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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Wm. Reinhardt: Los Angeles - Nov. 18 y' 1949 File: 83-4-1 WM. R. HOV 18 W * Yesterday in Las Vegas, I had a meeting with Mayor Cragin, Mr. Miller, District Attorney Jones and a reporter from the Las Vegas newspaper. At that meeting we discussed the proposed survey and it was agreed that the survey would be commenced November 28th and that the City would furnish an official representative to be selected by Mayor Cragin to accompany our Mr. Anderson and the reporter present stated that he would arrange to give this proposed plan publicity not only now but immediately prior to the commencement of the survey in order that the people would be advised of it. If agreeable to you, will you therefore, please arrange to have Mr. Anderson report to Mr. Folger's office November 28th and advise Mr. Folger of this fact so he can definitely tie in the city representative to that date? Bennett