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Thereupon, it was the order of the Board upon motion of Commissioner Arnold, seconded by Commissioner Gorton, that Ordinances No. 95 and 97,now proposed for the City of Las Vegas, and read fo the first time at the meeting held July 19th, 1922, be laid over until the next regular meeting for the second reading. Voting Commissioners Arnold, Hodgens, and Gorton, Aye. Noes, none. Thereupon the Clerk presend ted the application of Jefferson Davis for a gaming license (2 games) in the City of Las Vegas, the same having been heretofore approved by the Police and Fire Commissioner, whereupon, it was order, on motion of Commissioner Hodgens, seconded by Commissioner Gorton, and duly carried that the Clerk be and she is hereby ,directed to issue a gaming license to the said Jefferson Davis. Voting Commissioners Hodgens, Arnold, and Gorton, Aye. Noes, none. There being no farther business to come before the Board at this time, it was the motion of Commissioner Hodgens, seconded by Commissioner Arnold, and duly carried that the Board adjourn until Wednesday the 16th day of August, A.D. 1922. Voting Commissioners Hodgens, Arnold and Gorton, Aye. Noes none. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. August 16,1922. At a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, held on the 16th day of August, A.D. 1922, at the hour of seven o'clock P.M. Present Commissioners Thos. R. Hodgens, Ray. W. Gorton and W.E. Arnold, together with the City Attorney and City Clerk, the Mayor Pro Tem, W.H. Dentner, being absent. Upon motion of Commissioner Gorton, seconded by Commissioner Arnold and duly carried, Thos. R. Hodgens, was appointed Temporary Chairman in the absence of Mayor Pro Tem Dentner . Voting ,Commissioners Hodgens, Arnold and Gorton, Aye. Noes, none. The minutes of the past meeting were read approved as read, upon motion of Commissioner Hodgens, seconded by Commissioner Gorton, the vote on said motion being as follows: Commissioners Arnold, Gorton and Hodgens, Aye. Noes, none. All bills allowed as per claim book on file with the clerk of this Board. Reports of officers, read and approved as read, and ordered placed on file. At this time W.R. Burns appeared before the Board requesting an appropriation for a memorial for the American Legion, the following letter being presented : Las Vegas, Nev. August 9,1922. Hon. Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada. Dear Sirs: The American Legion is contemplating the erection of a bronze memorial in memory of the nine Clark County Men who died in Service. The County Commissioners have appropriated the sum of $150.00 for this purpose and we are calling on your Honorable Body to make some substantial allowance therefor. Thanking you, we are Respectfully yours, LAS VEGAS POST NO. 8 OF THE AMERICAN LEGION By W.R. Burns. Adjutant. Thereupon, it was the order of the Board upon motion of Commissioner Hodgens, seconded by Commissioner Gorton, and duly carried that the sum of $150.00 be appropriated for the memorial