags left and people still wanting to select children. Thank you also to our anonymous donor, Chanukah Harry, for assisting us with Mitzvah Menorah. Without the generosity of all of you, our project could not exist. This year, we were given information from Jewish Family Services for 29? children and 14 families. Thank you as well to everyone who volunteered for the Mitzvah Menorah Booth at the Chanukah Bazaar, for organizing the gifts before Chanukah and delivering them to Jewish Family Services. Please remember to deliver all wrapped gifts the week of November 27th and no later than December 4th to the Temple office. Gloria Fenster Mitzvah Menorah Chairperson Social Action Committee 10 WWW.LVNLR.TAMID.OHG DECEMBER 2005 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 R/S West 4:30 pm Rosh Chodesh 7pm 2 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm 3 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Mensch Gala - 4 R/S 9:15am-12:15am Confirmation 12:30 pm 5 Social Action Forum- End of Life Decisions 7pm 6 1st Tuesday w/Rabbi Moon R/S East 4:30 pm Conversion Class 7pm JACS 7:00 pm 7 8 R/S West 4:30 pm 9 Last Shabbat Service at CNT w/ Shabbatones and Choirs 7:30 pm io Justin Thuna Bar Mitzvah 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Second Saturday Talmud Study Noon 1 1 R/S 9:15am-12:15am Confirmation 12:30 pm 12 Kabalah 6:00 pm The Educated Jew 7:00 History of Jews in Las Vegas 8:00 pm Alzheimer's Support Group 6:30 pm 13 R/S East 4:30 pm JACS 7:00 pm 14 15 R/S West 4:30 pm 16 Shabbat Service @ King David 7:30pm 17 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Meeting at New Temple Offices 18 NOR/S NOj^FIRMATION Me.^Rjb Breakfast ir Soci^mall 9:30 am 19 MOVING DAY! 20 NOR/S Men?s Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm 21 22 NOR/S 23 Shabbat Service @ King David 7:30pm 24 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Meeting at New Temple Offices 25 NOR/S NO Confirmation First Night of Chanukah 26 Office Closed 27 NOR/S JACS 7:00 pm 28 29 NO R/S 30 Shabbat Service @ King David 7:30 pm 31 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Meeting at New Temple Offices Jan. 1 R/S 9:15am-12:15am Confirmation 12:30pm ! 2 Office Closed 3 First Tuesday w/ Rabbi Noon R/S East 4:30 pm Conversion Class 7pm JACS 7:00 pm 4 5 RIS West 4:30 pm 6 Shabbat Service @ King David 7:30 pm 7 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Meeting at New Temple Offices Upcoming January Events January 9 ~ Second Monday Adult Ed 6:00 pm January 12-15 - NTTY Social Action Weekend January 20 ~ Congregant of the Year Shabbat D ecember. 2005 11 IF YOU HAVEN'T DONE IT?DO IT NOW! YOU CAN TURN $7 INTO MILLIONS FOR CAUSES IN ISRAEL Every four years, the World Zionist Congress meets in Jerusalem to allocate Jewish Agency, Jewish National Fund, and other monies to various causes in Israel. The Congress is a democratically-elected body in which all streams of Judaism have a say in proportion to the number of delegates they can elect. Four years ago, the Reform/Progressive Movement made an excellent showing, garnering 42% of the delegates, more than anyone else. That enabled the Progressive Movement to obtain significant funding to help: ? Advocate vigorously for Jewish pluralism in Israel ? Provide supplementary funding for the Israel Religious Action Center (our legal advocacy arm in Israel) ? Support training of Reform rabbis in Israel to accommodate Israel's burgeoning Reform congregations ? Develop and sustain Reform programming in Israel, as well as in other parts of the world where Reform Judaism is flourishing The next Congress meets in June of next year and it is important that we do at least as well this time around. As in the U.S., voting requires a registration step before the actual vote. The only requirements are that you be 18 and Jewish and reside in the U.S. Registration is open now at the web site noted above or by means of the mail-in form available in the temple lobby. Note: Each member of a household must register separately. It will cost a tax-deductible $7 (t^ help defray the cost of the election) and the secure website accepts Visa and Master Card. Students over 18, whether at home or away at school, are also eligible to vote; their registration fee is only $5. Registration and voting are going on from now until mid-February. When you register, you may choose to receive your ballot either by e-mail or snail-mail. Whichever, don't forget to mark your ballot for ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America?that's us. If you have questions or would like more information, you can contact our past president Stewart Blumenfeld through the temple office. EAST TOT SHABBAT HERE! December 2, 2005! Tell Yoar Family, Bring Yoar Friends! Join us for our last service in this building Friday December 2. Open to children ages 2-5, this month we will teach them about Channukah. Services begin at 6:30 pm in the Beit Tefillah, about half an hour, followed by a snack and a craft. The Sisterhood of CNT has sponsored this fine program for several years. This wonderful program is open to everyone and best of all - it?s FREE^ For more information, contact Ellen Cropp at 499-0015 (evenings) or Dolly Farrow at 638-2071 (evenings). Watch your Temple Happenings and Bulletins for information on where we will be holding future Tot Shabbat Services. 12 WWW.LVNEIITAMID.