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Memo book belonging to Sadie George







This folder is from "Maps and Assorted Documents" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

Digital ID



    man000441. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    fylfrv&LXt, ' 9 l * / j^ / ^ V . J&ws&c/yT-'i&s 1'u£^t.% 0'tjr f a s S' , •/ ' J'tfi(?,,#&i<weVv 7%*r-c» m is l& tA S iF & A ^ Q j* ^ ~ j A r v * MAIN STREET SOLD Safe-of business property at 715- 1719 North Main street which rhouses the Automobile Club of ] Southern California and the James I B. U tt company, to Hale Paxton I for approximately 535,000 was an- ]. nounced today by U tt who held I the two buildings under option. Sale of the property involved I transfer of Redlands citrus prop- | erty valued at approximately $10,- 000 from Paxton to Utt. The bal­ance O f' the purchase price was ]: paid in cash. Tells of Option Paxton has announced that he will retain the property as an in­vestment. A t present it has monthly income of approximately 1 $350. : „ | The p?Operty originally was I owned by • Dorsey f Clayton who erected the building in which the 1 automobile club has its offices and where Utt has quarters for his own- company and offices in- | heritanee tax appraiser. More than two months ago Utt obtained an option on the land ?ind buildings and consummated sale of the property to Pqxton yesterday through O. A. Leighy, salesman for the-U tt company,- 'P i^ n s , - 3 ^ f e y f f 3 ? * " I f . * - ? « 20 - $~0 . \ & rt: 'o i r . J .. 4 $ (^ O A s d f e 0 2 ty/4/*-0Vl Yuris'. X 1 - 3 2, tefy' M | _____ 'fcb' c- . y -/ ? 3 y lAfJ^JUu-nd /r- * * ^ z^ o£cyo