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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    RIVIERA HOTEL Press, 1958 Radio and Tournament TV Guest List of Champions Name Badge No. Arrival No. of Persons Press Card (For Meals at Pit* Only) Affiliation Hal Wood ?֪ 112 April /I 1 526 United Press- San Francisco Herb Krauch Sc Mrs 107 April 25 2 538-537 L,A. Herald Express George T. Davis Sc Mrs. 108 April 25 2 536-535 L.A. Herald Express Dick Thiriot) P199 April 22 1 534 TEL-RA TV Newsreel Gail Boden) P198 April 22 1 533 TEL-RA TV Newsreel Arthur De Titta Sc Mrs. P19 April 21 2 531-532 Movietone News Shav Glick Sc Mrs. 110 April 25 2 530-529 Los Angeles Mirror Ted Bentley Sc Mrs. 111 April 22 2 528-527 IMPORTANT: ALL PRESS CREDENTIALS ARE TO BE PICKED UP AT: PUBLICITY OFFICE - WILBUR CLARK'S DESERT INN ( ) indicates - they may be roomed together