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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 2007



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    Monthly Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamed A Special Place To Belong Adar/Nisan 5767 March 2007 ITii im Carnival Sunday, March 4 Volume XXI No.3 Megillah Reading at 1C am Ccme hear Rabbi read the stcry cf Esther frcm the /Heaillah ^ aumal at 11 am - 2 pm Eaffle, feed, Entertainment, Games and Amusements, Eun, Eun, Eun! .TiCKtT i l iisl Shabbat Service In Cur New Heme! ? Friday, March 2 At 7:4C nm /--------- Inside 2 Rabbi s Atessage April Attractions 3 Presidents Atessage 4 Cantorial Soloists Atessage 5 Education Dir. Atessage 6 13 nai ALi tzvaks 8 Exec. Dir. Atessage 9 Adult Education 10 Atonthly Programs 11 Calendar 12 Aten s Club 13 Sisterhood News 14 Tell/Kvell 15 Yabrzeits/Atenioriams 16 Tributes 20 LVorship ScheduleRabbi?s Message Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad We all know people who dwell in the past. It would seem that my life has been lived in the future. For the past eight years I have been living and dreaming about this day when we would move into our new building. For all those who are reading this article I hope that you would join me in a collective ?shehechiyanoo?! ?Praised are you O Eternal our God who has kept us alive and allowed us to reach this sacred time?. So much planning, so much thought. Thoughts about what we could and should become. And now comes the real challenge. To transform our house into a home. Like a newly wed couple we will infuse our home with aspects of our personality. We will live, pray, play and yes. continue to dream within our new walls. But dreams are hard to touch. They must be given a living breathing soul. And that is all of our responsibility. For starters I suggest that you simply enter into our new doors and enjoy the present. Enjoy the new surroundings and the special touches that abound that may not be noticed at first glance. The magnificent colors of our building gleaned from colors in the Bible. The shape of the building reminding us of our heritage in the desert when the Israelites lived in tents. The various things that were in our previous Temple on Emerson that now adorn our new Temple in places spread throughout the facility. Take time to sit and reflect in our remembrance gardens where our loved ones will be honored. Resting on a beautiful bench you can spend quiet time surrounded by natures beauty. Note the many biblical quotes that adorn our foyer and entrance gates. (There are even quotes embedded in our Ner Tamid and ark curtain). Many surprises abound. And more yet to come. But for now, enjoy the present. Our first Shabbat in our new Temple is March 2nd. Without additional fanfare it will be simply but profoundly a time of ?Shabbat? - rest! A time for us to come together as a community to enjoy our new sanctuary in all its glory. Following services we will have Israeli dancing, which we hope to offer on a regular basis. So here?s to the past, and here?s to the future. But most of all. here is to a wonderful ?present? called today. ( 2 WWW.LVNERTAM1D.ORG ) --------------------------------------------- Community-Wide YOM HASHOAH SERVICE Sunday, April 15th 6 pm at CAT Guest Speaker - Deborah Lipstnril Jluthor of History on Trial: Jlly Day in Court With David Irving Sponsored by Board of Rabbis, Jewish Federation of Las Vegas, Governor?s Council on Ednation relating to the Holocaust, Gil and Edytlie Yarcliever and King David Mortuary. ( Which For JWore Details In .tprit! April Attractions $ 4/2 Temple Family Seder 6:00 pm 4/3 Passover Service 10:00am 4/5 All Women?s Seder 6:30 pm 4/9 Yiskor Service Office Closed 10:00am 4/13 Congregant of Year Service New Member Shabbat Shabbatone Service 7:30 pm 4/15 Yom Hashoah Service @ CNT 7:30 pm Men?s Club Golf Tournament 7:30 am 4/21 Judaism 101 12:30pn| 4/29 Israel Independence Celebration at CNT TBATemple President, Marla Letizia Temple Board President - Marla Letizia % VP Administration - Harry Sax hanydotcom@cox.nct VP Ways & Means - Michael Linger VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta dacosta6@cox.nct VP Member Recruitment - Jay Poster VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen ckjcnscn@cox.nct Treasurer - Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Michele Fendell mfcndcll@cox.nct Barry Lewisohn jordie Primack Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus-Lewis Daryl Alterwitz Illisa Polis Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President CNTSisterhood@cox.nct Stu Solomon, Men?s Club President Megan Stolberg, NTTY President Past Presidents Scott Stolberg Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy ^ Bob Unger ? Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Ivollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater ^deceased The fanfare is over, furniture set, gardens planted, Torah lovingly tucked in behind The Ark, our shoes are "kicked off" and now the real challenge begins....turning our beautiful building into our "home of spirituality and educational growth". We all know it's not about the building, however spectacular; it's about building our Jewish faith once inside. It's not about the "names on the wall" but rather about being comfortable within the walls that keep us bound in, and working together to move past barriers through love, comfort, joy, compassion, solitude and shelter. It's about getting involved on a daily basis in the programs that enhance our individual strengths; allowing them to shine, then turning and bringing others into the light. It's about acknowledging those around us who bring inspiration and stability to our world. It's about bringing our families to the Purim Carnival, the family picnic, The Shabbatones, the High Holidays, and all our other wonderful events that represent spiritual community. It's about building a place where our children may grow with each other; our families support each other and our beloved Rabbi Akselrad bringing the message of G-d into our lives. In essence, one translation of "Congregation Ner Tamid" means "gathering of eternal light". It is up to all of us to build the fire of life within this temple and keep the flame of Jewish faith growing. We have come together to build this house, now it is time to fill our home with love, life, happiness, health and spiritual renewal. It is with great pride and joy that I welcome you all into your new home, knowing that whatever the needs, you will find the answers within these walls. Join us Friday, March 9 at 7:30 pm at our Shabbatone Family Service and welcome our new Program Director, Nancy Weinberger! ( March 2007 j ) Just a -siT Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist As we continue our journey to the big day (the wedding), 1 wanted to explain more( about the chuppah - the marriage canopy. This is where the actual wedding ceremony takes place. Its origins are very interesting. Today?s Jewish wedding ceremony is a combination of two ancient practices, in the first part, the bride and groom were betrothed to each other in a ceremony called crusin, ?forbidden.? This ceremony signified that each was ?forbidden? to anyone else and that their marriage met all the conditions of Jewish law. This ceremony is also called tena?im which means ?conditions? or ?terms.? This ceremony consisted of three elements: (1) the signing of a document of agreement; (2) the presentation by the groom to the bride of an object of value (originally a coin, and, later, a ring) and the bride?s acceptance of this object; and (3) the recitation of the blessing over a cup of wine. After this ceremony, the couple would be considered legally married. However, at this point, they would not consummate the marriage nor would they live together. Perhaps as much as a year later, the groom would go to the bride?s (father?s) house and escort her to his home. She would be carried in a litter during this festivity. This ceremony was called the nissuin which means ?carrying? or ?taking.? This would be followed again by the blessing over wine after which the couple would consummate the marriage and would live together as husband and wife. Sometime later, probably during the Middle Ages, these two ceremonies were blended into one - the modern-day Jewish wedding ceremony as we know it. Today?s chuppah symbolizes the nissuin portion of that ancient ritual. Later, the word chuppah referred to a special room where the bride and groom go after the conclusion of the wedding service to be alone. This ritual is known as yichud. By the Middle Ages, the chuppah had evolved into a canopy to symbolize the home that the new' couple will create. This, too, is reminiscent of the home to which the biblical groom escorted his new bride. This canopy was^^ supported by four poles, under which the bride, groom, and family stood during the wedding service. Today, a chuppah may consist of a plain tallit or velvet cloth which is attached to four poles and held up by friends. Or, it may be more elaborate and consist of lace or flowers. When the ceremony begins, the groom comes in first and stands under the chuppah to await his bride, ?just as God waited at Sinai for his bride (Israel), so does the groom wait for his bride to appear.? When the bride arrives, she stands to the right of the groom. In Psalm 45:10 it says: ?The queen stands on your right hand in gold of Ophir.? On her wedding day, the bride is as a queen so she stands on the groom?s right. In addition to the Rabbi(s), Cantor, the Best Man, and the Maid of Honor, the bride and groom may also be joined under the chuppah by both sets of parents. PRE-SCHOOL ?REGISTRATION' Nou) Accepting Applications for 2007-08 School year Space is Limited! First Come, First Serve! Contact Craig ?Rosen for Information at 733-6292 or email at CROSEN@LVNERTAMID.ORG d WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG > FAMILY EDUCATION AT CNT New this year has been a series of family education days for each grade level of our Religious fchool. Parents have had the opportunity to engage m study with Rabbi Akselrad and our Rabbinic Intern Cookie on a series of topics directly related to their child's course of study. A significant part of the Family Ed experience is the chance for parents and students to learn together. Topics this year included: Life cycle workshops on Birth and Bar Mitzvah, an in-depth study of the V'Ahavta prayer, God exploration, the 10 commandments, Kashrut and Jewish Values. This month our 5th grade students and parents learn about rituals associated with a Jewish wedding. Students have been preparing for weeks to welcome our guest bride and groom Bette and David Stahl to their class made Chupah. Parents are working on a Seudat Mitzvah (the celebration following the wedding ceremony). Rabbi Akselrad will be conducting the wedding and students will help officiate at the service and will share a special song they wrote for this ceremony. Mar 4 Mar 18 Mar 18 April 1 Apr 13-15 YOUTH GROUPS Purim Carnival NTTY Laser Quest TNT Rock Climbing Day NTTY Teen Lounge Day NFTY SW Spring Kallah - Phoenix, AZ B?nai Mitzvah - Religious School Craig Rosen Director of Lifelong Learning This month I have the privilege of taking our 10-12 grade students on a program in Washington DC called Panim El Panim (face to face). This program sponsored by the Jewish Institute of Leadership and Values brings together teens from across the country to engage in iikkun Olam (repairing the world). On the seminar, our teens will have the opportunity to meet and engage in dialog with those who can shape our countries policies. After learning about a variety of issues including homelessness and civil rights, our students will be empowered to formulate their opinion about what can and should be done. On this program we learn that "our voice counts? and that each of us have the power to bring about change in our world. A highlight of ourseminar will be a visit to Capitol Hill where will we directly lobby our politicians as to our opinion and ideas on important issues that are up for a vote in congress. Less than 1% of our population takes the journey to personally lobby our representatives to congress in Washington, DC. This unique experience will allow our teens to see the importance of speaking out for injustice and expressing oneself when there is a problem or concern in the world. Upon our return, our students will share their experience with the congregation; look forward to reading their reflections in the May edition of the bulletin. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DATES TO REMEMBER Mar 4 Purim Megillah Reading & Carnival - No Religious School/Confirmation Mar 6 Gesher - (10-12 grade program) Mar 9-15 Gesher (10-12 grade) trip to Washington for the Panim program Mar 11 Daylight Savings Time - spring ahead!! Mar 18 5th Grade Family Ed Day - Marriage Apr 1-8 No Religious School - Spring Break Apr 22 4th Grade Family Ed Day - Israel Apr 29 5th Grade Family Ed Day-Death ^ M a r c h 2007 5~) March B?nai Mitzvahs Michael Glanz March 10, 2007 Hi, my name is Michael Glanz and I am proud to be called to the torah for the First Bar Mitzvah at the new temple on March 10. I am a 7th grader at Becker Middle School where I excel in basketball and history. My hobbies include hockey, la crosse, video games and art. My Mitzvah project is collecting shoes and donating 100 pairs for Las Vegas? homeless. Please join my family and me as we celebrate this important day in my life becoming a Bar Mitzvah! Lanie Cohen March 17, 2007 My name is Lanie Cohen and on March 17th I will become a Bat Mitzvah. I am a 7th grader at Bob Miller Middle School. My hobbies are playing the trumpet and collecting snow globes. This past summer my family and I went to Israel with Rabbi and other congregants. While there, I had a mini Bat Mitzvah on Masada. I look forward to sharing this special day with my family and friends. Jess Molasky March 24, 2007 Some of my favorite things are hanging with my friends, going to the movies or playing the guitar. Playing football, basketball, soccer, tennis, skiing and participating on the 7th grade swim team, is sometimes a challenge to balance with the rigorous academic requirements at The Meadows School. My 9 year old sister, Josie, and I both share a love of music which we inherited from our parents Alan and Christy Molasky. Both of them have instilled in us a love of the performing arts and the importance of giving back to our community. I thoroughly enjoy being Jess Molasky. Paul Chenin March 30, 2007 My name is Paul Chenin. I am in 7th grade at Woodbury Middle School where I play percussion in the band and am the vice president of the Honor Society. I am also president of TNT here at the temple. My hobbies include football, video games and hanging out with my friends. My goal for the future is to become a veterinarian. I am really looking forward to my special day and have studied hard. I just can?t wait and hope you all can join me. Joshua Nathaniel Fisher March 31, 2007 On March 31st I will find myself on the Bimah becoming a Bar Mitzvah. I presently attend school at Southern Highlands Academy and have become an accomplished golfer. I enjoy big game hunting with my father and brother. Please join my parents, Barry Fisher and Karen Norman, and the rest of my family on this special day. 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG ^ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Traditional Family Passover Seder Monday, April 2 ^ lonaatj, rxprii 01 ~ 6:00 pm IM OL R BEALTIFL L MEW SOCIAL HALL Celebrate the first night of Passover with gour ChT familg. Enjog a lovelg catered traditional seder dinner and the compang of familg and friends. Th is gear is extra special as we will he dining in our MEW Social Hall! ?$(55 Temple Members $85 N on-Temple Members L ntil March 13 $75 Temple Members $100 M on-Temple Members After March 13 $25 Child ren 12 & L nder PSVP to Marq in the Temple office at 733?6292. Seati nq is lim ited. Pa qment quarantees qour reservation. N ame Pb one mai Cash___ Chech------ Credit Card cc#___________ MC___VISA___AMEX____ .xpires Signature March 2007 7 ) Five Years and Going Forward! IrvDuchowny, Executive Director To paraphrase the Beatles, ?It was 5 years ago today, Rabbi A was teaching^ the band to play? when I joined the staff and family of Congregation Ner Tamid. (OK, W not exactly the words, but you get the point). Five years, arriving with limited temple experience, but an open heart, and an open mind. 5 years of learning what High Holidays *r means, from ?the inside?; Purim Carnivals; Donor Statements; set-ups and take-downs (with or without linens); B?nai Mitzvot experiences (both in the temple and ?on the road? in 2006); Religious School teachers, curriculum and fees; hard drive crashes; the sale of one property, the escrow and acquisition of another, as a wonderful donation; MUM (our URJ dues); Board and Committee meetings; Budgets; having the right Havdalah set ready; standing with pride watching and seeing our B?nai Mitzvah students ?come of age?, at the toughest time of their lives to date, with cracking voices and nervous laughter. Oh, my, this list could go on and on. And of course, it?s all centered on ?The People?. Congregants, donors, staff, relatives of everyone, we are truly a family. Our congregant family base is not just those who pay their Annual Commitments, but each of their (Your!) extended families. Moms, Dads, children, parents, relatives, marriages, and heartache. You are our family. I want to thank Mary, Karen, Roberta and Rabbi for being ?our family? since I got here ?5 years ago today!? We?ve had wonderful additions, such as Lynette, Philip, Craig, Kathy, Rhoda and Nancy, and we all have done our level best to be there for all of our extended family, our congregants, both in their happiest times, as well as in their times of need, of stress, of pain. It takes a certain personality to want to work within a temple office, and I commend all of our staff for being as giving as possible, to each other and to our congregants. Thank you. Let?s see, looking forward? Hmmm, we?re having our Grand Gala Opening, we?re moving into a world- class Jewish synagogue and learning center, on a beautiful campus. We are growing, in our programming,^ staffing and members, and membership (several different concepts there, and all integrated). We open our Pre-School in the Fall, and have fabulous plans for our future growth, and now-new home. This is, and has been, very exciting, and I am fortunate to have spent these past 5 years in living and working CNT. I want to thank everyone for opening their hearts to me when I first got here, and continuing to do so. I will do my best to be the best Executive Director, the best person, that I can be for my CNT and Las Vegas/Henderson home and families. fciDAy, March 2 @ 6:34 I M - In the Beit I i 1111 11 Dress in Ycg?? I tw i in 11 \n mi eck I *1 lu? Ecr 4 mi i i i n Ages 2-5 Yes Old Sk Their I ul>>1' ? d WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG ) Next Service is Friday, April 13SECOND MONDAYS MARCH 12 r 7:00-7:50 PM "Music of the Synagogue" - Discover how cultural influences have changed Jewish worship music throughout the ages - from the earliest days until the influence of the modern state of Israel. Learn how many of the arrangements we will listen to are familiar to you. 8:00-8:50 PM ZIONISM Zionism's answer to the Jewish Problem & The Three Zionist Visions APRIL 16 (Third Monday of the Month) 7:00-7:00 PM "Music of the Holocaust" - Learn about some of the music produced - under unspeakable conditions - during the Holocaust. We will listen to Songs of the Ghettos, the Partisans, and Terezin. Adult Education Taste of Judaism Thursdays at 7 pm April 19, 26 & May 3 Have family or friends that are curious about Judaism? Maybe you know someone who?s thinking of converting? This is the class for them! Various speakers will be briefly touching on Jewish life cycles, holidays and living Jewish. Please RSVP to Temple office so we can expect you. | 8:00-8:50 PM * HERMAN COHEN - Religion of reason LEO BAECK - Mystery and Commandment MARTIN BUBER - Religious Existentialism ABRAHAM HESCHEL- Mystic and Social Activist Classes are FREE of charge and open to the community. RSVP appreciated to office at 733-6292 or email COMMIMTY-WIDE Israel Independance Day Celebration! April 29th at CNT! Watch For More Details! Judaism 101 Liturgy Series Saturday, Mar 3 @ 12:30 pm Torah Service Saturday, April 21 @ 12:30 pm Havdalah Service Join Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein and learn the blessing or prayer's meaning and background. NO Hebrew is required, transliterated text provided. RSVP before the Thursday prior to each class and receive a CD containing the prayers/ blessing to be discussed. You can RSVP to Mary Zone at the temple office or email her at RSVP not required but appreciated. If not, we will not have a CD for you to take home. ( M a r c h 2007 9 ) Ongoing Monthly Programs JACS 6 pm at Temple Office Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent persons and Significant others will once again be meeting at the temple office every Thursday. A Special ?Thank You? To Weiss Restaurant Deli-Bakery 2711 IV Green Valley Pkwy. In Henderson Alzheimers Support Group BEGINNING APRIL 10TH @ 6:30 PM Second Tuesday of Each Month Group is open to all caregivers, family and friends of loved ones with Alzheimer's. Together we will find a way to cope with the continuous struggle of this disease. For more information contact Carol Hecht at 617-6430. For Donating the Challah For Shabbat Services Women's Study Group MARCH 9TH 6:45 pm In the Beit Tefillah Join us before services for a provocative women's study group. We will discuss holidays, lifecycle events, the women in the Bible and how they effect our lives. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. Shabbat Transportation For Seniors Now Available! Transportation to the first Shabbat service of each month here at CNT for any senior citizen wanting to worship in the Las Vegas/Henderson area. Please contact Nancy Weinberger in the temple office 733?6292 for more information or to make arrangements for a ride. This program is coordinated by the CNT Chesed Committee through a grant from the United Jewish Community /Jewish Federation of Las Vegas. 10 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Sisterhood Wants To l n< w What YOU Want! Since we mcved last year, Lcsh Clicdesh has been cn Shabbatcne nights at 6:45pm. Laura Grau, new VP liliial. wants tc knew when ycu want tc meet - Friday nights befere services (same night each month), randem nights (clcser tc the actual New Mccn), Saturday nights, and what time???? Let Laura kncwycur tho ughts and ideas by emailing her at ilksgrau@earthlink.netMARCH 2007 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday P 1 R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm 2 First Shabbat in New Home 7:30 pm 3 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Judaism 101 12:30 4 5 6 7 8 9 io NO R/S Hebrew 6:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm R/S West 4:30 pm Women?s Study Bible Study 9 am NO CONFIRMATION Megillah Reading 10am Purim Carnival 11am Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm Gesher HS Program 6:30 pm JACS 6pm Group 6:45 pm Shabbatone Service 7:30 pm Welcome Nancy Weinberger Oneg Sponsored by Shapiro-Glanz Family Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Glanz Bar Mitzvah 10:00 am 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 R/S 9:15 am Hebrew 6:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm Sisterhood Board R/S West 4:30 pm Shabbat Service Bible Study 9 am NO CONFIRMATION Daylight Savings Adult Ed 2nd Mondays 7 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm Meeting 6:30 pm JACS 6pm 7:30 pm Oneg Sponosred by Mitchell Cohen Family Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Cohen Bat Mitzvah 10:00 am W*13 19 20 21 22 23 24 R/S 9:15 am Hebrew 6:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm R/S West 4:30 pm Shabbat Unplugged Bible Study 9 am Confirmation T.00 pm Men?s Club BBQ Noon TNT Rock Climbing NTTY Laser Quest Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm NO GESHER Men?s Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm JACS 6pm 7:30 pm Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Molasky Bar Mitzvah 10:00 am 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 R/S 9:15 am Hebrew 6:30 pm R/S East 4:30 pm R/S West 4:30 pm Shabbat Service Bible Study 9 am Confirmation 1:00 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm 2008 B/M Parent?s Meeting 7:00 pm JACS 6pm 7:30 pm Chenin Bar Mitzvah 7:30 pm Oneg Sponsored by Alan Chenin Family Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Fisher Bar Mitzvah 10:00 am APRIL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 NO R/S NO CONFIRMATION ? Temple Seder 6pm NO R/S EAST NO GESHER Passover Service 10am Office Closed NO R/S WEST JACS 6pm Sisterhood Women's Seder 6:00 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am ??( March 2007 lQ CNT Men?s Club President ~ Stu Solomon It?s March and the Temple is OPEN! It?s been a long and arduous journey with lots of emotional swings along the way... WE MADE IT! One of my privileges as Men?s Club President is going to Temple Boar^ meetings and seeing some of the inner workings of what goes on here at C.N.T. That being said, there is a long list of hard working people that deserve a heart felt Thank You? from all of us. Unfortunately I don?t have the space in my article to name them all, but I do want to acknowledge the Executive Board and especially Jerry Gordon for many hours laboring over this project. Without the special talents of all involved we would not have been able to make this great Mitzvah a reality. THANK YOU TO ALL INVOLVED! ptions e office @ February 3rd we had the pleasure of honoring Howard Layfer as out pick for the N.F.T. B. Man of the Year for C.N.T. Men?s Club. The awards dinner was held at Temple Beth David in Westminster, California. Nine of us had the privilege to attend, including his son and future Daughter'inTaw (Mazel Tov!). Howard has worked hard for the Men?s Club for many years - Men?s Club Past President, making the Golf Tournament successful, looking after many of the smaller things around the Men?s Club. Howard is always active and always willing to help. Without him C.N.T. Men?s Club wouldn?t be nearly as nice a place to hang out. CONGRATULATIONS HOWARD! On February 11th, we had another WONDERFUL Health Fair! Thank you so much to Dr. Fred for making this another award winning event! We would not be able to put this event on without the generous contributions from our event sponsors - Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Desert Springs Hospital, GlaxoSmithKline, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Quest Diagnostic^ Touro University College of Osteopatathic Medicine THANK YOU ALL. WE COULDN?T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU! Other things to look out for include our Kickoff BBQ at the new Synagogue on March 18th from noon to 4:00pm. There?ll be enough hot dogs and burgers to go around. We?ll even have great entertainment! Look for a flier in the mail! Also, let?s not forget the GOLF TOURNAMENT on April 15th! In the spirit of brotherhood, we have invited the Men?s Club of Mid Bar Kodesh to join us. If you need a sign up sheet or want to sponsor, send me an e-mail to News President ~ Laura Bailey ?Well, I can't believe it's almost here! Soon we will be moving into our new home and our NEW Gift iop! Our Official Grand Opening will be March 4, during the Purim Carnival. Come see what we have for Passover, weddings, B'nai Mitzvahs, all occasions! We will once again be offering special order kippot for your special day, from satin to embossed suede. Also, we have new invitations to choose from for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah or Wedding, all at competitive prices! We've ordered lots of new and different things for the Grand Opening! I think I speak for everyone when I say 'thanks' to King David but I'm so excited about having services in our own synagogue again! With that, comes the return of the Onegs! Be sure to check out the flyer in this month's bulletin with our new fee schedule and descriptions of our new Oneg levels. You're sure to find there's something for everyone. If you're interested in volunteering to help set up before services, contact Sandy Stolberg at or 289-1301. Now I want to thank everyone who has been supporting the Simcha Card program. I am so excited each month when I help write out those cards to everyone. I have had so many people come up and thank me (Sisterhood) for the card, it meant so much to them to have people think enough to send a Simcha Card. We hope to continue this for a long, long time. Fund-4-Youth will be meeting with Rabbi this month to give out Campership Scholarships. I have to say, we have the most generous, giving congregation I have every belonged to. We got such an amazing, quick response to our request for donations for Campership Scholarships. Being as involved as I am - bulletin editor, Sisterhood President, foster parent, mom - the letters got out a little late. But you guys came through! I am so proud to be a part of such a giving congregation! Sisterhood All WomeKs 5^^ Thorstw, April S 6:00 PM W0ME]N - $36 Girls 12 & U^ber - $10 ( M a r c h 2007 13) Mazel Tov to Summer and Alex Rivlin on the birth of their second child, Benjamin Jacob. He was born on Friday January 26 and weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces. Proud big sister is Alison. Mazel Tov to Joan and Leslie Dunn on the birth of their newest grandchild, Nathaniel Bruce Levin. He was born January 26, weighed 8 pounds 6 ounces and was 20-1/2 inches long. Proud parents are Sharon and Adam and proud big brother is Zachary. How can you make this night different from all others? TTiis Passover, you can help make a difference in the lives of 35 million Americans at risk of hunger. Your support enables them to eat and provides them the tools they need to achieve a better future. So join us. Together, we can make this night different. MAZON: V Jewish Response to Hunger Passover 2007/5767 A check payable to MAZON is enclosed. Please charge my credit card $_________ Visa Discover ('redit Card Number 1990 South Bundy Dr.. Suite 260 Los Angeles, CA 90025 (310) 442-0020 (310) 442-0030 (fax) Donate online at Address Name of Congregation, City, State----------------------------------? Please send to MAZON ar 1990 S. Bundy Dr.. Ste 260 Los Angeles, CA 90025 or donate online at 14 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG ^HRZEITS March 9 March 16 cont. March 23 cont. Milton Bayer Joseph Greenberg Douglas Ritchie March 2 Neal Bergman Jack Greenwald Hy Schwartz Henninia Barreto Steve Bless Eugene Henkin Leonard Seidman Bruce Mark Barrie A. Sam Bloom Lloyd Katz David Siegel Samuel Best Sol Bloom Sylvia Katzker Bradley Snyder Charlotte Birch Louis Budgar James A. Katzman Elizabeth Snyder Max Blumenfeld Carol Cohen Rebecca Klinger Frieda Spector Jeannette Bradfield Phyllis Crohn Adam Benjamin Lewisohn Hermine Markowitz Stern Ruth Brodsky John Elman Rose Lite Noreen Sternberg Rudolph Elman Nadov Lee Engel Ethel Litt Dorothy Weiss Herman D. Everakes Sidney Fried Benjamin Litwin Julius Weitzman Maurice Friedman Anna Gabelman Amelia Luenfeld Morris Zerlin David Geller Rita Levy Gayer Julia Mattes Myron Glichouse Ruth Getzler Emily Mclnemey March 30 Sadie Glickman Lillian Heely Maureen Moss Mike Barr Belle Goldberg Florence Bless Hurwitz Myra Berman Weiner Reva Buchman Andy Grayner Larry Joseph Gertrude Phillips Natalie Budgar Leo Hallerman Hyman Kaplan William Radoff AdaChaiken Darvl Heller Louis Katz Ceil Rostek Barnett Chaiken John R Herman Francis J. LaMagna Irving Saleman Thomas Friedlander Rose Ingber Maria Lugo Nettie Schwartz Ruth Friedman Ida Katz Eduardo Murillo David Schwimmer Rose Gabrieleff Miriam Kouffman Louis Pearlnian Emanuel Scolar Jennie Gerstl