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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    MEM) L.R.M. Mr, Renwiefc has asked, me to quickly give him estimate of Management Sxpedse for 1952 covering water facilities at Las Vegas divided 'between R.R. owned facilities and LVL&W facilities. The expenses in connection with rate hearing is to he reported separately. Will you please give me estimate of your wages and expenses, also Mongomery^ if he is doing anything in this connection. Also state nature of your work which I assume is handling engineering and field supervision covering improvements and rehabilitation work. Include items for personal expenses and rental of automobile separately. Your annual salary is $6120 and suggest your estimate show number of days chargeable to the different separations as I will have to have suf­ficient details to support the estimate in case I am ealled on the stand to testify at the hearing. I checked your expenses for first 3 months of 1952 which shows the following: Los Angeles, April 29, 1952. January 21-25 - Reno, Carson.City & return Rebr, '10-13 - Las Vegas and return {l^f-k^-^v^rch 3*5 * Las Vegas and return Rental of automobile 2 days in Eebr. Should have this information by May 1st, $42.20 27.85 18,20 $ 15,00 . "I i I < s > ^ X i§sf f'5S7?. V | | i " b i- .* v o t m i .