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Beth Sholom Bulletin January 2007- Tevet-Shevat 5767 TBS Sponsors Opening Night At LV Celebration of Jewish Film Thursday, January 11, 2007 @ 7:00 PM Suncoast Theaters Based on a book by Susie Morgenstern, The First Time 1 was Twenty centers on Sixteen-year old Hannah who lives in the 1 QbO's Parisian Suburbs. .Although she is very intelligent, she isn't very popular with boys. When she is accepted in the high-school jazz-band (her dream come true), she thinks things will get better. However, gender barriers and prejudice seem to be hard to overcome in this all-male environment. Based on a novel by Susie Morgenstern, an .American expatriate, this first film by writer/director Lorraine Levy is the upbeat story of an underdog establishing her place in a hostile environment. The First rime I Was Twenty is a Nevada Premier and the Winner of the Audience Award at the 2005 UK Jewish Film Festival. The film is in French with English subtitles. Brief nudity. Tickets are $10 and are currently available in the synagogue office. For information on the entire Celebration of Jewish Film go to www. desert space. org. TBS Hosts Bialik Youngsters Group Beth Sholom will host the Qiryat Bialik Youngsters Group, From January 31 through February 6. The highlight of their visit to Las Vegas will be a community concert on Sunday, February 4. This internationally renown group of 20 Israeli teens performs a rich repertoire of Israeli, Jewish and international songs and dances. The Youngsters Group represents Qiryat Bialik in many events throughout Israel and abroad, including the UNESCU's Peace Festival in Padua, Italy, at the Festival Week in Berlin, Germany and the Booga Festival in Post dam, Germany. Reserved seat tickets for this very special c o n c e r t range from $10 to $120 and may be purchased at the Temple office. Congregants are invited to get to know some of these performing teens better by Friedman Pavilion Beth Sholom Bulletin Friedman Pavilion Project Update Thank you to everyone who wrote and called the County Commissioners and attended the Commission meeting in support of our building expansion. All of the hard work paid off as our request was unanimously approved by the County Commission. During the past month plans for the Mulli- Generational Pavilion continue to he refined. In addition, more donors have come forward as we topped $5 million in pledges to this project. Thank you to the following donors who have already made a financial commitment to this project. To add your name to the list of congregants who wish to support this unique project, call Laura Sussman or Rabbi Goodman. Michael Ahul Friends and Relatives of Sidney Chaplin Brad Friedmutter I lelen A: Bobby Feldman Abbie & David Friedman Kevyn and Cantor Daniel Friedman Lana Ac Victor Fuchs Ivy and Noel Cage I az and Rabbi Felipe Coodman Andrea 6c Richard Gordon Priscilla Ac Abe I lodes Neal Klegerman David Lanzkowsky Judy Ac Ron Mack Flora He Stuart Mason Blanche & Phil Meisel I imor Ac Jeff Michelman Daniel Miller Philip Miller Larry Monkarsh Marci Ac Fd Seltzer Laura & Stanley Sinister Nancy Ac Gerry Springberg Betsi Ac David Steinberg Lara Ac David Stone Wendy Kraft Ac Laura Sussman 1 >aliah A: Corey Wachs Rosa Wolff Ruth Ac Mel Wolzinger Women's League of TBS Carol A; Jeffrey Zucker Anonymous 2 Donor Spotlight The first of a series of articles about donors to the Capital Campaign. David Lanzkowsky has been an active member and generous donor to Temple Beth Sholom for a number of years. Born in South Africa, David moved to Long Island at six years of age. As Judaism was an important part of the Lanzkowsky household, David received a strong Jewish foundation from his family and by attending Yeshiva through sixth grade. After attending college, medical school and residency programs, David moved to Las Vegas to practice; the same year he became a member of Temple Beth Sholom on Oakey. I lis two oldest children, Brandon and Jessica attended the Temple Beth Sholom preschool on Oakey. I )avid's youngest child, Alex, is a I bird grader and a member of the inaugural class at the Solomon Schechter Day School. In fact, it is largely because of David's insight and generosity that the Schechter School was created at Temple Beth Sholom. David is Board Certified in Anesthesiology and Pain Management and is the owner of Centennial Spine and Pain Center, specializing in spinal disorders, orthopedics and pain management. I laving made a generous commitment to the fried man Multi-Generational Pavilion Capital Campaign, David shared, "Judaism has always been an important part of my life and the life of my family. I can think of no greater tribute to my parents and tnv children than to help build a multi-generational facility for my synagogue. For more information on how you can make a cash or in-kind contribution to Temple Beth Sholom's Friedman Multi-Generational Pavilion project, please contact Laura Sussman in the Temple office. Solomon Schechter Day School of Las Vegas The SSDS-LV Parent Organization (PO), in cooperation with Las Vegas Indoor Soccer, was happy to offer the Las Vegas Jewish Community a fun, family-friendly Chanukah celebration on Saturday night, December 16'1'. The event took place al I .as Vegas Indoor Soccer from 6:00 - 9:00 PM and featured sports, games, arts Ac crafts, family photos, Chanukah food, a l).| and a candle-lighting ceremony. It was a terrific way for families to celebrate this joyous holiday and our thanks to all the parents who helped make this event so successful. Upcoming events sponsored by the PO include a visit from a planetarium on Sunday, January 28th at 2:00 PM for a combination I lavdalah / Guided Tour of the Universe and please mark your calendars and keep your eyes posted for your invitations to our big Chinese Auction / Wine lasting Event to be held on February 24,h at 7:00 PM, all here at TBS. December was a short, but action-packed month. Students bad the opportunity to offer a Chanukah performance on Tuesday, December 12th as part of Temple Beth Sholom's "L'dor V'dor" program which brings homebound seniors from all over Las Vegas to Temple Beth Sholom for lunch and entertainment. Students also performed at Temple Beth Sholom's Chanukah Festival on Thursday, December 14th. Furthering its commitment to providing a well-rounded elementary education to all its students, the SSDS-LV is proud to announce the launching this January of its brand-new Art Program. Local artist and art teacher, Alicia Simon, will be joining the Schechter Faculty and will help lay the foundation for Schechter's growing commitment to furthering art education. Jon Mitzmacher Schechter students will begin receiving art instruction weekly, beginning immediately after Winter Break. Combining elements of technique, creative expression and art appreciation, Schechter students will, according Ms. Simon, "through a broad range of traditional and non-traditional media, create work that they are excited to display and proud to share". Recruitment for 2007-2008 has officially begun! The school is housed at Temple Beth Sholom in Summerlin. For those families living in Southeast Las Vegas and I lenderson, bus service is provided from Midbar Kodesh Temple in Green Valley. A second stop at 820 E. Warm Springs be 215 in the Applebee's Shopping Center has been added. For a tour of the sch(X)l and for information, please call 804-1333x114. The Judy and Ronald Mack School of Religious Studies December was a short month, jam-packed with exciting events. Thanks to the Religious School Committee for organizing a successful mini-fundraiser on Sunday, December 3rd as part of the I BS Chanukah Bazaar. Congratulations to Kitah Vav (Sixth Grade) who was the first of our grades to lead Shabbat services on Saturday, Decerr iber 9th. Thanks to all their teachers for preparing them so well. Also in December was the Religious School Chanukah I lappening on Sunday, December 10,has well ast heTBSChanukah Festival on the evening of December 14th. It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the holiday as a school and shul Yonina Schnee community. The next Family Shabbat Service will take place on Saturday, January 20th. Don't miss this great opportunity to share Shabbat, learn together as parent and child, and reinforce what is being taught in Religious School. Also in January are Parent-Teacher Conferences on Sunday, January 21st. This is an important opportunity for parents to connect with their children's teachers and further the partnering process, soimportant toour success. Finally, coming up in January will be the Kitah Hay (Fifth Grade) Shabbat Service on Friday, January 26th. During the course of the year, many Religious School grades will take a turn in leading services. Please don't miss these special opportunities to watch our children show off what they have learned to shed a little naches\ Adult Education Hie first semester of Adult Education was our most successful yet! Enrollment for classes is high and we are now ready to offer new classes for the spring. A Spring Supplement is currently available. In addition to the continuation of the Parashat I la'Shavua, Introduction to Judaism and Beginning Hebrew Reading II courses, new offerings for the spring will include: ? Beginning Hebrew Reading I (a brand-new class starting from scratch): Thursdays, 6:30 - 7:30 PM ? Schechter Parent University: Thursdays, 6:30 - 7:30 PM ? Mini-Courses (Dates and times TBD) o The Amidah with Cantor Friedman Education January 2007- Te vet-She vat 5767 o Kosher Kabbalah with Rabbi Goodman ? J I S Torah Institute with leading scholars from the Jewish Theological Seminary Please call Lillian Radomsky at extension 114 if you would like a supplement mailed to you, if you would like to join the Adult Education Commission, or if you have any questions about Adult Education at TBS. USY Recently, TBS and MKT USYers participated in Israeli Night at Temple Beth Sholom. The teens decorated cookies with maps of Israel, enjoyed eating hummus and pita, learned everyday I lebrew phrases, and learned an Israeli dance. Having both groups together made the night even more fun, especially with the getting to know you activity, "Shake your Tuchis!" Our special guest of the evening wasJJ Jonah from Regional USY who spoke about Israel and the many opportunities USYers have to go to Israel. We are l(X)king forward to more joint events with Midbar Kodesh USY! Also, many USYers met at Sushi Fever on the 3rd of December to eat sushi with the Rabbi. The teens had the opportunity to ask the Rabbi questions about Judaism and other questions to get to know him even better! The teens had a great time and we are looking forward to planning another event with the Rabbi next month. Everyone enjoyed Dancing with the Stars! A professional ballroom dancer will taught all who attended some fancy footwork. Coming up on January 20th - USY Coming Attraction Night & January 26th - Shabbat Dinner at the Rabbi's I louse. For more information, contact Lauren Frydman, Education Beth Sholom Bulletin I lanukkah celebratesthe Festival of Lights. Thursday, December 14 we carne together as a temple community for our annual I lanukkah Festival. Our preschoolers were joined by Solomon Schechter Day School, the Religious School, Rabbi and Cantor to light up the night with songs to honor the story of I lanukkah and its symbols. Our own creative movement teacher, Ms. T choreographed and directed the preschoolers along with Cantor Daniel. Delicious latkahs, music, and dancing followed this entertaining performance. Thank you for joining us for this magical night. The children and families of the Sandra and Stanley Malliri Early Childhood Education Department and Solomon Schechter Day School t<x>k part in a I lelping I land rnitzvot project. I landprint wishes from children and adults of all ages were hung in the preschool lobby naming a gift they hoped to receive this holiday season. The teachers, parents, and staff of Temple Beth Sholom used this fabulous opportunity to talk to their children about the importance of helping those who are less fortunate. This rnitzvot of giving is one of the cornerstones of our Jewish tradition and we know our children will carry i< with thern throughout their lives. 4 'Hit* Sandra & Stanley Malliri Eaih (MWlCenter The Wizard of Shushan - Casting Call For Purim Shpiel Calling all congregants!!! Here is an opportunity to be in the spotlight as part of Temple Beth Sholom's Purim play. This spoof on The Wizard of Oz features all of the characters from the book of Est her. Practices w ill be held on Sunday afternoons, beginning January 7, under the direction of Rabbinic Intern Benny Katz. Congregants of all ages are encouraged to participate. The play will be performed on Purim, Saturday evening, March 3. Please call Carol in the Clergy office at 804-1333, ext. 104 to add your name to the cast. Purim Is Around The Corner, It's Time To Think About Mishloach Manot This year's Megillah reading will take place on Saturday evening, March 3 and Sunday, March 4. While it may seem like a long time away, now is the time to begin to think about Mishloach Manot for your Temple family and friends. Each year, Temple Beth Sholom makes the mitzvah of giving Mishloach Manot to congregants an easy task. Simply fill out the order form, w hich w ill be arriving in your mailbox in the near future, and return it to the Temple. April 29th Gala To Honor Congresswoman Shelley Berkley Save the date of Sunday, April 29, 2007 as Temple Beth Sholom honors long-time temple member and US Congresswoman, Shelley Berkley. Watch for details in future Bulletins. Membership Committee I lope everyone had a very nice holiday season. Our membership is growing by leaps and bounds. I would like to ask all new membersand those current members Here We Grow Again! I am pleased to announce the addition of our second 18-month old classroom opening in January - The Ducks! With our currently successful classr(K)rn holding a waiting list, we had enough interest to start a brand new classroom that has already reached full capacity. We have two fabulous teachers who can't wait to kick off the new year with these fantastic toddlers. to also join the temples Womens League and/or Men's Club to give their support and help us work better as a team. A think a team effort is something we should aspire to. If anyone is interested in joining the; Membership Committee please feel free to contact me. Just call Myrna at the office and she will forward the information. Don't forget the temple is your home away from home. A Men's Club Communique I loping t his note finds you and yours enjoying our frigid evenings and mornings, but delightful sunny days, as compared to where some of us lived. And, did you get what you wanted for Channukah? At this writing, I am most pleased to inform you that the LV Bowl Tickets between BYU and Oregon sold out within a few (Jays of the initial offering. Well done, Dr. 11. X Kramer. The sale of hockety tickets for Saturday, Dec. 16th also sold very, very well. Good family fun, as well as a nice "business promo. " Thank you, Al Shlachter for your efforts. And thank you also, I larvey Gitel, for your very inventive email promos. As you read this newsletter, the Cruise Rattle is over. We had a very good response. Stay tuned to find out who was the winner of the $2,000.00 gift certificate. You perhaps? The November Men's Club meeting was an enormous success. A big attendance, good food, a great guest - Alan Stock, and most importantly, haymishkeit (warm feelings)! The December meeting was also a replay of November - big attendance, good food, a wonderfully charming speaker - Charles Desiderio, whose c.v. covers his days as a schmatee salesman in NY, to a respected LV restaurant critic and as Temple News an executive with the Salvation Army. Let me, at this time, thank the Maintenance Staff of TBS in their great work in support of our meetings. Can't do it without you folks! Upcoming Events: World Wide Wrap (tefllin that is), in February, Mens Club Shabbot, in March, (a part still awaits you!), --- and a Family Shabbot Dinner in March. So as yon can see, we are rather active - from religious endeavors, to sports with our sponsoring of an award winning Softball team, to Bowl Game tickets, to hockey tickets, to Ruach ensemble shirts, to a succah "roof." And all this since September! Whe! I'm oysgemoochet. (pooped out). On a serious side, the Men's Chevra Kadisha (burial society), is in need of a few good men. Please contact me at for more information. This is a real mitzvah. It s never to late to join ns! $36.00 well spent. Keep Israel in your prayers. Women's League News I must share with you the overwhelming excitement and endless energy and enthusiasm that I experienced at convention. I have never been around 1200 Jewish women before-all in the same place for the same reason! It was an amazing adventure full of learning, listening, sharing and bonding. It is a very empowering few days that leaves yon almost breathless with the anticipation of returning home and sharing new ideas that can be met with a positive attitude for growth, learning, and leadership development. I was delighted and proud to find out how well known our congregation and Temple are. People are no longer astonished at what a large Jewish community exists in Las Vegas-we are definitely "on the map as a booming Jewish community. I lelt so privleged to be with an unbelievably talented and dedicated group of Jewish women. Blanche Meisel also went to convention and she did us proud as onr "Eishet I layil (Woman of Valor) for our Women's League. Blanche was honored with other "Eishet I layils" from several Women's Leagues across the United States, England, Canada, and Israel. Blanche also spoke as Torah Fund Representative. Thank YOU so much for giving me this incredible opportunity for personal growth and learning. Along another line Women's League is starting a Catering Committee to help with the Oneg and Kiddishes for Shabbat. If yon are interested in being part of the fun and comraderie that comes with working together in the kitchen PLEASE let me know: 429- 0888. You will need a health card. Some women are already planning on going as a group if you want to join them; also Women's League will reimburse you for the cost of your health card (providing yon are a Women's League member) We look forward to several Women's League events in January, hirst, we have our Women's League Shabbat on January 12 and 13. We also have our general meeting on Wednesday, January 17 at 11:30 am. Our guest speaker will be Ruth I landler, author of the book, "I Just Keep On Smiling." On the 18th of January is the Diamond (60th) Anniversary Celebration of the Pacific Southwest Region of Women's League. It will be held in Los Angeles, California at Sinai Temple. My husband, Fred, and I plan to attend; as well as Blanche Meisel and hopefully Marci Seltzer. We are always warmly received by the "Branch" now called "Region" and have made some lasting friendships and connections to our Jewish identity and traditions. I feel so very honored and proud to be a part of all that Women's League stands for. Thank you to everyone who helped make our Chanukkah Bazaar so very successful! From the volunteers, to the vendors, to the shoppers-we could not have done it without YOU!! I hope this New Year finds everyone happy and healthy. Temple Beth Sholom Authors Did yon know Temple Belli Sholom has a prolific group of members? Mazel Tov to Ole Thienhaus on the publication of his new book, Jewish-Christian Dialogue: Die Example of Gilbert Crispin. Mazel Tov also to Scott Shay, son of Temple member, I lelene Shay, on the publication of his book, Getting Our Groove Back, I low To Energize American Jewry Mazel Toy AJ Aaron J (AJ) Kaplan will be called to the Torah on January 20. AJ is a student at Faith Lutheran JR/SR High in Summerlin. AJ proudly wears a Star of David and lets his lellow students at school know iibout his strong Jewish family beliefs and Jewish heritage. This past year, AJ has excelled as a football starter on Defense, Offense and special teams School and has for p I a y e d for I he lark Basketball Academy for several years. VPs goals are to attain an education in Communication and continue to represent himself as a student/athlete thru high school and beyond. Tributes RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY I UNI) Dorothy Klegerman Neat Klegerman Luis Perelman In Honor of: Rabbi Felipe Goodman's Birthday Marcia, Lawrence, Emerson 6c Sumner Bergenfield Thank you: For a wonderful Shahhat serv ice Sharlene Kessler Schwed Misheberach: Anonymous Speedy Recovery: Joseph Schwartz Ruthe Spector In Memory of: Toby A. I landclman / lazel & Harold / landelman CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Thank you: Mona 6c Charles Silverman SANDRA Ac STANLEY MALLIN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER In Honor of: Dorothy Ac Marshall Lasky for your continued Friendship Anita Lewy Randi Matushevitz' Art Exhibit Lilian Clicken PRESCIIOOL SCIIOLARSIIIP FUND In Honor of: Sally Ac Dick Eskenaxi 011 the birth of Twin Grandsons Barrett Neil Ac Zachary John Renee 6c Joe Premack Emily Ac Michael Novick's Son Aaron becoming a Bar Mitzvah Mcuci, Hob, Sydney 6c Zachary Murdoch In Memory of: Karen Schore's 1st Yahrzeit Mcuci, lloh, Sydney 6c Zachary Murdoch SOLOMON SCHECHTER DAY SCHOOL In Honor of: Stan Farber's 7.>'h Birthday / lelene 6c Harold Sussman JUDY Ac RONALD MACK SCHOOL OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES In Honor of: Leora Ac Robert Blau's Daughter Madison becoming a Bat Mitzvah Cory 6c Alan Bernstein Judy Mack's Birthday Elaine 6c Irv Steinberg Helen Shay's Granddaughter Alisin Shay becoming a Bat Mitzvah Esther Frankenstein AUDREY MERKIN SCHOLARSHIP FUND I11 Honor of: Sheryl llonig in appreciation Louis Levin Wendy Kraft Ac Laura Sussman's Daughter Emma Faith becoming a Bat Mitzvah Beverlee 6c Mel Chervitz /{uthe Spector Ellen Ploesch in appreciation Louis Levin The Snipper family in appreciation Louis Levin Thank you: For attending my lecture Limor Blockman Michelman SIDNEY CHAPLIN MEMORIAL FUND In I lonor of: Shirley Chaplin's Birthday Elaine 6c Irv Steinberg GENERAL FUND Sam Gewercer In I lonor of: Wendy Kraft Ac Laura Sussman's Daughter Emma Faith becoming a Bat Mitzvah Rochelle & Arnold Schneider An Aliyah: Sally 6c Dick Eskenazi I11 Memory of: Jodi Machlin Ethel Byowitz Anne Pink Soriya I laggerty Unlimited / foldings, Inc. YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND In Memory of: Arthur Ackerman The Ackerman 6c Barrett Families Jack Alter Debora 6c Mark Barmy 6c Family David Benisty Zohra Benisty Miriam Shaip Max Berenkrantz / lilda Stein Samuel Brachman Susan 6c Bill Gross 6c Family Jennie Brown Rose Raphael Yeheskial Chozahinoff Barbara 6c I gal Chozahinoff Anne Cohen Ethel Koulange Lily Phillips Yetti Denker Sheila Stewart Louis Murray Feigelson Sylvia Feigelson James Feld Suzanne 6c Alan Feld Chesna Fisher Nita 6c I /any Shuster - Steven Bennett Foundos Eva / /arris Albert Fruchter Gertrude Fruchter Rochelle Schneider 6 Tributes Seymour Ginsburg David Ginsburg David Gordon Laura, Stan, Max & Camryn Shuster Abraham Gottlieb Sheldon Gottlieb David A. Greenfield June Colodny Sarah Harris Eve / Jarris 6c Family Helen Herman Irving / lerman Simon I lerskovic Cathy 6c Pierre Levy William Ilessing Esther / lessing Michael Jay I lessing George Hill Es telle Lee 6c Edward Devore Aaron "Archie" I lodes Abe /lodes Gloria (Dolly) Kahn Kim, Fred, Alex 6c Sarah Memar Melvin Kahn his cilia Schwartz-1 lodes Sidney Klein The Klein Family Bessie Helen Kline / larriet Straus Seymour Kulwin Albert Kulwin (sadore Jack Lasky Marshall Lasky Aaron Leitner Murray Leitner Milton Levy The Luhritz Family Abraham Mam let Suzanne & Alan Feld Dr. Ethezl G. Miller Daniel S. Miller Ada Moore Brenda Moore Flank Eddie Moss Kaz Pratt Jessie Ritchie Barbara Greens pun Norman Rofey DTorre 6c Hal Ober Mollie Rosenthal Florence Bolatiri Harry Shapiro Sylvia Feigelson Annie Showel Charlotte, 6c Sam Showel Adele Silverman Sheila 6c Jay Gershman Etta Silverman Mona 6c Charles Silverman Harry Singer Ellen 6c Michael Singer Mendel Spitzer Melita Fuhrman Vickter Anna Stendig Faye & Dr. Leon Steinberg Esther Stevens Laura Rinzler Doralee Tessler Naomi & Art Sloan Rebecca Toscher Gerry Toscher 6c Family Claire Turner Gladyce & Marty Ehrlich Myrna Walzer DTorre 6c Hal Ober Nathan Weitzman Ethel Koulange Lily Phillips Julia Winner Dorothy Demby-Lasky L'DOR V'DOR Ruth Heller Itoz Levitt Daniel S. Miller Marilyn Schlossberg Shirley Smoler Betty Solberg Rose Volpiansky In Honor of: Lois Joseph's Birthday Lois &c Bruce Joseph's Anniversary Bernardine 6c Sid Zaben Richard Templer's 60"' Birthday Sheila 6c Jay Gershman Speedy Recovery: Diane Neiman Elaine & Irv Steinberg WARSAW REMEMBRANCE GARDEN Edythe 6c Irwin Goldberg In Honor of: Irwin Goldberg's Birthday Elaine 6c Irv Steinberg In Memory of: Vincenta Pardo Evelyn 6c Leon Goldstein LAWRENCE A. SCULLY LIBRARY FUND In Honor of: Debbie Lederer's Birthday Esther Frankenstein Ellen Scully's Birthday Esther Frankenstein Speedy Recovery: Marci Seltzer Ellen Scu lly In Memory of: Manny Schear Ellen Scu lly HEATHER SAXE SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor of: Kim 6c Andy Cohen's new Home Andrea, Richard, Drake 6c Scarlett Gordon Marcy 6c Steven Saxe & Family In Memory of: Betty Steinhaus Felice, Joshua, Sarah, Heather 6c Courtney Saxe Marcy & Steven Saxe 6c Family Judy 6c Manny Stein CHEVRAH KADISIIA SOCIETY In Honor of: Wendy Kraft & Laura Sussman's Daughter Emma Faith becoming a Bat Mitzvah Shelley 6c Stan Carroll 7 J a n u a r y SUNDAY MONDAY 8 11 Tevet 12 Tevat Q 13 Tevat y j 14 Tevat Wb men's League Board Meeting 10:00 am New Year's Day-Office Gosed r - j 17 Tevat Q 18 Tevat O ^ ^ 19 Tevat ^ 20 Tevat ^ ^ 21 Tevat 1 1 Purim Spiel Rehearsal 1:00 pm Bereavement Group 10 am TBS Film festival 7:00 pm Suncoast Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm . - 24 Tevat 1 4 ^ ^ 25 Tevat f 26 Tevat 1 6 Bereavement Group 10 am 27 Tevat Warren's League General Nfeeting 11:30 am Nfcn's Qub IVfeeeting "1 O ^ Tevat 1 O IVbrtin LKing Day-Office Qosed Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Nfeicha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm 2 1 2 2 " " ^ 4 Shevat A 5 Shevat 2 4 2 5 Purim Spiel Rehearsal 1:00 pm Bereavement Group 10 am Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Q 9 Shevat L O , ^ 10 Shevat 3 0 Bereavement Group 10 am 3 1 Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Mncha/Nfeariv 6:00 pm Calendar FRIDAY SATURDAY Special Events The Wizard of Shushan i 1 9 For more Mbmiation, please contact the Terete WmBn% League Shabbat Friday, January 12 @ 7:30 pn Saturday, January 13 @ 9:00 an Mmday-Thursday 6:00 pm Mlncha y&atwwih Seudah Shlishit Every Saturday in the Steinberg Chapel Lid by Cantor David Schnee and Rabbinic Litem Benny Katz. The time will vary based on the time of year. I i 1 M ' tlie 3 r d Shabbat of the month at 10 AM [ * ,- f| 1 for Religious School students and their parents. m* 15Tevet ? J 16 Tevet n Shabbat Ha Nsshama with TBS Ruach Ensemble Special Oneg in Honor of Rabbi Goodman's Birthday w Mncha IVhariv with Seudah Shlis hit 4:00 pm light candles at 4:23 pm \&yehi 1 2 1 3 Friday Night Kids 6:30 pm Women's League Shabbat Women's League Shabbat Mncha IVhariv with Seudah Shlis hit 4:00 pm light candles at 4:30 pm Sh'mot ^ ^ ^ 29 Tevet 2 0 AJ Kaplan Bar .Vttzvah Family Shabbat Service 10:00 am light candles at 4:37 pm Mncha IVbariv with Seudah Shlis hit 4:15 pm \kera r \ f 7 Shevat 2 6 2 7 " " Mncha Miariv with Seudah Shlis hit 4:30 pm light candles at 4:44 pm Bo Temple Beth Sholom Program Committee Survey (Please remove this form, complete and return it to the Temple Office) Temple Beth Sholom has formed a new Program Committee. We are very interested in the types of programs you would like to see offered at the Temple. As 2007 is upon us, we would like to begin the planning process, and ask that you please complete the form below and return it as soon as possible. What is listed are merely suggestions and can always be changed to reflect your interests. Thank you for taking the time to help us put these programs together for YOU. ? Healthcare Insights New drugs, laws, stem cell research, Jewish Genetic Disorders D Author/Lecture Series History of Las Vegas from a 'locals" perspective ? Cultural Events from TBS ? Jewish Genealogy ? Debates on Current Events As They Affect Jewish Issues These debates can be held with other temples and professionals in the community ? Film Night at TBS ? Focus Groups and Chavurot Join other TBS members who would like to attend an evening at the ballet, dinners, or whatever other individual interest you have. ? Trials A continuation of the trials held at TBS during the last two years utilizing the talents of both professionals and TBS members. ? Parenting/Grandparents Classes What other programs would YOU like to see implemented? Again, thank you for your interest. We look forward to working with you. Please send your completed form to: Elsa Chiss c/o Temple Beth Sholom, 10700 Havenwood Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89135 Blanche Meisel, Coordinator Program Committee: Elsa Chiss, TBS Program Chair, Jean & Lou Arin, Allen Chiss, Nadolyn & Kenny Karchmer, Hillel & Margret Ofek, Brenda & Jerry Katz, Mike & Merle Mitzmacher, Ronnie & Neil Schwartz Submitted By: Please Print Name, Address & Phone Number