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Jewish Federation correspondence, meeting minutes, and other records, item 11




Community Relations Committee meeting minutes for the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Nevada, February 24, 1988.

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    JEWISH OF LAS FEDERATION VEGAS COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Wednesday, February 24, 1988 MINUTES PRESENT: Elise Ax Sari Aizley Cantor Simon Bergman Brian Berman Michael Cherry, Chairman Renee Diamond Beverly Eisen Dorothy Eisenberg Bill Feldman Isabel Goldberg Edward Goldman Edythe Katz Norm Kaufman Eileen Kollins Dee Ober Geri Rentchler The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Mike Cherry at 8:05 P.M at the Federation Office. There were introductions and the announce?ment of Edythe Katz's appointment as Liason to the United States Holocuast Memorial Council in Washington, D.C. There was a brief on Israel Independence Day at the Inter-Expo, an update on the B'nai B'rith Men's Walk-a-thon and a request by Mike for participation by Hebrew School students in the events of the day. Bill Feldman added that it gives the children a feeling of belonging. Cantor Bergman is arranging for live coverage by KLAV radio. Edythe Katz reported on the Holocaust Education Committee. She stated that Nevada Law requires a student must be a member of the State Board of Education. Further discussion followed concerning the Holocaust curriculum which is used in the Clark County School District. Edythe will be meeting with the 3 Rabbis regarding a community observance of Yom Hashoah. She further told us of the traveling Anne Frank exhibit. Geri Rentchler reported on Soviet Jewry ,and the Pen Pal Program. There will be a combined walk at the Israel Independence Day Celebration. Kadima '87 tape is available through the Federation for school age stu?dents at any of the local congregations or for youth groups. Educational issues in the Clark County School District were the next topics discussed. Dee Ober, reporting for Hal Ober, said something positive would happen by March. According to Ed Goldman, we now found out that after the District permitted us 2 Jewish recruiters to non- Jewish areas, they are sending 9 Hispanic recruiters to Hispanic areas. The commitment is not as it was originally described to us. Dorothy Eisenberg suggested that perhaps now, Mike Cherry , as Chairman of the Community Relations Committee should accompany Hal Ober to the next meeting with the Clark County School District. Elise Ax reported that 1030 East Twain Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 (702) 732-0556CRC Minutes of the 2/24/88 Meeting Page 2 8 appointments were made two weeks ago and did not include any Jewish employees. March 10th will be the next date of appointments. One of the previous mentioned appointments was that of a Black lady, who came out of the ranks to become a principal; and a Jewish Dean wasn?t even given an interview. Someone else was brought in from Arizona and placed in an administrative position over those in-line and with tenure in this District. Norm Kaufman suggested we do a continuing education course in basic Judaism; that perhaps it could be taught by some of our Jewish teachers, including Eileen Kollins, who is experienced in this particular area of study. Our expectations from the March 10th meeting will be 9-12 positions and we are hoping to secure 1-3 of those for Jewish educa?tors. Mike feels we must take action by mid-March if the promises have not been kept. Brian Berman will contact Equal Opportunity Employment Commission and Sari Aizley from ACLU will keep up on the developments as well. Beverly Eisen reported on the complaint from the Indian Springs School teacher, who phoned regarding a Christian Fundamentalist assembly at his school, that he believed had the backing and endorsement of the Clark County School District. She will contact Terry Manion at the CCSD and get the information regarding the school program and report back at the next meeting. Ed Goldman next reported on a incident at Woodbury Junior High School. It concerned songs about Jesus Christ. The principal asked what was wrong with that. Ed told him the same thing that would be wrong with a song about Mohammed. Norm Kaufman reported on the Mayors? Prayer Breakfast that was put on by the National Conference of Christians and Jews on February 18, 1988. He stated his objection to the content of Jesus Christ in the entire program, with no consideration of the non-Christian members of that organization. Bill Feldman added that we can cause change by taking a stand. The suggestion was made that this committee write a letter to NCCJ expressing that the program was insensitive to the Jewish Community. Dorothy Eisenberg and Beverly Eisen will draft the letter to go out over the Dorothy's and Mike Cherry's signatures. Sari Aizley next reported on the Nevada Statute that is under scrutiny at the present time. NRS 388.075 - Period of silence. "Every school district shall set aside a period at the beginning of each schoolday, during which all persons must be silent, for voluntary individual meditation, prayer, or reflection by pupils." This was passed in 1977. The word shall makes it mandatory and prayer makes it clearly un?constitutional. Beverly Eisen received a call from a local non-Jewish concerned citizen regarding the presence of a skinhead at the Boulevard Mall. Isabel Goldberg reported on a similar situation around the Temple Beth Sholom area, which was reported to her by a resident of the neighborhood. Extra security was put on at both the above named Temple and Congregation Ner Tamid as well. Metro has been notified and is now aware of the problem.CRC Minutes of the 2/24/88 Meeting Page 3 The AIPAC report was given by Norm Kaufman. He said Murry Wood spoke on the current situation in Israel and Secretary of State George Schultz's visit. The whole world is watching. Schultz has always been favorable in his views and opinions of Israel. Eileen Kollins stated that there is one media person for every 5 Israeli soldiers. Sari Aizley commented on the nomination of Bernard Siegan. An infor?mation sheet, compiled by the People for the American Way Action Fund, was passed out to everyone and those wishing to respond may do so by writing letters to their senators. ~ :i Eileen Kollins suggested that Federation compile a fact sheet ready to go out on request. Norm Kaufman has also written an article for the up?coming issue of the Reporter. Eileen and Beverly reported on the NJCRAC Plenum and their reports were passed out. Anyone who wasn't present and would like a copy, should call Bev at the Federation office and one can be mailed to you. The next meeting of the CRC will be held on Monday, March 28th, at the Federation office at 7:30 P.M. Mike stated that this committee will try to meet monthly. The meeting stood adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Community Relations Note to all committee members: Sari Aizley requests that information regarding any potential client in Southern Nevada (ACLU) be called into her office: She can be reached at 454-6150 Enel. Copies of the information on Bernard Siegan attached.People For The Mumencan rfay ACTION FUND January 14, 1988 Dear People For Member: We are writing to urge you to take action against the nomination of Bernard Siegan. The Reagan Administration has nominated Siegan to sit on the U.S. Court oi Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. It is imperative that you contact your senators today to oppose this nomination. An appointment to the Court of Appeals is no less important than a seat on the Supreme Court. Of the more than 33,000 cases reviewed by federal courts of appeal in one year, the Supreme Court hears only 100 - 150. Thus, the overwhelming majority of appeals court cases are final decisions. Siegan?s word may be the last word tor many of the cases in your state. Siegan, a law professor at the University of San Diego, has an extreme judicial philosophy that is far outside the mainstream of constitutional thought. His views, oft-expressed in his prolific writing and presented most recently in a 1987 book, incluae the following: 1. The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment does not prohibit states from discriminating against minorities and women in education, jury service, voting and office holding. 2. Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark case banning segregated schools, was decided for the wrong reason and the numerous decisions enforcing Brown are not justified by the Constitution. States that refuse to dismantle illegally segregated schools cannot be forced to do so by the courts. States would not be prohibited from adopting an official religion or requiring school prayer because the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was not incorporated by the Fourteenth Amendment. The First Amendment prohibits only Congress from abridging freedom of speech; it does not prevent the President from limiting free speech. 5. The Supreme Court has wrongly upheld a substantial number of health and safety laws. Siegan has criticized the legal basis for numerous decisions upholding the minimum wage laws, regulation of toxics, and other forms of economic regulation. At his first confirmation hearing last November, Siegan acknowledged his past criticisms of a broad range of settled legal doctrine, but he promised that he would ignore his views and follow established Supreme Court precedent. In fact, as a circuit court judge, Siegan would have considerable latitude in applying precedent. Siegan?s professional qualifications are minimal at best. Siegan has never appeared in a federal court in the Ninth Circuit, nor has he, in his own words, appeared in any other federal court "to any significance." 2000 M Street, NW, Suite 400, Washington, D.C. 20036 (202) 467-4999 Action Needed Do not put this letter down. Write or call your senator now because a second confirmation hearing is scheduled for early February. Send letters to:' Also, please send a copy of your letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Joseph Biden. The Capitol switchboard number is (202) 224-3121. Or, if you cannot spare a moment to write a personal letter, send a Western Union mail-a-gram (1-800-257-4900) asking for hotline operator 9318. A Western Union message will cost $4.50, and you can choose one of three messages to send. If you have questions, call People For?s Field Department at (202) 467-4999. The Honorable_______ U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 02168 AN #SVt)3A SVX STIONX VTTI A 8tj9? 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