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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, May 2009



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    REGATION NER TAMID BULLETIN May Vol 23. No. 5 Temple Picnic - BBQ & Havdallah Saturday, May 2 Beginning at 4:30 pm At Fox Ridge Park 420 S. Valle Verde Dr. (Valle Verde Dr. & Fox Ridge) Come have dinner, play games with the kids and join in a community Havdallah under the stars with your CNT friends and family! Join us for an evening of good food and good times. We?re bringing the burgers, hotdogs, sides, chips and water! You bring your lawn chairs, sodas and a dessert to share! ft ALL CNT MEMBERS ARE INVITED! 2009 Confirmation Service Saturday, May 16 10:00 am The parents of our 2009 Confirmation Class invite you to share in their joy as their children are confirmed. Annual Temple Meeting Tuesday, June 9 7:00 - 9:00 pm Join us for coffee and dessert as we install our new Temple Board. Men?s Club will also be announcing their Man of the Year recipient. We will also be thanking all of our Temple volunteers who have graciously given of their time this past year. Confirmation Class of 2009 Liza Abrams Spenser Blank Lanie Cohen Jamie Edelman Joey Falk Nathanial Vincent Religious School will present the Shomer Torah Award for Shabbat attendance, and don?t forget.... THE BIG RAFFLE! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!CHA1 (LIFE) J CAMPAIGN In an effort to make the act of giving fun, affordable, inclusive and relevant to our heritage, we?ve designed a new campaign that we hope everyone will join. While our congregation depends upon the generosity of major donors, it is the entire congregation's support that makes Ner Tam id a viable and thriving community. Without each and every one of you, our Temple would never be able to continue it?s development as one of the most special congregations in the country. Therefore, we hope that you and your family will consider one of the campaign levels. You can easily add it to your existing auto-payment plan by contacting Lynette Solomon in the Temple office at 733-6292 ext 212. Forms are available in the Temple office or you can donate on our website, under "Donations", using a Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover card. We need your help now, more than ever. While these are the toughest times to be giving, give we must. Thank you in advance.... CNT. Harry Sax, Temple President At the end of June, my term as President of Congregation Ner Tamid comes to an end. 1 must say that is has bee^A challenging and rewarding experience. I have watched om new Temple at Valle Verde literally come out of the ground. Since occupying our new facility, our family membership has grown from the mid-500's to the mid-700?s. Under the wonderful leadership of Lonnie Kritzler, our pre-school enrollment is in the mid- 70?s and our Hebrew school, with Beth Falk's capable direction has grown to an enrollment in the 200?s. We have greatly expanded our programming and we are proud to have Beth Bowman as our Program Director. Assisting Beth and doing a wonderful job are Joyce Herlands, our Senior Activities Co-ordinater and Rebecca Phillips, our Young Adult and Singles Co-ordinater. Roberta Unger has done a terrific job saving us money on our Temple maintenance and providing outstanding catering for Temple events. I truly believe we have the best Rabbi and Cantorial Soloist in town and they are a big part of the reason I drive 54 miles roundtrip from Summerlin to belong to CNT. Rabbi Akselrad and Cantorial Soloist Phillip Goldstein team up to provide outstanding spiritual leadership for our congregation. 1 would also like to thank Administrative Assistants Lynette Solomon and Karen Levine, Finance Director Linda Rosen and Accounting Assistant Kathy Hage for their hard work. Laura Bailey has done an outstanding job of getting out monthly bulletin and providing administrative back up for Beth Falk at the Hebrew school. Thanks also to all of our volunteers which includes our hard working board of directors. Finally, I want to thank Nancy Weinberger, our Executive Director. Nancy has done an outstanding job of managing the business affairs of the temple dunj^^ some of the most trying economic times in our temple?s history. Nancy wc^r 24/7 to reduce temple expenses while at the same time providing every congregant with a fulfilling experience every time they come to CNT. Being president at CNT has afforded me the opportunity to meet many of you, our congregants. You are the "glue? that makes belonging to CNT so special. You are a wonderful group and I know that Patty and I have formed many friendships that will last a lifetime. It has been both a privilege and an honor to serve you and I look forward with you to our bright future. CNT is truly a special place to belong. 2008-09 Temple Board Harry Sax, Gregg Solomon, VP Administration .... Barry Lewisohn, Amy Matthews, Corporate Marsha Goldberg, VP Member Retention ..decagon Lisa Skurow, VP Member David Rounds, VP Ways & Jacky Rosen, VP Youth & Del Acosta, VP Cindy Jensen, VP Social Trustees lllisa… Bruce Brett Primack......................................................bcvegas@ya… Pam Poster...........................................................pampos… Sandy Stolberg.......................................................sandys2@… Phyllis Lewis.................................................phyllisandcal@aol… Rick Carter...................................................recarter44@gma… Michelle Blank, Sisterhood Michael Unger, Men's Club Stephanie Watman, NTTY Past Presidents Marla Letizia Scott Stolberg Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Jeff Kahn Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrc -Eugene Kirshbaf^J "David Goldwater' "deceased 2 W W W .L V N E R T A M ID .O R G A Message from Rabbi Akselrad On Becoming a _____ Doctor! rM J It was May 1984 V % when I was ordained a rabbi by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati Ohio. It was a proud moment. My father. Rabbi Sidney Akselrad, had been asked by the ordination class to be our ordination speaker. I remember my father being even more nervous than I was as he prepared to address an audience of over 1500 including many of his teachers and peers. His role was to deliver a message of inspiration and direction to us as we would took our own place as rabbis in the household of Israel. As is traditional, the head of Hebrew Union College, Rabbi Alfred Gottschalk would lay his hands on each ordainee in a process of ?smicha"-the laying on of hands which is the religious process by which we gain authority to ?rve as rabbis. In my case, as my father as a rabbi, he also had this privilege of blessing me. I had always marveled at his long career. And as the years go by since his passing, I marvel even more at his ability to remember peoples names, organize amazing programs, develop long standing traditions within his congregation, and ultimately make a difference in the lives of so many. I remember as a teen traveling to Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles when my father was honored with his peers for having served as a rabbi for 25 years. Wow, I thought, that is a long time! He went on to serve as a rabbi for over 50 plus years.... And now it is my turn to be so honored. Twenty five years have gone by since my ordination. On May 18,2009 I will be granted the honorary degree, ^Roctor of Divinity, at the Los Angeles ^Rmpus of HUC-JIR. It will be a very proud moment for me, and certainly a time of great reflection. Many are the simchas and sorrows I have shared with congregants over the years. From the early years of being a student rabbi in Barstow California when the President of the Temple greeted me with the words, ?Come on in young fella, glad you are here...? to serve as the associate rabbi at Temple Israel in Columbus, Ohio to find a home at Congregation Ner Tamid 21 years ago. Now a little greyer, and hopefully a little wiser, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the meaning of this journey. At Shabbat services on June 5th the Temple will host a special Oneg in honor of this milestone. At this time, I will deliver a special sermon to the Congregation entitled, ?Milestone Memories of My Rabbinate: On lessons learned, and lives touched?. Please mark your calendars now and I look forward to sharing with you my thoughts and joy at receiving this sacred honor. Save These Dates! Friday, May 29 Special Guest Speaker Shawn Bailey Come listen as he shares his experiences as a participant on the March of the Living. Shawn was fortunate to be one of thousands of high school junior and senior students from across the world who traveled to Poland and Israel, experiencing first-hand the history of the Holocaust and our Jewish heritage. A truly life-changing experience! For information on the March, go to Friday, June 5 Special Shabbat in Honor of Rabbi Akselrad's Honorary Degree Join us for a special Shabbat honoring Rabbi on his receiving an honorary degree. Doctor of Divinity, from the HUC-JIR. He will also be giving a special sermon, reflecting on his years since he was ordained. SVAAsB MAY SERVICE SCHEDULE Friday. May 1 6:30 pm Tot Shabbat 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday. May 2 10:00 am Schuck Bar Mitzvah 7:30 pm Shabbatone Service Saturday, May 9 10:00 am Goldstein Bat Mitzvah Friday. May 15 7:30 pm Religious School Teacher Appreciation Shabbat Saturday. May 16 10:00 am Confirmation Service Friday. May 22 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Saturday. May 23 10:00 am Schwartz Bat Mitzvah Friday. May 29 10:00 am Yizkor Service 7:30 pm Shabbat Service Shabbat Services are led by Rabbi Akselrad and/or Rabbi Adar. Our Cantorial Soloist is Philip Goldstein. Services begin at 7:30 pm (unless otherwise noted) and are followed by an Oneg. If you would like to host an Oneg, contact Roberta Unger, 733-6292 ext 202. Saturday Morning Service & Study 9:00 am Adult Ed 10:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 11:15 am Torah Study Saturday morning Adult Ed and Torah Study meet in the Conference Room; Shabbat Service is in the Beit T?fillah. May 2009 CVclc of lt'fe May B?nai Mitzvot Jordan Schuck May 2 proud parents are Darlene & John VL Just a From Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein Now that Passover is behind us, and we look ahead, I am reminded that we are continually on the move here at CNT. In the merry month of May, we have a variety of musical services and some special musical events happening. "Shabbatone Service on May 8th - FINAL ONE OF THE SEASON! * Jr. Choir sings at May 15th R/S Teacher Appreciation Shabbat Service Jordan Goldstein May 9 proud parents are Suzanne & Richard Alexa Schwartz May 23 proud parents are Simone & Jerry Mazel Tov To.... Stu Solomon on being appointed to the National Board of theMRJ-Men of Reform Judaism! Shawn Bailey; chosen to participate in Nevada Boys? State at UNR this June. This leadership program offers select students a unique and better understanding of our state and national government. Very proud parents are Kevin and Laura. Roz and Shelly Kurzweil on the birth of their grand-daughter, Amanda Reese Brustein, born February 5. Paul Unger on graduating from the College of Southern Nevada with a Difre Science Degree. Proud parents are Roberta & Michael. We mourn the passing.... Roney Buff man, beloved spouse of Lou Jeffrey Olderman, beloved cousin of Phyllis Jacobs Harry Alter, beloved husband of Addie (Adelaide) Robert David Feiman, beloved father of llene Scharf, father-in-law of Alan, grandfather of Becca Phillips, great?grandfather of Nathan On another note, I am thrilled and honored to have been chosen by Michael Isaacson as a featured artist in his newest music book with CD, Jewish Music as Midrash. If you recall, we brought him here, when we first opened our present facility, to be our featured composer at a Music Season Sabbath. Michael Isaacson is a world renowned composer/arranger/conductor. He is the founding Music Director of The Israel Pops Orchestra, and the Milken Archive of American Jewish Music. He has over 500 Jewish and secular musical compositions published, including instrumental, vocal, sacred and secular arrangements, editions and educational works, and has produced over 40 CD?s and album recordings. To be selected by Michael Isaacson to be on this publication is truly an honor and elevates CNT to the international level. This songbook and CD set will be distributed worldwide and I will have them available at the Temple office for $36 each. A portion of the proceeds will goto help music programming at CNT. Make your check out to the Cantors Discretionary Fund for $36. Please call me at the Temple office at 733-6292, ext 208, and reserve your copy today. Shavuot Yizkor ')Yizkor Service Friday, May 2009-5769 May 29 ~ 10:00 am( Harry Alter Alvin ?Buddy?Levy Roney Buffman Robert Lewison Beatrice Dolnick Lucie Lunenfeld Rebeca Ekert Gerald Luwisch Adele Emmer Pam Matzkin Louise Ewing Elizabeth McGuinley Robert David Feiman Michael Milano Bev Feldmar Jeffrey Olderman Goldie Figlarz Herman Rabinowitz Rueben Finkelstein Anita Rappoport Isabel Flores Lillian Reker Allan Fredland Alex Ruiz Jerry Getz Lorraine Sachs Janette (Jean) Goldstein Harvey Sanoff Sylvia Gordon Edith Savage Norman Gould Milton Schecter Charles Hawk Katherine Selinsky Leslie J. Hinden Lorene Schur Alvin Inglett Molly Shoofey Shaun Jensen Mary Sholkoff Edward Johnson Norma Sirota Katherine Kalich Mary Ellen Jensen Stokes Sylvia Klainman Craig Stolar Matthew Lee Milton Tenenbaum Coleman Lehrman Gerald Toffel 4 W W W . L V N E R T A M ID .O R G People of the Book - Notes from the Library The great news is our CNT Library is just about ready to open! With summer just around the corner this is a great time to start thinking about all the wonderful books you will find in the new CNT library. We are anticipating opening the library sometime during the month of June. Members will be issued a Library Card which will entitle you to check out books for you and your family to enjoy. Library Hours: Monday - 1pm - 6:30pm Tuesday - 4pm - 8:30pm Wednesday - 11am - 4pm Thursday - CLOSED Friday - 6:30pm - 7:30pm (before services) Saturday - CLOSED Sunday - 9am-lpm (during Religious School) The library is seeking volunteers able to commit weekly to 2 - 4 hour shifts. Duties will include checking books in and out, re-shelving books, inputting book information, making labels for new books and so much more library fun! To volunteer please call Emily Perlman, 897-1999 or Beth Bowman at the Temple, 733-6292 ext 205. BIG TICKET RAFFLE Three Chances to Win! 1st Prize - Trip/Wiiiner selects (1) fabulous trip from four choices! (Details on pa<>c lot 2nd Prize - 81,000 Cash 3rd Prize - (1) Personal Parking; Space at CNT for (1) year, including High Holidays 1 Ticket - $50 3 Tickets - SlOO 8 Tickets - $250 Drawing Will Be Held At Annual Temple Meeting Tuesday. June 9 Seller of Winning Tieket W ins .$1,000! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Only 600 Tickets Available! Tickets and complete details of all prizes are available in the office. New Members in March: Stacey & Michael Wasser, Samantha & Paul Sinowitz, Marsha Lewis, Kathleen Schaefer, Richard Grijalva & Eng Rathany To all our wonderful volunteers.... Our Shabbat Greeters: Bessie Levy, Lori Emptage, Marilyn Goldstein, Marlene Acosta, Cathy Linefsky, Sid Barasch, Louis Friedner Our Office Volunteers: Shirley Kouffman, Ellen Sonenthal, Alec Sonenthal, Sonny Spiwak, Patty Myers, David Linefsky, Allan Goldberg, Joy Ruby, Emily Pearlman, Corinne Johnson, Ann Sandell, Carolyn Friedner, Priscilla Kenwood, Bill Goldman, Marty Loeb, Steve Lang, Judy Winnick, Renee Diamond, Sheila Oakley, Ann Matza, Arlene Kalodner if you would like to volunteer, please contact Nancy Weinberger at 733-6292 ext 201. King David Memorial Gardens An Opportunity to Pay Homage to Our Loved Ones The Kind David Memorial Garden is a special place where the names of loved ones may be permanently etched to remember and honor their lives. The Garden provides a calm and serene venue to acknowledge and reflect on how they touched our lives. The Garden is open 1/2 hour prior to services on Friday nights to provide an opportunity to those who wish to lay a stone at the name of their loved one or just sit and enjoy the peacefulness of the Gardens. If you are interested in remembering someone in the Garden, contact Nancy Weinberger, Executive Director, at 733-6292 ext 201. Individual Memorial Space - $500 each Rows of Remembrance (includes 6 names) - $12,500 each row May 2009 5 Earn money for our youth... the easy way! Join Albertsons Community Partners Shop Albertsons and Sav*on Drugs and we'll receive up to 4% of your eligible purchases! ___HOW?______ Simply connect your Preferred Savings Card to our Community Partners ID# today. Go to Click on ?In The Community? for the Community Partners link. ---/\ Albertsons---- Community partners Giving back for youth. One cart at a time. A CNTs ID # is 49000112397 Register Today! Youth Croup Comer IBN (Itty Bitty NTTY) is our newest addition to youth groups, for kids grades 3-5. Parent volunteers work to help plan events throughout the year. The next event is May 3, Swim Party at 1:00 pm. For more information, contact Becca Phillips, IBN Advisor, at; co-advisor llene Scharf. TNT (Teens of Ner Tamid) is the youth activity group for students in grades 6-8. The next event is May 16, Swim, Movie & Progressive Dinner at 5:00 pm. For information on up?coming events contact Pam Poster, TNT Advisor, at or call her at 731-9246. NTTY (Ner Tamid Temple Youth) is CNT?s youth group for teens grades 9- 12, that involves our high school youth with their peers on a local and regional level. For more information, contact Jolie Brislin, NTTY Advisor, at From Jacky Rosen U VP Youth and Education ? i As religious school winds up the 2008/2009 year, I want to send out a special ?thank you? to the Religious School Parent Committee. Month after month, they have continued to attend meetings and assist in the planning and implementation of our copy paper mitzvah drive, the Purim Carnival, the Passover candy sale and Haggadah sale. They have also contributed many great ideas, such as the idea for the upcoming potluck dinner prior to Teacher Appreciation Shabbat on May 15th. I would also like to extend a special thanks to the Temple Staff, teachers, student aides, parents, grandparents and members-at-large who volunteered their time and helped in making our Purim Carnival the BEST EVER! It took a lot of manpower to pull it off and we couldn't have done it without you. Finally, the school could not exist without support from the parents and I look forward to meeting many more parents next school year. The R/S Parents Committee meetings are held the 1st Sunday of the month (when religious school is in session) at 9:30 am. Our final meeting for this year will be May 3rd. If you have any questions or comments about the religious school or our youth programs, please feel free to contact me at anytime at ------------------------------------------------f Religious School Dates to Remember! Sunday, May 3 3rd Grade Family Ed Day 5th Grade Family Ed Day Sunday, May 10 NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Friday, May 15 Religious School Teacher Appreciation Potluck Dinner and Shabbat Service Saturday, May 16 2009 Confirmation Service Sunday, May 17 ^ LAST DAY OF RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 6 W W W . L V N E R T A M ID .O R G ?Little Hands, Big Hearts? Cary & Lynn Kantor ECEC Spring Fundraiser Sunday, May 3 11:00 am - 2:00 pm In the Social Hall Cost is Only $20 per Adult Payment guarantees your reservation. Live Auction, Silent Auction, Entertainment! Childcare, which includes lunch, available at no charge! RSVP for childcare when you purchase your tickets. Tickets are still available at the School office. The Preschool Spring Fundraiser is made possible by the generosity of the following major donors: Howard Barish at The Stage Deli, For all the deli trays Don Ross at Harrah?s Entertainment, For all the linens, silverware & tableware Paul &. Suzanne Schloss at Brooklyn Bagels, For all the Bagels Freed?s Bakery of Las Vegas For the delicious cupcake centerpieces Lexy Capp at Nannies & Housekeepers, Childcare during this event Ages 2-5 Yrs. Old 7 Themed Weeks - June 15 - July 31 2, 3 & 5 Day Programs ~ Half & Fl,M Day Before and After Care Available You Pick Your Weeks or Co All 7. Space is Limited! ?IEGISTER NOW! Contact Lonnie Kritzler, Director ECE, or Laura Bailey in the school office at 632-2250. Must be 2 yrs. old by 9/30/09. Tot Shabbat Friday, May 1 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Tot Shabbat begins with a short service, followed by a special craft and snack. This program is open to all children ages 2-5 yrs. old and their parents. Note: Parents Must Stay With Child. Led by Rabbi Akselrad, Lonnie Kritzler and Ellen Cropp. s ?-"? ?< 'I I Stay & Play Group Weekly ~ 10 to 11 am Tuesdays Only Available Session 3/May 5-June 4 (5 weeks) $50 Classes are filling up fasti Open to children 18-28 months old. Each class offers a balance of structured and unstructured play as children encounter all the elements of a traditional preschool day routine and curriculum: art, language, music, movement and dramatic play, Jewish holidays and Jewish culture. Classes are led by Nicole Fletcher, one of our teachers. Space is limited so sign up now! RSVP to Lonnie at 632-2250 ext 211 or WEE CAN SIGN Mondays, May6 0 May 27 10:00- 1 1:00 am For Newborn to 24 Months Cost: $100; includes book/DVD Long before they can speak, babies & toddlers can communicate using their hands. Come learn this early, effective form of communication which has proven to reduce frustration, increase vocabulary and enhance the parent/ child bond. This program is co?sponsored by CNT & the JCC. To register, or for more information, contact Julie Olsasky at the JCC, 794-0090, ext 121, or visit Topics w/Rabbi Akselrad Thursday, May 7 at Noon Join Rabbi each month for the ?Topic du jour", from politics in the Middle East to theology, to current events and how they effect us as Jews. Bring a brown-bag lunch and join in the discussion. FREE and open to all. 55+ Senior Social Group Nostalgia Event Wednesday, May 27 1:30 pm Seniors, bring your memorabilia from World War II or earlier (or later) to display and discuss. Share your momentos and stories with everyone. Everyone 55 and over are welcome. For more informaiton, contact Joyce Herlands or call her at 733-6292 ext 253. Tai Chi for the Jewish Soul Sundays, May 3, 17 At 9:30 am Facilitated by Sheryl Chenin-Webb; Through the gentle movements of Tai Chi you can increase physical fitness. Classes are FREE and open to all adults - men and women. NOTE: LAST CLASS UNTIL FALL. Previous experience not required; great for beginners. 55+ Senior Social Group Special Guest Speakers Wednesday, May 13 Beginning at 11:00 am The afternoon begins with a presentation by Bruce Matza, CNT President-Elect, ?The State of Our Synagogue?. Following Bruce's presentation, Bert Silver from the Dept, of Cultural Affairs will talk about the Nevada Talking Book Services. Afterwards, Mary Meyer, a Community Service Rep., will offer information on her agency. Home Instead. Bring a brown-bag lunch: we will have desserts and beverages. Then, the day continues with Yiddish & Table Games. For information, contact Joyce Herlands at 733-6292 ext 253. Singles' Chardonnay Shabbat For 30?s & 40?s Friday, May 8 6:00 pm Come for wine tasting & light appetizers before Friday Shabbat services. Please bring you favorite bottle of wine to share and then stay for the last Shabbatone Service of the season! Event is open to all singles in their 30?s & 40?s. Your cost is a bottle of wine to share. Please RSVP by May 6 to Becca Phillips at Everyone who RSVP?s will have reserved seating for the Shabbatone Service. Service Leadership Saturday, June 20th 12:30 pm Interested in leading Saturday Minyon? This is the workshop fdB you! Material will be provided and the all the information you need to lead a moving, spiritual service. This workshop is free and open to all who are interested. Please RSVP to Beth Bowman, 733-6292 ext 205, so we can expect you. Chavurah News! The eight couples in Chai Menchen Chavurah have only been a group for 18 months but have come together in several unique ways. This Chavurah has recently become a sponsor for Family Promise, donating $360 to sponsor a family to help pay their utility bills and get them settled into a new home. The Chavurah was recently notified that their family would be moving and the group collected household items aj^j several televisions for their family?s n? apartment. This Chavurah had four members graduate from the recent Leadership Program. In addition, one of the Chavurah members, Bruce Matza will be the next president of our congregation. Erev Shavuot Service & Program Thursday, May 28 Service Begins at 7:00 pm When you reap the harvest in your field and overlook a sheaf in the field, do not turn back to get it; it shall go to the stranger, the orphaned, and the widow in order that the Lord your Cod may bless you in all your undertakings. Deut. 24:19 Program & Dessert Following Service ?What is the Meaning of Tzedakah?? Service led by Rabbi Akselrad Program facilitated by Pam Poster Please bring ?Just 1 More?, a non-perishable food item to be donated to JFSA. RSVP to Beth Bowman at 733-6292 ext 205. Congratulations to Chai Menchen Chavurah for expanding your agenda to include social activities, community service and congregational leadership. New Chavurah groups are forming now. Join one today by contacting the office for an application. Members of Chai Menchen Chavurah: Howard & Marilyn Calin Lee & Hedy Gordon Steve & Joan Jacobson Jeff S' Carla Jonas ^ Bruce & Annie Matza Donn & Fran Pearlman Mel S' Leslie Weinberg Larry & Rivka Wolf 8 W W W .L V N E R T A M ID .O R G Basic Hebrew Level 1 & 2 Mondays, June 15 - August 10 Level 2 - 5:30 pm Level 1 - 6:30 pm Level 1 will teach the basics of Hebrew - recognize Hebrew letters, sound out words and read text. A great refresher course! Level 2 is for those who already know the basics and are ready to start reading basic prayers. Cost for the class is $36 per person, per level, plus book fee. We will be using ?Crash Course in Hebrew" for both classes so you can use a book from a previous class. Facilitated by Pam Poster. Potpourri of Jewish Topics Thursdays, July 2 - July 29 7:00 pm Join us each week for an evening of conversation and debate. Weekly topics will range from spiritual questions to current evetns. This program is free and open to everyone. Please RSVP to Beth Bowman, 733-6292 ext 205, so we have enough materials for all. Second Mondays Continue..... The Educated Jew Mondays, June 8 / July 13 / August 10 17:00 pm |bpic; Jewish Civilizations and the Development of Judaism. Each class will begin with a video portion based on the subject, followed up with a group discussion of the video and a question/answer series. Facilitated by Alvin Esbin and Fred Peters. This program is FREE and open to everyone. Sew, So-What.....with Rabbi Adar Mondays, June 15 & June 22 5:30 pm Join Rabbi Adar for an hour of needlework and conversation. Bring your knitting, your crocheting or mending as we?ll unravel some knotty problems! This program is free and open to everyone. Kiddush Monday, June 22 7:30 pm I What are the rules for Kiddush? Which prayer is chanted when, and why? Join Rabbi Adar for a lesson on the Kiddush. A recording will be available. This program is free and open to all. D'var Torah - How to Prepare Mondays, June 15 & June 22 6:30 pm Learn to enjoy the experience of preparing and delivering a D?var Torah, word of Torah, for Saturday Minyon or other occasions. No Hebrew required! Facilitated by Rabbi Adar. This program is free and open to everyone. Birkat Hamazon Monday, June 15 7:30 pm Ever been to a Jewish event and everyone burst into song after the meal? That would be the Birkat Hamazon, the Blessing of Satisfaction. Learn this blessing and some traditions about it. Recording will be available. Facilitated by Rabbi Adar. Pre-registration required for classes. All class fees must be paid prior to the first day of class. To register, or for more information, please contact Beth Bowman, Program Director, at the Temple office at 733-6292 ext 205. The Mitzvot - The Commandments and Their Rationale Thursdays, June 18-August 13 6:00 pm This class will explore the Mitzvot - commandments from the beginning of the Torah text. You will learn where and what the Mitzvot are and discuss their rationale. Hebrew and prior Torah study not required. This program is free and open to all. Please bring a non-perishable food item, weekly, to be donated to J FSA. Text by Abraham Chill. Facilitated by Mel Kenwood. Introduction to Shabbat Thursday, June 18 6:30 pm Learn the secrets of keeping Shabbat at home, whether you are single, married, interfaith, young or old. Learn the prayers and how to celebrate! Everyone will go home with everything needed to celebrate Shabbat, including a challah recipe. Class is free and open to all. Please bring a non-perishable food item to be donated to JFSA. Facilitated by Rabbi Adar.MAY 2009 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed Thu Fri Sat SPECIAL PERFORMANCE! Thursday, May 7th 7:00 pm Re-Vital of Israel Dance Theatre Croup Adelson Campus Theatre Dr. Miriam & Sheldon G. Adelson Educational Campus 9700 W. Hillpointe Rd. Adults: $20 ~ Children under 18: $10 Tickets available at JCC, 794-0090. Yom Ha?Atzmaut (Israel Independence Day) May 17th Venetian Hotel Casino 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Kosher Food Community Information Booths Entertainment Children?s Activities Vendor Booths Live Presentations Special Guests & More! FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Come honor and show your support for Israel! Funded by The Dr. Miriam & Sheldon G. Adelson Family, and in part by a grant from the UJC Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. I 1 TotShabbat 6:30 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm 2 Adult Ed 9:00am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00am Torah Study 11:15am BMSchuck 10:00 am Temple Picnic 4:30 pm R/S 9:15 pm $ 3rd Grade Family Ed 5th Grade Family Ed R/S Parents Meeting 9:30 am Tai Chi 9:30 am Preschool Spring Fundraiser 11:00 am Confirmation 12:30 pm IBN Swim Party 1:00 pm 4 AA Noon 5 Stay& Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Conf.8&9,Ge$her 6:15 pm A 6 Overeaters Anon 9:30 am Wee Can Sign 10:00 am 1 AA 9:30 am Stay & Play 10:00 am Hot Topics Noon R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6:00 pm NA 6:30 pm 8 Singles Chardonnay Shabbat 6:00 pm Shabbatone Service 7:30 pm 9 Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study 11:15 am BM Goldstein 10:00 am 10 NO R/S NO CONFIRMATION 1 1 AA Noon Second Mondays 7:00 pm StayS^^ 10:00am GA 12:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm / Final Day Pre-Conf. 8 & 9 6:15 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:00 pm 13 Overeaters Anon 9:30 am WeeCanSign 10:00am Seniors 55+ Yiddish & Table Games 1:30 pm 14 AA 9:30 am Stay & Play 10:00 am R/S West 4:30 pm/Final Day NA 6:30 pm 1 5 Food Addicts Anonymous 9:30 am R/S Teacher Appreciation Potluck Dinner 6:16 pm R/S Teacher Appreciation Shabbat Service 7:30 pm l 6 Adult Ed 9:00 am Shabbat Morning Service 10:00 am Torah Study 11:15am Confirmation Service 10:00 am TNT Swim, Movie & Progressive Dinner 5:00 pm 17 R/S 9:15 pm 1 ' FINAL DAY Tai Chi 9:30 am Men's Club Paid-Up Brunch 10:00am Israel Independence Day ? Venetian 11:00 am 18 AA Noon 19 Stay & Play 10:00 am GA 12:30 pm ___A______i 20 Overeaters Ano