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Newspaper clipping, Israeli Peace Rally Set in Vegas, Las Vegas Review Journal, June 10, 1967


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    Israeli Peace Rally Set in Vegas An "Israeli Peace Rally" featuring public of-ficials and entertainers will be held 8:30 p.m. Monday at the Grand Ballroom of the Sands Hotel. A1 Freeman, a spokesman for the Nevada Committee to Support Israel, called for a mas-sive turn-out "to support Israel's territorial in-tegrity." SPEAKERS include Gov. Paul Laxalt, Lt. Gov. Ed Fike, Senators Alan Bible and Howard Cannon, and Congressman Walter Baring. Reverend Doctor Carl J. Herman, recently returned from Israel, will also speak. "All Jews and many non-Jews will be pre-sent because of their deep feeling for the stand Israel has taken against communism in the Mid-dle East," Freeman said, adding: "BILLIONS are needed to repair Israel's war-shattered economy, particularly its hard-hit agriculture." "Many millions of dollars have been raised these past few days. More is needed. "A target quota of one-half billion dollars to be raised in the United States has been set, with additional sums being raised elsewhere." THE SPOKESMAN added that a resolution will be drawn at the rally for eventual submis-sion to the White House calling for the United States to "support Israel's quest for territorial integrity when armistice talks start." Heading the committee is Herman Green-spun, Jack Entratter and A1 Benedict. Entertainers invited to appear include Pearl Bailey, Rouvaun, Shecky Green, Danny Kaye, George Burns, Red Skelton, Louis Prima, Billy Eckstine, Juliet Prowse, Jim Backus, Don Cor-nell and others. WEATHER Saturday, June 10, 1161 Sunny with gentle winds. Today's Temperatures Trailblazer High - 90 Low ? 60 Yesterday High - 95 tow - 65 & Year Ago Today High - 96 Low - 64 REVIEW-JOURNAL NEVADA'S LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE NEWSPAPER VOL 59, NO. 134 ? Southwestern Publishing Co., Inc. 1067 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, SATURDAY, JUNE 10. 1967 PHONE 385-4241 IS CENTS 40 PAGES