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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 09, 1982






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 12 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000319. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    4505 Maryland Parkway Laa Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 SENATE PRESIDENT RICK OSHINSX1 AGENDA Senate Meeting #12 Twelfth Session Meyer Student Union Building Room 203 2/9/82 4 p„nu I/./-Call to Order Sfi. Roll Call Approval of Minutes #11 .Executive Board Announcements Executive Board Nominations f Appropriations Board Karen Cohen 2. Pam Jacka Greg Goussak Jimmy Hill Elections Board V Randy Cook J Dale Harelik Entertainment and Programming Board Tony Castanon Nancy Felsing IX. Open Discussion. X. Adjournment 3 . 4. 1. 02.. l. 2 StucIenE" Services Committee Jimmy Hill -ittee Reports Appropriations Board lections Board Entertainment and Programming Board dio Board tudent Services Committee Bylaws Committee Publications Bo^rd I. Unfinished Business VIII. New Business J*/ Nominations for Vacant Academic Advisement Senate seat fB. Beverage Department Audit Report-Greq Goussak CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS . Senate Meeting #12 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 Twelfth Session 4 p.m. 2/9/82 I. Call to Order Senate President Oshinski called the twelfth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate to order at 4:00 p.m. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Lynn Best Tony Castanon Dawn Soderquist Guest Present Regent McBride Dr. Daniels Dr. Nitzschke Cathy Powell Rudy Bruehl Phil Horn MaryBeth Nitzschke Ginger Clayton Pam Jacka Pat Thomas Robin Starlin Jef Wild Kim Daffner-absent (.unexcused) Nancy Felsing Marie Ravenholt Cathy Clay Jimmy Hill Lisa Griffith Karen Cohen III. Approval of Minutes #11 There was a corrections in the minutes that Senator Clay moved to approve Karen Cohen as Business and Economics Senator. Also, deleted from the minutes the approval of the Resolution #02021982. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as corrected. B. Emergency Senate Meeting Senator Starlin moved to correct the emergency Senate Meeting held on January 29, 1982 with the following corrections. Budget adjustment of 900.00 from 906-1100 and $600 from 906-1600, $1500 to 900-3000. The motion was seconded. Thre being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as corrected. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. President's Announcements At this time President Ravenholt yielded the floor to Regent McBride, Regent McBride spoke briefly to the Senate about the problems arising with CSUN, and CSUN's credibility. President Ravenholt announced that construction of the Radio Station will be within 7 2 hrs and the Yell & Radio need to be cleared out. B. Vice-President's Announcements Vice President Levins announced that there would be an Appropriations Board meeting on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. in her office. Senate Meeting #12 Page 2 2/9/82 Vice President Levins congratulated ATO and E&P for a successful sudsfest. The Library committee has narrowed the nominations to 5 candidates. Executive Board Nominations A. Appropriations Board 1. Karen Cohen 2. Pam Jacka 3. Gregg Goussak 4. Jimmy Hill B. Elections Board 1. Rartdy Cook 2. Dale Harelik C. Entertainment and Programming 1. Tony Castanon 2. Nancy Felsing D. Radio. Board Chairman 1. Luke Puschnig E. Student Services Committee 1. Jimmy Hill 2. Steve Rowan There was a motion to approve item A,B,C,&E. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board Chairman Levins read the minutes of the Appropriations Board meeting on 2/02/82. The following items were approved by the board: Transfer $926.25 from 905-1100 to 905-2100 Transfer $73.75 from 905-3223 to 905-2100 Transfer $50.00 from 905-3211 to 905-2100 There were no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved as read. B. Elections Board Senator Best read the minutes of the Elections Board meeting. The board approved the following items: Filing will open March 1, the board approved a $500 dollar spending limit for Executive Elections in the Spring. There was a motion to approve. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. There was a amendment to delete the $500 spening, which failed. There being no furth.-r additions or corrections the minuted stood approved as read. C. Entertainment and Programming Board At this time Senator Soderquist submitted a contract to the Senate for the B-52s. The Senate recessed for 5 minutes to read the constitution Senator Soderquiest moved to approve the contract with the correction that it will be held on the P.E. complex. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor. D. Student Services Committee Chairman Clay read the minutes of the meeting held on 2-9-82, The board approved the following items: Jimmy Hill as Vice-chairman. Purchasing ribbons and posters for the typewriters in the library. v.. /I. Senate Meeting #12 Page 3 1-09-82 The board approved to drop from the agenda funding for bike racks. There was a motion to approve. The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved. D. Inter-Athletic Council President Ravenholt announced that the council has decided to drop the Soccer program on the UNLV campus. They also discussed the fee restructure. E. Publications Board Chairman Clay announced that there was a meeting Feb. 4, but no action items were taken. Senator Clay congratuled Mark Cherise and Lisa Griffith for the publication of the "Quicksilver", Meetings: Grivence Committee-Gold Room 3 p.m. see MaryBeth Nitzschke, Organizations Board Meeting-2-18-82 3 p.m. VII. Unfinished Business VIII. New Business A. Nominations for Academic Advisement Center Senator Clayton made the following nominations: Earl Mitchell Shawn Lumos David Nichols Mike Longley Senator Clayton moved to close nominations. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor. B. Beverage Department Audit Report-Greg Goussak Beverage Manager Goussak went °\er the bar report with the Senate, (see attached to original). C. Ad Hoc Radio Search Committee for Station Manager Senator Castaton moved to establish a committee to investigate the present position of the Student Radio Station Manager; with the following members Tony Castanon-Chairman, Members Jef Wild, and Nancy Felsing, John Wennstrom and Jim Fitl^pet will serve as ex-officio members. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor. D. Done Good Awards There was a motion to award Greg Akers a Done Good Award. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor. IX. Open Discussion See attached of speech that Senator Castanon presented to the Senate. Karen Cohen - moved to award Marc Cherise a Done Good Award. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with 17 in favor. Senate Meeting #12 Page 4 2/9/82 Senator Wild spoke on the Regents visit today at the Senate meeting. See attached sheet. Sentor Clayton asked for the following items to placed on the agenda for Senate Meeting #13: Resolution concerning CSUN President Suspension of President's stipend Impeachment Committee to be established President Ravenholt made a speech to the Senate, see attached to original. Several of the Senators spoke on Regents McBride's presenation to the Senate. X. Adjournment Senate President Oshinski adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by, Respectfully Prepared by, Rick' Oshinski CSUN Senate President Robin Starlin CSUN Secretary CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 PRESIDENT DIRK A. RAVENHOLT At our last Senate meeting, the Senate passed a Resolution which accused me of incompetence as an administratior, lack of respect of the majority of CSUN ( I prsume that that means 11 of the 20 Senators) and other broad undocumented charges against my character. In research-ing the Resolution and charges within, I have discovered no basis of fact behind the charges. Several Senators who voted for the charges have indicated to me privately that part of their reasoning £for voting in favor of the Resolution was my efforts to clarify the issue of dist ribution of General Funds of the Senate basketball tickets. It was their unhappines in my effort. I challenge the substances behind this Resolution. I was elected by the Students of CSUN not the Senators of CSUN. I do not serve in this position at the pleasure of the Senate. My commitment is to the Students of this University, not to be popular with the members of the Senate. I think 1 have worked honestly and fairly to promote the Students of UNLV. If the Senate thinks I1 have violated a law, The - Senators: have impeachment powers,/ I invitfe them to utilize them as they are provided for them in the by-laws. In relation to specific charges and not the the gross, veage, political accusations included in the "Resolution" adopted in last weeks agenda. I am particularly concerned that the action not only lacked factual basis but appeared to violate both common sense and legal process. By our own rules the Senate requires that items of the agenda be circulated to all members to permit forethought in our decision making. I believe this violates the Nevada Open Meeting Law NRS 241.02. With those terms the Senate must conform. Thank You. I enjoy working with the Senate and its members in action which are directed toward benefiting the Students as a whole body. I invite your support and participation toward fighting the fee restructure and increasing in our per credit hour fees. As I plan to make those my priorities as President of CSUN in the next three months. Senator Castanon's Speech Mr President, Mr. Chaimrna, Fellow Senators, ladels and gentlemen: I hoped that the Regent remained present for this. I would like to tell this body the Press, the Regents, and the student of this University, that concerns students quiet or in the dark. I came from a communist country, to live in a free country, first I hope that I'm still living in a free county and attending a free University and if you listened I said free. I want you to think for a moment... If Russia said to the U.S. Government if you don't act this way we will suspend your constitution and remove your declaration of Independence.Except in this case our existence as a government is at stake. Well this Senator will not let the "Russians" get us, and I hope that if we have to put up a fight, I would plead all the students to join us. We rebeled from Reno and I'm not here today to be compared to Reno. First, we are UNLV not UNR and second we are CSUN not ASUN separate but not equal bodies of government. And an to fee restrictions, to quote famous words, "Taxation without Representation" thinkb about that ladies and gentlemen. We might be closed down. But let me remind you that what it comes down to is we support this University by paying fees of 31.00 per credit, and without that they can't survive. So ladies and gentlement, before we start talking about closing up shop, let's see who supplies the tools. Thank-you. Senator Wild's comments Regent McBride wants us to look good academically, yet 1) suggests behind the scenes maneuvering' 2) athletic department expenditures 3) impeachment We hear from Regents at elections time and when there is trouble.