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Newspaper clippings including wedding announcement for Betty and Ben Rosenfeld, and news about Temple Beth Sholom, B'nai B'rith and Women's Bowling Association, 1950s


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    Rosenfeld Weds Betty Whitcup At Center Here Miss B etty W hitcup o f New York City became th e bride o f Ben Rosenfeld, well-known lo?cal businessm an, in Jew ish Com m unity rites W ednesday evening, clim axing a brief f courtship w hich started w hen >Miss W hitcup cam e to L as Ve?g as on vacation, * r F o r th e intim ate cerem ony th e bride chose a w hite faille frock trim m ed/ in dark brow n ? m ink a t th e cSf-shoulder neck?line. A tiny mink crow n held a -brow n veil, aind h e r bridal en?semble w as com pleted w ith a corsage of yrhite orchids. Attending th e couple w ere "Mrs. F rank Soskin and H arry W allerstein. T he bridegroom , in business here fo r 12 years as ow ner of the Southern Venetian Blind company, is a graduate of Cleveland university. H e is a m em ber of the Sher?if f s Posse, Kiwanis, Lions, and vice president of the B?nai B?rith. Rabbi Michael Kurz per?form ed th e m atrim onial rite. A fter th e cerem ony th e cou?ple and a group of 14 guests convened to th e Alpine village for dinner. F eting th e couple were Messrs, and Mmes. F ran k Soskin, Bill Kasoulis, Max Goot, L ester Goldring, J a c k Doyle, Rabbi and Mrs. Michael Kurz, Cantor and Mrs. Herman" Kin-nory, Mrs. H arry Eplan a n d H arry W allerstein. The Rosenfelds plan to~build a home here, and will * leave shortly / - r frew York fo r a brief honeymdon. ; T jCevoff-Sanders S a y Y lu p tia l 1'Jews A double-ring ceremony per?formed last Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Community Center, united in marriage Bob Levoff, one of the owners of the Holly?wood Furniture Co., and Miss Trudy Sanders of New York City. The bride is a former dancer and model, and met Levoff while here in Las Vegas on a vacation. The couple has purchased a home here and will live in Las Vegas permanently. George Rosencrantz, Levoff?s business associate, served as best man. Matron of honor was the bride?s mother, Mrs. Sally Sand?ers. Rodney Rosencrantz was baritone soloist for the rite. The bride was traditionally beautiful in a dress of champagne peau de soie with hat to match. She carried a Bible with a cor?sage of white orchids. The bride?s mother wore a teal blue dress with matching accessories. The couple were feted as a re?ception at El Rancho Vegas Sat?urday afternoon before the wed?ding and a formal dinner at the hotel Sunday night following the ceremony. WEDDING TOAST?-Miss T rudy Sanders of New York be?cam e the bride ?f local resident Bob Levoff in a recent Jew ish Com m unity center rite. The couple have bought a home here and plan to settle in Las Vegas. Circa I9b0. Sisterhood" of the old Jewish Community Center ' Temple Beth Shofom). Seated- Kay Wallerstein, I ouis Meek. Dove Zenoff. A! Guo! and Adam Gobel. Standing: "One" KnnUer, Dave Messing, Ben Roscnfeld, unidentified beauty end Jerry Mack. MEN?S CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS?Temple Beth Shoiura Men's Cluh elected local businessman Hurry Wallers teln, seated center, its president for 1960 a t a recent m e rlin - ? of the [roup, succeeding? local dairym an D ate Bliss. IVallersteln will lead the temple men's club In many community service programs, as well as more social activity for Ihe membership, during the coming year. Other newly-elected officers, and hoard m embers shown with him are. Mated from left. Max Goal, Jack Snyder, first vice president Dan Goldfarb and Phil Gall, and standing, from left, AI David. Harry Mach, Irving Fields, David Messing, Bliss, and Ben RosenfcM. Not shown arc second vice president Art Lurie, secretary Gerald Scftallrr and hoard m em ber Lou Walters. (SlfNfoto) la g ? r* A N N U A L EV EN T Dan Goidfarb, president of the Men's Club, Temple Beth Sholom, discusses G'n Rummy plans with tourney co-choirmen Horry WoltarUfm, right, cod Brn Rosen fpld. The event, jet for Sunday, October 15, ii the fifth annual such affair. T?mpi? Bern sHtxoM T O U R N E Y SET Gin Rummy Tournament co-chairmen Ben Rosen-feld of the Men's Club of Temple Beth Shotom, works over a list of players in the forthcoming tournament 4ir October 15. Gin Rummy Tournament On October 15 RAH f.oldfarb, president of the | Mrn?i H ub of Trmpte B*-ih }>lwtnm nnwniorMl the plitltnirtc ?if mmllirr pKritinff (nii Rummy Tmimo merit In lie held on Hr tu?ber IS at the Temple Bull Sho* hn M M H L T m in u n m ! rttfiUBiUre ro-rb-ainttm Mill he Harry Wallrr-ilrtn and Ben Itoarnfrfil abac with lack Seeder, f'wor-e Kalr. Mat limit, Sam Hand. Ren Marnn and Jark Snyder Mure rnmpMr detail* ?'?ill he aniHHlnnd at an early dale. Hnsuvet. the rwnmHier ha* div r h u d that in addrtimi ti* lmu'-r ranh p n iB for the lap (net play?er* add the isuming ralrntta for ihe first time, tlirre will aim he ninny merdhiiwliw pri-rrn awarded. LATE COTTON CROP M*am!a. hlur and brown (few up as top m lo n in cotton pnnt d rrurt for fall. Wwnm like to wear cotton unlit the fin t imnr flurries will favor llirte. I f l J J V_- i J l W a ite r J } . v e s ie r a n a Hiiien u ra e y , A ?Bon Voyage? luncheon, served pool-side at the home of Mrs. Robert Levoff, 1814 S. 6th, Monday, surprised Mrs. Morris King who is leaving with her husband and sons, Michael and Barry, for a three-month stay in the Ha?waiian Islands. The Kings will sail on the Lurline tomor?row for Honolulu where Morris King, of the Starr-King combo has been engaged to play at the Royal Hawaiian and the Surfrider Hotels for three months. Hostesses at the party, in addition to Mrs. Levoff, were Mmes. Ben Rosenfeld and Murray Posin. Guests en?joying the luncheon were Mmes. Charles LeVine, Robert Rice, Irving Marshak, Nate Goldberg, Morton Saiger, Nat Stadler, Dave Sirotta, James Katzman, Morris Kishner, Ben Stack and Lester Goldring. The party cake was dec?orated with a hula girl and the honoree was presented with a beautiful flower lei, as well as lovely gifts from her friends. Two prominent Las Vegas families are happily an?nouncing the birth of a new granddaughter, born May 7 in the Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles. Shirley and Jack Cherry (she is the former Shirley Wengert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Wengert, and he is the son of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Cherry) are the parents of the little girl, named Janet Sue. They have a little boy, Kevin, two years old. Jack is a law student at the University of Southern' California. He is a graduate of Las Vegas High School and the University of Nevada and he has also been in the serv?ice. Shirley was graduated from Flintridge Academy in Los Angeles and attended the University of Nevada" for two years. . ' r. <.?**** Estelle King amidst friends Betty Rosenfeld, Trudy Levoff and Madalyn Posin. (SUNfoto) - o.-- -i &*? B'N A I B 'R IT H BRASS ? Recently elected le a d e rs of B ?nai B ?rith pause during: eleventh annual installation p rogram in the Silver Slipper ballroo m la st night. Officers of the group include, left to right, M ax Goot, tru stee ; D avid G reenspun, w a rd e n ; M orris E ngel, g u ard ian ; Ja m e s K atsm an, sec?r e ta ry ; M elvlng R oss, tre a s u re r; Jero m e M ack, p re sid e n t; A lbert Goot, gran d p resid en t's rep re se n t?ative and im m ed iate p a st p resid en t; Ben Rosenf eld, first vice-presideni; D avid G oldw ater, second vice-president; D avid Zenoff, tru ste e ; and H arry Levy* p a s t p re s id e n t i ? * * F?J R that n#w 7 ? view we?d also be "blind? It we didn?t see the considerate selling jelling glee el (ran Ben (Roeanleki) 6 hie shop prop ?top Scat? Nat (SchwarUj of 17 dear year Nevada BHnd Carpet ft Floor lore, 1300 So. Main. If U cut a New Year hole in your home rug, because U want to see the incoming ?floor sh o w ", . . & then fry to ' S o ta r ia ^ NEVADA ?FLOORMEK? 77 BEST WISHES OF BIN Si NAT| sew it Sack up, because J don?t want to tea the ?hole? ahow ... get & let Ben 8 Net ?go to bat? to get U a new floor cover... for which U W ILL be a lover. That?s the well ?77 wishing view of these, that piaaee, two today to simply say (along with their 1300 So. "M ain? store Bookkeep-her, 17 year here, Gene ?on the scene ? Sinclair); "W E A L L-W A Y S ?S C O R E ? ON TH E F L O O R . .. CO V ER -W I8EIII? (Say It again, Ben.) BOWLING SPONSORS HONORED ? Big winners at the annual awards banquet of the Las Vegas Women?s Bowling Association at the Silver Slipper Ball Room Saturday night were the sponsors shown above with trophies won by their teams during the past season. Included in photo are Marie Fourong (Fourong Jewelers), Frank Leaver (Bank of Las Vegas), Chuck Hull (Horseshoe Club), Paul Thompson and Benny Rosenfelt (Nevada Blind & Floor), Jimmy Cloud (Nevada Landscaping), Sid Johnson (Twin Lakes and Sallie?s Liquors), Stan Oakes (Community Chevrolet), Hank Kovell (Fremont Hotel), Dale Thomas (Thomas French Cleaners), Jack Snyder (Snyder Slacks), Bebe Spellman (Bebe?s Embroidery) and Tom Morris (Vogue Cleaners). REVIEW-JOURNAL PHOTO ? ? ? * * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? jc _ k 'k k k k . ~ -------------------? '' FINAL PLANS FOR ROUNDUP ? The 49er Lions pre-Helldorado roundup committee above made final plans for this great party on Saturday night. The fund raising event for local civic projects will be held at the home of Charles Sells, 1201 S. Shadow Lane and will include a giant outdoor barbecue served chuck wagon style, a fun-packed auction, entertainment, door prizes and raffles galore. Left io right: Charles Sells, Pat Clark, Robb Johnson, Ben Rosenfeld, Ben Hoffman, and Gene Brown. ? ? L?s V egas R eview -Jaunts! * Friday, May 8, 1959 Young GOP ;? Plan Confab For Vegas Preparations have been com?pleted by members of the Las. Vegas Young Republican Club for' their state convention to be held this week end at the Hacienda Hotel, it was stated today by?Dale Brockett. * A cocktail party hosted by the' local group, will be held Friday night for all delegates and' friends. Saturday business see-" sions will be presided over by state Young Republican chair?man, Fred Hill and will feature talks by Lt. Gov. Rex Bell, State- Republican chairman, E m e r y Graunke, and Republican Nation*, al Committeeman, Edmund Con?verse. A barbecue will be held on. Saturday evening at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Costello Sr., at 1777 West Charleston Blvd. * BOWLING CHAMPION S ? The Nevada Blind and Floor Covering team won the 850 Classic League title at Charleston Heights Bowl. This team included (front row, left to right), Lea Moffett, sponsor Ben Rosen-feld, and Charlotte Barry. In back row (same order) are Virginia Tinney, Beth Pemberton and Maxine Dumain *Del Tfavi IRace & Sfronts @iu6. 2208 Las Vegas Blvd. N. (N e x t to S ilv e r N u g g e t) W A G E R S -R E S U L T S -O D D S -A LL M A J O R S P O R T S EVEN TS Q U IN E L L A S on each filled Race o f e v e r y M a jo r Track S p o rts O P E N 8 :15 A .M . H o rse s 6 4 9 -1 8 4 2 - 8 1 P le n ty o f Free P a rk in g 6 4 9 - 1 8 4 4 C O M P A N Y P IC N IC ? The 26 employees of Nevada Blind & Floor Co. ond their fam ilies arc pictured here os they started out on their first annual picnic which was held at Ivcrsen's W arm Springs, recently. Two air-conditioned chartered Greyhound busses were provided by Ben Roscnfcld ond Poul Thompson, co-owners of N evada Blind & Floor. The afternoon's program included a softball gome between the "M e c h a n ic s" and the "O f f ic e " for a final score of 13 to 12, "M e c h a n ic s." A full picnic menu, spirited kiddy races and swim ming contests rounded out the afternoon's events. AN APOLOGY to Las Vegas-Tonopah-Reno Stage Lines from Durk Advertising WE GOOFED! ! The two modern air-conditioned busses chartered for the recent N evada Blind Co. annual comoany picnic (see photo above) were not Grey?hound busses but were chartered from the L-T-R Lines. In addition to busses available for charter, L-T-R also has daily schedules from Las V e gas to Reno, leaving twice daily at 7 A .M . and 9 P. M,, connecting with Greyhound for service to the North. And1 from La* Vegos to Phoenix, leaving three times doily ot 12:15 A M., 9:20 A. M . and 8 P.M. connecting with Greyhound for service to the South. B'nai B'riths Model Fall Fashions at Members Madelyne Posin dem onstrates the Effe-zetta G am in Look ? in contrast to the m ore form al mode opposite, E ffezetta, a tiny five foot one herself designs exclu?sively for the sm aller w om an w ith the lit?tle boyish figure. Ja n Schw artz m akes a regal picture in th is black satin trim m ed w ith w hite fox, a creation of Teitaibaum, fu rrier. Definitely not for lounging, any w om an Is g u aran ?teed a dram atic entrance w earing this. mm ?i A serious m om ent if. caught by our photographer a fte r the successful B?nai B?rith luncheon a t El Randho. Models are (left t o rig h t) E leanor L urie in a Blackwell sim ?plicity design, Betty Rosencrantz in a Blackwell double duty w ith cowl effect and T rudy Levoss in a Jean Desses raspberry red form al p a rty dress set off w ith a Tei-talbaum pink m ink. _____________________ _ mip Luncheon1 Zoe N ew m an is getting last m inute pointers from L ester N ew oil th e show ing of th e Blackwell design she is w earing. T he black wool is a versatile dress and can be form alized w ith th e addition of the black fox trim m ed stole.