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    Mr, £'• S."Bennett • Page 2 |* gflmULft. (a) We have permit from the City of Las Vegas to Las Vegas L&nd and Water Company covering operations of the Water Company in the City Limits, which Is covered by Contract Audit 7661 dated February 25, 1930. (b) Revocable permit fro® Department of Highways, State of Nevada, to Las Vegas Land and Water Company, dated December 22, 1953* for pipe line constructed in Charleston Boulevard between 13th Street and 15th Street, Las Vegas, Nevada. (Agreement *M*L.D. 2781) (o) Revocable permit from Department of Highways, State of Nevada, to Las Vegas Land and Water Company, dated September 15, 1953* for pipe line constructed in Highway 95, Las Vegas, Nevada. (Agreement *0aL,D, 2733) (d) Revocable permit from Department of Highways, State of Nevada, to Lae Vegas Land and Water Company, dated September 25, 1952, covering construction of water main in Fremont Street between Bruce Street and Charleston Boulevard, Las Vegas, Nevada, (No Audit or NLD number available) (e) Revocable permit from Department of Highways, State of Nevada, to Lae Vegas Land and Water Company, dated December 12, 1966, covering construction of water main in Fremont Street from 17th Street to Bonanza Court, Lae Veg&e, Nevada. (No Audit or KLD number available) (f) Revocable permit from Department of Highways, State of Nevada, to Las Veg&s Land and Water Company, dated November o, 1951# covering construction of water main# in Bonanza Road as covered by Contract Audit 10610. fhere may be other permits of this nature of which I have no knowledge, tout X presume if there are other# Nr. Sutton* s office will have records of them. Under Paragraph 0, Section 1 (original Documents), we have no construction contracts which will toe uncompleted on the sale date. However, I have in mind issuing one or two labor contracts for con* s true W o n work which will no doubt be completed well in advance of the sale date, although this statement, of course, is contingent upon when the sale date oocurs. Referring to Paragraph C, Section 1 {Original Documents), this paragraph refers to Rule 9 contracts, and X m attaching hereto statement showing list of all uncompleted Rule 9 agreements which are in effect as of this date. This list was furnished me with copy of Mr. Reart*s letter to Mr. Gory dated March 5# 1956, and also includes reference tc three agreements, at the bottom of the list, which were not included in list attached to Mr, Peart*s letter.