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Las Vegas City Ordinances, March 31, 1933 to October 25, 1950, lvc000014-218


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ORDINANCE NO. 296 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, COUNTY OF CLARK, STATE OF NEVADA TO BORROW THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($160,000.00) WITH WHICH TO CONSTRUCT A MUNICIPALLY-OWNED SWIMMING POOL OR SWIMMING POOLS AND INCIDENTAL FACILITIES THERETO; AND TO ISSUE AND SELL GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS TO SECURE THE SAME AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO. THE BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS DO ORDAIN: Section 1. A Municipally-owned and operated swimming pool or swimming pools for the residents of the City of Las Vegas is hereby determined and declared to be a public use for the purpose of the City. Section 2. That for the purpose of paying the construction costs of a Municipal swimming pool or pools under any by virtue of the authority vested in the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, by Section 4 of Chapter 1 of Chapter 132 "Laws of 1911" the Same being an act entitled: "An Act to incorporate the town of the Las Vegas in Clark County and defining the boundaries thereof and to authorize the establishment of a city government there­for and other matters relating thereto" approved March 16, 1911 as amended, and Subsection 5 of Section 31 of Chapter 11 of Chapter 32 of the Laws of 1911 by an act en­titled: "An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas in Clark County and defining the boundaries thereof and to authorize the establishment of a city government therefor and other matters relating thereto" as amended