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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, January 7, 1947 to October 26, 1949, lvc000006-463


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    431 provide off-street parking area in the back of the church. His Honor read the letter of recommendation from the Regional Planning Commission under date of July 14, 1949. Thereafter Commissioner Moore moved that pursuant to the recommendation of the Regional Planning Commission the Use Permit requested be granted. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Whipple. HOUSING AUTHORITY Commissioner Moore moved that the portion of the minutes of June 22, 1949 appointing Mr. Term of newly James H. Down, Jr. as Commissioner of the Housing Authority of the City of Las Vegas for appointed Commis- a term of two years be rescinded, and Mr. Down's appointment be for four years, to comply sioner. with Nevada Statutes. Motion seconded by Commissioner Peccole and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Whipple. PAYROLL WARRANTS. Commissioner Moore moved that Payroll Warrants Nos. 1059 to 1062 inclusive in the net sum of $27,499.25 be approved and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to sign same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Bunker and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Bunker, Moore, Peccole and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. Absent: Commissioner Whipple. ORDINANCE NO. 386 An ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EX-OFFICIO CITY ASSESSOR Assessment - Street OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, COUNTY OF CLARK, STATE OF NEVADA, TO LEVY A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT Lighting TO DEFRAY THE COSTS OF MAKING CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, BY INSTALLING Biltmore Addition COMPLETE STREET LIGHTING UNITS WITH PARKWAY CABLE AND ORNAMENTAL STANDARDS ALONG CERTAIN STREETS AND portion OF STREETS IN SAID CITY; THE COST AND EXPENSES THEREOF SHALL BE PAID ENTIRELY BY THIS SPECIAL ASSESSMENT UPON ALL THE LOTS INCLUDED WITHIN THE SPECIAL ASSESS- MENT DISTRICT AS CREATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 318 HEREBY ESTABLISHED ACCORDING TO THE BENEFITS, EXCEPT WHERE, BY THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CERTAIN PORTIONS THEREOF ARE RE­QUIRED TO BE PAID FROM THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS; SUCH COSTS AND ESTIMATES THEREOF ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, DESCRIBING DEFINITELY THE LOCATION OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS, STATING THE amount OF THE SAID ASSESSMENT AND DESIGNATING THE LOCALITY CONSTITUTING THE DISTRICT TO BE ASSESSED ACCORDING TO THE BENEFITS, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO, having been referred on July 7, 1949, to Commissioners Bunker and Peccole for report, this committee submitted the following recom­mendation; "Your committee is of the opinion that the ordinance as prepared is appropriate and that as a practical business matter it is the duty and obligation of the City Commission to enact it forthwith and then to see that it becomes operative in fact, through the proper channels, immediately thereafter. Your committee is forced to make the following observations based upon inform­ation and data which came to its attention in the course of its investigation. It has not been possible yet to ascertain the date upon which completion of this work was effected - the work order indicates July 7, 1948, the records or recol­lection of the City Manager's office indicate some date in 1947 and the records or recollection of the City Light Department Manager, which did the work, indi­cates another date in 1947. Perhaps this might not be felt important in the ultimate but it would seem to indicate some lack of coordination between the functioning bodies of the city which were involved in this project; then again, a disparity of a year might make a considerable complication to many citizens of the affected area as hereinafter pointed out. The work on this project was apparently duly authorized by Ordinance No. 318, enacted July 22, 1946 and it ultimately involved a considerable expenditure of labor, material and management, mainly on the part of the City Electric Department as witness by the final cost bill of $18, 263.94. This work was completed as above stated at an indeterminate date sometime between 1947 and 1948 or over a year or possibly over two years ago and it is now difficult for your committee to understand why assessment against the properties and sub­sequent collection of the amounts due have been so long deferred. In the interim many properties in the affected areas have changed hands, some no doubt more than once, and in all such instances, it seems safe to assume, without notice by the purchasers of any outstanding charges for the work done in this project; it will no doubt be more difficult for these newer owners to understand why they are now being assessed for improvements created for one or two years prior to their ac­quisition of the properties. The first and only indication of any affirmative action looking toward collection of these charges that your committee has been able to find was when the City Comp­troller is September of 1948 referred the matter to the former City Attorney where the matter seems to have rested. Considering the known fact that the City has been under great financial pressure during the period involved herein and without considering the inconvenience and possible injustice assessment at this late date may inflict, it seems strange, to your committee that an account receivable of such size should have been permitted to hang in suspension and inactive for so long a period without any effort at col­lection, and that it will cause a considerable disaffection on those now to be assessed.