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WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, being the ow n ers of certa in lo ts, p ie ce s o r p a r ce ls of land facin g E dgew ood S treet, L as V ega s, C lark County, N evada, do by these p resen ts constitute and appoint S. M . PAHOR o f L as V ega s, C lark County, N evada, our A ttorn ey in F a ct with fu ll pow er to act in our p la ce and stead to negotiate a con tra ct with the L as V egas Land and W ater C om pany in o rd e r to supply w ater to our said p ro p e rty and to draw on that certa in account d eposited in the F ir s t N ational Bank of N evada, under the nam e o f S. M. P a h or, T ru stee, in o rd e r to pay all n e c e s s a r y co s ts under the said con tra ct to supply the said w ater, and to re c e iv e fo r ou r ben efit all rebates fr o m the L as V egas Land and W ater Com pany fo r m on ies to be repaid to us by the said Las V egas Land and W ater C om pany fo r co sts expended in laying w ater m ains fro m the L as V egas Land and W ater Com pany w ater m ain to jo in that w ater m ain now serv in g said p rop erty . in and fo r said County and State 5 . M . PAH OR, M . D . SCHROEDER, D .E . HEM INGTON, M .D . JOHN E . B IC K E L, HOWARD WASDEN, GEORGE RUDLAK Z E L D A C . FIGHTLIN and STEPHEN <Kfcn?.Q___________________________ _ known to m e to be the p erson sd e scrib e d in and who executed the fo reg oin g instrum ent, who acknow ledged to m e thattheyexecuted the sam e fr e e ly and volu n tarily and fo r the uses and p u rp oses th erein m entioned. N dtary P u b lic in and i County and State A-89